Michaelerplatz - On the redesign: “Emperor is turning in his grave” | krone.at


On the redesign: “Emperor is turning in his grave”

16.05.2024 19:00

The fact that Michaelerplatz is to become Beserlpark is causing a shake of the head. The Viennese are against the redesign of this historic jewel in Vienna's city center - according to a survey.

iThe jackhammers are roaring on Michaelerplatz, yet many people stop to look at the construction site posters showing the future of the square: trees and flowerbeds in front of the Hofburg, smooth paving slabs instead of the historic cobblestones, and a water feature in front of the house of architect Adolf Loos, of all people, who considered all ornamentation to be a crime: tourists and Viennese alike cannot understand what the city was thinking.

Michaelerplatz in a historical photograph from 1893. (Bild: Wien Museum)
Michaelerplatz in a historical photograph from 1893.

Yes to greenery, but not here of all places
In a Krone survey, everyone agrees that the city could do with more greenery - but also that there are enough concrete jungles in Vienna that are better suited to this than a place that has always been intended as a representative open space.

Loos and the emperor would be turning in their graves, says Fiaker Matthias. A visitor from France says it's like the Parisians hiding their Arc de Triomphe behind a forest. A lady from England says that she has always admired Vienna for how proudly its historical heritage is maintained here - but that is obviously no longer the case.

The Viennese interviewed agree that the square needs to be renovated; the crumbling pavement is now a nuisance. Nevertheless, there are no supporters of the future airfield look. Many also believe that the greenery will not work. One passer-by wonders: "How are trees supposed to thrive there? It is and will remain an urban square!"

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A redesign like this would definitely have required a democratic process and a public consultation. After all, the city ultimately belongs to the residents.

(Bild: Zwefo)

Emily W.

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The architect Loos and the emperor would be turning in their graves. Perhaps at least the Fiaker horses will have a bit of shade thanks to the greenery.

(Bild: Zwefo)

Matthias K.

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It's a disgrace to change and destroy the historic ensemble like this. It's simply sad. Anything that distracts from these beautiful buildings is a nuisance.

Bernadette H.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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