Broadstone playground reinstated 100 years after first opening

Image source, Andrew Hawkes Collection

Image caption, Forecast storms meant children from Broadstone School were unable to re-enact the 1924 procession

A century-old playground which was removed in the 1980s has reopened after a fundraising campaign.

The facility in Broadstone, Dorset, opened in 1924 on the site of a former brickworks, with a ceremony involving children from Broadstone School.

It has now been reinstated after volunteers raised £122,500.

Pupils from the same school had been due to re-enact the 1924 procession but predicted storms meant they could not attend Monday's opening ceremony.

Broadstone Neighbourhood Forum (BNF) said the first ceremony involved children singing and walking in procession through Broadstone Recreation Ground.

Image caption, Colin Elkins said getting the playground reinstated had been a long journey

The playground, near the cricket pitch, was removed in the 1980s and replaced with a smaller toddler park.

Volunteers spent two years fundraising and working with Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Council (BCP) to revive the facility which was designed with the help of school children.

Project leader Colin Elkins said: "So, after 45 years, play will finally return for the older children of the village.

"It's been a long journey for the BNF team with a lot of frustrations and setbacks but the small team of three overcame funding, planning, budgets and of course council formalities, and will finally see the playground put back in the ground."

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