Quick-fire questions: 10 minutes with Slate

Quick-fire Questions: 10 minutes with Slate

It’s easy to feel despondent about British guitar music right now, with many bands being hyped as exceptional but ultimately delivering something disappointing and different from their promises. Standing out from this crowd is Cardiff’s Slate, whose music and aesthetic align perfectly. Their sound leaves a genuine impact, setting them apart from the pretenders.

The band released their debut single, ‘Tabernacl’, last year and have been bubbling away underground ever since. With a resounding session for The state51 Conspiracy tucked firmly under their belt recently, the group release their inaugural EP Deathless today, which arrives via Brace Yourself Records. Giving a taste of the refinement to come from the body of work and building on the steps instituted by ‘Tabernacl’ and ensuing single ‘St Agatha’, the quartet have recently delivered ‘Remoter Heaven’ and ‘Shade In Me’, two tracks which confirm why they are such a compelling prospect.

Frontman Jack Shepard sounds like the second coming of A Storm in Heaven-era Richard Ashcroft in lyrics and delivery, guitarist Elis Penri’s droning melodies suspend the listener, and the expressive rhythm section of bassist Lauren Edwards and drummer Raychi Bryant create an appropriate ballast for what is already shaping up to be a fairly imposing sonic edifice. You might say that you’ve heard similar things before, but the group make good on their influences by putting an authentic twist on the formula and dousing it with tangible passion and artistic nouse.

Given that Slate appears to have a verdant future in front of them, with a host of tour dates coming up to promote the record, as well as slots at notable festivals such as Green Man and Focus Wales, there was no better time to get to know them a bit better by them answering our quick-fire questions. From candid comments on their new music to favourite comfort films and The Beatles, the quartet have opened up a tiny porthole into their inner workings. It adds a different dimension to the new music. 

Quick-fire Questions with Slate:

1. What song would you want played at your funeral?

Lauren: “If I die young, it’s ‘Coyote’ by Joni Mitchell. If I die old it’s ‘Ingydar’ by Adrianne Lenker.”

Jack: “Maybe ‘Way to Blue’ by Nick Drake. It’s the song I have tattooed on my arm.”

Penri: “I think a jam would be nice; something to be created on the spot, everyone playing something.”

2. What was your favourite album of 2023?

Ray: Australia Stops by C.O.F.F.I.N.”

Penri: “One of them was Bolmynydd, by Pys Melyn. Pys melyn means ‘yellow peas’ in Welsh, which is what we call sweetcorn.”

Jack and Lauren:False Lankum by Lankum.”

3. What song features the greatest vocal performance of all time?

Penri: “I’ve been loving ‘California’ by Joni Mitchell recently – her control is like that of an amazing flute player, like a bird with the most honest tune in its beak.”

Ray: “Elizabeth Fraser’s backing vocals and adlibs in Cocteau Twins discography. But, Tom who works at the karaoke bar in Wrexham also has the greatest voice I’ve ever heard.”

4. What song are you most proud to have written to date?

Ray: “I take pride in all of the Slate material but being part of ‘Shade In Me’ at its final version makes me emotional. I could spend a whole day on how Jack, Lauren and Penri added so much to this song. It went way beyond what I was expecting. This song makes me appreciate the great people I write music with, and I’m eternally grateful to them for it.”

5. What song do you wish you had written?

Jack and Lauren: “Either ‘Contact’ by Big Thief or ’10 miles’ by Adrianne Lenker. We’re big fans of everything they do.”

Penri: “‘One More Cup of Coffee’ by Bob Dylan.”

6. What is the weirdest gig you’ve ever played?

Jack: “We make them all weird.”

7. OK, what is the weirdest gig you’ve ever been to?

Ray: “Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard at Mutations Fest with the zombies at 1am. Such a bizarre show.”

8. Dual Question: Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever been spooked by a supernatural experience?

Jack: “I was recently at a festival walking in the dark, when a voice saw me and said ‘It’s not the dark you’re scared of, it’s what you do not know’. But I’m sure that was just some lady.”

9. Dual Question II: What’s your favourite soup? And what’s your favourite comfort movie?

Lauren: “I take soup very seriously. My favourite soup is my own recipe of leek, cheese and potato soup, which I enjoy making for my friends. My comfort film is 10 Things I Hate About You.”

10. Can you recommend an album we might never have heard?

Ray:Orchids by David Tagg.”

Lauren:Voyage Out by Floatie.”

Penri: “Yeah, Ted Lucas’ self-titled album from 1975.”

Jack: “You may have heard it, but In Heat Not Sorry by The Altered Hours is class.”

11. What song do you hate most in the world?

Jack: “I am not sure I hate anyone else’s song. If anything, it’s probably an old song I wrote that I can no longer bear to listen to.”

12. What was the first song you ever learned to play?

Penri: “‘Come as You Are’ by Nirvana.”

Lauren: “‘Greensleeves on guitar.”

Jack: “The Top Cat theme tune on piano.”

13. If you had to go on a two-week road trip with two other musicians, who are you going with, and where are you going?

Jack: “Our journeys together as a band are very entertaining. It’s a boring answer, but doing a cross-America tour would be as good as it gets.”

Penri: “Yes. Lauren and Jack, and we’re going to pick up Ray.”

15. Are The Beatles overrated?

Penri: “Depends if you like them or not.”

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