WI: Welfs get invested with Brandenburg? | alternatehistory.com

WI: Welfs get invested with Brandenburg?

Upon the death of Henry, the last Ascanian, the Margraviate of Brandenburg fell into an interregnum. Numerous factions exploited the absence of a proper King to pick apart bit and pieces of the Margraviate. The Mecklenburgs, Pomeranians, Anhalts, Habsburgs, the Archbishop of Magdeburg, and even the Welfs seized parts of Brandenburg. Stability only began to return in 1322 when Louis the Bavarian granted Brandenburg to his own son. This decision was driven his desire for the land itself, but as a strategic move to compete with the Luxembourgs. For nearly a century, Brandenburg remained destitute until the Hohenzollerns, with support from their Welf allies, worked to restore order. The Wittelsbachs and Luxembourgs neglected Brandenburg, focusing only on the power its electoral vote provided.

Which is why I'm asking: What if Louis the Bavarian had rewarded his brother-in-law, Otto of Brunswick-Lüneburg, by investing him in Brandenburg for his assistance in securing the Emperor’s crown, such as his support during the Battle of Mühldorf where Louis defeated his Habsburg rivals? Otto II was also related to the Ascanians through his grandmother, adding to his legitimacy. IOTL, Otto had already supported Louis and was granted an unspecified imperial fiefdom. What would be the ramifications of the Welfs being in charge of Brandenburg, probably after some time of squashing resistance both external and internal?