How to get cheap airfares on last-minute flights

How to get cheap airfares on last-minute flights


How to get cheap airfares on last-minute flights
Plans changed or confident to risk it in the hopes of getting a last-minute flight deal? Here's how to make it work.

Travel can be expensive and when you live Down Under, getting to many of the world’s most popular destinations is far pricier than living elsewhere.

Most of us know its important to book as far out as possible to try and secure the cheapest flights but it’s not always possible. Life often throws you a curveball and sometimes it can be necessary to book at the last minute. Plus, there are other ways that can help get the fare costs down, like checking if you can use some or all of your frequent flyer points.

Here are some more tips to try when seeking to navigate to cost of flights:

Use flight comparison websites

Websites like Webjet, Skyscanner, Kayak, and Google Flights allow you to compare prices across different airlines and booking sites. They often have filters that allow you to search for last-minute deals specifically.

Sign up for alerts

Many flight comparison websites and airlines offer email alerts for last-minute offers. You can specify your preferred departure airports and destinations, and they’ll notify you when there are cheap flights available.

Check social media and airline websites for deals and flash sales

Airlines and travel agencies often announce last-minute deals and flash sales on their social media channels. Follow them to stay updated on any discounts or promotions.

Use incognito mode

When searching for flights, use incognito mode or private browsing options to prevent the search engine from tracking your activity. Some airlines may increase their prices if they know you’ve been searching for flights repeatedly.

Be flexible with dates and destinations

Flexibility is key when it comes to finding cheap last-minute flights. If you’re open to traveling on weekdays or at odd hours, you’re more likely to find better deals. Similarly, consider alternative airports or nearby destinations that might have cheaper flights.

Try booking seats for your group one-by-one

Airlines’ automated systems will often only look for seats of the same exact price, so if you’re booking for two or more people you can end up with pricier seats. Try selecting individual seats instead.

Check Budget Airlines

Budget airlines often offer lower prices than traditional carriers, especially for last-minute bookings.

Look for standby flights

Some airlines offer standby flights for last-minute travelers at discounted rates. This usually involves showing up at the airport and waiting to see if there are any available seats on a flight.

Consider package seals

Sometimes booking a flight and hotel together can save you money, especially if you’re booking last-minute. Look for package deals on travel websites or contact travel agencies for potential discounts.

Negotiate with airlines directly

Sometimes calling the airline directly and speaking to a representative can result in getting a better deal, especially if they have unsold seats that they’re looking to fill.

Be prepared to book quickly

Last-minute deals often come and go very quickly, so be prepared to book as soon as you find a good price. Keep your payment information handy and be ready to make a decision on the spot.


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