Opportunity versus Challenge: Exploring Usage of Log-File and Process Data in International Large Scale Assessments

Conference and Workshop Event

The Educational Research Centre (Dublin, Ireland) and Educational Testing Service (Princeton, NJ, USA) collaborated to support the growing interest in log-file and process data from international large-scale assessments. A conference and workshop took place on the 16th and 17th May, 2019 at the Riu Plaza Gresham Hotel in Dublin, Ireland.

List of conference speakers and available presentations:

A special issue of a journal with papers from the conference presenters is planned. More information on this special issue will be available soon on this webpage.

Conference Event – 16th and 17th May (1.5 days)

This international conference event aimed to:‎

  • Showcase recent and current work in this area that takes a variety of methodological ‎and theoretical approaches
  • Promote a shared understanding of log-file and process data in PISA and other large-‎scale assessments
  • Consider ethical issues relating to this kind of data
  • Establish priorities to guide future directions for research using log-file data.‎

Conference programme is available here.

Workshop Event – 17th May (afternoon only)

Immediately following the conference, a half-day workshop combining demo and hands-on activities was offered. The workshop was facilitated by Qiwei He, ETS, and Eugenio Gonzalez, ETS.

The workshop used a synthetic database constructed by ETS using Field Trial data from PISA 2015, and provided an overview of the data structure, and then explored some key manipulations using R Studio.

Contact details

If you have any queries or questions related to this event, please contact the team at processdataconference2019@erc.ie