All things come to an end, but do they really? Season 1 Finale of Sugar, Episode 8, aptly titled ‘Farewell,’ is a goodbye of sorts to a lot of things. For once, John has finally come real close to the end of his case, and now that their secret of being aliens is out with the powerful politician threatening their existence, things are shaping up. However, since goodbyes are not forever, we see a final episode that carefully sets up things for more John Sugar adventures. While the ending of Sugar feels a little predictable, especially the way the season 1 finale (episode 8) brings us down to the last bit of info, I am so ready for where the show will go next, thanks in large part to Colin Farrell’s performance as John Sugar. The show, in spite of its many tonal shifts, works because Farrell’s rendition of this character never changes. 

The show’s love for movies and obsession with the concepts of ‘observe’ and ‘report’ create a unique viewing experience. It’s as if you’re seeing things through a lens, even when you’re directly watching them. This intriguing aspect of the show keeps you at arm’s length, not forcing you to be too involved or manipulated by its emotional core. Instead, it allows you to participate in the investigation as a bystander, adding a layer of depth.

In the following article, we will delve into the Season 1 Finale of ‘Sugar, ‘Episode 8, discussing its intricacies and potential implications for a second season. Please be aware of potential spoilers

Sugar (Season 1 Finale), Episode 8 “Farewell” Recap: 

After leaving us with a sort of cliffhanger in the previous episode, we find that Olivia is alive and well. She feels drugged and scared, but John helps her out of the basement. He then carefully drives her to Melanie’s, who reaches her home after he calls her up. Melanie consoles a really disturbed Olivia as John leaves the two of them alone, ready to bid goodbye to everyone and everything on planet Earth before heading to the evac site that would take all of them back home. 

The final episode of season 1 is all about John taking small pit stops to clear off all the loose ends in his head. He is, of course, done with the case, but the recordings that he found in the basement of Ryan Pavich, the psychopath who kept Olivia captive all this while, is not letting him be. He wants to know what’s on the disc before he can breathe a sigh of relief. Talking about the Pavichs, since they are aware of John and all the other aliens living human identities, they are now rounding them off after Ryan’s death. The first one to go is Miller – we see him being shot by a highway patrol policewoman. 

At Ruby’s, we can see that there is still a sense of coldness between John and her since he is not happy with the fact that Ruby was trying to conceal the identity of a monster like Ryan. We can see the vulnerability of Ruby’s eyes, but John is not ready to forgive her – at least not yet. So, he goes inside the house, where everything is packed and ready to go. Henry is out there on the porch writing something down, and when John approaches him, he hands him the record player that he had requested. 

John takes the portable disc player, puts in the snuff CD he found in Ryan’s collection, and plays as he drives in his Corvette. When he plays the tape, he can hear Ryan’s voice talking about how exciting torturing women in his basement feels. It’s appalling to hear him make his torture feel like high art, and when John hits the pause button for the first time, he is at the Siegal’s – his first pit stop. 

What do we learn about Jonathan Seigal? 

At the Seigal’s John first meets Margit and gives his condolences on her loss. When she asks him what was in this for him, he doesn’t answer. However, in typical John Sugar fashion, he is able to make her feel light years lighter by simply speaking the truth about Davy’s performance in his film. 

When he goes to Jonathan Seigal next, he offers him a permanent job on his team with double the pay, but he declines. However, there are a few loose ends this conversation closes for us. While these are a tab bit too obvious to really shock anyone, let’s play them out anyway.

We get to know that the dead body of Clifford Carter, which John found in Olivia’s car that later vanished, was done by Jonathan, of course, to protect their name. Secondly, John shows Jonathan the naked pictures of Olivia’s mother that he had found earlier and asks him if those belong to him. Jonathan doesn’t affirm his beliefs, but you can see in his eyes that they did belong to him. He accepts that he always found Olivia’s mother – Bernie’s wife, to be a spitting image of his own wife. He also accepts that he had a fling with her, which clarifies the hate Bernie has for him. 

Third and most importantly, Sugar does ask him the shocking question—Is Olivia Jonathan’s daughter? His silence is louder than anything, and it makes sense that he approached John about her disappearance rather than Bernie. 

What does John reveal about himself to Melanie? 

All this while, we have been sensing a connection between Melanie and John – if not romance, then a lifelong kind of friendship can be sensed between them. So, of course, he takes the dog, who he will not be able to take care of anymore, to Melanie and bids her goodbye. However, when she calls him inside and asks about her sister, he tells her that her sister went missing a long time ago. It was one of the reasons why he became a private investigator in the first place. Melanie sympathizes with his condition and before he could get vulnerable, John decides to leave. However, before leaving, John holds her hands up close as his eye colors change to their original alien form. 

Now, John did not really break the pact of not telling about their alien identity to anyone. But he shows it to Melanie because he truly trusts her and believes that she is the only person who deserves to know the truth among all the humans he has met. 

After he leaves her place, John receives a call from Ruby to get to the evac site as soon as possible because Pavich’s men have been killing off their species.

Just then, in Ryan’s recording, he senses something peculiar and decides to go back to the Seigal’s place once again. 

Sugar Season 1 Finale Episode 8 Recap
Sydney Chandler in “Sugar,” now streaming on Apple TV+.

What does Olivia tell John?

He reaches the Seigel’s residence again, and while he is not too eager to disturb an already shaken Olivia, he asks her if there was someone else in the basement with Ryan when he was torturing her. She affirms his doubt by saying that yes, there was someone else, though she is not able to really point out who this person is as there were lights on her face all the time. However, we do get to one conclusion – this person, who was with Ryan in the basement was writing something as Ryan did all the bad things. 

Sugar (Season 1 Finale), Episode 8 “Farewell” Ending Explained: 

Who was the other person with Ryan in the basement? 

After playing the tape multiple times and listening to Ryan’s vague, self-indulgent ramblings, John is able to come to the conclusion that the other person with him in the basement was Henry Thorpe. Henry, who he thought to be his friend all this while, had been the culprit all along. He rushes to Ruby’s place to meet him, but he is gone. In his place is a phone that rings with Henry on the other side of the line. 

The nihilistic parallels between Ryan and Henry become clearer. Henry, instead of realizing what he has done, is now high with all the bloodshed. As aliens, both Henry and John (and all the other aliens) were supposed to observe and report about human behavior. However, the more they understood about human nature, the more seductive the power of being one became. 

The ending of the Season 1 finale of Sugar, i.e., episode 8, is able to establish that being human – especially someone like Henry is not a good thing, but among other things, there’s a power that it holds that has made both of them love being one. Henry makes sure that he tells John that he has killed people, too, and he enjoys it, so there’s nothing different between the two of them. 

Is Djen alive? 

As Henry disconnects the call, John discovers a robe in the closet that feels eerily familiar to the one that Djen used to have. Is Djen alive? Assuming that Henry is basically a more fucked up version of Ryan, it’s possible that he has kept Djen alive all this while just so he can torture both her and John – both in the same breath, and now John’s next task would be to find her. 

Why doesn’t John Sugar leave the Earth? 

Now that John has a new case in his hand, we can clearly gauge that he is not going to leave Earth with the rest of them. The final moments of the episode find him driving to the evac site and finally forgiving and bidding goodbye to Ruby. She warns him not to stay because only he and Henry would be left behind, and since Pavich is out for their blood, it’s best he comes with her. 

However, John tells her that even if there’s a slight possibility that his sister is alive, he will take it. Additionally, living among humans has made him really fond of them, so he will take his chances.

So, will there be a Sugar Season 2? Hell yes! There is definitely more to John Sugar’s story, and seeing that the show has been popular among everyone, a second season renewal by Apple TV+ will be on the cards.  

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Sugar (Season 1 Finale), Episode 8 Links: IMDbRotten TomatoesWikipedia
Sugar (Season 1 Finale), Episode 8 Cast: Colin Farrell, Kirby Howell-Baptiste, Amy Ryan, Dennis Boutsikaris, Alex Hernandez, Lindsay Pulsipher
Sugar Genre: Drama, Mystery | Runtime: 8 Episodes
Where to watch Sugar

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