Disrupting the Status Quo - Exponential Growth, Change Agents, and Building a Better World by The Optimistic American
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The Optimistic American

The Optimistic American

By Optimistic American

The past, present, and future of the United States are full of promise. A promise sustained by the efforts of brave individuals and organizations who champion the pursuit of technology, improving the human condition, free markets, and a belief in who we are. We are losing the fact that we are a nation of dreamers, a catapult for those who have the heart to dare, a place that rewards ingenuity and innovation. This country, more than any other, succeeded by making possible the release of the human spirit.

We need to put in the work to bring the actual narrative of abundance forward. We need to make it consumable for everyday Americans. It is how our conversations will pivot towards the positive. Our mornings will begin with promise and faith rather than fear and despair.

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Disrupting the Status Quo - Exponential Growth, Change Agents, and Building a Better World

The Optimistic AmericanMay 17, 2024

Disrupting the Status Quo - Exponential Growth, Change Agents, and Building a Better World

Disrupting the Status Quo - Exponential Growth, Change Agents, and Building a Better World

Join host Paul Johnson on The Optimistic American for a transformative discussion with guest Aaron Bare, who brings his expertise on exponential growth and innovation. This episode dives deep into how businesses achieve rapid growth, the traits of visionary thinkers, and the broader impact of these dynamics on healthcare, politics, and societal norms.

Topics Discussed in This Video: 

  • Exponential Growth and Visionary Traits: Discover the secrets behind businesses achieving exponential growth and the traits shared by leaders who drive such dynamic change. This segment explores the foundational elements that enable rapid scalability and the mindset necessary to envision and achieve ambitious goals.
  • The Power of a Growth Mindset: Learn how adopting a growth mindset allows individuals and organizations to transcend traditional limitations and continuously evolve in response to challenges.
  • Government Bypass and Media Manipulation: Investigate how innovative companies navigate around traditional governmental barriers to effect change, and explore the concerning ways in which the media manipulates public perception. Gain insights into strategies individuals can employ to counteract these influences.
  • Change Agents and Societal Impact: Aaron underscores the crucial role of change agents in challenging the status quo and the significant impact individuals can have in shaping a better future. This segment inspires listeners to recognize and harness their potential to drive change.
  • Political Landscape and the Role of the Individual: Reflect on the current political environment as we approach 2024, understanding how individuals can influence political discourse and the importance of challenging established norms to build a better world.
  • Control and Empowerment: Aaron emphasizes the importance of recognizing the areas where you have personal control and how you can empower yourself to take actionable steps towards shaping your destiny and positively impacting the world.
May 17, 202401:26:20
Unveiling the Mind of Terror - The Psychology and Seduction of Terrorism

Unveiling the Mind of Terror - The Psychology and Seduction of Terrorism


On this episode of The Optimistic American, hosts Dr. Emily Bashah and Paul Johnson are accompanied by Dr. John G Horgan, a preeminent psychologist, professor at Georgia State University, and is renowned for his deep insights into the psychology of terrorism. Join us as we explore the complex world of terrorist psychology, the nuances of radicalization, and the intriguing process of recruitment.

Topics Discussed in This Video:  

  • What is Terrorism and The Psychology Behind It: Dr. Horgan defines terrorism and discusses the psychological factors that drive individuals towards such extreme behaviors. Additionally, Dr. Emily Bashah discusses specific examples such as incel and jihadist ideologies.
  • How People Get Involved With Terrorist Groups: The conversation explores the roles of recruiters in the radicalization process, revealing how individuals are drawn into terrorist activities and the sophisticated tactics used to lure them.
  • The Contrast of Pessimism and Optimism: Reflecting contrasting viewpoints, Dr. Horgan articulates his pessimism about current counterterrorism strategies, while Paul Johnson discusses his optimism based on the resilience and ideals of American society.
  • Pathways to Disengagement from Terrorism: This segment delves into the possibilities and processes of disengagement from terrorist groups, discussing strategies for confronting and assisting those who are radicalized.
  • The Impact of Politics on American Psychology & Campus Chaos:  This segment explores how political climates affect the psychology of Americans and the increasing tensions on college campuses driven by political and ideological conflicts.
May 15, 202401:21:28
A Life Changing Diagnosis at 12 Years Old - Rebecca Alexander

A Life Changing Diagnosis at 12 Years Old - Rebecca Alexander

Join host Paul Johnson on The Optimistic American as he explores the profound journey of Rebecca Alexander, who lives with Usher Syndrome—a rare genetic disorder that affects hearing and vision. In this insightful episode, Rebecca, an author and psychotherapist, delves into her diagnosis, the emotional rollercoaster that followed, and her extraordinary endeavors, including climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and writing her impactful book, "Not Fade Away." Discover how Rebecca turns challenges into opportunities for growth and helps others along the way. Topics Discussed in the Video:

  • Diagnosis and Emotional Journey: Rebecca shares her initial experiences of being diagnosed with Usher Syndrome and the complex emotions that accompany learning about one's progressive disability.
  • Resilience Through Highs and Lows: Explore Rebecca's experiences with the ups and downs of living with a degenerative condition, including how she manages personal and professional challenges.
  • Writing "Not Fade Away": Rebecca discusses the motivation behind her book, aimed at empowering those with similar challenges and broadening public understanding of Usher Syndrome.
  • Adventure and Achievement: Hear about Rebecca's inspiring climb up Mount Kilimanjaro, using it as a metaphor for overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles in life.
  • The Dynamics of Help: Delve into Rebecca's perspectives on giving and receiving help, the importance of community support, and the importance of maintaining humility and accountability when interacting with others.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com

Apr 29, 202456:37
Arizona Democracy Summit 2024 Part 1

Arizona Democracy Summit 2024 Part 1

Join host Paul Johnson and a distinguished panel of experts at the Democracy Summit as they dive deep into the current state and future of American democracy. From election integrity to increasing voter participation and exploring potential political reforms, this video is a crucial dialogue for anyone concerned about the health and direction of our democratic processes. Witness firsthand the passionate discussions, informed debates, and insightful conclusions drawn from this gathering of minds committed to safeguarding and enhancing our democratic institutions.

Topics Discussed in the Video:

  • Election Integrity: The Summit opens with a robust discussion on election integrity, highlighting the measures in place to ensure secure and fair elections. Panelists share insights into the challenges and triumphs experienced by election administrators across the country, emphasizing the ongoing efforts to fortify our electoral system against internal and external threats.
  • Increasing Voter Participation: Delve into strategies and reforms aimed at boosting voter participation, with a focus on the significance of making the electoral process more inclusive and accessible to all citizens. The conversation explores innovative approaches to engage voters, particularly the youth and marginalized communities, to foster a more vibrant and participatory democracy.
  • Political Reform and Civic Engagement: Explore the vital connection between political reform and civic engagement, as the panel examines proposals aimed at enhancing the democratic experience for every American. From open primaries to ranked-choice voting, discover the potential impact of these reforms on the political landscape and how they could lead to more representative and effective governance.

Panel Members: 

Rusty Bowers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Bowers

Adrian Fontes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrian_Fontes

Amanda Burke: https://www.arizonafuture.org/about-us/leadership-staff/amanda-burke-edd/ 

Stephen Richer: https://recorder.maricopa.gov/recorder/

Apr 24, 202401:13:03
War in the Middle East: Can We Win the Peace?

War in the Middle East: Can We Win the Peace?

Join Paul Johnson as he dives deep into the third and final part of our series, “War in the Middle East”. In this compelling episode, Paul discusses the multifaceted issues surrounding the Israeli-Gaza conflict, the concept of proportionality in warfare, the global jihadism movement, and how these profound topics resonate within American political discourse. With a focus on seeking truth and understanding amidst a world of complexity, Paul invites us to look beyond our biases and consider the larger implications of these conflicts.

Topics Discussed in this Video:

  • Proportionality in War: Paul discusses the ethical quandaries presented by the Israeli-Gaza conflict of 2023, focusing on the challenging concept of proportionality and the civilian-combatant dichotomy in modern warfare scenarios.
  • Jihadism and Global Impact: In this segment, Paul delves into the origins and consequences of jihadism, drawing a clear line between the vast majority of Muslims who seek peace and the extremist factions that pursue violence. With a focus on the indoctrination practices within Gaza, he sheds light on the mechanisms extremists use to spread their ideology. Paul also broadens the scope to the global ideological battle, offering a deep dive into how jihadism not only affects the immediate region but also poses challenges and implications on a worldwide scale. 
  • American Political Divide: Discover how the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has polarized American politics. From the right's and left's differing perspectives to the impact on college campuses, Paul breaks down the complex web of opinions and ideologies shaping the U.S. response.
  • The Path to Peace: Paul discusses the ongoing debate surrounding the two-state solution and the obstacles it faces, notably the deep-rooted jihadist ideology. Paul advocates for a holistic approach to achieving peace, drawing a compelling parallel to the transformative journey of post-war Japan. Through this analogy, he suggests that a similar comprehensive strategy could pave the way for enduring stability and harmony in the Middle East.
Apr 23, 202454:13
War in the Middle East: Civilization v Jihadism

War in the Middle East: Civilization v Jihadism

Join host Paul Johnson in this eye-opening episode of New Frontiers, as he delves into the intricate history of Israel, the harrowing events of October 7th, and the motivations driving both Hamas and Israel in their prolonged conflict. This episode provides a comprehensive overview of the complexities surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian struggle, highlighting the ideological differences between Zionism and Jihadism, and the impact of these ideologies on the region's stability and peace efforts.

Topics Discussed in the Video:

  • History of Israel: Explore the roots of Israel's establishment and its turbulent history with neighboring countries and Palestinian territories. Starting from the pivotal year of 1948, we delve into the series of events that led to the formation of Israel and the subsequent conflicts that have shaped its relationship with the Arab world and the Palestinian people.
  • The October 7th Attack: On October 7th, 2023, a meticulously orchestrated attack by Hamas on Israeli soil marked one of the deadliest terrorist incidents in recent history. This segment examines the motivations behind the attack, the tragic loss of lives, and the implications it has for the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.
  • Jihadism vs Zionism: Unravel the ideological underpinnings of the conflict between Israel and Hamas. This part of the episode focuses on the contrasting beliefs of Jihadism and Zionism, providing insights into how these ideologies influence the actions and policies of Hamas and the Israeli government.
  • Hamas's Motivations and Israel's Defense: Gain an understanding of Hamas's objectives in its relentless fight against Israel, including the role of external support from countries like Iran. Concurrently, we examine Israel's defense strategies and its efforts to protect its citizens amidst the threats posed by Hamas and other militant groups.
Apr 22, 202451:58
War in the Middle East: Overturning the American World Order - Part 1

War in the Middle East: Overturning the American World Order - Part 1

Join Paul Johnson as he delves into the complex Israel-Gaza conflict. This series aims to tackle tough questions such as the American interest in this war, the values being promoted, and the historical context leading up to the current situation. Through in-depth discussions, Paul provides a nuanced perspective on the roles of the U.S., Israel, and Hamas, exploring themes of jihadism, Zionism, and geopolitical strategies that shape this enduring conflict.

Topics Discussed in This Video:  

  • American Interest & Values: Paul Johnson introduces the series by questioning the American stake in the Israel-Gaza conflict, exploring U.S. values, and examining the implications of siding with either Israel or Hamas. He shares his personal experiences and biases, setting the stage for an open and informative discussion.
  • Geopolitical Analysis of the Middle East: Delve into the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East, including the strategic interests of the U.S., the role of authoritarian regimes like Iran, and the impact of the Abraham Accords. Paul offers a detailed exploration of the dynamics between Israel, Hamas, and neighboring countries, shedding light on the complex relationships that influence the conflict.
  • A Personal Journey: Paul shares his experiences from visiting major genocide sites worldwide, including recent trips to Israel, to give a personal perspective on the conflict and its human impact.
  • Jihadism vs. Zionism: Unpack the ideological differences between jihadism and Zionism, with a focus on the motivations behind Hamas's actions and Israel's defense strategies. Paul discusses the October 7th attack in detail, providing insights into the tragic events and their broader implications for peace and security in the region.
  • The Future of Middle Eastern Politics: In the concluding segment, Paul addresses critical questions regarding proportionality, the accusation of apartheid, and the viability of a two-state solution. He also reflects on the internal American divide over the conflict, emphasizing the need for informed and empathetic engagement with Middle Eastern politics.
Apr 21, 202446:06
The Myth of All Myths, The Lie of All Lies - Boyd Matheson

The Myth of All Myths, The Lie of All Lies - Boyd Matheson

In this episode of The Optimistic American, host Paul Johnson sits down with Boyd Matheson, a visionary in political strategy and leadership. They embark on a journey through the heart of America's political divisions, uncovering the essence of true leadership, the beauty of diversity, and the individual's role in cultivating a more harmonious society. This conversation is a beacon of hope for those seeking to bridge gaps and inspire positive change in an era of polarization.

Topics Discussed in the Video:

  • America’s Division: Boyd shares insights on the current state of political division in the United States, emphasizing the crucial role of accountability and leadership in navigating these challenges. Paul and Boyd explore how individuals can make a difference by staying informed and engaged, despite the divisive political climate.
  • Community and Upward Mobility: Learn about the power of community engagement and the significant impact of upward mobility on society. Boyd and Paul discuss innovative approaches to fostering self-reliance and meaningful change within communities, including the remarkable story of the Other Side Academy.
  • Harnessing Diversity for Collective Strength: Discover the significance of embracing cultural and ideological differences as a source of strength and innovation. This segment highlights how diversity, when approached with openness and humility, can lead to richer discussions and more comprehensive solutions to the challenges facing society.
  • Meaning and Purpose in American Politics: Reflecting on the search for meaning and purpose within the political sphere, Boyd and Paul examine how leaders can inspire and unite individuals around shared values and goals, creating a more optimistic and collaborative future for America. 

Learn more about The Optimistic American by visiting our website: https://www.optamerican.com/

Apr 21, 202401:03:03
Escaping Sudan's War to Build Dreams in the USA - Jany Deng

Escaping Sudan's War to Build Dreams in the USA - Jany Deng

Join us in an inspiring conversation with Jany Deng, one of the original Lost Boys of Sudan, as he shares his harrowing journey from the war-torn villages of Sudan to the bustling streets of Phoenix, Arizona. In this episode of The Optimistic American, host Paul Johnson and Jany delve into the realities of civil war, the challenges of life in refugee camps, and the transformative experience of becoming an American citizen. This story is not just about survival; it's about the power of hope and the unyielding human spirit in the face of adversity.

Topics Discussed in the Video:

- Early Life in Sudan: Jany recounts his early childhood in Sudan, marked by a sudden transition from normal village life to the chaos of civil war. Learn about the cultural and societal structure of Jany's community before the conflict began.

- The Journey of the Lost Boys: Discover the incredible story of thousands of young boys, including Jany, who embarked on a perilous journey across Africa to escape the violence, facing hunger, danger, and uncertainty with remarkable courage.

- Life in Refugee Camps: Jany shares insights into the daily struggles and realities of living in refugee camps in Ethiopia and Kenya, highlighting the resilience of the human spirit amid dire conditions.

- Resettlement in America: The journey from being a refugee to becoming an American citizen is fraught with challenges and new beginnings. Jany discusses his assimilation into American society, the cultural adjustments, and the opportunities that reshaped his life.

- A Message of Hope and Resilience: Reflecting on his journey, Jany offers a message of hope, emphasizing the importance of resilience, community support, and the enduring pursuit of the American dream.

Apr 12, 202458:09
The Anthem Girl: A Story of Music, Motivation, and American Pride - Janine Stange

The Anthem Girl: A Story of Music, Motivation, and American Pride - Janine Stange

Join Paul Johnson in an uplifting conversation with Janine Stange, known affectionately as the "Anthem Girl" for her unprecedented achievement of singing the National Anthem in all 50 states. Beyond her musical journey, Janine shares the personal adversities and losses that propelled her to find purpose, become a sought-after motivational speaker, and devote her time to supporting veterans. This episode delves into the power of setting ambitious goals, the importance of American history, and how individual resilience can inspire collective pride and progress.

Topics Discussed in the Video:

- Overcoming Personal Adversity: Janine opens up about the challenges and losses that reshaped her outlook on life and led her to set a unique goal that combined her passion for music with a deep sense of patriotism.

- The National Anthem Journey: Discover the motivation behind Janine's ambitious goal to sing the National Anthem in every state, the obstacles she overcame, and the profound impact this mission had on her life and others.

- Veterans Support: Janine shares her dedication to working with veterans, highlighting the importance of giving back to those who've served and the personal fulfillment derived from this service.

- The Historical Significance of the National Anthem: Learn about the inspiring story of Francis Scott Key, the significance of Fort McHenry, and why the National Anthem holds a special place in Janine's heart and American culture

- Motivational Speaking and Goal Setting: Janine discusses the transition to motivational speaking, including practical advice on goal setting, finding purpose, and the power of resilience in the face of adversity.

You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts! 

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify 

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple 

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google 

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com 

Apr 07, 202453:20
From Blind Date to a Fallen Hero: A Family's story of Sacrifice and Service - Jennie Taylor

From Blind Date to a Fallen Hero: A Family's story of Sacrifice and Service - Jennie Taylor

Join us as we delve into the inspiring story of Jennie Taylor, widow of Major Brent Taylor, and their unwavering dedication to service, sacrifice, and patriotism. In this episode of The Optimistic American, Jennie and host Paul Johnson dig into the profound impact of Major Taylor's life and legacy, shedding light on the challenges and triumphs faced by military families and the importance of honoring those who serve.


Topics Discussed in the Video:  

  • A Blind Date: Jennie shares the journey of how she and Brent came together. Initially introduced on a blind date arranged by mutual friends, their first encounter didn't unfold as expected. Despite the rocky start, they crossed paths again and discovered a deep connection rooted in their shared love for their country. Their relationship flourished, leading to marriage and the joy of having seven children together. 
  • Mayors: Jennie discusses her husband, Mayor Brent Taylor, and his experience as a mayor. She mentions that Brent was born for politics and leadership. After serving on the city council for four years, he decided to run for mayor and did a great job. Paul shares his insights on being a mayor. He mentions a set of principles he had come across during his time as a mayor and the experience both his family and him went through during the time he was mayor.  
  • The Fateful Mission: Jennie talks about her husband Brent Taylor's fateful mission. Brent served in Iraq twice before deploying to Afghanistan with the National Guard. He also served on the city council and as the mayor while being a soldier in the National Guard. Despite being older and having a family, Brent volunteered for a deployment with a ranger battalion from Georgia. During a routine hike with Afghan soldiers on November 3rd, 2018, one of the Afghan soldiers he was training turned hostile and shot and killed him. 
  • Grief and Resilience: Jennie shares her journey of grief and resilience following her husband’s death in combat. Despite facing financial struggles and emotional turmoil, Jennie found solace in her faith and a deep belief in the values of freedom and sacrifice. Her establishment of a foundation in Brent's honor reflects her unwavering commitment to supporting military families and honoring his memory through impactful initiatives.
  • Inspiring Patriotism: Jennie and Paul underscore the importance of understanding history, appreciating the sacrifices made for freedom, and inspiring patriotism. Jennie's mission to educate and bridge the gap between civilian and military communities through her foundation embodies a profound dedication to upholding the values of the United States and honoring the legacy of Major Brent Taylor. 


You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts!

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop. Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com

Mar 06, 202401:02:50
The Unspeakable Mission: The Fighter Pilot Ordered to Crash into Flight 93 on 911 - Heather Penney

The Unspeakable Mission: The Fighter Pilot Ordered to Crash into Flight 93 on 911 - Heather Penney

In this episode of the Optimistic American, Paul Johnson is joined by special guest, Heather Penny. Heather is known for her heroics on 9/11, when she and a fellow Air Force pilot were told to intercept United Flight 93 before it reached Washington D.C. Today she is a defense policy expert at the Mitchell Institute of Aerospace Studies in Arlington, Virginia. Join us as we discuss the concepts of a three-front war, the evolution of aircraft technology, the challenges facing the U.S. political system in dealing with global threats, and much more! This episode is a thought-provoking conversation that delves into the past, present, and future of American defense and optimism.


Topics Discussed in this Video: 

  • 911: Heather Penny delves into the pivotal events of 9/11, from her engagement in the critical mission on that fateful day to the broader discussions on the evolving mission and purpose of the Air Force post-9/11. 
  • The Mitchell Institute: Heather discusses her involvement with the Mitchell Institute, an independent think tank focused on defense and national security policy analysis. As a Senior Fellow, she conducts research on advanced operational concepts and future warfare to provide critical insights and recommendations to senior leaders within the Air Force and national security community.
  • A Three Front War: Paul expresses his belief about a significant strategic change taking place in the United States regarding a potential three front war. He mentions that the country has successfully fought against terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS, but now faces different threats from near-peer nations like China and Russia. He suggests that these nations pose a challenge to the Western liberal democracy and the American world order, and emphasizes the importance of putting together the right steps to engage in this type of conflict effectively. 
  • Aircrafts: Heather discusses the premature termination of the F-22 program and the continued use of F-15s. She mentions the development of future sixth-generation air dominance fighters and the integration of unmanned aircraft to supplement manned aircraft. This is driven by budget constraints and the evolving strategic demands, emphasizing the coordination between humans and unmanned systems for operation effectiveness.
  • Politics & Threats: Paul and Heather discuss the American political system and its effectiveness in dealing with threats. Paul Johnson expresses the belief that the political system is not living up to the needs of the country. He mentions that when a large portion of the majority wants change, it eventually happens in a democracy. He acknowledges the severe risks faced by the U.S. both domestically and globally and compares these challenges to those posed by the Soviet Union and Axis powers in World War II. There is an optimistic view that if the American public engages and takes action, it can address and overcome these threats effectively.


You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts!


Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com
Feb 29, 202401:16:28
10 Tips to 10X your Business - Dave Berg

10 Tips to 10X your Business - Dave Berg

In this episode of The Optimistic American, Paul Johnson is accompanied by Dr. David Berg, CEO and co-founder of Redirect Health. Paul and David have been business partners for over 20 years in both healthcare and real estate, and bring an abundance of tips and information for entrepreneurs. Join us as we explore topics such as mindset shifts and communication techniques for transforming challenging situations into success stories, and tips for improving efficiency in complex systems like healthcare.

Topics Discussed in This Video: 

  • Singular Focus or Mindset Shift: Find out how a singular focus or mindset shift can significantly impact both personal and business goals, and learn how to harness the power of clarity and direction to achieve success.
  • Fear and Lack of Confidence: Discover how fear and lack of confidence can act as barriers to reaching your full potential. Uncover strategies to overcome these obstacles and build self-assurance on your journey to success.
  • Middle Conversation: Understand how the "middle conversation" plays a crucial role in determining whether a situation can be turned around. Learn effective communication techniques to navigate challenges and initiate positive change.
  • Starting Conversations: Master the art of starting conversations by acknowledging difficulties while simultaneously casting a vision for success. Explore the transformative power of open dialogue and setting clear intentions in relationships and business interactions.
  • Complex Systems: Delve into the world of complex systems, such as healthcare, and discover the importance of simplification and streamlining for enhanced efficiency. Discover how to untangle intricate systems to improve outcomes and overall effectiveness.

You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts! 

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify 

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple 

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google 

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com 

Feb 21, 202401:15:38
How to deeply connect and spark empowering conversations

How to deeply connect and spark empowering conversations

Join host Paul Johnson as we step into the world of modern music and sit down with acclaimed songwriters and performers, Anna Wilson and Monty Powell. Join us as we delve into the heart of Anna and Monty’s creative process, discussing the exploration of important and thought-provoking themes in country music. 


  • Tackling the Tough Questions: Anna and Monty believe in going beyond surface-level topics and navigating the complexities of societal issues through their music. They share their experiences and challenges in crafting songs that provoke reflection and inspire change. 
  • The Power of Music: In a world where politics and writing may fall short, music has the unique ability to connect deeply with people. Join us as we explore the ways in which Anna and Monty use their music to make a difference, sparking conversations and empowering listeners.
  • Introducing SongStars: Discover the inspiration behind their groundbreaking project, SongStars, where they have the vision of showcasing the talents and stories of songwriters on a theater stage.
  • The Importance of Artists in Society: Gain insights into Anna and Monty's perspectives on the role of artists in society. They share their belief in the responsibility of artists to provide a platform for diverse voices and contribute to larger conversations about social change.

Get ready to be entertained and enlightened as we embark on this journey into the world of modern music. Don't miss out on this captivating episode! Remember to like, comment, and subscribe to our channel to stay updated on future episodes.


Feb 14, 202451:05
How to Influence & Transform People Closest to You - Richard Eyre

How to Influence & Transform People Closest to You - Richard Eyre

Join us for an enlightening and empowering interview with renowned author, parenting expert, and visionary thinker, Richard Eyre. In this thought-provoking conversation hosted by Paul Johnson, delve into Richard's extensive background and his unique insights into the concept of power.

You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts!

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com


Feb 12, 202401:13:30
Joe Biden's Response, Israel, Moore's Law, and the Iran Proxies

Joe Biden's Response, Israel, Moore's Law, and the Iran Proxies

On this episode of New Frontiers, our Panelist covers various current events, including Joe Biden's response to recent incidents, controversies surrounding foreign relations, foreign policy, political parties, and Israel. To end the episode on an optimistic corner, we delve into a thought-provoking discussion on AI super brains, the significance of Moore's Law, and the impact of technological progress on society. Join us as we cover various current events and human progress.  


  • Joe Biden's Response: The panel talks about Joe Biden responding to the killing of three Marines by a paramilitary organization proxy of Iran. The controversy surrounding his response revolves around whether it was considered tough enough and if there should have been a direct strike on Iran.
  • Controversies in Foreign Relations: The panel raises the question of whether the presidential candidates can effectively express a vision for the future and whether the media's debate format allows for meaningful dialogue and discussion.
  • Israel: The panelists discuss the Israeli conflict and its complexities. They touch on the perceptions of Israel as a colonizer, the concept of proportionality in war, and the role of radical factions like Hamas. 
  • AI Superbrains: Explore the concerns and possibilities surrounding the development of AI superbrains, analyzing the distinction between the reptilian portion of the brain and the neocortex in relation to rationality, innovation, and the potential for a Terminator-like scenario.
  • Moore's Law: Uncover the history and importance of Moore's Law, which states that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles approximately every two years. Gain insights into its impact on society and the potential alternatives that could shape the future of computing.
  • Quantum Computing: Delve into the realm of quantum computing and its potential to revolutionize various aspects of life. Discover the exciting possibilities that lie ahead as technology advances and scientific breakthroughs unfold. 

You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts!

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple

 Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com


Feb 11, 202401:02:55
Talking About The REAL Problems: Immigration, Capitalism, and the Environment

Talking About The REAL Problems: Immigration, Capitalism, and the Environment

In this episode of New Frontiers, join our panelists as they delve into pressing contemporary issues, including government and social media regulation, the complexities of immigration policies, the ongoing dispute at the Texas border, the high-profile clash between Trump and Taylor Swift, the profound influence of Elon Musk, and more. With insightful discussions and expert analysis, explore these topics and their implications in today's rapidly evolving landscape. 

Topics Discussed in This Video: 

  • Government vs Social Media: Our panel of experts engages in a nuanced exploration of the intricate relationship between government and social media platforms. Unpacking the influence and potential consequences of unchecked power, the conversation navigates through themes of privacy, data protection, the role of algorithms in shaping our digital landscape, and the problems faced. 
  • Socialism & Capitalism: In this segment, our panelists delve into the ongoing debate between socialism and capitalism as economic systems. The panelists share their perspectives on the strengths and weaknesses of both systems and discuss the implications of each on various aspects of society.
  • Trump vs Taylor Swift: The episode touches on the clash between former President Donald Trump and pop star Taylor Swift. The panel speculates on the motivations behind Trump's comments about Swift and the impact of their public exchanges.
  • Elon Musk: The focus shifts to Elon Musk, where the participants discuss and analyze Musk's groundbreaking achievements, his profound influence across industries, and his unconventional business approach.
  • Border Security & Immigration: The conversation takes a serious turn as the panel engages in a conversation about border security and immigration policies. The discussion explores topics such as the processing of illegal arrivals and the unintended consequences of immigration, while emphasizing the need for comprehensive solutions to address these complex issues.
  • Romantic Declinism: In the final segment, our panelists talk about the economy and environment, unravelling the concept of romantic declinism – a sentimentalized perception of the past and a belief in societal decline. Engage in a thought-provoking discussion as we question the implications of such nostalgia-fueled perceptions on our present and whether they contribute constructively to addressing contemporary challenges.

You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts! 

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify 

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple 

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google 

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com 

Feb 08, 202401:13:45
Surviving Vietnam: Last Warrior Standing - Rocky Olsen

Surviving Vietnam: Last Warrior Standing - Rocky Olsen

Join us for a captivating interview with Rocky Olson, a brave Vietnam War veteran who shares his experiences, challenges, and ultimate triumphs. In this deeply personal conversation with host Paul Johnson, Rocky takes us on a poignant journey through his time in the military and beyond.


  • Serving in Vietnam: Rocky recounts his time as an infantryman in the Vietnam War, describing the realities faced by soldiers on the front lines. He highlights their role as "grunts" - the pawns in a chess game, tasked with locating the enemy to facilitate strategic strikes by the Air Force, Army, and artillery divisions.
  • A Book to Share the Truth: Rocky reflects on his motivation to write his book, which provides a compelling firsthand account of what infantry soldiers truly undergo during combat. His main goal was simply to tell his story, shedding light on the experiences of his fellow soldiers and the difficulties they face even decades later.
  • Touching Lives and Providing Support: Through sharing his book, Rocky has unexpectedly become a source of inspiration and hope for others. He receives emails from people who have read his book and express how much it has helped them cope with their own challenges. Rocky encourages those struggling to seek professional help, whether through the VA or civilian channels, emphasizing the importance of finding support and coming to terms with the past.
  • Confronting the Aftermath: Rocky addresses the lasting impacts of war on veterans, including the haunting dreams that many continue to experience. He emphasizes the necessity of seeking professional help to address these issues and encourages veterans to engage in conversations and seek the assistance they need for healing and moving forward.


Join us as we listen to Rocky Olson's powerful story of resilience and his mission to support and uplift his fellow veterans


You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts! 

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify 

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple 

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google 

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com 

Jan 31, 202451:07
Bridging the Political Divide for a Better Future

Bridging the Political Divide for a Better Future

In this episode of The Optimistic American, the spirit of dialogue and discovery takes center stage as we delve into a profound exploration of our current political context with the astute observer and expert, Robert Robb.

  • Balancing Act: With a unique blend of pragmatism and vision, Robb navigates the dynamics between bipartisan and third-party potentials in the U.S. political sphere. He skillfully articulates the roles and challenges of emerging leaders like Ben Sass, Jared Paulus, and others.

  • Re-Defining the Rules: Robb puts forth a thought-provoking analysis of our political norms, advocating for a shift from the entrenched two-party system to a more fluid, pluralistic approach. His insight proposes a refreshing reconstruction of our political narrative.

  • Seeing Past the Divide: Providing a fresh perspective on the political crossroads we face, Robb reflects on the inherent strength of U.S. politics and its potential for enduring change and adaptation, all while highlighting the critical role played by informed citizens like you.

  • Towards a Resilient Future: Practical yet optimistic, Robb's reflections motivate us to envision an America that's not only capable of weathering current political storms but also poised to emerge stronger and more representative of its diverse citizens.

The future of our nation lies in our hands, and we invite you, our valued thoughtful listeners, to engage in framing our collective narrative. Tune in, stay informed, and let's continue to shape America's future together, as we embody the essence of the American spirit.

You might notice some new branding. Prepare for an update on this upcoming series! Thanks for watching!

You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts!

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com 

Jan 28, 202401:24:14
Inside the Shadows: The Crusade to End Human Trafficking - Ashlie Bryant

Inside the Shadows: The Crusade to End Human Trafficking - Ashlie Bryant

Join us on The Optimistic American as we dive into a profound conversation about the fight against human trafficking with special guest Ashlie Bryant, founder of Three Strands Global Foundation. Join us for this enlightening conversation and discover how Three Strands Global Foundation is working tirelessly to empower survivors, raise awareness, and create lasting change in the fight against human trafficking.


Shedding light on human trafficking: Explore the distressing reality of human trafficking as Ashlie exposes its shocking truth and shares gripping survivor “stories”.


Three Strands Global Foundation's mission: Discover the comprehensive approach taken by Three Strands Global Foundation to combat human trafficking through prevention, education, and reintegration programs.


Uniting communities against human trafficking: Learn about the urgent need for communities to come together, raise awareness, and take proactive steps against human trafficking.


Inspiring change and fostering hope: Witness the transformative impact of supporting survivors as Ashlie discusses empowering survivors with sustainable job opportunities and a path to long-term success.


You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts! 

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com

Jan 24, 202458:21
Uncovering America's Political and Economic Undercurrents

Uncovering America's Political and Economic Undercurrents

In this episode of The Optimistic American, Paul Johnson, Governor Doug Ducey, economist Elliott Pollack, and Professor Henry Thompson, explore the Iowa caucus, the potential Trump-Biden rematch, and the rise of a third-party candidate. Join us for a captivating discussion on politics, the economy, and energy policy as we delve into the intricacies of American governance. Through insightful conversations and expert analysis, we strive to empower viewers with a deeper understanding of pressing issues, aiming for an optimistic future for our nation.


Topics Discussed in This Video: 

  • Is Trump the Inevitable Choice?: Our panel delves into the recent Iowa caucus, highlighting the low voter turnout and its implications for the presidential race. With less than 120,000 participants, we examine the significance of the upcoming New Hampshire primary and South Carolina state results, discussing the potential impact on candidates like Nikki Haley.
  • Chris Christie and the New 'Label Party’:  Expanding our analysis, we explore the practicality and potential outcomes of a Trump-Biden rematch. The panel engages in a lively debate on the viability of a third-party candidate, considering the current political climate and the prospects for an alternative choice.
  • The Economy: Perception vs. Reality: Economist Elliott Pollack presents compelling data showcasing the robust state of the American economy, describing it as one of the best in recent history. However, we delve into the reasons behind the discrepancy between public perception and these economic realities. Factors such as partisan bias, media focus on negative news, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on real income are discussed.
  • Optimistic Outlook on U.S. Energy: Shifting gears to a more positive perspective, our panel explores the United States' transition to becoming a net exporter of oil. We delve into the environmental benefits and advancements in sustainable technologies, discussing the potential for a brighter future in energy independence.


You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts!

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com


Jan 21, 202401:27:54
Breaking the Silence: The Stark Truth About Stopping Campus Assaults - Dr. Jill McCluskey

Breaking the Silence: The Stark Truth About Stopping Campus Assaults - Dr. Jill McCluskey

In this episode of The Optimistic American, we dive into an inspiring conversation about campus safety and the power of resilience with our special guest Jill McCluskey, all while underscoring the importance of informed citizenship for a better and safer America.

  • Turning Tragedy into Courage: Jill McCluskey shares her heart-wrenching journey of losing her daughter, Lauren, but also her unyielding dedication to transform this tragedy into a force for change, strengthening campuses nationwide through The McCluskey Foundation.

  • Advancing Campus Safety: As universities continue to evolve and grow, Jill McCluskey spotlights the critical necessity of elevating safety measures, police training, and raising awareness on dating violence and stalking, all in the name of prevention and protection for our students.

  • Lauren's Legacy: Lauren's Promise, a pledge to improve campus safety, echoes the resilient spirit of the American people and their commitment to never giving up, even in the face of adversity. Jill McCluskey's unwavering passion for this cause rings true with each reflection on her daughter's life.

  • Fostering Awareness and Support: The McCluskey Foundation's work exemplifies the importance of creating resources for victims and their families, emphasizing the interconnected nature of our communities in empowering and uplifting one another.

  • The Power of Informed Citizenship: The Optimistic American audience is once again reminded of the pivotal role they play in shaping the nation's future. Your engagement in topics like campus safety and spreading awareness can contribute to a safer, more compassionate America for all.

You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts! 

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com

Jan 18, 202445:59
Revolutionizing the Workplace: How to Motivate Millennials for Maximum Productivity

Revolutionizing the Workplace: How to Motivate Millennials for Maximum Productivity

In this episode of The Optimistic American, we dive into the transformative power of understanding generational perspectives in our workplaces with Karin Palle, CEO of Generational Business Strategies.

Shaping a Unified Workforce: Karin, with her vast experience and unique skill set, imparts her knowledge on bridging the generational gap in businesses. Through understanding and communicating effectively across generations, we grasp how to cultivate a diverse yet united workforce.

Maximizing Talent: Rooted in her belief that everyone's life experiences, generational era, and perspectives hold untapped potential, Karin shares insights into recruiting and retaining talent. Discover how harnessing these individual traits can lead to the growth of thriving businesses.

Blueprints for Growth: Dive deeper into the world of corporate structuring and strategic planning with Karin. Learn about her expertise in leadership and talent management within the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, offering a roadmap to business success.

Bridging Gaps in Communication: Explore Karin's experiences from her time in Denmark, and how the societal approaches there shaped her perspective on the importance of cross-generational communication for creating efficient and effective teams.

At The Optimistic American, we believe in "Bridging the Gap" in both the generational knowledge and in the political isles. If you want to learn more about how to get involved, visit optamerican.com.

Be part of the journey that helps renew the American spirit and bridges the divisions that challenge us.

Follow Karin Palle on LinkedIn: https://optamlink.com/KarinPalleLinkedIn

You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts!

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com


Jan 10, 202401:05:18
Understanding the Resilience of Antisemitism with Rabbi Allouche

Understanding the Resilience of Antisemitism with Rabbi Allouche

In this enlightening episode of The Optimistic American, we delve into a profound discussion on life's purpose, personal growth, and spiritual guidance with our distinguished guest, and Jewish Scholar Rabbi Allouche. Our conversation also touches upon the resilience of the Jewish community in the face of historical and ongoing antisemitism.

Navigating the Complexities with Historical Wisdom: Rabbi Allouche offers his profound insights into navigating life's emotional turmoil, a journey deeply resonant with the Jewish experience of enduring and overcoming centuries of antisemitism. He highlights the importance of emotional strength, not just in personal life but in the broader context of responding to societal challenges and historical prejudices.

Unmasking Personal and Collective Strength: In a world where Jews have often been unjustly targeted, Rabbi Allouche guides us through overcoming fears and the label of victimhood. He emphasizes the inherent resilience within individuals and communities, showcasing how this resilience has been a cornerstone in the Jewish fight against antisemitism and in pursuing growth amidst adversity.

Pursuit of Life's Purpose Against Adversity: Illuminating the path to identifying and pursuing one's life purpose, Rabbi Allouche connects this journey to the broader narrative of the Jewish experience. He demonstrates how relentless pursuit and overcoming personal and external challenges are vital, reflecting the Jewish community’s historical struggle against and perseverance through centuries of antisemitism.

Join us on The Optimistic American as we explore these empowering concepts, drawing parallels between personal growth and the Jewish community's historical resilience against antisemitism. Remember, your journey towards personal growth and understanding begins with awareness, a lesson echoed through the annals of history.

You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts! 

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com

Jan 03, 202401:08:29
Understanding Global Politics & Unveiling Political Corruption

Understanding Global Politics & Unveiling Political Corruption

In this episode of The Optimistic American, host Paul Johnson is joined by special guests Governor Doug Ducey and Professor Henry Thompson. The conversation discusses important issues such as debates, income inequality, and international relations. Throughout the video, clips are played to highlight specific moments and perspectives from the fourth Republican Debate. Join us as they explore and analyze key subjects that shape and impact society, while promoting an optimistic and informed American perspective.

Topics Discussed in This Video: 

Committing Troops to Israel: During the discussion, the participants delve into the topic of committing troops to Israel. Governor Doug Ducey and Professor Henry Thompson offer insights into the geopolitical connections between Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel. They also discuss the need to project strength as a nation and be clear about what success might look like before committing troops.

Nikki Haley and Ukraine: Another central theme of the discussion is Nikki Haley's perspective on Ukraine. The video addresses how Haley has provided a defense of U.S. involvement in Ukraine, and the geopolitical implications of this conflict. The participants also explore how the United States is dealing with the multiple and pressing challenges on the international front, including Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel. 

Ramaswamy vs Haley: Through the video, the participants react to the clip of Ramaswamy confronting former UN ambassador Nikki Haley about political corruption accusations. The panel reviews the clip and discusses the broader implications of allegations of corruption within the political establishment.

An Outsider Look: As the discussion comes to an end, the participants reflect on debates and analyze the main takeaways and insights. They provide an outsider perspective that frames the debates and issues they examined throughout the video. The participants encourage viewers to engage in constructive dialogue and respectful debate to maintain the spirit of democracy and progress. 

You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts!

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com


Dec 31, 202301:09:33
Fighting Anti-Semitism on College Campuses with Martin Jannol

Fighting Anti-Semitism on College Campuses with Martin Jannol

In this episode of The Optimistic American, Paul Johnson speaks with the General Counsel and founder of Stand With Us, Martin Jannol. We navigate through the complexities of the Israeli situation, bringing clarity to the most convoluted issues, striving to reinforce communal understanding amidst a deeply divided America.

Shedding Light on Israel: We delve into the many facets of the Israel debate, dispelling myths about it being a colonial nation or an apartheid state. Through this informed dialogue, we bring the realities on the ground to the forefront.

Stand With Us: Led by Martin Jannol, Stand With Us is an organization committed to bringing the world a clearer understanding of what's going on in Israel. Martin's profound insights and expert commentary take us deep within the layers of context and perspective.

Bridging the Divide: At the Optimistic American, we're about more than just engagement—we're about unity. Amidst widespread polarization, we see a chance to bridge the gulf, to persuade Americans to rise above their minor differences and focus on the larger threats.

The Power of Information: Knowledge isn't just power—it's the armament needed in our ongoing battle against divisiveness. We call upon you, our esteemed audience, to seek out the truth, regardless of where your allegiances might lie.

A Part of the Solution: Your voice matters in the narrative! Subscribe, comment, and engage with us to shape the rich tapestry of American dialogue.

Be part of the journey that helps renew the American spirit and bridges the divisions that challenge us.

You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts!

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com


Dec 27, 202301:23:08
Boomers vs. Doomers: The Battle for American AI Dominance

Boomers vs. Doomers: The Battle for American AI Dominance

In this episode of the Optimistic American, our distinguished guests, Governor Doug Ducey and Professor Henry Thompson, discuss transformative change. This conversation serves as a perfect example of the intersection where informed, patriotic discussions meet the optimism that defines our spirit.

Unleashing the Potential of AI: We shed light on the intersection of technology and governance, specifically examining the new executive order on AI. The discussion revolves around the potential pitfalls and triumphs of regulating such a rapidly evolving industry, demonstrating our belief in the boundless potential of innovative American minds.

Government and Innovation: We acknowledge the vital role governments play, but also question if overregulation could put a damper on the entrepreneurial spirit that propels America forward. This proves our enduring commitment to balanced governance that enables, not stifles, progress.

The Boomers vs. Doomers: Governor Ducey and Professor Thompson share their insights into the dynamic between boomers and doomers, giving us a fascinating perspective on intra-societal discourse. It's a testament to our belief in the value of open, respectful dialogue among all citizens.

Historical Optimism: The dialogue embraces lessons from history, indicating that despite trying times, the human spirit has always risen above challenges. Reflecting our enduring optimism, we venture to say that there's much ahead to be hopeful about as we approach 2024.

Let's shape the future of the American spirit together. The American dream still burns bright in all of us.

You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts! 

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com

Dec 23, 202301:21:03
The Two Party Doom Loop - Dustin Wahl

The Two Party Doom Loop - Dustin Wahl

In this episode of The Optimistic American, we open the gateway to a dynamic conversation about the future of the U.S. political landscape, with our special guest Dustin Wahl exemplifying the very spirit of American heroism and advocacy.

Heroic Advocacy: Dustin Wahl's journey exemplifies patriotism and dedication. He has gone from advocating for accountability at Liberty University to founding the "Fix Our House" initiative, demonstrating the power of an individual actively engaging in the democratic process.

Proportional Representation: A potential game-changer in U.S. politics, the introduction of proportional representation could break the stronghold of established parties and increase diversity within Congress. This move could make America’s House truly representative of its diverse citizenry.

Ranked-Choice Voting: The exploration of ranked-choice voting opens up new horizons for voters and candidates alike. It's an innovative solution that promises to bring greater inclusivity to our democracy.

Beyond the Two-Party System: The need to free ourselves from the bipolar confines of the two-party system resonates strongly. By fostering the growth of multiple political parties, we can provide choice that truly reflects the varied voices of America.

Engaging Informed Citizens: As always, the role of 'We the People' remains pivotal. By being informed citizens, through platforms like The Optimistic American, we have the power to steer the future of our politics.

You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts! 

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com

Dec 20, 202349:54
Discovering your Potential with an Olympian - Catherine Raney Norman

Discovering your Potential with an Olympian - Catherine Raney Norman

Join us this week with Catherine Raney-Norman, a former speed skater and Olympian. Catherine shares her incredible journey as she became an Olympian and her experiences on the world stage. Additionally, she discusses the importance of unity, equality in sports, and America's representation in the international sports community. Don't miss out on this inspiring conversation!


Topics covered in this episode:


Becoming an Olympian: Discover Catherine's path to becoming a speed skater, her early aspirations of becoming an Olympian, the disciplines and commitments required for mastering speedskating, and her thoughts on making her first U.S. Olympics team. 


On the World Stage: Get a glimpse of Catherine's memories of her first international competition, the exhilaration of winning her first medal, insights into how athletes handle the challenges of extensive travel, and her favorite venues and places she competed in.


Friendships and America’s Reputation: We explore Catherine's observations of the impression of the United States in various countries, the role of sports as a bonding experience between individuals from different nations, the continued significance of the Olympics in promoting unity, and the reasons behind Utah's desire to host another Olympic Winter Games.

Women's Advocacy: Learn about Catherine's unwavering advocacy for women and girls in sports, the importance of their inclusion and equality, her perspective on progress in achieving gender equality in sports, and her future involvement in international athletic competitions. 


Together, we can rekindle the American spirit!

We post new content every week so make sure to follow us to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com

Dec 13, 202340:04
Child Abductions to Corporate Meltdowns - Chris Thomas

Child Abductions to Corporate Meltdowns - Chris Thomas

In this episode of The Optimistic American, we delve into the high-stakes realms of public relations and media during crisis situations. Our host, Paul Johnson, draws insights from the infamous Elizabeth Smart kidnapping case, examining the critical role of PR in navigating such crises.

In this episode, we tackle the following areas:

Elizabeth Smart Case: We begin with an examination of the Elizabeth Smart case, revealing the challenges and pitfalls of handling a high-profile crisis. We discuss the key role of PR professionals, the difficulties in managing media interactions, and the impact this case had on crisis management.

Handling News Media: We shift gears to explore the dynamics of dealing with news media in crisis situations, talentfully maneuvering sensitivities, privacy concerns, and the public's insatiable appetite for information. Included is a vibrant discussion on the behaviour of reporters - are they overstepping boundaries or merely doing their jobs?

Objective Journalism & PR: Moving onto a higher plane, we debate the balance between objective reporting and PR interests, providing viewers with insightful anecdotes and professional perspective.

Public Relations' Challenges: Spotlights are turned onto PR professionals' trials and tribulations, focusing on crises in the public eye. We recount memorable cases, manage refusals to interact with media, and discuss the evolving dynamics of breaking news reporting.

Reflecting & Looking Forward: In the end, we indulge in an 'On Second Thought' narrative, postulating alternative strategies that could have been employed in the Smart case and predicting the future of journalism and PR in the face of rapidly developing media landscapes.

Subscribe and join us in our unwavering belief in the American dream. Together, we can rekindle the American spirit!

You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts!


Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com
Dec 06, 202355:12
Confronting Media Control, Empowering Youth, and Instilling Hope

Confronting Media Control, Empowering Youth, and Instilling Hope

In this episode of The Optimistic American, we delve into how the media shapes our thoughts, the optimism of American youth, and the way forward for healing our fragmented nation. Our host, Paul Johnson, converses with acclaimed motivational speaker Dan Clark, who embodies profound wisdom from his global speaking experiences and written works.

Here's the major themes addressed:

  • Media Influence and Mind Control: We delve into the profound effects of media on our perspectives, differentiating facts from the sensationalism that often abounds.

  • Power of Truth in Media: We discuss the role of media in shaping our understanding and worldview, emphasizing the significance of truthful and reliable information.

  • Youth Optimism and Cultivating Aspiring Leaders: We talk about the potential of the younger generation, their optimism, and the importance of nurturing these aspiring leaders, drawn from Dan's work with youth programs.

  • Dialogues and Understanding for Healing our Nation: We explore Dan's perspective on finding common ground through fruitful dialogues, a step towards healing the divides in our nation.

  • Motivational Speaker and Global Speaking Engagement: We learn about Dan's experiences as a globally recognized speaker, the wisdom he's gained, and his upcoming engagements.

  • Inspiring Stories and Perspectives on America's Future: We wrap up the session with inspiring narratives from Dan's life and insightful perspectives on America's future.

Remember, your role in shaping a brighter America is pivotal. Here, we hold steadfast belief in the American Dream, and together, we can reignite the spirit of America.


You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts! 

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify 

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple 

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google 

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.


Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com 


Nov 29, 202301:39:19
Israel and Ukraine, The Existing World Order

Israel and Ukraine, The Existing World Order

In this episode of The Optimistic American, we examine global political systems and the role of enterprise in shaping nations. Join us as we study how economies navigate challenges and use democratic values to foster growth.


This episode discusses a variety of topics:

  • Diverse Thoughts in Schools with Henry Thompson: Thompson and we look at why it's essential for schools to welcome all kinds of ideas.
  • Importance of Business Spirit: We examine how creative thinking, minimal rules, and the right to own property can lead to economic growth.
  • Democratic Governance: Thompson talks about how governments that control everything, could become open to privatization and letting their people have more freedoms.

Your involvement is what helps these conversations become more than just talks. By engaging with us, we can learn, debate, and inspire each other to shape the future of America and our place in the world together.


Remember, your opinion matters. Please join the discussion by commenting and sharing. Be a part of The Optimistic American journey. Together, we can keep the American dream alive.


You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts! 

Spotify: https://optamlink.com/spotify

Apple Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/apple

Google Podcasts: https://optamlink.com/google

We post new content every week so make sure to subscribe to stay in the loop.

Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com

Nov 25, 202301:16:23
Conversation Techniques to Find Common Ground with Peri Kinder

Conversation Techniques to Find Common Ground with Peri Kinder

In this episode of The Optimistic American, we learn conversations techniques with guest Peri Kinder, an acclaimed writer and podcast host with a passion for bridging divides and fostering inclusivity in our diverse nation. In this vibrant conversation, we navigate through the complex layers of human connection, empathy, and the art of active listening.

Here are the key points we will be covering in this episode:

  • Defining 'Bad Othering': We seek to understand the concept of "Bad Othering" and its detrimental effects on our society. With Peri, we aim to provide tangible ways to identify this issue and promote a more inclusive and empathetic approach.
  • Encouraging Kindness: Peri explores the idea of inculcating kindness and compassion, sharing prudent insights on how we can practice these virtues with loved ones and ourselves.
  • Facilitating Connection: We delve into the techniques of establishing meaningful connection, emphasizing the power of simple acts like eye contact and shared laughter, even amidst disagreements.
  • Improving Listening Skills: Peri elucidates on the art of holding space for others and active listening without judgment. She also provides strategies for creating a balanced dialogue that respects and values diverse opinions.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Taking inspiration from her work as a life coach and yoga instructor, Peri also shares her views on how we can deal with life's obstacles while maintaining a positive outlook.
  • Behind the Scenes of "Life and Laughter": Peri offers an inside look at her award-winning podcast, "Life and Laughter," inspiring listeners with her unique blend of humor and wisdom.

We conclude with Peri's compelling perspectives on unity and the importance of celebrating our shared human spirit. Experience her practical wisdom firsthand - a tool we all can use to forge stronger relationships and build a more inclusive, empathetic America.

Nov 22, 202301:00:06
United States Economy and Partisanship

United States Economy and Partisanship

In this episode of The Optimistic American we look at how intellectual curiosity thrives, and the spirit of American patriotism comes alive. 

This probing episode peels through the layers of complex dialogues surrounding the current status of the US economy and Partisanship. We unfold the dilemmas of free speech within academic institutions, the realties faced by Jewish students, and how Western civilization impacts world history.

  • Academic Discourse and Free Speech: We navigate through the heated landscape of academia, as ideas, perspectives, and the principles encompassing free speech tangle with the reality of individual comfort.
  • In Conversation with Former Governor Doug Ducey: we guide through his observations on ensuing global events, scrutinized through the American lens.
  • Dive into the Economy with Elliot Pollack: Decipher the complexities of our economy with expert economist, Elliot Pollack. Understand balanced budgets, budget deficits, and their peculiar interplay with our economy.
  • Partisanship and Tribalism: With Dr. Emily Bashah, explore the divisive trenches of partisanship and tribalism that underline societal divides, and how to overcome these challenges to unite in the spirit of American unity.

Remember, it takes our collective curiosity and unquestionable pride in our nation to help decipher these issues. We shape the future of America when we engage, discuss, and inspire others. Your participation powers this conversation beyond the screen and into our reality. Join us in shaping this discourse, thank you for being a part of The Optimistic American journey. Please comment, share, and participate in the Optimistic American community. Let's rekindle the American spirit, together.

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Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com

Nov 19, 202301:12:47
Rep. Chris Stewart: Select Committee on Intelligence, US Security and the "Deep State"

Rep. Chris Stewart: Select Committee on Intelligence, US Security and the "Deep State"

In this episode of The Optimistic American, we explore the intricate layers of national security, fiscal responsibility, and intellectual freedom. Paul Johnson hosts former Air Force pilot, influential advocate, and congressman, Chris Stewart as he helps us navigate through complex geopolitical realities, the pressing issues of mental health, and the often-underestimated importance of balanced budgets.


We will be covering the following points in this episode:

National Security: We deep-dive into the state of our military and the challenges we face in homeland protection. We assess Washington's role in fortifying our armed forces, ensuring readiness against global threats.

Balanced Budgets: Addressing fiscal responsibility, we discuss the necessity of balanced budgets. We explore the implications of budget deficits and debt, drawing on Stewart's experience in the congressional appropriations committee.

The 'Deep State': Shining light on the shadowy corners of the intelligence community, we confront allegations concerning the 'Deep State.' The conversation uncovers Stewart's perspective on congressional oversight and democratic accountability.

Edward Snowden and Intelligence Disclosure: Discussing the ongoing debate on intelligence disclosures, we reflect on the actions of Edward Snowden. We examine the balance between protection of privacy rights and national security.

Mental Health: Shifting the attention to mental well-being, we explore Stewart's involvement in establishing the National Suicide Prevention hotline. We discuss how best to support individuals struggling with depression and underscore the interplay between mental health and overall community resilience.

Challenges We Face: With references drawn from Stewart's book "The Final Fight for Freedom," we delve into democracy's survival concerns. In light of the challenges, we brainstorm solutions to bridge the political divide for a united America. Find his book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Final-Fight-Freedom-Country-Chaos/dp/1637582145 

Future of the Utah Aerospace and Defense Association: We conclude with a teaser into the exciting plans ahead for the Utah Aerospace and Defense Association and Stewart's new venture, Skyline Capital, co-founded with Robert O'Brien, a former national security adviser. Learn more about the Utah Aerospace and Defence Association at https://www.47g.org/. Visit Skyline Capital's website, https://skylinecapitol.com/.


We hope you enjoy this episode of The Optimistic American Podcast and understand the important role you play in shaping a brighter future for America. Join us in our unwavering belief in the American dream. Together, let’s rekindle the American Spirit. Visit our website to learn more, https://www.optamerican.com/.


Nov 15, 202350:32
Unpacking Free Speech, Regulation, and the High Price of Housing

Unpacking Free Speech, Regulation, and the High Price of Housing

Join the host Paul Johnson as we dive into Free Speech, the complexities of Regulation, and the multifaceted issue of the High Prices of Housing. Through this conversation, we focus specifically on the role social media plays in forming public opinion, bringing the spotlight onto regulatory matters and the stumbling blocks in legislation, especially Section 230 and Social Media Regulations.

We are privileged to have special guest Doug Ducey, the former Governor of Arizona, bringing his unique expertise and valuable insights into the conversation.

Also accompanying us in this episode are thought leaders Elliot Pollack and Carson Holmquist. Together, we explore Economic and Political Issues within our increasingly digital world and their seismic impact on the real estate market.

  • We'll discuss geopolitical landscapes, inspecting how policies and government financing exert influence over the High Price of Housing. We delve into the specifics, looking at Europe's regulatory approach and California's Assembly Bill 68.
  • We'll also look at the root causes of the California Housing Crisis. How can policy adaptations steer us towards a solution? This forms the crux of our discussions.
  • We discuss the complex issues surrounding public debt and the potential implementation of a Balanced Budget Amendment. Would this seismic shift fundamentally reshape Government Financing strategies?

This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in free enterprise, housing policies, social media regulations, and the wider economic landscape. Let us know if like the new formatted series, how we might improve it, if we should continue it.


We post new content every week so make sure to follow us to stay in the loop and to support our goal of rekindling the American Spirit. Learn more about The Optimistic American by checking out our website! https://www.optamerican.com

Nov 10, 202301:05:17
Defending America
Nov 01, 202309:40
The Second Republican Debate, Who Actually Won?

The Second Republican Debate, Who Actually Won?

In this episode of The Optimistic American, Paul Johnson reviews the second republican debate. He shares how Independent and unaffiliated voters will determine the next President and how they view the major talking points from the debate.

  • Paul starts by describing how the second republican debate will affect Independent voters.
  • The effect of Independent voters' impact on primaries are not easy to poll.
  • According to Paul’s background in presidential campaigns, Independent voters will determine the winner in the New Hampshire, and the debate will undoubtedly shape their opinions. 
  • The debate at the Reagan Library raised Ronald Reagan's unique qualities that set him apart from other presidents.
  • Paul goes through critical points from the debate and how each contestant addressed the controversial issues plaguing America today.
  • Some of the main topics covered include:
    1. The Federal Deficit. Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said his top priority would be to rein in federal spending.
    2. Growing Powers of the Presidency. Mike Pence critiqued Donald Trump's new plan to centralize power in the Presidency if he wins, and shared his thoughts on why we should not increase the power of the presidency; instead make the federal government smaller.
    3. Child Care. Tim Scott talks about the ever-increasing childcare costs and how lowering taxes will mean Americans will have more in their pockets to take care of their families.
    4. The Ukraine Issue. Arguably the most important question asked in the debate. The presidential candidates showed a deep divide over America's involvement in the war. Supporters of Ukraine included Christie, Halley and Pense. Opponents included DeSantis and Ramaswamy.
    5. Abortion Rights. The pro-life and pro-choice debate was another controversial issue regarding being 100% pro life versus finding middle ground.  Paul believes this will be crucial in swaying the independent voters.
  • Paul supported Halley’s position on fixing healthcare in America until we figure out how to reduce claims costs.
  • In healthcare, there is no better way to do that than the private sector route. If allowed to do so, the private sector can do a better job of cutting claims costs than the government.
  • The candidates discussed whether AI technology is good or bad for Americans. Paul explains that although AI technology may have some risks, it's a much bigger risk if we allow China to get AI technology before we do.
  • For Paul, the clear winners from the debate were Governor Nikki Haley and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Both had a solid performance and will undoubtedly see their numbers grow.



Mentioned in This Episode:


Addictive Ideologies: Finding Meaning and Agency When Politics Fail You by Dr Emily Bashah and Hon Paul Johnson

The Optimistic American on YouTube - @optamerican

Become a premium supporter of the show: OptAmerican.com/premium

Optimistic American Worksheet Downloads - OptAmerican.com/worksheets

Dr. Emily Bashah

A Nation of Victims: The Decay of the American Character by Charles J. Sykes

Oct 25, 202342:44
How “Fitting In” Harms You

How “Fitting In” Harms You

In this episode of The Optimistic American, Paul Johnson sits down with Dr. Emily Bashah to discuss social pressures of fitting in and morality and its role in shaping human behavior. They talk about the ethical dilemma people face when their moral compass is at odds with societal expectations.

  • Paul starts the discussion by describing how morality can make or break a society.
  • He reveals how morality often comes into conflict with social status - people would rather be morally wrong than lose their place in society.
  • Emily breaks down how Tribalism can devastate us as individuals.
  • Paul and Emily break down shocking morality stories from the Bosnia ethnic cleansing campaigns - the worst act of mass killing in Europe since World War 2.
  • According to Paul, two natures in each of us are constantly at war: good versus evil.
  • Paul and Emily agree that it doesn’t matter what group you’re in. We all want to fit into some social establishment.
  • Emily defines cognitive dissonance and how people can navigate the conflict between values and behavior.
  • For Emily, it’s not weak to avoid fights. Strength comes from picking the battles that are worthy and important.
  • We are social creatures, and we are primed to crave a sense of belonging.
  • Paul talks about forgiveness and why some people struggle to let go of their anger, hurt, and desire for vengeance.
  • If you want to be patriotic, Paul believes the best place to start is to stop insulting other Americans.
  • Paul and Emily discuss how cognitive dissonance played a role in the Rwanda and Bosnia genocides.
  • Emily talks about people’s internal battle between doing what’s right and the need to fit in.
  • Paul covers the common morality issues plaguing our society today.
  • Want to learn how to be kind? Start by trusting your morality instead of following your ego.



Mentioned in This Episode:


Addictive Ideologies: Finding Meaning and Agency When Politics Fail You by Dr Emily Bashah and Hon Paul Johnson

The Optimistic American on YouTube - @optamerican

Become a premium supporter of the show: OptAmerican.com/premium

Optimistic American Worksheet Downloads - OptAmerican.com/worksheets

Dr. Emily Bashah

The Gulag Archipelago by A. Solzhenitsyn

Oct 18, 202330:42
Learn the Secret Power of Forgiveness

Learn the Secret Power of Forgiveness

In this episode of The Optimistic American, Paul Johnson sits down with Dr. Emily Bashah to discuss the effects of love and forgiveness on our psychological and physiological well-being. They cover topics like the numerous benefits of forgiving others, lessons from countries who endured genocide, the use of forgiveness, what the research says about forgiveness, and much more.

  • Paul starts the conversation by describing the research on the physiological and psychological benefits of love and forgiveness.
  • Learning to forgive is not something you do for someone else's benefit but for your own good.
  • Emily reveals how non-forgiveness can negatively impact a person's existence.
  • Paul and Emily go through the research on the similarities between stress and hate-motivated behavior.
  • Paul shares his thoughts on the stressful nature of American politics and how people can shield themselves from toxic politics.
  • What the research says about the healing nature of forgiveness and letting go of hate.
  • Emily believes forgiveness does not mean wrongdoers get away with what they did to you. Forgiveness is choosing to let go of the burden of someone else's wrongdoing.
  • Paul adds that forgiveness doesn't mean you're a pushover. It means you're ready to accept what happened and are willing to find a way to go on productively with your life.
  • Emily and Paul discuss the lessons we can learn from Bosnia and Rwanda after their genocides about forgiveness.
  • Emily highlights why it's not a good idea to let politics or ideologies come in between you and your loved ones.
  • Paul reveals how freeing it felt when he learned to forgive his political rivals. 
  • According to Paul, forgiveness is self-healing. The act of forgiving someone often leaves you in a better position than the people you forgive.
  • You don't have to give up on your values to forgive someone. You can be kind to them even though they're not treating you with the utmost kindness.
  • Emily reveals how she focuses on understanding the other person before seeking to be understood when disagreements arise.
  • For Paul, we live in an unfortunate environment where there is a daily barrage of negative news telling us who we should hate. This hate is creating a prolonged exposure to stress and is damaging our health and our society.



Mentioned in This Episode:


Addictive Ideologies: Finding Meaning and Agency When Politics Fail You by Dr Emily Bashah and Hon Paul Johnson

The Optimistic American on YouTube - @optamerican

Become a premium supporter of the show: OptAmerican.com/premium

Optimistic American Worksheet Downloads - OptAmerican.com/worksheets

Dr. Emily Bashah

Oct 11, 202329:37
US Voters: The Psychological Benefits of Being an Independent or Unaffiliated Voter

US Voters: The Psychological Benefits of Being an Independent or Unaffiliated Voter

In this episode of The Optimistic American, Paul Johnson sits down with Dr. Emily Bashah to discuss the psychological benefits of being an independent or non-affiliated voter. The duo breaks down the benefits of being an independent voter, the rise of moral relativism in America, and how politicians benefit from being social chameleons.

  • Paul and Emily start the conversation by describing the psychological benefits of being an independent or a non-affiliated voter.
  • Paul shares his thoughts on the American political duopoly and its effect on the American system. He also discusses major reforms he would like to see.
  • According to Gallup, 49% of Americans identify as independent or non-affiliated voters.
  • The big question is why? Paul and Emily agree that people today want the freedom to think independently without necessarily being allied to a particular political group.
  • Paul defines agency as having a firm understanding of who you are and understanding your role in creating the future you want.
  • Emily talks about the temptation and seduction of modern tribalism and its damage to human psychology.
  • All people are challenged between fitting into their social groups and conflicts with their moral values. In this conflict most people pick their social group, although possibly unwittingly. This gives extreme groups in both political parties the ability to change public opinion to the point of making all of us more divided.
  • Paul believes there's good and evil inside everyone. However, parties and ideology allow us to frame groups as good and evil. Thus encouraging us to objectify others. Political parties encourage this behavior.
  • Emily breaks down cognitive dissonance, how it works, and what you can do to free yourself from addictive ideologies.
  • Paul and Emily share their thoughts on moral relativism in American society today.
  • Leaders benefit from being social chameleons and turning into what they feel a group needs from them to maintain that power.
  • If you are considering how to register to vote, you might consider being unaffiliated or independent. This will allow you to think more critically about issues, and see others as individuals as opposed to seeing them as part of a group. This improves your life by creating greater options for the things you want.
  • It's healthier to be an independent voter because you have greater agency through avoiding the social pressures of either political group.
  • According to Paul, most people know when something's not right, but they would rather justify their wrongness than risk losing their position in the group.
  • Paul and Emily talk about the Amygdala hijack and how elected officials use fear to terrify their followers about the opposing group. It is easier to scare you if you are a member of a tribal party.
  • Paul explains why he believes the partisan primary system is not working for America and how it's feeding this delusion that everything is falling apart.
  • Emily goes through the benefits of being an independent/non-affiliated voter.



Mentioned in This Episode:


Addictive Ideologies: Finding Meaning and Agency When Politics Fail You by Dr Emily Bashah and Hon Paul Johnson

The Optimistic American on YouTube - @optamerican

Become a premium supporter of the show: OptAmerican.com/premium

Optimistic American Worksheet Downloads - OptAmerican.com/worksheets

Dr. Emily Bashah

Oct 04, 202338:15
How Independents See the Republican Debate: U.S. Politics and Thoughts on the Future of America

How Independents See the Republican Debate: U.S. Politics and Thoughts on the Future of America

Paul Johnson analyzes the recent Republican debate from the view point of an independent voter, that featured former Vice President Mike Pence, Vivek Ramaswamy, Chris Christie, Ron Desantis and Nikki Haley.

Paul’s observations touch upon the status quo of U.S. politics, the influence of a small minority population on partisan primaries, the importance of states like Iowa and New Hampshire, the present state of America, as well as upon conversations about abortion and foreign policy.

  • Today’s episode is a commentary on what Paul refers to as the “exceptional” recent Republican debate.
  • There are key commonalities among independents: they register as unaffiliated because they don’t want to be identified as a group, and they like candidates that aren’t afraid to buck their own party. Regardless of their vast differences they personify individualism.
  • Paul played the answer given by the candidates about whether they would support Donald Trump as U.S. President even if he was convicted of a crime. Paul spoke about why a majority of candidates had to say yes.
  • Paul reviewed how 44% of Americans registered as an independent, leaving about 60% split 30-30 between Democrats and Republicans. He illustrated how with less than 35% turnouts in the primary, it generally leaves about 8% of all Amercians who will vote in either primary. This gives a disproportional voice on both sides to voters who are more extreme. Candidates have no choice but to abide by this reality.
  • Paul illustrates in congressional and legislative races, 70% of the districts have been gerrymandered to the point that there is no competition in the general election. This means that 70% of our congress is elected by less than 8% of the American voters.
  • In the Presidential race it is still less than 8% of the voters who select the nominee of each party. After they have made the case to these more extreme voters in the primary, it can be hard to pivot. This leaves candidates and the parties to convince you that they are not as bad as the guy in the other party instead of creating an inspirational message of where we should go.
  • Paul pointed out in this debate how some of the candidates bucked this trend.
  • Paul discussed how from his experience working in Presidential campaigns, one of these candidates could upset the front runner Trump through winning Iowa, a caucus state or New Hampshire.
  • Paul reviewed why Vivek Ramaswamy originally was attractive to independents. He wrote in his book Nation of Victims, how Trump represented a victim state, but did a 180-degree reverse on his position during the Republican debate.
  • Sycophancy in this election is a valid strategy. If a candidate believes Trump may lose his criminal trials and was somehow not able to finish the primary, being his defender could cause his voters to shift to the defender – Paul explains why.
  • Vice President Mike Pence is seen as a “coward” by both the left and the right. Paul points to the role he played by maintaining the constitution and not overturning the election, and will be seen by many independents as someone who actually did something heroic.
  • Paul touches upon the role and approach Iowa and New Hampshire tend to have and how they will impact the upcoming presidential elections.
  • The foreign policy part of the Republican debate is something that really caught Paul’s attention. Paul plays several comments by candidates laying out dramatic views of America's role in the world.
  • Paul unpacks the post-World War II ramifications that led the U.S. to become a superpower with plenty of allies worldwide. How this leadership role we played is being challenged by China, Russia, and here at home.
  • Paul reviewed how different candidates approached describing problems: some using fear, others using inspiration.
  • Paul countered some of the candidates' dark views of America. He believes that there isn’t any better place to be today than the U.S.
  • He notes that despite making up less than 5% of the world’s population, the U.S. makes up over 31% of the world’s global wealth and 35% of the world’s innovation.



Mentioned in This Episode:


Addictive Ideologies: Finding Meaning and Agency When Politics Fail You by Dr Emily Bashah and Hon Paul Johnson

The Optimistic American on YouTube - @optamerican

Become a premium supporter of the show: OptAmerican.com/premium

Previous episode - Does America Need a 3rd Party Candidate for President in 2024? With No Labels Founder, Sen. Joe Lieberman

Previous episode - No Left, No Right but Forward with Forward Party Founder Andrew Yang

Previous episode - Why America Needs a New Political Party with Forward Party Founder, Governor, and Madam Secretary Christine Todd Whitman

Donald Trump

Thomas Jefferson

John McCain

Chris Christie

Vivek Ramaswamy


The Nation of Victims: Identity Politics, the Death of Merit, and the Path Back to Excellence by Vivek Ramaswamy

Mike Pence

Kamala Harris

Nikki Haley

Ron DeSantis

Hunter Biden

Sep 27, 202343:15
Triple the Chance of Your Child Becoming a Successful Adult and Avoiding Dangerous Influences

Triple the Chance of Your Child Becoming a Successful Adult and Avoiding Dangerous Influences

Paul Johnson is joined by Dr. Emily Bashah to talk about extremist ideologies, violent groups, and what parents can do to protect their children from them.

The couple touches upon what happens at a neurological level in children’s brains, what predators do to find “reclutes,” the Theory of Mind, and the T.R.I.P.L.E.D. parenting acronym.

  • Paul and Dr. Bashah discuss when ideology can become a problem that leads to the recruiting of vulnerable people by extremist groups.
  • Dr. Bashah explains that extreme ideologies tend to be driven by a victim-oppressor group-think mentality.
  • In the context of addictive ideologies, there seems to be a psychological need to be right – Dr. Bashah and Paul touch upon what happens at a neurological level.
  • In her work with predators, Dr. Bashah has learned a lot about the search and recruitment of youngsters. She shares some things parents should be mindful of and do to protect their children.
  • Dr. Bashah lists the developmental periods a child’s brain goes through and how that fits the context of relationship-building and radicalization.
  • Dr. Bashah and Paul talk about the Theory of Mind and how the term bullying is being redefined.
  • Did you know that, as an adult, you can be polarizing and can contribute to the creation of an environment of polarization?
  • Paul and Dr. Bashah created the T.R.I.P.L.E.D. acronym to help parents think about how to triple the chance of their child growing into a successful adult and avoiding detrimental influences.
  • Paul shares what he considers steps parents should take to nurture their relationship with their children and to keep them away from extremism.



Mentioned in This Episode:


Addictive Ideologies: Finding Meaning and Agency When Politics Fail You by Dr Emily Bashah and Hon Paul Johnson

The Optimistic American on YouTube - @optamerican

Become a premium supporter of the show: OptAmerican.com/premium

Optimistic American Worksheet Downloads - OptAmerican.com/worksheets

Dr. Emily Bashah

Sep 20, 202343:05
Addictive Ideologies: Societal Divisions, 21st Century Genocides and Solutions

Addictive Ideologies: Societal Divisions, 21st Century Genocides and Solutions

Paul Johnson unpacks the concept of addictive ideologies and the role they play in regards to the ongoing divisions in American society.

He points out the addictive ideologies, of the far right and radical left, and the commonalities with all 21st century genocides – from Germany and China to Rwanda and Yugoslavia. And how the U.S. and other Western democracies can avoid similar catastrophes.

  • Paul unpacks the question, “What is evil? Is evil an external force or is it actually something that’s inside of each one of us?”
  • The list of genocides that took place in the 21st century – from Nazi Germany to China and Cambodia, all the way to Rwanda, and Yugoslavia – is long and has plenty of similarities.
  • According to Paul and Dr. Emily Bashah’s research work and analysis, all genocides are tied to an ideology and to tribalism.
  • The ideologies that end up becoming violent all start with the idea of an oppressor vs. an oppressed.
  • Paul explains how violent ideologies begin with a loss of self-esteem and the loss of something either economical or social.
  • Paul illustrates the addictive qualities of ideology, as well as what happens neurologically during an argument and one’s desire to be right.
  • There are common traits shared by the far right and the radical left – Paul touches upon them.
  • Paul goes over key terms such as tribalism, moral relativism, cognitive dissonance, and amygdala hijacking, and their role in the context of addictive ideologies.
  • Paul touches upon the current state of the American political system and shares potential reform ideas.
  • The foundations of the American government empowered the individual over itself. Those nations who recognize the individual as the priority though civil rights, equal rights, human rights, property rights and free markets are all more prosperous than their authoritarian counterparts, says Paul.
  • Paul shares his prediction of what’s going to happen in the U.S. in the next few years and why understanding our own accountability is key.



Mentioned in This Episode:


Addictive Ideologies: Finding Meaning and Agency When Politics Fail You by Dr Emily Bashah and Hon Paul Johnson

The Optimistic American on YouTube - @optamerican

Become a premium supporter of the show: OptAmerican.com/premium


Dr. Emily Bashah

Pol Pot 

Josip Tito

Proud Boys

Oath Keepers

The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haith

American Psycho


Thomas Jefferson

Martin Luther

Paul Kennedy

The Gulag Archipelago: An Experiment in Literary Investigation by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Ann Coulter

Bill Maher

Viktor Frankl

Martin Luther King Jr.

Sep 13, 202351:19
Why America Needs a New Political Party, by Forward Party Founder, Governor and Madam Secretary Christine Todd Whitman

Why America Needs a New Political Party, by Forward Party Founder, Governor and Madam Secretary Christine Todd Whitman

Paul Johnson’s guest in this episode is Forward Party Co-Chair Christine Todd Whitman. They discuss the current U.S. political landscape, what’s not working, and how ranked-choice voting could change the current status quo.

Additionally, they go over Whitman’s journey from Republican New Jersey Governor and cabinet-level official to becoming involved with the Forward Party, the challenge of being unaffiliated with either major party, and how the Forward Party is trying to bring about change in American politics.

  • Forward Party Co-Chair, Governor Christine Todd Whitman shares her story of going from governor of New Jersey and a cabinet-level official to getting involved with the Forward Party.
  • There are a few things those interested in joining the Forward Party need to agree to. Upholding the rule of the law, respecting the Constitution, and being willing to solve problems working with others across the aisle. Additionally, willing to work to change the way the American people choose their candidates.
  • One of the main goals of the Forward Party is to break the hold of the two parties so that people have more choices.
  • Gov. Whitman shares that there are 500,000 elective offices across the country in any given year, and 70% of those are uncontested. Of those, 5-10% are never filled.
  • Paul Johnson and Gov. Whitman talk about how the voting system has gotten to where it is today, as well as the consequences of not being affiliated with either the Republican or Democratic party.
  • Gov. Whitman opens up about what made her choose the Republican Party, before getting involved with the Forward Party.
  • For Paul, the greatest thing the American government has ever done has been to empower the individual over itself.
  • Gov. Whitman shares what could be done to have a dialogue between different sides, and what to focus on to get people to buy into bringing about change.
  • In Gov. Whitman’s opinion, with ranked-choice voting, there wouldn’t be a need for primaries. Moreover, it would prevent people from voting for “the lesser of evils.”
  • Gov. Whitman hopes that ranked-choice voting and primaries aren’t just going to change the voting system but parties, too.
  • Gov. Whitman lists the steps people can take to join the Forward Party in its effort to bring about change.



Mentioned in This Episode:


Addictive Ideologies: Finding Meaning and Agency When Politics Fail You by Dr Emily Bashah and Hon Paul Johnson

The Optimistic American on YouTube - @optamerican

Become a premium supporter of the show: OptAmerican.com/premium

Gov. Christine Todd Whitman


Michael Willner

Andrew Yang

Benjamin Franklin

Mary Peltola

Sarah Palin

Lisa Murkowski

Donald Trump

Martin Luther King Jr.

Fox News



Joe Biden

James Carville

Paul Begala

Joe Manchin

Thomas Jefferson

Alexander Hamilton

Sep 06, 202349:04
Not Left, Not Right, but Forward with Forward Party Founder Andrew Yang

Not Left, Not Right, but Forward with Forward Party Founder Andrew Yang

Paul Johnson sits down with presidential candidate and Forward Party Founder Andrew Yang. They discuss the status quo of the American political system and why the partisan system is dividing Americans and not providing them with a functional government.

Additionally, the two talk about how the Forward Party was born and what it’s all about, the biggest threats to American democracy, and some mind-blowing statistics about the current political landscape.

  • Andrew Yang and Paul Johnson kick off the conversation talking about the Forward Party and why Yang decided to focus on reform as opposed to simply sticking with the Democratic Party and potentially run in another primary for President.
  • In Yang’s opinion, the current two-party system is not designed for good policy, but rather for putting people against each other.
  • Yang discusses the aftermath and repercussions of going from being a longtime Democrat to an Independent.
  • Yang believes that there are a lot of issues, such as climate change, education and immigration, that aren’t going to be solved unless the political system itself evolves.
  • Yang and Paul touch upon what’s not working with the current political system and how people are getting dragged to the extremes by the tribalism of the Party.
  • The Forward Party is focused on being a gathering ground for folks who want common sense solutions and good policy, while also advocating for structural reforms.
  • Paul and Yang touch upon the financial ramifications of the current political system and what the Forward Party aims at achieving from that standpoint.
  • Andrew Yang explains why you can be successful with an effort such as the Forward Party without actually having to win in every state.
  • Many people think that 51% is needed for the Forward Party to change politics for the better – however, that number is way lower, closer to 10%, says Andrew Yang.
  • The Forward Party’s platform is really designed to change the existing system and empower independents and unaffiliated voters through promoting open primaries and rank choice voting. The effort is designed to push these reforms as well as eliminating dark money in politics, and it allows its members to make up their own minds on divisive issues.
  • You can join the Forward Party and remain a registered Democrat, Republican, or Independent. Yang explains what people can do to try and make a change.
  • A little dirty secret of American democracy: up to 70% of local races are uncontested or uncompetitive.
  • Yang explains that getting a number of committed people together to boost a local candidate can make an enormous difference.
  • Paul and Andrew Yang share what they consider the biggest threats to democracy right now. Both are very optimistic about America, but our biggest threat is politics and the two political parties.



Mentioned in This Episode:


Addictive Ideologies: Finding Meaning and Agency When Politics Fail You by Dr Emily Bashah and Hon Paul Johnson

The Optimistic American on YouTube - @optamerican

Become a premium supporter of the show: OptAmerican.com/premium

Andrew Yang


Voter Choice Arizona

Liz Cheney

Adam Kinzinger 

Lisa Murkowski

Previous episode - How Political Reform Created Cooperation and Collaboration in Alaska, with Alaska Senator Cathy Giessel

Glenn Youngkin

Mary Paltola 

Sarah Palin

Christine Todd Whitman

Krist Novoselic 

Donald Trump

Aug 30, 202344:11
God's Connection to American Politics

God's Connection to American Politics

Paul Johnson sits down with Pastor Anthony Cox of the Mercy Hill Church. They talk about the Mercy Hill Church, its role within the Phoenix community, and whether America is worth saving.

Moreover, they touch upon the connection between God, individualism, finding meaning, and what can be done to address divisions and change the status quo of American society.

  • Pastor Cox discusses the idea that some religious leaders question whether America, as it is today, is worth saving. This creates a robust discussion of America.
  • Paul praises the diversity of Pastor Cox’s inner city church, and the two unpack the concept of a diverse community further.
  • Pastor Cox and Paul discuss the connection between individualism, which is what America was founded on, and religion.
  • Paul discusses how the Reformation was inspired by Martin Luther’s ideas that every person deserves dignity in the eyes of God. Later, philosophers argued that if God granted every individual dignity, the government should do no less. Thus the connection between the Reformation and the bier of individualism. This helps create an understanding of why western society sees individualism as a governing ideal.
  • Paul brings up Viktor Frankl’s idea that we find meaning in any of three things: in our ability to love the people and things we love, we find it in the things we create, and we find meaning in our ability to deal with struggle.
  • Paul also believes that we find meaning in the service we give to other people.
  • Paul and Pastor Cox touch upon Martin Luther King Jr.’s three words to describe love and Plato’s idea of logos.
  • The discussions focus on loving people you don’t know and the importance of forgiveness.
  • Pastor Cox opens up about how he, as a pastor, tries to address the divisions and cure the harm that’s generated from the divisions inside his church.
  • Pastor Cox and Paul talk about the current state of the American society and political system, and what could be done to try to improve the status quo.
  • Pastor Cox talks about how any reform should focus on providing incentive to lower partisanship, and lower the discord between the parties.



Mentioned in This Episode:


Addictive Ideologies: Finding Meaning and Agency When Politics Fail You by Dr Emily Bashah and Hon Paul Johnson

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Pastor Anthony Cox

Thomas Jefferson

John Locke

The Disappearance of God: A Divine Mystery by Richard Elliott Friedman

Martin Luther

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Martin Luther King Jr.


Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Aug 23, 202359:34
Improving Education Requires We Reform Our Political System First

Improving Education Requires We Reform Our Political System First

Paul Johnson welcomes the president of Thomas R. Brown Foundations, Sarah Smallhouse, and Rodel Foundation Chairman & Founding Director, Don Budinger, to talk about how political reform is key to improving education.

The three go over why their foundations, that were set up to improve education, have made leadership a high priority. They establish a real connection between a country’s leadership role and the quality of its public education system. They believe the partisan system has harmed our ability to improve education, and they talk about the reform approach they believe should be followed to achieve a high quality educational system.

  • Sarah Sm