Broadcaster Jeong Hyeong-don's wife, Han Yu-ra, delivered a harmonious update with her family.Han Yu.. - MK
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Ji Seunghun
Input : 
2024-05-11 17:39:56
Jeong Hyeong-don and Han Yura couple's family. Photo by HAN YURA SNS.
Jeong Hyeong-don and Han Yura couple's family. Photo by HAN YURA SNS.

Broadcaster Jeong Hyeong-don's wife, Han Yu-ra, delivered a harmonious update with her family.

Han Yu-ra posted on her SNS on the 11th, "My flight attendant friend followed me to New York and took a lot of pretty family pictures and went back to work. You're the best," he wrote, revealing his presence with Jung Hyung-don and his two daughters.

In the released photo, the four are smiling brightly on the street and exude the aspect of a harmonious family that is not envious of any other family.

Recently, some Internet users posted malicious comments about Jeong Hyeong-don and Han Yura couple, saying that Jeong is having a hard time as a wild goose father. As if to refute some of the public's reactions, Han Yu-ra posted family photos, creating warmth.

Jeong Hyeong-don and Han Yura couple. Photo ㅣ Han Yura SNS
Jeong Hyeong-don and Han Yura couple. Photo ㅣ Han Yura SNS

In addition, Han Yu-ra recently posted a video titled "Our Ordinary Daily Vlog Without Dad" on her YouTube channel. Here, Han Yu-ra said, "I think this is a good opportunity to show my children how my mom and dad are going through (the negative reaction of viewers) by saying, "The part that I thought about the most while doing YouTube is also the part that I usually think about with my husband."

Jeong Hyeong-don also expressed his position through the video comment section, saying, "I'm Jung Hyung-don, a comedian and husband and father of our beloved Yousams (Yura, Yuju, Yuha)." He said, "I'm not living a poor life! My body and mind are not good, but I'm not doing it tomorrow. I'm in my mid-40s in my body and mind," he said. "We're living well! Sometimes it's good and sometimes it's bad like other families, and I live like people living in the world. You don't have to worry too much," he wrote, expressing his affection for his family.

Han Yu-ra also commented on Jung Hyung-don's comments again, saying, "In fact, I didn't feel the need to explain our personal history in a few comments, and I think I was worried about whether it would be right to be swayed by someone's personal discomfort. The reason why I didn't live with my husband and why it was Hawaii was 100% my husband's decision," he explained.

Regarding the reason for choosing Hawaii, he said, "It is easy for my husband to go back and forth, a safe America where there are few gun accidents, and where children can play in nature without academic stress," adding, "Please don't hate me too much because I think of my husband as a so-called cash machine."

Jeong Hyeong-don married TV writer Han Yura in 2009 and had twin daughters in 2012.

[Ji Seunghoon, reporter for Star Today]

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