WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray Stresses Unity Among Wrestlers

WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray Stresses Unity Among Wrestlers

Exploring the nuanced ethics of wrestling's backstage culture.

by Atia Mukhtar
WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray Stresses Unity Among Wrestlers
© TNA Wrestling/YouTube

In the unique world of professional wrestling, which blends the dramatic flair of live theater with the physicality of sports and the eclectic atmosphere of a traveling carnival, backstage politics often draw intense scrutiny.

WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray recently shed light on this aspect during an episode of "Busted Open Radio," emphasizing the importance of integrity among wrestlers. Bully Ray, a seasoned veteran in the wrestling world, articulated the unspoken rules that govern backstage interactions.

"We work things out amongst ourselves," he stated. If disagreements arise, such as during the planning of a match with fellow wrestler Mark Henry, the resolution process is straightforward and direct. "Even if it takes us two hours to come up with a match and we can't come to an agreement, we will continue to discuss and hash it out, face-to-face, man-to-man.

We never go behind each other's back or handle our business solo. In our world, respect is paramount, and it's something we don't extend to those who don't play by these rules," he explained. Despite these norms, there are instances where some wrestlers choose to ignore this code.

Bully Ray recounted an incident where a wrestler was physically reprimanded in the ring, made to look foolish as a result of their behind-the-scenes maneuvering. "I witnessed someone get beaten up in the ring because he went behind the boys' back to the agent and politicked for himself.

Such incidents were more frequent in the past," he noted.

Acceptable vs. Detrimental Politicking

However, Bully clarified that not all forms of politicking are frowned upon. "If you're advocating for a match or a strong idea—that's acceptable.

It's the self-serving politicking that is detrimental, where ultimately, nobody wins," he said. While Bully Ray did not name specific individuals involved in these backstage politics or those subjected to in-ring consequences, he highlighted a shift in the industry's culture.

According to the wrestling icon, the type of retaliation seen decades ago is less common today, reflecting a matured approach to handling disputes and maintaining professional relationships within the industry. This emphasis on direct communication and respect is crucial in a profession that thrives on public performance yet relies heavily on private, trust-based relationships backstage.

Wrestlers like Bully Ray advocate for a culture of transparency and integrity, ensuring that the spectacle fans enjoy is supported by a foundation of mutual respect and professionalism among its stars.