Twin girls, 5, die in Tondo fire |


Twin girls, 5, die in Tondo fire

Ghio Ong - The Philippine Star
Twin girls, 5, die in Tondo fire
This photo shows a picture of a fireman trying to extinguish a fire.
STAR / File

MANILA, Philippines — Twin five-year-old girls died in a fire that broke out in their house in Tondo, Manila yesterday.

The girls were trapped in their room on the second floor of their hose at the corner of Yangco and Cavite streets in Gagalangin, according to radio reports.

Firefighters raised first alarm at 2:21 p.m. and were able to put out the blaze at 3:09 p.m.

The flames spread quickly because while the structure was built of concrete, its flooring and walls were wood, firefighters said.

The twins’ nanny told firefighters that she was unable to rescue her wards after she had gone to the house’s first-floor bathroom.

Manila fire marshal Sr. Supt. Christine Doctor-Cula told the twins’ mother, who came home from work, about the incident.

The Bureau of Fire Protection has yet to release an official report on the fire and conduct further investigation on its cause.

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