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* ''Film/{{Desperado}}'' ends with the Mariachi and Carolina driving off to the next town. He leaves his guitar case on the side of the road but comes back or it "just in case".


* ''Film/{{Desperado}}'' ends with the Mariachi and Carolina driving off to the next town. He leaves his guitar case on the side of the road but comes back or for it "just in case".
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* ''Film/{{Desperado}}'' ends with the Mariachi and Carolina driving off to the next town. He leaves his guitar case on the side of the road but comes back or it "just in case".
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* ''Film/NineteenNinetyFourBakerStreetSherlockHolmesReturns'' ends with Holmes describing a young blonde women he deduces is a prostitute who is going to be his next client. Winslow corrects him by saying that the outfit he described is the uniform of a 49ers cheerleader.
* ''Film/TwentyTwoJumpStreet'' ends with a montage of Schmidt and Jenko being sent on more infiltrations to schools that grow increasingly bizarre and ridiculous (ranging from med school and art school to "2121: Jump Street in Space"), going through every single {{Sequelitis}} trope as the Jump Street series becomes a FranchiseZombie.
* Spoofed in ''Film/AlmostHeroes'' when the characters finally reach the Pacific coast but propose to keep going to find the land route to Asia.
* ''Film/TheAmazingSpiderMan2'' ends with Peter donning the costume again and battling Rhino.
* ''Film/AmeriGeddon'': On defeating the UN troops attacking them, the heroes acknowledge that the war to free the US has just begun. The film ends after this.
* ''Film/{{Backdraft}}'': The firefighting crew are seen to be taking another call just before the credits roll.
* ''Film/BackToTheFuture1'' ends this way. The Bobs tell us that the ending was meant as a joke, with no sequel ever planned. But the film [[SleeperHit unexpectedly became a hit]]. The popularity guaranteed that a sequel would be created -- if not by them, by someone else employed by Universal. So they followed up with ''Film/BackToTheFuturePartII'' and ''Film/BackToTheFuturePartIII'', which were [[MovieMultipack produced back-to-back]], completing a trilogy with a definite ending.
* ''Film/BedknobsAndBroomsticks'' ends with Paul pulling out the eponymous enchanted bedknob, and suggesting to Charlie and Carrie that they continue using it to visit different places.
* ''Film/BigglesAdventuresInTime'' ends with Ferguson suddenly snatched from his wedding by Time-lightning into a new adventure with Biggles and chums which seems set to start with an escape from a lost subterranean tribe...
-->'''Biggles:''' For God's sake, get us out of here before they figure out you're not a god, you're just an American...
* Towards the end of ''Film/BlackHawkDown'', the last we see of Hoot is him grabbing a bite to eat, grabbing his gear, and heading back out into the city to search for the pilot who was taken prisoner earlier in the film. He even casually remarks that it's Monday, the start of a whole new week.
* The ''Film/BladeTrilogy'' movies tended to end in this manner. Like in [[Film/Blade1998 the first one]], after the defeat of BigBad, Blade is offered a cure for vampirism. "There's still job to be done. You want to help? Make me a better serum." The original planned ending for [[Film/BladeTrinity the third one]] was going to be this as well. The idea was that they ''had'' wiped out the vampires...and now were going to deal with ''werewolves'' instead.
* ''Film/{{Bullshot}}'' ends with a photo montage of the ComedicHero marrying the DamselInDistress while the {{Narrator}} fills in the audience that this wasn't the last of Bullshot's adventures. "But that is another tale" he concludes over the final photo, which shows the NotQuiteDead BigBad is disguised as their [[NotMyDriver wedding chauffeur]].
* ''Film/CaptiveState'': The film ends with [[spoiler:Mulligan revealed to be a mole in the collaborationist government and launching a suicide attack on the aliens, while Gabriel is implied to aid the Resistance. It's also shown that the Resistance extends across the US (and likely the world), with a montage of attacks and protests seen]].
* ''Film/{{Casablanca}}'' ends with Rick and Captain Renault going off to join up with the Free French in Brazzaville to continue to help the fight against the Nazis.
* ''Film/TheCircus'' ends with The Tramp not getting the girl and leaving the circus.
* ''Film/ComeAndSee'' ends with Flyora and other young boys marching out with the partisans. The horror that he and those boys have gone through ''is just the beginning''.
* ''Film/ConanTheBarbarian1982'': "And this story shall also be told..." The sequel completely ignored the planned story arc, though.
* ''Film/ConanTheDestroyer'': At the end, Conan's allies choose to stay with Jehnna as members of her court, but Conan himself turns down her offer to rule by her side, saying he will find his own kingdom. The final scene of the film ends with him sitting in a darkened room:
--->'''Narrator:''' So it was that Conan mourned his lost Valeria. At length, he sought adventure in distant lands and trod the jeweled thrones of the earth beneath his sandaled feet, until at last he found his own Kingdom and wore his crown upon a troubled brow.
--->'''Caption''' ''(With Dramatic Music):'' But That Is Another Story...
* ''Film/TheConIsOn'' ends with Harry and Peter on a plane flying to Brazil, wondering what they're going to do for money. Harry spots a woman a few rows back wearing a valuable necklace and starts plotting a whole new con.
* ''Film/{{Cooties}}'' ends with the outbreak still in full swing, and the group headed off to somewhere "where kids won't go". Doug seems to believe that, should they travel to the source of the infection, there's a good chance he'd be able to develop a cure to the virus, so it's at least somewhat hopeful.
* ''Film/DanceOfTheDead'' sees Jimmy, Lindsey, Jules, George, Jensen, Dave and Coach Keel [[spoiler:surviving a prom full of zombies, rescuing the surviving students and blowing up the school]]. Jensen then suggests making sure that the power plant responsible for the outbreak is shut down, to which Keel responds by recruiting all the students for the task...but not before [[spoiler:treating them to pancakes while they discuss battle tactics]].
* ''Film/TheDarkKnightRises'' seemingly ended with Bruce Wayne dying, [[spoiler:until Alfred spotted him in Italy with Selina Kyle]]. The final shot has [[spoiler:Robin]] Blake standing in the batcave, implying that the Dark Knight will return.
* ''Film/TheDawnPatrol'', if aerial combat against the Germans in UsefulNotes/WorldWarI can be considered an adventure. The last scene ends with Scott, having succeeded to command of the squad after his buddy Courtney is shot down and killed, giving another morning briefing. The trope is emphasized by the sudden FadeToBlack right in the middle of Courtney's speech.
* Franchise/DCExtendedUniverse:
** ''Film/{{Justice League|2017}}'' ends like this. [[Characters/DCEUBatman Bruce Wayne]] and [[Characters/DCEUWonderWoman Diana]] start planning to convert the derelict Wayne Manor in a new headquarters for the League, with "room for more" members, and [[Characters/DCEUSuperman Clark]], now BackFromTheDead, resumes being the Man of Steel, the final shot of the film being him doing the iconic shirt rip, before flying off the save the day.
** ''Film/ZackSnydersJusticeLeague'' also ends with the "Room for More" scene, with the addition of the Martian Manhunter joining the League because of the incoming threat of Darkseid. Superman rips his shirt with the black suit underneath, but doesn't take off. Aquaman meanwhile pulls a RefusalOfTheCall to Mera and Vulko, preferring to [[Film/Aquaman2018 return to his father]].
** ''Film/{{Wonder Woman|2017}}'': The film ends with Wonder Woman getting ready to continue her mission. Fittingly, Wonder Woman herself [[TropeNamers named the trope]] in ''[[WesternAnimation/JusticeLeague Justice League Unlimited]]''.
* A villainous example in ''Film/DenOfThieves''. The movie ends [[spoiler:with Donnie and his real crew in London, laying the ground work for a new heist at a diamond exchange]].
* ''Film/DickTracy'' ends with the protagonist finally proposing to Tess, but still having to run off to handle a bank robbery in progress, showing that his job is likely never done.
* ''Film/DickTracyDetective'' ends with Tracy and Tess about to go out for their [[RunningGag long-delayed dinner]]. As they are about to leave, Pat dashes in and tells Tracy a taxi driver has just been murdered. As Tracy and Pat rush out to investigate, Tess mutters "HereWeGoAgain".
* At the end of the 1975 ''Literature/DocSavage'' adaptation ''Film/DocSavageTheManOfBronze'', our hero returns to his office to find an alarming message left on his answering machine by one of the Fabulous Five, causing him to race off in his car. We're then told that Doc will return in ''Doc Savage: The Arch Enemy of Evil''. Due to the mediocre response to the movie by both critics and audience, he didn't.
* ''Film/EscapeRoom2019'': ends with Zoey and Ben preparing to go after the shadowy organization that created the escape rooms, while the organization themselves prepare for their arrival.
* ''Film/EscapeRoomTournamentOfChampions'': Zoey, Ben, and Amanda escape from the game safely, with staff from Minos apprehended and everything going smoothly afterward. Zoey then asks Ben to fly back with her. Unfortunately, this is all a ruse as the plane converts to another room and the credits roll.
* ''Film/{{Explorers}}'': The aliens send Ben, Wolfgang, and Darren a new dream... and Lori has joined them. Ben asks, "If this is all a dream, what happens when we wake up?" Darren answers, "I don't know, but I can't wait to find out."
* ''Film/FastColor'': At the end, Ruth and Lila escape in their truck, on the way to Rome where they'll connect with other hidden women who have superpowers.
* ''Film/FinalGirl'': Veronica kills the four murderous boys, then William picks her up (apparently having been monitoring the action with a sniper rifle, and he could have intervened at any time) to congratulate her on finishing her training before they head off to find more slashers to kill.
* ''Film/TheFinalSacrifice'': Hinted at by Zap driving into the sunset in his beat-up pick up truck.
* ''Film/FutureWorld2018'': The film ends with Ash riding off alongside Lei after saying she wants to find other androids, with a detour to take down Big Daddy Love Lord.
* "And now, back again after 18 years: ''The New Adventures of Film/GalaxyQuest!''" With a brand new PluckyComicRelief!
* ''Film/GleahanAndTheKnavesOfIndustry'': Mark and Gleahan reflect on the adventure they just went through. They then get up from the park bench and walk off together.
--> '''Mark:''' So! Next adventure?
--> '''Gleahan:''' Next adventure it is!
* ''Film/GoodWillHunting'' ends with Will heading to California to reunite with Skylar.
* At the end of ''Film/{{Graduation}}'', Jackson [[spoiler:is shown pursuing his new career in bank robbery after the other three go off to college]].
* At the end of ''Film/GrandHotel'', the five people who had checked into hotel at the start of the movie are leaving--one to the morgue, one to prison, and the other three to various bittersweet fates. But a young married couple is arriving to check in, symbolizing that new adventures and new stories will happen at the Grand Hotel.
* ''Film/AHauntingInVenice'' ends with with Poirot accepting the case of the young man who had been begging his assistance at the start of the movie, and immediately expounding a theory about how the man's family doctor has been surreptitiously murdering the members of the family.
* The ending of ''Film/TheHurtLocker'', though an odd variant. Sergeant James walks back into Iraq for the beginning of another year-long rotation, not just because he's MarriedToTheJob, but because it's the only thing he knows how to do anymore.
* ''Film/IlyaMuromets'' ends with the Tugars defeated, Ilya giving Little Falcon Svyatogor's sword and riding off in search of more adventure.
* ''Film/IndianaJonesAndTheDialOfDestiny'' may be the GrandFinale of the ''Franchise/IndianaJones'' franchise, but the good Dr. Jones isn't one to be kept down, as the final shot of the movie is of him retrieving his trademark hat from a clothesline as the iconic "Raiders March" theme swells one last time.
* ''Film/{{Innerspace}}'' ends with Jack chasing Tuck and Lydia's limo down a highway after [[spoiler:recognizing their limo driver as the Cowboy]].
* In the end of ''Film/{{Interstellar}}'', Cooper, at Murph's insistence, sets out on a new voyage through the wormhole, alongside TARS, in order to find Amelia on the new planet.
* ''Film/JohnCarpentersVampires'' and ''Film/GhostsOfMars'', two films by Creator/JohnCarpenter that came out within a few years of each other, end the same way. The BigBad has been vanquished, the day has been saved, but the lesser threats still have to be cleaned up. Both end with the hero and their sidekick heading out to kick some more ass.
* ''Film/TheLastAirbender'' closes out the same way it's [[WesternAnimation/AvatarTheLastAirbender animated adaption]] first season did. Aang single-handily stops the Fire Nation from destroying the Northern Water Tribe and Ozai charging Azula with going after the Avatar. Unlike the cartoon however, the film gained too much of a negative reaction that will make it unlikely it'll have any sequels.
* ''Film/TheLastWitchHunter'' ends with Kaulder and Chloe setting off to watch out for rogue witches, this time without Axe and Cross' aid.
* ''Film/TheLegendOfFrenchieKing'' ends with Louise and her sisters going back to being wandering outlaws after the ranch they were looking to settle in for a while gets destroyed, but they get five new additions to the gang.
* ''Film/LittleShopOfHorrors'': The final scene where the newlyweds go to their pastel cottage and garden of paradise, ends with a juvenile plant in the garden giving a new CheshireCatGrin.
* ''Film/TheLoneRanger'' treats this trope as a BittersweetEnding. John Reid continues to be the Lone Ranger because he no longer trusts the law he had once served. He leaves behind Rebecca and Daniel, out of respect for his late brother Dan.
* ''Film/LongJohnSilver'': Long John returns to Portobello as a rich citizen and dines with the Governor, during which it is implied that Silver received a pardon for his past crimes for the role he played in saving his daughter's life, and for a "generous donation to Government House" that served to "arm the harbor against pirates". He and Jim ride off before Purity Pinker can pull a ShotgunWedding.
* Franchise/MarvelCinematicUniverse:
** In the end of ''Film/GuardiansOfTheGalaxy2014'', the newly christened Guardians set off into space to do not "something good" or "something bad", but "a bit of both", while "I Want You Back" by the Jackson 5 plays in the background. The screen then cuts to "The Guardians of the Galaxy will return".
** ''Film/AvengersEndgame'': Captain America [[spoiler:passes the torch to Sam Wilson]] and Thor [[spoiler:joins the Guardians of the Galaxy to explore the universe]].
** ''Film/SpiderManNoWayHome'': Peter dons a new suit and resumes his vigilantism.
** In the mid-credits scene of ''Film/DoctorStrangeInTheMultiverseOfMadness'', [[spoiler:Clea (we're not actually introduced to her) appears and recruits Strange to go and prevent another incursion]].
** ''Film/GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3'': After most of the old Guardians [[TheFellowshipHasEnded go their separate ways]], Rocket and Groot lead a new team on new adventures.
* ''Film/TheMaskOfZorro''. Diego, before he passes away, promises Alejandro that there will be other battles for him to fight now that he is Zorro.
* The ''Film/MasterAndCommander'' movie, ''The Far Side of the World'' ends with Jack Aubrey realizing that the captain of the ''Acheron'' (the ship he just captured and sent away with part of his crew) is actually alive and still aboard the ship disguised as a doctor. He immediately cancels his plans to relax on the Galapagos and sails off in pursuit as the credits begin to roll.
* ''Film/MenInBlack'' ends with Agents J and the newly-inducted L going on a new assignment.
* ''Film/MissFisherAndTheCryptOfTears'' ends with Phryne receiving a telegram telling her that the Maharajah has been murdered, and immediately setting off to investigate, with Jack still on the back of her camel.
* ''Film/MissionImpossible1996'' ends with Ethan Hunt being offered another assignment like Jim Phelps was at the beginning.
* ''Film/{{Momentum|2015}}'': At the end, Alex learns that on the flash drive are incriminating details of a {{false flag operation}} the Senator's plotting, and she vows to expose this despite threats by his minions to stop her at all costs.
* ''Film/TheMonkeyGoesWest'': The 4-part series of movies based on ''Literature/JourneyToTheWest'' ends its fourth and final movie with the characters, Xuan-zhang the monk, Sun Wukong and their comrades continuing their journey to India.
* ''Film/MortalKombatTheMovie'': At the end of the film, while [[spoiler:Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, Kitana, Liu Kang and Raiden are celebrating their victory over Shang Tsung, Outworld emperor Shao Kahn appears in the sky to get them ready for another adventure]].
* ''Film/Mosul2020'': After making a long journey through ISIS-occupied Iraq while taking casualties, the Nineveh Province SWAT team finally reaches their objective and take a breather. TheReveal happens for [[NewMeat Kawa]], then he finally understands why they fight and afterwards offers to lead and continue on towards their next objective, to which the movie ends and the credits roll.
%%* ''Film/MysteryTeam'', alright!
* The first ''Film/NationalTreasure'' film originally ended like this, but [[FocusGroupEnding it was cut after test audiences mistook it for a]] SequelHook. Then it got a sequel anyway.
* ''Franchise/PiratesOfTheCaribbean'':
** ''Film/PiratesOfTheCaribbeanAtWorldsEnd'' ends with many of the loose ends tied up, but Barbossa once again steals the Black Pearl from Jack Sparrow. Sparrow, meanwhile, appears to know just where Barbossa is headed next, and seems to be looking forward to the adventure of getting his ship back again.
** The [[Film/PiratesOfTheCaribbeanOnStrangerTides fourth movie]] ended similarly, with Barbossa in command of a different ship of his own now, while Jack has to work to restore the Black Pearl (which Barbossa "wrecked")...along with a whole fleet of powerful pirate ships.
* By the end of ''Film/{{Prometheus}}'', the crew of the titular spaceship has foiled the Engineers' plot to destroy all life on Earth, but Shaw (the [[FinalGirl sole survivor]]) still has no idea why they wanted to wipe out the species that they helped create in the first place. So in the movie's final scene, she boards a spare Engineer spacecraft, and with David the android as her guide, plots a course for the Engineers' home planet...
* During the end credits of ''Film/RamboLastBlood'', Rambo gets up from his porch and rides off into the sunset on a horse.
* ''Film/SafetyNotGuaranteed'' ends with Kenneth and Darius actually going ''somewhere...''
* ''Film/Serenity2005'' ends with another part of the ship falling off. The crew will have to take another job to fix it.
* ''Film/ShermansMarch'': The RoadTripPlot features documentarian Ross [=McElwee=] on a road trip through Georgia and the Carolinas, looking for love, meeting various women and consistently striking out with them. Back up in Boston after his tour of Sherman's march and his encounters with uninterested women, [=McElwee=] gets a teaching job and starts auditing a music class. Two minutes before the end of the film, he notes that his music teacher is very attractive. He says that he asked her if she'd like to go see a movie--and the credits roll.
* ''Film/{{Skyfall}}'' ends with [[RevisitingTheRoots MI16 moving into the Universal Exports office from the old movies]], but with [[ChangingOfTheGuard a new team]] except for Bond. "Ready to get back to work?" "With pleasure, M. With pleasure." Cue BondGunBarrel.
* ''Film/TheSpecials'' ends with the team, having patched their differences and renewed their sense of purpose, getting a call from the president. Giant ants are attacking the Pentagon and none of the A-list teams are available, leaving them to jet off and save the day.
* ''Film/SpiderMan2'' ends with Peter and Mary-Jane finally getting together only for Peter to run off again after hearing police sirens. Mary-Jane is left behind as the reality of being in a relationship with a superhero sinks in.
* ''Film/StarshipTroopers'': The movie ends with Johnny Rico in charge of the Roughnecks and a Federation propaganda spot, enticing civilians to enlist for the war effort.
* ''Film/TheSteelHelmet'' ends with the surviving characters marching off with a new platoon, then has "THIS STORY HAS NO ENDING" appear on the screen.
* ''Film/AStudyInTerror'' ends with a mysterious hat arriving in the mail and Holmes launching into a series of deductions about it, while Watson stands by with a 'here we go again' expression on his face as the credits roll.
* ''Film/TheSundowners'': Just when it seems that the Carmodys can buy their farm after all that struggle, a challenge to the result of the horse race results in them losing their prize. They resolve to continue on and eventually save enough for a farm.
* ''Film/SuperMarioBros1993'' ends with Koopa defeated, the barrier between the worlds restored, and Daisy running the kingdom. But one day, while the Mario Bros. are relaxing...
-->'''Daisy:''' ''(Bursts in, dressed for war)'' You're not going to believe this!
-->'''Mario:''' ''I'' believe it.
-->'''Luigi:''' You believe it?!
-->'''Mario:''' ''(Grins)'' I believe.
* The end of ''Film/SWAT2003'' has the team heading off on another mission, despite their shift having technically ended several hours ago.
--> '''Hondo:''' Yeah. What the hell. Mount up!
* ''Film/TheyClonedTyrone'' ends with Fontaine, Slick Charles and Yo-Yo deciding to travel the country taking down the conspiracy's other operations in major cities, starting in Memphis, Tennessee.
* ''Film/TheThiefOfBagdad1940'' ends with Abu flying off on the magic carpet in search of fun and adventure.
* ''Film/TragedyGirls'' ends with a fittingly twisted version, in which [[spoiler:Sadie and [=McKayla=] drive off into the sunset, having completed their killing spree and gotten away with it. It's all but stated that they'll start the cycle over wherever they end up]].
* ''Film/TrueLies'' ends with the Taskers working together on a new mission.
* ''Film/TurkeyShoot'': The film ends without clear resolution of the plot, only the promise that revolution is led by people like those depicted, according to Creator/HGWells (who provides the ending quote) as the now-armed prisoners leave the area.
* ''Film/WeddingCrashers'' ends with the two couples deciding to crash weddings together.
* ''Film/{{Wendy}}'': At the end, Wendy's own daughter goes off with Peter to visit the island herself.
* After the credits of the ''Anime/{{Yatterman}}'' movie, a fake "next episode" trailer plays, featuring the BigBad's brother seeking revenge, Dorombo Gang building a 2.0 version of the mecha used in the final battle, Doronjo in a white version of her usual costume (referred as a "wedding version") and the Yatterpelican.
