“When you serve God first, not yourself first, then that is when your true success begins,” said Jonathan Roumie.

Roumie was in the spotlight again — but this time, it wasn’t for his role as Jesus in “The Chosen.” He was delivering the commencement address for Catholic University of America on Saturday.

Roumie also received an honorary doctoral degree.

“The last time I spoke at a crowd this big, there were loaves and fish and baskets of them,” joked Roumie, adding, “I hope you all have eaten because I have nothing.”

Prayer was at the center of Roumie’s message. He encouraged Catholic University of America graduates to seek God and to pray more.

“You don’t need to play Jesus for the world in order to be Jesus to the world. I’ve realized that just because I play Jesus on a TV show, doesn’t mean I can or should stop being Christ to everyone I meet when the cameras turn off,” said Roumie. “We all have the opportunity to represent him in our own lives, through our actions and choices.”

Roumie also spoke about preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and encouraged the graduates to live their Catholic faith. As part of his encouragement, he said they should be advocates for life at every stage as an extension of their faith.

“Jesus was, is and always shall be enough,” said Roumie.

Roumie also referenced his honorary degree.

“You have no idea how over the moon my Egyptian father is that his son who has a BFA now has a doctorate. It doesn’t matter that it is honorary. He just hears the word ‘doctorate’ and we are good. I might as well be wearing a stethoscope at this point,” said Roumie.

“Millions of people have had their lives changed for the better by Jonathan Roumie through his portrayal of Jesus Christ, his voice on the Hallow app, and in his many appearances where he advocates for the Catholic faith and the teachings of the Church,” university president Peter Kilpatrick said in a previous release announcing the speech. “Jonathan’s work is a testament to how lay Catholics can use their God-given talents to deliver messages of hope, belief and bring people closer to God.”

Roumie said on social media that he took a break from filming “The Chosen” Season 5 to deliver the address. He called it a “beyond gorgeous day.”

“Shared a few thoughts that occurred to me over the last couple of decades on my winding sojourn of life in an effort to save these students at least some of the heartache I endured in my search for purpose prior to my deeper conversion, which COINCIDENTALLY occurred 6 years ago TODAY. God knows how to make a point,” wrote Roumie.

The commencement ceremony, including Roumie’s speech, is available to watch here.