
1 Introduction

Tourism provides benefits to improving the community's economy [1] in developing countries [2], because tourism generates a lot of jobs [3]. In many developing countries, UNESCO World Heritage sites are a tourist attraction [1]. Indonesia is a developing country that has a number of world cultural heritages. One of them is the Ombilin Sawahlunto Coal Mine World Cultural Heritage (OCMHS) in West Sumatra province, Indonesia which was newly designated by UNESCO in 2019. The OCMHS determination places tourism in the district/city government master plan in West Sumatra, and plays an important role in the development of West Sumatra tourism.

In light of closing in coal mining of Sawahlunto as social income, OCMHS tourism is a new alternative source of social income which used to rely on the Ombilin coal mine. However, OCMHS tourism has not yet developed—the level of tourist visits is low and tourists do not yet recognize OCMHS tourist attractions [4], so it is necessary to develop OCMHS tourist attractions. OCMHS has nominated areas as supporting elements of world cultural heritage [5]. Local heritages and English speaking skill based locality in the nominated areas needs to be explored and promoted to the wider community in order to develop OCMHS heritage tourism. Unfortunately, recent study shows that tourist visits to OCMHS tourism are low and tourists do not recognize the world heritage tourism [4]. As an alternative effort to solve the social problem, this study explores local heritages, virtual reality, and English speaking skill needs for the development of OCMHS tourism. The objectives are to find out English speaking skill needs, tourists’ interest in OCMHS heritage tourism, and local heritages as the supporting tourist attractions for OCMHS tourism, and to design an online Virtual Reality (VR) of OCMHS and local heritages.

The study is important to develop the world heritage tourism, but still a gap in the literature of tourism study. Therefore, the study is worthy examining. The study examines local heritages, virtual reality, and English speaking skill needs in the area of the world heritage of OCMHS. It applies the ethnographic approach [6], heritage approach [7], English skill needs [8], and Virtual Reality (VR for tourism [9, 10]. The study is focused on the examination. The objectives are to find out: (a) local heritages around OCMHS which can support the OCMHS tourism, (b) English speaking needs needed by tourism workforce, and (c) a design of Virtual Reality as promotion media.

2 Literary Review

2.1 Heritage in Tourism

Yang [7] shows that heritage consists of cultural heritage and natural heritage. Natural heritage is heritage from nature such as national parks, beaches, and the like. Cultural heritage includes material and intangible cultural heritage. Intangible culture is like rituals and activities, language, and traditional arts and culture. Cultural heritage objects that are not buildings are such as heirlooms, documents, paintings, and others. Cultural heritage objects consist of buildings that include buildings in urban and rural areas. Buildings in the countryside are like village buildings, farms, mines, and museums. The legacy of urban buildings is like colonial buildings, wars, totalitarianism, places of worship, torture and death, slavery and others.

These types of inheritance exist in various forms according to the culture of local people. Mentawai people, for example, have intangible cultural heritage such as takep, kirekat, panasai, susuru, dances, songs, etc., various rituals [11], and traditional social norms [12, 13], cultural objects such as heirloom accessories, Uma buildings and cultural objects [14]. Cultural heritage has become a tourist attraction for tourists [15]. Cultural tourists enjoy cultural contact with various types of cultural heritage in the form of attractions and events which provide important motivations for tourism [16]. The heritage based-attractions and events alone are not enough for the tourism motivation. They should be supported by environmental quality and beauty of the destination tourism. According to Aswathy [17], environmental quality and beauty of the destination are important for the tourism development. They should be managed carefully and sustainably in order to satisfy tourists in experiencing tourism.

2.2 Virtual Reality in Tourism

Besides requiring language, developing tourism also needs a medium called virtual reality (VR). Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that creates a three-dimensional virtual environment that can interact in real terms [10]. These digital technologies preserve the world's cultural heritage in ways that are attractive to future generations [18]. VR technology has been successfully applied in various sub-sectors of the tourism industry to increase tourist visits [10]. It is widely used to promote tourism, improve and create memorable tourism experiences both at tourist sites and outside tourist sites [9]. It acts as a medium for marketing tourism and creating tourist experiences at tourist sites and outside tourist sites. It is also useful as an effective instrument for heritage management and preservation by generating experiences in lieu of physical visits, thereby minimizing disruption to heritage sites [18]. In business, Karthick and Gopalsamy [19] explain that virtual reality is a technology used for smart business. It is important to build smart business based on network technologies. They add that “ there are still many technological fields and information field needed for overcoming the challenges that are resolved in order to speed up the adoption of business sustainability”. Technological fields and information field included virtual reality are needed to overcome challenges in order speed up the implementation of business sustainability. Based on the scholars, in the context of tourism business the technological and information fields are significant in the perspective of tourism development.

2.3 Language Needs in Tourism

Language is a very important element in tourism. It should be essentially paid attention in satisfying tourists. It plays an important role in serving foreign tourists. To satisfy foreign tourists in experiencing the heritage tourism (either cultural or natural heritage tourism), information on the heritages using a language which can be understood by the global community such as English is greatly needed in every tourism domain [20]. Language such as English is an important medium for tourism development [12]. Language as an information medium for tourism is language for specific uses, which in English is called English for Specific Purposes (ESP). In the context of English language for OCMHS tourism, it is English for tourism (tourism English). Tourism English refers to English for Specific Purposes (ESP). ESP emphasizes special needs in certain fields, jobs, or goals [21]. The language of tourism is characterized by the characteristics of cultural heritage, where the vocabulary and expressions are related to cultural heritage [15].

3 Methodology

The study uses primary and secondary data. Secondary data are collected with a library approach. Primary data was collected through a survey based on the ethnographic approach of [6] and cultural heritage approach by Yang [7]. Data collection uses interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The interview uses semi-structured and open-ended questions. Interviews were conducted using the written interview guide questions and oral questions related to the research objectives. The research respondents are local people, tourists, experts, government, NGOs, and institutions.

Data were analyzed qualitatively using Spradley's domain analysis [6]. Domain analysis is used to analyze supporting cultural heritage data and its types. Domain analysis begins with an analysis of supporting cultural heritage domains. The domain structure is analyzed using semantic relations. Domain analysis produces an overview of the supporting cultural heritage. The next step, the structure of the domain is classified using taxonomic analysis, which produces the types of supporting cultural heritage. Each type is then analyzed by component analysis (component analysis) so as to produce the smallest parts of these types. This domain analysis is supported by the concept of Yang's cultural heritage [7].

Data on level needs of English speaking skill were analyzed in accordance with [8] used by Ahmmed et al. [22]. Data of English speaking needs which were collected from survey using questionnaire were analyzed by applying descriptive analysis in Microsoft Excel to generate mean and standard deviation to determine the need of the English speaking skill for OCMHS tourism. The research used a five-point Likert scale based on Ahmmed et al. [22]. The scale ranging from highly-needed to not-needed was applied to measure the need level of English speaking sub-theme. Highly needed level was scored 4.51–5.0, Needed 3.51–4.50, Fairly needed 2.51–3.50, Less needed 1.51–2.50, and not needed 0–1.50.

4 Results and Discussion

The findings of the study are that English speaking skill in OCMHS tourism is needed to communicate a number of themes and their sub-themes related to heritage tourism (Table 1). The sub-theme is needed the levels which range from needed to highly needed level. There are no fairly, less, and not-needed levels (presented in the bar chart of level need). As indicated by Table 1, English speaking skill is needed in several functions such as providing information on the heritages, local people, etc. The next finding is that OCMHS world heritage tourism does not attract tourists so much. Emely [4] in the research entitled “Sawahlunto Towards a Sustainable and Attractive Place to Live, Work and Recreate” found that tourist visit to OCMHS tourism is low. OCMHS is not tourists’ major destination, but as a side goal of their visit. In the area of OCMHS, there are three types of local heritages which support tourist attractions of OCMHS. It is also found that online Virtual Reality (VR) of OCMHS and local heritages has introduced the OCMHS to people from different countries.

Table 1 Themes and sub-themes of English speaking skill

4.1 Local Heritages as the Supporting Tourist Attractions for OCMHS Tourism

4.1.1 Culinary, Arts, and Dance Tourism Attraction

Culinary both in the form of food and beverages in the concept of competed heritage by Yang [7] is classifies as an intangible cultural heritage. The local cultural heritage of in Sawahlunto has a uniqueness. Culinary foods consist of food eaten with rice and with snacks. Foods categorized as heavy foods are usually eaten separately from heavy foods, but sometimes some are eaten with the staple food of rice. Heavy foods are those to eat rice such as Silungkang soup, jerked meat, Rendang, green pepper jerked Chicken, etc. Local beverages for example are egged-tea, iced sandalwood, iced durian, Silungkang coffee, leaf-coffee, buffalo milk-chips, etc. Tourists hunt the local foods and beverages to places at which they can enjoy the foods and beverages. The places are spread out in the OCMHS area that they lead tourists to visit OCMHS.

Yang [7] categorized art and dance as part of an intangible cultural heritage. There are a number of dances having developed in the area of OCMHS. They develop based on various regional cultures deriving from various regions in Indonesia. The arts are such as the art of shadow puppets, Randai, Kuda Lumping, Ketoprak, Ronggeng, Ludruk, Keroncong, Kecapi, Brongsai, Indang Lubuak Nago Dance, Taratak Lasuang Manangih Dance, Tor-Tor, Plate Dance, Tonil, Tanun dance, layak batoboh dance, randai, Minangkabau dance, Campursari, Wayang, and others. Sadzali [23] explained that these arts came from various cultures in the archipelago as a result of the Dutch policy which brought in artists from outside of OCMHS area. Some of the mining workers who come from various regions bring art from their respective regions. The Dutch brought these arts to attract and to make the workers feel at home in the mining area. The Dutch thought that performing arts would be able to cure the coal mine workers’ fatigue and lack of entertainment so that they would feel at home living in the area.

4.1.2 Tourist Attraction of Rituals, Festivals or Carnivals, and Traditional Self-Defence

Rituals, festivals or carnivals in the area of OCMHS exist in various forms because the area is a destination with a “melting pot” culture because the OCMHS destination is inhabited by various tribes with different ethnic backgrounds such as Javanese with various rituals, Sawahlunto Randai Festival, Tanah Lapang Art Village Festival, and others. These rituals originating from the various cultures include the Grebek Suro Ritual, Bakauah Tradition, and the Ratok Silungkang Tuo Death Ritual. As released by the Spirit of West Sumatra, even though OCMHS is located in the Minangkabau culture area, the color of Javanese culture is a dominating one in the first month of Muharram welcoming rituals.

OCMHS tourism is also supported by traditional martial arts which still exist in OCMHS area. The local intangible cultural heritage of martial arts (traditional self defence). Nurnjan [24] mentioned that there are several martial arts that can become tourist attractions such as Silek Tuo (Silat Tua), Silek Harimau (Silat Harimau), Silek Lintau (Silat Lintau), Silek Sitaralak (this martial arts spread and developed in Malaysia and continues to America), Silek Pauah, Silek Sungai Patai, Silek Luncua which was developed by Pakiah Rabun, Silek Gulo-Gulo Tareh, Silek Baruah (Silat Baruh), and Silek Kumango (Kumango Silat).

4.1.3 Natural Tourist Attraction

Referring to the concept of heritage (heritage) by Yang [7], natural scenery is included as part of heritage. Survey of this study shows that Sawahlunto has a number of natural heritages as the supporting tourist attractions of OCMHS. The natural heritages have now become attractive destination. These natural heritages include Kandih Lake, Sharp Batu Peak, Bikan River Waterfall, Padang Savan Kolok, Park, Kandih Animals, Polan Peak, Microwave Peak, Blue Lake, former coal quarry, Water boom, Teletubbies Hill, Rock Lake, Kandih Hills, Dutch Cemetery, Bikan River Waterfall (Rantih Tourism Village), Kolok Savana Field, Sawahlunto Square, Triangle Square, Kandih Animal Park, Batumananggau Weaving Village, and Cemara Peak. The environmental sustainablity of the natural tourist attraction of OCMHS should be preserved due to that environment contributes to the natural attractions. Improvement in regulation plays important role. [17]) pointed that improvements in regulatory quality support environmental sustainability. The natural tourist attractions of OCMHS depends very much on natural environment. The current study survey shows that tourists visit the tourist attractions because of the natural beauty.

4.2 Virtual Reality (VR) of Local and OCMHS Heritages

Virtual Reality (VR) can be used to promote OCMHS tourism by online. Local heritage and OCMHS heritage can be introduced to tourists digitally using Virtual Reality (VR). VR is a technology that creates a three-dimensional virtual environment that can interact in real terms [10]. These digital technologies preserve the world's cultural heritage in ways that are attractive to future generations [18]. VR technology has been successfully applied in various sub-sectors of the tourism industry to increase tourist visits [25]. VR is widely used to promote tourism, improve and create memorable tourism experiences both at tourist sites and outside tourist sites [9]. Based on the scholars, this current study has resulted in an initial design of the map and Virtual Reality of the heritages by online. The digital map and Virtual Reality which can be accessed online at

4.3 English Speaking Skill Needs for OCMHS Heritage Tourism Development

English speaking skill is needed in several functions to solve government and social problem on OCMHS tourism. As found by [15], tourism English is locally-colored, that is, its forms are colored by local culture. The English language has a uniqueness of locality. The English speaking skill is needed as a means of information on local people, their social norms, OCMHS world heritages, local heritages, financial packages of tourism, tourist attraction, tourists’ needs, and feed back and suggestions. English skill is also needed to build and maintain social relationship with foreign tourists. Besides that, English speaking skill is a tool of heritage interpretation which is greatly essential to attract tourists to visit OCMHS tourism. Tourist attraction of heritage attracts tourists because of heritage interpretation.

Heritage interpretation is highly needed for heritage-based tourism. Providing a good interpretation of heritage which can bring tourists psychologically and emotionally into the heritage will be able to attract tourists because the interpretation can make tourists to come into an informed atmosphere. The concept of inheritance interpretation stated by father of heritage interpretation, [26] in his book “Interpreting Our Heritage”. As indicated by Table 1, English speaking skill is needed to perform a number of functions of heritage tourism professions such as providing details in the form of interpretation about heritage of Museum, heritage of railway system, etc. The functions are tasks needed to work for OCMHS heritage tourism. The functions consists of themes some of which are tangible heritage, intangible heritage, natural heritage, culture and norms, and others. The tourism workers need speaking skill to provide information, explain, apologize, greet, request, and to answer those in the themes and their sub-themes.

English speaking skill in this current study is a skill needed in tourism. It is important skill in tourism industry.  Jung [10] also found that English speaking skill is important skill in Indonesia tourism industry. In other tourism regions such as in Saudi tourism [27], in Jordan [28], in UK [29], in Japan [30], and [31] in Europe, speaking also becomes the important skill. Based on participants’ responses in this current study, speaking becomes the most important and needed skill in tourism because information about tourism attractions can be more easily provided using spoken English rather than written English. Tourism workers from lower position (such as tour guides, front office personnel, and room boys) to higher position (managers, directors) need English speaking skill. Communication between tourism workforce and international tourists is largely spoken in nature rather than written.

Figure 1 shows the level of English speaking skill needs. The functions (providing information regarding Satwa Kandi Park and coal-made handicraft) have scores higher than 3.50, but lower than 4.51. They are in the score range of 3.51–4.50, meaning that the needs level of the tasks are “needed”. The rests are “highly needed” because their scores are in the range of 4.51 to 5.00. There is no function of which the score is lower than 3.51. The needs level pictures that all of the functions are needed, and almost of them are highly needed, meaning that tourism workforce needs English speaking skill to work for OCMHS heritage tourism. In order to develop OCMHS tourism, tourism workforce particularly tour guide should have the English speaking skill of heritage tourism professions. The English skill is very essential in serving foreign tourists.

Fig. 1
A grpuped horizontal bar graph compares the speaking skill need level. The highest is answering tourist's queries about attractions with 4.79 in the highly needed skill, and providing information regarding Silo Gunung coal storage heritage and Soengai Durian mining site have a needed skill of 4.47.

Bar of speaking skill need level

5 Conclusion

The study is limited to the examination of local heritages in the area of the world heritage of OCMHS, the design of tourism Virtual Reality, and the needs of English speaking skill to develop the world heritage tourism. The results show that a method of increasing tourists’ visit to OCMHS is by way of developing local heritage-based tourism located in and around the area of OCMHS. OCMHS is surrounded by a number of local heritages which potentially attract domestic and foreign tourists. The way of developing the world heritage tourism is by introducing the local and OCMHS heritages to tourists virtually and globally by online. English speaking skill plays as important method of developing the OCMHS heritages-based tourism. In heritage-based tourism, language plays a very important role due to that it acts as a tool of heritage interpretation. The interpretation can attract tourists to visit destinations at which they can experience the heritage psychologically. A good interpretation can make tourists drift into the past. The future study will be directed to the interpretation of all heritages of OCMHS. OCMHS tourism is a tourism based on the cultural heritage of coal mining. All tangible heritages related to the mining are tourist attractions of OCMHS tourism. To attract tourists, OCMHS heritages should be interpreted orally, in written form, or physically (paintings or statues). The interpretation either in oral, written, or physical form is communicated in online virtual reality through which cultural tourists can experience OCMHS tourist attractions and the attractions are globally promoted all over the world.