Thank you, Blizzard, for giving me back my favorite Xpac, at least in terms of questing experience. I missed this place.

Bronze is coming in pretty fast, I can easily see myself getting at least a million in 94 more days.

The spells are more balanced and fun than their Plunderstorm counterparts.

The LFR experience at level 25 was amazing. Cant wait to do more tomorrow.

Finished Jade Forest today, and plan on doing some dungeons, and LFR, while doing the next zone.

I really hope this comes back, or at least yall do more Remixs of the other Xpacs. This has been a blast, and I cant wait to do more.

Thank you, Blizzard.


I agree, it was surprisingly fun and cool to go back to MoP with the gear and item changes.


Agreed, its a lot of fun! Legion and Draenor remixs would slap too

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Im lvl 25, mostly doing dungeons. Is it safe way to lvl? Didn’t know we can do LFR at 25 already.

It didnt give much in XP, but I did get a couple of spell gems that rocked.

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