American Pravda: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead in San Bernardino, by Ron Unz - The Unz Review
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American Pravda: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead in San Bernardino • 45m ▶

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Being a college town, Palo Alto once offered a multitude of excellent new and used bookstores, perhaps as many as a dozen or so. But the rise of Amazon produced a great extinction in that business sector, and I think only two now survive, probably still more than for most towns of comparable size.

Amazon and its rivals have obviously become hugely beneficial book-buying resources that I frequently use, but they fail to offer the benefit of randomly browsing shelves and occasionally stumbling across something serendipitous. So I regularly stop by the monthly used book sale put on by Friends of the Palo Alto Library, whose offerings are also very attractively priced, with good quality paperbacks often going for as little as a quarter.


While browsing that sale a couple of weeks ago, I noticed a hardcover copy of Newsroom Confidential, a short 2022 insider account of mainstream journalism by Margaret Sullivan, who had spent four years as the Public Editor of the New York Times. I’d occasionally read her columns in that paper and had seen one or two favorable reviews of the book, so despite its pricey cost—a full $3—I bought and read it, hoping to get a sense of what she’d observed during her term as the designated reader-advocate at our national newspaper of record.

As she told her story, prior to joining the Times she had spent her entire career at the far smaller Buffalo News of her native city, eventually rising to become its editor. Although she’d been happy in that position, after eight years she decided to apply for an opening at the Times, and jumped at the offer when she received it.

Based upon her narrative, Sullivan seems very much a moderate liberal in her views, not too different from most others in her journalistic profession despite being raised in a family of more conservative blue-collar Catholics in Upstate New York. She opened the Prologue of her book by denouncing Donald Trump’s infamous “Stop the Steal” DC rally of early 2021 and she described the invasion of our Capitol by outraged Trumpists as “one of the most appalling moments in all of American history,” sentiments probably shared by at least 90% of her mainstream colleagues.

Born in 1957, Sullivan explained that as a first grader she and everyone else in her community had been horrified by the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, our first Catholic president. Less than a decade later, she was transfixed by the Watergate Scandal and the subsequent Senate hearings that led to the fall of President Richard Nixon. Like so many others of her generation, she had idolized Woodward and Bernstein, the crusading young reporters who broke the case and brought down a crooked president, especially admiring their portrayal by movie stars Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman in the film version of All the President’s Men. Along with many other idealistic young Americans, Sullivan decided to embark upon a journalistic career as a consequence.

As far as I can tell, Sullivan seems to have been a committed and honest professional during the decades that followed, describing some of her mundane minor conflicts with colleagues but generally trying to tell their side of the story as well. As a lateral hire from a smallish Upstate newspaper, she had moved rather cautiously after joining the illustrious Times, and although she sometimes took a bit of pride in a few of her columns that attracted considerable readership or were widely Tweeted out, none of these much stuck in my mind.

As the end of her four year tenure approached, the Times tried to persuade her to extend it, but she preferred to move over to the Washington Post and become one of their media columnists.

The various tidbits of gossip she reported from those newspapers were hardly earth-shattering. She’d had a private dinner with top Times editor Jill Abramson one evening only to be shocked the next morning when the latter was summarily fired by the publisher, so she passed along the speculation about what combination of factors might have been responsible for that sudden purge. Abramson had been the first woman to serve as executive editor of the Times, and she was replaced by her deputy Dean Baquet, who became the first black to hold that post. Sullivan explained that the two had long had a contentious relationship, and many members of the newsroom speculated that Baquet had demanded that the Times leadership choose between the two of them. Apparently Abramson had a difficult personality while Baquet was much more charming, so even though he sometimes threw “temper tantrums” he was able to get away with such behavior, and he came out on top.

Although Sullivan never broke a major story nor won any important journalistic prize, she seemed very much a solid team-player rather than a prima donna and got along well with her professional colleagues. Therefore, I was hardly surprised that she was chosen to join the Pulitzer Prize Board in 2011 and eventually became executive director of a Columbia University center for journalist ethics.

Her book was a rather short one, so although I didn’t really get much out of it, it also hardly absorbed too many hours of my time. But what struck me in reading it was how a longtime editor and media columnist could have lived through some of the most shocking and dramatic events of the last sixty years without ever seeming to seriously question any of them. The Kennedy Assassinations of the 1960s, the 9/11 Attacks and the long War on Terror, the 2016 Russian election interference that put Donald Trump in the White House, the global Covid epidemic beginning in early 2020 and the massive social upheaval following the police murder of George Floyd later that same year—all those seminal incidents were discussed in her text yet she never seemed to entertain the slightest doubts about those standard narratives.

At one point she noted the striking collapse of public confidence in the honesty and reliability of American journalism, which had plummeted from around 72% soon after Watergate to just 36% these days. But she never asked herself whether the public might have a sound basis for such rapidly growing distrust of our media.

In reading Sullivan’s account of her journalistic career, two names from Shakespeare’s Hamlet came to mind: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Those two Danish courtiers had remained totally oblivious to the enormous events taking place around them and suffered a dire fate as a consequence, though they later became the protagonists of Tom Stoppard’s absurdist play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. Although fifteen or twenty years ago, I might have shared Sullivan’s tendency to ignore any deeper realities of modern American history, her book was published in 2022 and I wondered whether she had ever seriously explored the full range of information available on the Internet during the decades she had spent as an editor and a media columnist.


As she casually described some of the watershed events of her lifetime, always seeming to take them entirely at face value, I smiled a bit since over the years I had carefully analyzed most of them in my own American Pravda series and usually come to very different conclusions. But what jumped out at me was her discussion of a much smaller incident from near the end of her tenure at the Times. Although that story has been almost totally forgotten, it filled nearly four pages of her short book, occupying almost as much space as Watergate and far more than the 9/11 Attacks.

In December 2015, terrorist gunmen had attacked the public employees of San Bernardino, California at their offices, killing fourteen and wounding more than twenty, the worst mass shooting in America since Sandy Hook three years earlier. Within hours, a massive local police mobilization had located, shot, and killed the Islamic fanatics responsible and all the details of the case are provided in a very comprehensive Wikipedia article that runs more than 19,000 words.

Sullivan became involved in a controversy over whether the pro-jihadi social media posts left by one of the killers had been correctly described by an anonymous government source, whose information was the basis of a provocative front page Times story that became an important element in the political debate. Her critical column made waves and even drew the involvement of her newspaper’s top editor before the matter was ultimately settled to her complete satisfaction.

At the time of that mass shooting, I was heavily focused upon the final stages of preparing my ultimately unsuccessful campaign for the Harvard Board of Overseers, but certain elements of that incident stuck in my mind, and although Sullivan never seemed to have questioned any of its strange details, I certainly did.

During the previous few years I’d grown increasingly suspicious of many of the watershed events of our country’s modern history, but I hadn’t yet launched my American Pravda series nor even published a single article outlining any of my conspiratorial views. However, certain elements of this mass shooting raised red flags in my mind, and I soon republished a short column by longtime libertarian writer Gary North highlighting some of those issues.

On December 2nd, public employees of San Bernardino County were holding a day-long training exercise and holiday party at their offices when a deadly attack suddenly began. According to all the eyewitnesses, three large white men, wearing ski masks and dressed head-to-toe in military-style commando-outfits suddenly burst into the gathering and began raking the terrified victims with gunfire from their assault-rifles, killing fourteen and wounding more than twenty others. Although after nine years many of the YouTube videos providing the statements of survivors are no longer available, the CBS Evening News phone interview with a seemingly very credible eyewitness is still on the Internet and worth viewing.

Another witness interviewed by NBC News similarly reported seeing “3 white males” in military gear fleeing the scene of the shooting, and a later Time Magazine article seemed to confirm those same reports by all the early eyewitnesses. So three large white men dressed in commando-gear had apparently committed the brutal massacre, then escaped the scene in a black SUV.

Some 300 local law enforcement officers were quickly mobilized and although they arrived too late to catch the perpetrators, they began patrolling the vicinity, hoping to find the killers before they struck again. Their efforts were soon rewarded and four hours later they located the black SUV driving less than two miles away, and after a massive gun-battle with hundreds of rounds fired, they shot the terrorists to death. Yet oddly enough, the slain culprits turned out to be a young Pakistani Muslim married couple living nearby, Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, whose six-month-old baby girl had fortunately been left at the home of her grandmother when the parents said they needed to drive to a doctor’s appointment.

Government officials and their media allies all soon declared the case closed, explaining that the Pakistani couple had apparently self-radicalized themselves by reading Islamicist tracts on the Internet and becoming followers of the dread ISIS terrorist movement. ISIS had been much in the news during 2015, allegedly responsible for staging numerous attacks all across Western countries.

But the total divergence between the two descriptions of the suspects seemed quite remarkable, especially once the news media revealed that Malik was a very short woman, standing barely five feet tall. In conversations and later posted comments, I joked that America’s ISIS foes were formidable indeed if they possessed the magical power to transform themselves from one very short woman into two large men and then back again.

Eyewitness testimony at horrific events is notoriously unreliable and although the shooters had been described as white based upon visible portions of their skin, the commando-outfits they were wearing would have concealed most of that, so such identification might have easily been mistaken. Perhaps many of the County employees were relatively short individuals from a Hispanic, Asian, or Middle Eastern immigrant background and they merely assumed that someone large and tall was more likely to be of white European ancestry. But a tiny woman looks very different from a large man and it’s hard to confuse two shooters with three. Even after the official narrative had congealed into its final form, the eyewitness interviewed by CBS News stuck to her story when later questioned by ABC News, saying “I know what I saw.”

The background of the terrorist couple also seemed quite odd. According to news accounts, Farouk had spent the previous five years working as a County food inspector, generally known as someone who got along well with others, with baffled co-workers saying that the young couple were “living the American dream.” Meanwhile, although she’d originally trained as a pharmacist, Malik had become a stay-at-home mom, apparently still nursing her six-month-old baby girl. While I suppose it’s possible that a young, nursing mother has sometimes gone on a wild terrorist rampage, I’d never previously heard of such a case.

A few years earlier I’d become friendly with a prominent mainstream academic and had been shocked to discover that for decades he had become a strong if silent believer in all sorts of “conspiracy theories.” Later that month I happened to have lunch with him and learned that he was also very skeptical of the official story of that terrorist massacre. He’d come of age during the Vietnam War era and served in the ROTC while a student at Harvard, training on weapons during those years. So he explained that a tiny woman such as Malik would have had a very hard time handling a powerful assault-rifle such as an AR-15, revealing another major hole in the official story.

We were also told that after staging their brutal massacre, the two married terrorists had behaved in a strange way. Instead of either fleeing the area or committing other attacks, they had apparently changed back into their civilian clothes and were later caught by the swarming law enforcement officers while slowly driving their vehicle a mile and a half from the crime scene. According to the media accounts, the Bonnie and Clyde terrorist couple had gone out in a blaze of glory, killed after engaging in a huge shootout with the pursuing police. But the photos seemed to show that the windows of their bullet-riddled SUV were tightly closed, and surely they would have rolled them down if they were firing their weapons at the officers chasing them.

Given these severe inconsistences, some conspiratorially-minded individuals naturally suggested that the two Pakistani Muslims had been selected as patsies for a terrorist false-flag attack organized by our government or its allies. But that hypothesis also seemed to make little sense to me. Why would the government stage a false-flag massacre involving three large gunmen and then try to pin the blame on a Pakistani immigrant and his very short wife?

Nine years have now passed and much of the video evidence has disappeared, so determining exactly what happened seems quite difficult. But at the time I believed that a completely unrelated shooting incident in the Los Angeles area a couple of years earlier provided some important insights for this case and I still think the same today.

During February 2013, a black former LAPD officer named Christopher Dorner became outraged over what he regarded as his unfair treatment and he began an assassination campaign against other police officers and their families, eventually killing four victims and wounding three more before he was finally trapped in a huge manhunt and committed suicide. During the ten days of his rampage, police departments across much of Southern California were in a state of extremely high alert, mobilizing officers for guard duty outside the homes of those officials and their families that they believed might be among his next targets. But their trigger-happy fears of that deadly cop-killer led to some unfortunate accidents.

Very early one morning, the seven police officers guarding the home of an LAPD official noticed a nearby pickup truck driving in a suspicious manner. So mistakenly believing that it matched the description of Dorner’s vehicle, they fired without warning and riddled it with more than 100 bullets. But instead of Dorner, the occupants turned out to be an elderly Hispanic woman and her middle-aged daughter, who were out delivering the Los Angeles Times in that neighborhood as they did every morning. Less than a half-hour later, other police officers opened fire on another misidentified vehicle, injuring a white surfer who had been on his way to the beach. Fortunately, the victims of those mistaken police shootings all survived and they eventually received multi-million-dollar settlements from their lawsuits.

I think we should at least consider the possibility that Farook and Malik died for similar reasons. Their fatal mistake may have been that they were driving a black SUV that closely resembled the getaway vehicle of the attackers and doing so in an area filled with hundreds of fearful officers on the lookout for terrorist commandoes armed with assault weapons. The limited visual evidence seems to show their SUV was proceeding quietly along the road at normal speed before being attacked and perforated by hundreds of bullets from the police vehicles tailing them.

Obviously, this reconstruction is quite speculative, and Wikipedia summarizes the long list of media reports providing a cornucopia of highly-incriminating evidence. These describe the enormous arsenal of weapons and home-made bombs that the young immigrant couple had allegedly amassed in preparation for their terrorist rampage. So interested readers should weigh that supposed evidence against the seemingly contrary facts that I have described above.

However, consider that the massacre prompted President Barack Obama to broadcast a rare Oval Office address, his first in five years. Given our ongoing international war against the terroristic ISIS movement of the Middle East, any admission that our police had mistakenly shot and killed a young Pakistani couple with an infant daughter might have been hugely damaging to American national security. The alternate choice of fabricating a case against two already dead foreigners would hardly have been the worst crime ever committed by a government desperate to hide its severe embarrassment.


The number of victims in the San Bernardino attack had not been that large, but wider fears of international Islamicist terror attacks had probably been responsible for Obama’s national address on the incident. Indeed, 2015 produced a bumper-crop of such terrorist assaults, with the Wikipedia page devoted to the topic showing nearly 100 such incidents, far more than for any other year. Moreover, many of these attacks occurred in the West, stoking the enormous fears of domestic terrorism that may have helped explain the massive, trigger-happy local police response in San Bernardino.

Probably the highest-profile 2015 attack had taken place in early January at the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical French magazine. That Jewish-dominated publication had long directed the crudest and most vicious insults against the deep religious beliefs of Christians and Muslims, and although the former took those barbs in stride, threats from the latter had been so numerous that the government stationed a police guard outside the premises. But when the attack finally came on January 7th, he proved helpless against the two assailants, clad in commando-outfits and heavily armed with assault-rifles. They forced their way into the building and quickly executed a dozen of the staff while wounding a similar number, then shot the guard on the street while escaping. The choice of dress, weapons, and style of the two attackers seemed rather similar to those who would attack the public employees of San Bernardino eleven months later.

Nearly all of France’s political class treated the brutal killing of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists and writers as an outrageous assault against France’s long Voltairean traditional of freedom of speech and the incident was widely described as France’s own “9/11 Attack.” Within a couple of days, the Islamicist killers responsible had been identified by the police, tracked down, and killed but the political reverberations continued. Two days later, Paris saw a gigantic march of two million protesting the attacks and denouncing Islamic extremism. More than 40 world leaders led that procession, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu taking a prominent but controversial place at the front, and similar protests of some 1.7 million additional people occurred elsewhere in the country. France contained a large Muslim population with immigrant roots and French leaders united to endorse a severe political crackdown on perceived Islamic extremism and those who supported it. The standard account of all these events is provided in the Wikipedia page that runs around 17,000 words.

As these important French events unfolded, I’d been reading very detailed coverage in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, and initially accepted this entire narrative without question. But I soon discovered that others took a much more conspiratorial line, and a series of email exchanges with that same well-connected academic friend of mine brought those surprising possibilities to my attention, gradually winning me over to his perspective. Based upon some of his discussions with knowledgeable friends in France, he believed that there was a strong possibility that the attacks may have been some sort of government false-flag operation, aimed at justifying a sharp crackdown against political dissent, though the exact details were not at all clear. He also said that such suspicions were very widespread in certain French intellectual and political circles, but almost no one dared voice them in public.

Prompted by those claims coming from someone whose opinion I respected, I began noticing certain elements of the story that greatly multiplied my suspicions.

Much like their later counterparts in San Bernardino, the two terrorist attackers had been wearing face-masks and commando-outfits, and after killing their victims with bursts of assault-weapons gunfire they had easily escaped long before the French police could respond. The only reason that they were quickly identified and caught was that one of the terrorists had carelessly left his ID card behind in an abandoned getaway vehicle , a crucial fact oddly excluded from the very comprehensive Wikipedia article. This seemed a remarkably suspicious detail, eerily similar to the undamaged hijacker passport found on the streets of NYC after the fiery crash of the jetliners into the WTC towers during on September 11th, or the lost luggage of 9/11 ringleader Mohammed Atta that later provided a wealth of incriminating background material regarding the terrorist plot and his motives.

For many decades, former Presidential candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen had been the leader of France’s Far Right anti-Muslim political movement, and he had strong personal connections to the country’s military and security circles. Based upon his ideological beliefs, he might have been expected to welcome the anti-Muslim crackdown prompted by the terrorist massacre, but in an interview with Britain’s Daily Telegraph he said that the attacks seemed extremely suspicious to him and might have been a false-flag operation by some intelligence service. No other major English-language publication reported his surprising views and just a week or so later, Le Pen narrowly escaped death when his house suddenly caught on fire, with that story also only being reported in the Telegraph. I later discussed these surprising developments in several comments, but the original articles themselves have now apparently vanished from the Telegraph archives, seemingly underscoring their significance. Naturally none of this information appears in the comprehensive Wikipedia articles on either the Charlie Hebdo attacks or Le Pen himself.

Wikipedia did devote a single sentence to another very odd development in the case. One day after the terrorist attack, the French police commissioner responsible for the investigation suddenly decided to commit suicide at his government office while preparing his official report, choosing to shoot himself in the head.

In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, France’s entire political leadership class declared themselves the absolute guarantors of the country’s freedom of speech and thought against the Islamic militants who challenged those sacred values. But the actual consequences that followed were somewhat different. Over the years France’s large Muslim population had become increasingly hostile to Israeli policy and Jewish influence, and such sentiments were now outlawed as constituting sympathy for terrorism, given that the alleged terrorists had come from that community and background. These harsh new prohibitions were enforced by a huge wave of arrests and investigations.


As an example of this ironic situation, consider the case of Dieudonné M’bala M’bala, a French-born citizen of half-African ancestry. Although he was one of the France’s most popular comedians, over the years his stinging criticism of overwhelming Jewish influence had caused him enormous legal and professional difficulties. So a few days after the Charlie Hebdo attacks, he posted some mocking comments on his Facebook page, noting that the same authorities who now loudly proclaimed their support for free speech had regularly persecuted him for his humor, and he was quickly arrested on charges of publicly supporting terrorism.

Later that same year, Kevin Barrett released We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo, his edited collection of about two dozen essays highlighting many of the strange and suspicious aspects of that important terrorist incident. I finally read it a couple of years ago and I would strongly recommend it as a very helpful balance to the version of events provided by the mainstream media and codified in Wikipedia. In doing so I am merely seconding the favorable verdict of Prof. Richard Falk of Princeton University, an eminent expert on international law and human rights policy.

Around that same time I also read two other books released by Progressive Press, a small alternative publisher located in Southern California. These both provided a highly-conspiratorial counter-narrative to the mainstream account of our struggle against the Islamicist terrorists of the Middle East.


A decade ago, the terroristic forces of ISIS had become notorious throughout that region and the entire world for their brutal atrocities. These were demonstrated in the videos they regularly released showing the horrific beheadings they inflicted upon their enemies in Syria and Iraq, and ISIS supporters were usually blamed for terrorist attacks in the West, including those in France and San Bernardino. As a result, ISIS allegedly became the primary target of American military operations in the Middle East, but our efforts seemed surprisingly ineffective.

However, a 2016 collection of articles and essays descriptively entitled ISIS Is Us told a very different story. A number of alternative writers and bloggers presented arguments that the CIA and our own regional allies such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel had actually been responsible for creating and equipping that fanatical group of Sunni Muslim jihadists, then deploying them as a means of overthrowing Syria’s Shiite-aligned government, an important Iranian ally.

Indeed, that project came very close to success until Russian military intervention in September 2015 helped to turn the tide, along with the ground forces already committed by the Shiite Hezbollah militia of Southern Lebanon. Although I’d regularly seen these arguments floating around in corners of the Internet, I found it useful to have them presented in the pages of a book.


Over the last couple of decades French journalist Thierry Meyssan has become an influential figure in left-wing, conspiratorial circles, and his 2002 book 9/11: The Big Lie was one of the earliest works attacking the official 9/11 narrative, quickly becoming a huge best-seller in France and soon translated into English. That publishing success led him to establish the VoltaireNet website in Lebanon, which has maintained a strong focus on Middle Eastern issues while being sharply critical of Western policies.

In early 2019 he published Before Our Very Eyes: Fake Wars and Big Lies, adopting a very similar approach to the story of the “Arab Spring” and the Western use of Muslim Jihadists in attempts to overthrow the governments of Libya and Syria, with the former effort being successful. Although some of his claims were already known to me and seemed solidly documented, others were much more surprising. But although he provided a vast number of specific statements about important matters, he usually did so without providing any sources for his material, so it was difficult for me to judge its credibility. I assume that much of his information came from his personal contacts with various regional intelligence organizations, who obviously would have had vested interests in promoting their desired narratives, whether or not those happened to be true.

In many respects, I think these three books constituted the photographic inverse-image of Margaret Sullivan’s text, focusing exactly upon the conspiratorial elements of all the major stories that she herself had carefully avoided noticing during her decades of mainstream journalism. So I suspect that the truth lies somewhere between those two extremes.


It’s also quite possible that Sullivan knows or at least suspects far more than she indicated in her book and she was being less than candid with her readers. Positions in elite mainstream journalism or academia are difficult to obtain and can easily be lost if someone strays outside accepted boundaries. After all Jill Abramson had held the top position in all of American journalism and then was suddenly fired for unclear reasons. Times Opinion Editor James Bennet had been a leading candidate to run his newspaper but had suddenly been forced to resign merely for publishing a controversial op-ed by a leading Republican Senator. The forty-year Times career of prominent science journalist Donald McNeil came to an end when he made a few incautious remarks at an extracurricular student outing in Peru. All these individuals far outranked Sullivan and their transgressions were very minor ones compared to the deadly journalistic sin of becoming a suspected “conspiracy theorist.” Indeed, if Sullivan had raised any of the dangerous points I have discussed above, I doubt her manuscript would have even been accepted for publication.

I actually think that there exists evidence that some elite journalists may have much broader views on various issues than they would ever admit in print.

A couple of months after the very suspicious case of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, I decided to publish a highly-controversial analysis of Sen. John McCain’s Vietnam War record, an article that represented something of a sequel to Sydney Schanberg’s seminal expose of McCain’s role in the POW cover-up.

Although all my facts were drawn from fully mainstream sources—much of it from the Times itself—my analysis and conclusions were quite explosive, as indicated by a couple of my closing paragraphs:

Today when we consider the major countries of the world we see that in many cases the official leaders are also the leaders in actuality: Vladimir Putin calls the shots in Russia, Xi Jinping and his top Politburo colleagues do the same in China, and so forth. However, in America and in some other Western countries, this seems to be less and less the case, with top national figures merely being attractive front-men selected for their popular appeal and their political malleability, a development that may eventually have dire consequences for the nations they lead. As an extreme example, a drunken Boris Yeltsin freely allowed the looting of Russia’s entire national wealth by the handful of oligarchs who pulled his strings, and the result was the total impoverishment of the Russian people and a demographic collapse almost unprecedented in modern peacetime history.

An obvious problem with installing puppet rulers is the risk that they will attempt to cut their strings, much like Putin soon outmaneuvered and exiled his oligarch patron Boris Berezovsky. One means of minimizing such risk is to select puppets who are so deeply compromised that they can never break free, knowing that the political self-destruct charges buried deep within their pasts could easily be triggered if they sought independence. I have sometimes joked with my friends that perhaps the best career move for an ambitious young politician would be to secretly commit some monstrous crime and then make sure that the hard evidence of his guilt ended up in the hands of certain powerful people, thereby assuring his rapid political rise.

My piece received a very favorable response in alternative media circles. But to my considerable surprise, a week or two later I was contacted by a Times editor who solicited my participation in a symposium on college reform, my first appearance in several years. And the favorable reaction to my piece arguing that our elite colleges should abolish tuition prompted me to launch my campaign for the Harvard Board of Overseers at the end of that year.

Similarly, my enormous suspicions that our media was hiding the truth about both the Charlie Hebdo and San Bernardino terrorist attacks gradually convinced me that many other important stories were also being concealed or distorted by our mainstream media and I began thinking of expanding my original 2013 American Pravda article into an entire series. The July 2016 death of Sydney Schanberg prompted me to launch that series, which opened with the following paragraphs, perhaps helping to explain much of the bland and blinkered material in Sullivan’s book:

The death on Saturday of Sydney Schanberg at age 82 should sadden us not only for the loss of one of our most renowned journalists but also for what his story reveals about the nature of our national media.

Syd had made his career at the New York Times for 26 years, winning a Pulitzer Prize, two George Polk Memorial awards, and numerous other honors. His passing received the notice it deserved, with the world’s most prestigious broadsheet devoting nearly a full page of its Sunday edition to his obituary, a singular honor that in this degraded era is more typically reserved for leading pop stars or sports figures. Several photos were included of his Cambodia reporting, which had become the basis for the Oscar-winning film The Killing Fields, one of Hollywood’s most memorable accounts of our disastrous Indo-Chinese War.

But for all the 1,300 words and numerous images charting his long and illustrious journalistic history, not even a single mention was made of the biggest story of his career, which has seemingly vanished down the memory hole without trace. And therein lies a tale.

Could a news story ever be “too big” for the media to cover? Every journalist is always seeking a major expose, a piece that not merely reaches the transitory front pages but also might win a journalistic prize or even change the history books. Stories such as these appear rarely but can make a reporter’s career, and it is difficult to imagine a writer turning one down, or an editor rejecting it.

But what if the story is so big that it actually reveals dangerous truths about the real nature of the American media, portrays too many powerful people in a very negative light, and perhaps leads to a widespread loss of faith in our major news media? If readers were to see a story like that, they might naturally begin to wonder “why hadn’t we ever been told?” or even “what else might be out there?”

Related Reading:

The American Pravda Series
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  1. ‘…So he explained that a tiny woman such as Malik would have had a very hard time handling a powerful assault-rifle such as an AR-15, revealing another major hole in the official story…’

    I’m skeptical. I suppose it could present problems for a ‘tiny woman,’ but an AR-15 really doesn’t have much of a kick.

  2. There are few things more hypocritical than the 2015 We Are Charlie Hebdo march against censorship- with Bibi at the forefront!- featuring Western leaders who routinely jail people for “hate speech” and Holocaust revisionism.

    From Wikipedia:
    It was estimated that between 1.5 and 2 million people marched down and nearby Boulevard Voltaire in Paris. The Paris marches were attended by over 80 world leaders, from both Europe and around the world, including President François Hollande. The presence during the marches of foreign leaders who are accused of not respecting freedom of speech in their own country has been criticised.

  3. If our overlords can create a false flag like 9/11, anything is possible imo. Nothing is off the tables.

    • Agree: John Trout
    • Thanks: Gallatin
    • Replies: @hobnob
    , @gidoutahere
    , @MarLuc7
  4. @Colin Wright

    Now explain how 3 tall men morphed into a single man and one tiny 5ft woman.

    • Thanks: Adam Birchdale
    • LOL: BrooLidd
    • Replies: @Mike Tre
  5. Similarly, my enormous suspicions that our media was hiding the truth about both the Charlie Hebdo and San Bernardino terrorist attacks gradually convinced me that many other important stories were also being concealed or distorted by our mainstream media and I began thinking of expanding my original 2013 American Pravda article into an entire series.

    What they’re hiding, Ron, is that San Bernardino “mass shooting” was a hoax, just like in Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, like the Boston marathon “bombing” and countless other hoaxes. Talk to Jim Fetzer, he’ll tell you all about it.

    • Replies: @swampfox
  6. pyrrhus says:

    Sullivan’s statement that the Jan.6 demonstration in DC was somehow a horrifying crime clearly demonstrates that she is a serious retard completely unaware of the provisions of the US Constitution and its provisions for free assembly and free speech…Typical “journalist” spitting out whatever her handlers tell her….

  7. Chebyshev says:

    Given these severe inconsistences, some conspiratorially-minded individuals naturally suggested that the two Pakistani Muslims had been selected as patsies for a terrorist false-flag attack organized by our government or its allies. But that hypothesis also seemed to make little sense to me.

    If we reject the false flag scenario, does that mean the tall, white male shooters just randomly decided to shoot all those local government employees, and then got away with it? That would be really bizarre.

    A number of alternative writers and bloggers presented arguments that the CIA and our own regional allies such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel had actually been responsible for creating and equipping that fanatical group of Sunni Muslim jihadists, then deploying them as a means of overthrowing Syria’s Shiite-aligned government, an important Iranian ally.

    The U.S. and Israel have a long history of violent meddling in Iran, so this would make sense.

    I suppose the Ayatollahs and ISIS don’t see eye to eye.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @Not jack londonl
  8. The disturbing truth is that the U.S.A. is all a charade. This is not the land of the free and the home of the brave and we are not the good guys in the white hats.

    The general public is kept in a very deep coma married to the democracy charade while our government extorts and exploits all it can get the world over by every hook, crock, and murder it deems necessary.

    In the U.S.A. the general public is never told the truth everything is a fairy tale myth to keep the taxpayers contented with their existence and servitude to the owners and the masters.

    If someone dares to reveal the truth they are hounded and destroyed; their revelations are not believed by the comatose public who are so brainwashed that true reality ia a nightmare causing panic.

    Mr. Roberts correctly calls us ” American Dumbshits ” because we love the coma and the cage we are kept in!

    • Agree: HdC, John Trout, Kratoklastes
    • Thanks: Justrambling
  9. I remember this and all the neighbors saw suspicious things going on but didn’t report anything for fear of being called racist.

    So the wokenss that started a long time ago and continues to this day in an even more severe form is and will continue to get people killed.

    P.S. A.I. going to take over the world but my spell check can tell me the correct spelling of “long” when it’s misspelled as “logn”

    • Replies: @Sin City Milla
  10. One of the first things that became apparent to me as I started my decades as a flunky and fly on the wall in the NYC MSM world was that the news isn’t reported, the news is made.

    This is one of the most basic and important things for any news consumer to understand, IMHO — that, even though there may be facts, dates, names and such mentioned that are real, a news story, let alone a newspaper or magazine’s entire issue, is a created thing. Yet for some reason it also seems to be one of the most difficult for most civilians — sorry, most people who aren’t in the news biz — to understand.

    Short version: No matter what airs they put on on during panel appearances or in their memoirs, the main concern of a news editor or producer isn’t to be truthful, it’s to package and sell his or her show or publication.

    • Agree: tamberlint
    • Thanks: Wizard of Oz
    • Replies: @Emslander
  11. JimDandy says:

    Brilliant piece, Ron. Mind-blowing stuff. Perhaps even more ironic than Dieudonné’s situation was the fact that Charlie Hebdo had given famed political cartoonist Maurce Sinet the choice to apologize or be fired after he made fun of Sarkozy over rumors that he was going to become a Jew. He said he’d rather cut his balls off than apologize, and that was the end of his time at that great great champion of free-speech, Charlie Hebdo:

    ***In July 2008, Siné’s column in the magazine Charlie Hebdo contained this comment on Jean Sarkozy’s rumoured impending conversion to Judaism so he could marry a Jewish heiress of the wealthy Darty family, Jessica Sebaoun-Darty: “He’ll go a long way in life, this lad!” Sarkozy and Sebaoun-Darty married but Sarkozy has affirmed that he did not convert to Judaism. The incident led to complaints of antisemitism and journalist Claude Askolovitch described the comments as antisemitic.

    The magazine’s editor, Philippe Val, ordered Siné to write a letter of apology or face termination. The cartoonist said he would rather “cut his own balls off”, and was promptly fired. Both sides subsequently filed lawsuits, and in December 2010, Siné won a 40,000-euro court judgment against his former publisher for wrongful termination.

    Siné reported a death threat posted on a site run by the Jewish Defense League. The text said “20 centimeters of stainless steel in the gut, that should teach the bastard to stop and think.”

    • Agree: Kratoklastes
  12. Rich23 says:

    “I was heavily focused upon the final stages of preparing my ultimately unsuccessful campaign for the Harvard Board of Overseers,”

    Thanks for positioning the author.

    “generally known as someone who got along well with others, ”

    Not getting along well with others is usually used as the justification for terminating someone’s employment or ruining their career. Here it turns out this personal trait is used to describe a terrorist mass shooter.


    “While I suppose it’s possible that a young, nursing mother has sometimes gone on a wild terrorist rampage”

    Good observation.

    Very few psychopaths, serial killers and mass shooters have been documented to get high on Pitocin, Oxytocin, MDMA or Ecstasy.

    Breast feeding stimulates the release of oxytocin, the happy or pleasure hormone, so to speak.

    Google ‘oxytocin pleasure’. Here’s the result.

    “Oxytocin is responsible for sexual arousal and orgasm. Nipple stimulation can cause a surge of oxytocin, which leads to lubrication and arousal in those with a vagina.‌ In those with a penis, oxytocin causes erection, increases sperm count, and moves sperm via ejaculation. Men have high levels of oxytocin during orgasm.”

    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  13. The tiny nursing mother with an equally tiny maternal instinct should be
    considered a prime suspect to kill city clerks she never met. Where did all
    the intrepid investigative reporters go? Not to the NYT.

    In a sudden reversal, the NYT has decided that DEI might not have been the
    timely movement that they once lavishly endorsed, not by hiring fewer Jews,
    but getting rid of Gentile Whites to make room for the POC’s.

    In an Editorial Board opinion the Times has decided that the recent campus
    protests were caused by “cancel culture” and lousy DEI administrative hires.
    Jewish students have been frightened and a few snowflakes have even melted.
    The Gaza Genocide can now be ruled out as a possible reason for the unrest.

    • Agree: John Trout
  14. RobinG says:

    Ron, I seldom read [anything] all the way through, but this was gripping. Thanks!

    • Agree: Wizard of Oz
    • Replies: @ariadna
  15. GMC says:

    The CIA and Mossad have been using the USA and many other countries as their free fire playground for decades. Who is going to stop them – the President, the Pentagon or Aipac – lol – law enforcement bows down to them.

    • Replies: @DirtySouthSide
  16. Very good. I was barely paying attention to the news at the time of the San Bernardino shooting, so I was totally unfamiliar with the details and had forgotten about it. I wouldn’t have known about the initial eyewitness accounts, although I typically don’t have much faith in such evidence. I do remember the Dorner case though and I recall feeling angry that the cops had apparently decided amongst themselves to light up any vehicle matching the description and sort out the details later.

  17. When I published We Are Not Charlie Hebdo in March 2015, six weeks after the events it addressed, I hoped it would help preserve information that might become more difficult to find in the future. And sure enough, within a few years, internet censorship and shadowbanning had reached a level that nobody in 2015 could have imagined.

    The follow-up Paris attacks in November 2015 were equally suspicious, and I responded with an even bigger volume, Another French False Flag which addresses the San Bernardino events as well.

    Thank you, Ron, for taking on these highly dubious official narratives. But regarding San Bernardino, I still think a premeditated conspiracy to blame the Pakistani Muslim couple is far more likely than an accidental police shooting followed by an ex post facto frame-up. (What are the odds that they would just happen to accidentally shoot up a black SUV with a Muslim couple inside? And that they would rather kill the “terrorists” than capture and interrogate them and take down their network?) The countless other cases of premeditated fabrication of “terrorism” pinned on innocent Muslims argue that such things are par for the course. Their purpose is to maintain the “Islamic terrorism” bogeyman which is so financially and geopolitically profitable. Without it, for example, Hamas would be seen as what it is: A highly admirable and ethical anti-genocide group. But due to the fabricated link between Islam and terrorism, the public has been conditioned to hate Hamas and other Muslim adversaries of Israel.

  18. “Based upon his ideological beliefs, he might have been expected to welcome the anti-Muslim crackdown prompted by the terrorist massacre, but in an interview with Britain’s Daily Telegraph he said that the attacks seemed extremely suspicious to him and might have been a false-flag operation by some intelligence service.”

    From the article below dated 17 January 2015 from Morocco World News entitled “Le Pen: ‘Charlie Hebdo Attack Was Planned by Secret Services”, it would appear that the interview was not with the Telegraph but with Komsomolskaïa Pravda, and Le Pen subsequently “issued a statement denying the comments published in the Russian newspaper that were later picked up by French media, saying his opinion got lost in translation.”

    “. . . just a week or so later, Le Pen narrowly escaped death when his house suddenly caught on fire, with that story also only being reported in the Telegraph.”

    Perhaps the Telegraph was the only English newspaper to report on it, but it was widely reported in the French press, as a Google search INCENDIE MAISON JEAN-MARIE LE PEN 2015 will confirm.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  19. Franz says:

    It’s also quite possible that Sullivan knows or at least suspects far more than she indicated in her book and she was being less than candid with her readers.

    The sort of wrong-headed politeness for a reporter?

    She deserves a whole lot less. I know men always will make allowances for women but in the case of our entrenched (and insanely over-paid) journalist “profession” I think it’s long past the time to take the gloves off.

    They lie about the big picture. They’ve been doing it since the Reagan years when sending work out and kicking the bottom out from under production workers became normal. The press buried all that under false tales of “globalism” and from there moved up to treason.

    Cut her no slack. They are all evil.

    • Agree: threadhopper
  20. Uncle Ben says:

    “Two days later, Paris saw a gigantic march of two million protesting the attacks and denouncing Islamic extremism. More than 40 world leaders led that procession, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu taking a prominent but controversial place at the front…”

    Actually, those attention-seeking publicity hounds didn’t “lead” anything. The images of them appearing to head up a massive throng were from a photo op staged in a well-secured empty street. The photos were taken by willing media collaborators crouching in front of the “brave” national “leaders” so as not to reveal the fact that the supposed army of resolute citizens behind them consisted of a relative handful of their own staff people.

    • Replies: @James N. Kennett
  21. Eric135 says:

    Journalism and Education are what the dummies major in.

    Ironic, given that they are the chief purveyors of information in society.

    • Replies: @Not jack londonl
  22. A lot of these attacks have been fishy. The Las Vegas shooting a few years ago is another. No real motive, the weird interview with Ellen DeGeneres and the security guard “witness” alongside his FBI handler. The security guard had supposedly left the country or something, and they brought him back to do this interview. I also remember, at the time, someone had “leaked” photos from the crime scene onto 8chan, which was also strange. These photos were “leaked” pretty much immediately after the shooting, so the photos were possibly uploaded directly from the scene by the investigation team themselves, and were not something that came out much later through the courts or whatever as these crime scene photos sometimes do. IIRC they showed evidence of another person in the hotel room (two glasses and some female accessories, when the alleged boomer shooter was said to have been alone the entire time), and the body of the alleged shooter didn’t seem consistent with the story that the security guard had told.

    That shooting was so fishy that even people who aren’t usually into conspiracy theories thought something was up with it.

    • Replies: @DinoBot
    , @CelestiaQuesta
  23. I’m pleased that Ron Unz has come around to the idea that the Charlie Hebdo attack was likely a false flag. Others would go further and say it was a complete hoax and no one died at all.
    Oddly enough, Ron makes no mention of the Bataclan theatre attack, also in Paris that same year, 2015. Allegedly, 90 people were killed in this “Islamist terrorist attack”. False flag and hoax also spring to mind here. Here’s the official fabrication.

    In December 2015, terrorist gunmen had attacked the public employees of San Bernardino, California at their offices, killing fourteen and wounding more than twenty, the worst mass shooting in America since Sandy Hook three years earlier.

    As previously mentioned by another commenter, Sandy Hook, like others, was a hoax perpetrated by the American Government. No one died. This view is supported by Jim Fetzer, Paul Craig Roberts and many others. Here’s the excellent Wolfgang Halbig documentary on this hoax.

    San Bernadino has all the elements of a government-orchestrated hoax. Has anyone ever done a serious investigation to check if the “victims” are actually dead ? I doubt it. More likely, the young Muslim couple have been given new identities and have been relocated.

    • Thanks: Kratoklastes
    • Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @CelestiaQuesta
  24. anastasia says:

    Interesting that Unz is raising the San Bernadino story. I recall putting that story on my falsus in uno list due to the very major discrepancies raised in the published story. I left it at that, as I was wholly unable to figure out or even speculate upon why such an event took place in the first place. Wholly bizarro story fed to us yet still swallowed whole by most.

    In regard to Sullivan’s autobiographical book, you have to wonder why she would even bother to write such a book if she truly had the slightest suspicion about the events she raises in her book and appeared to so docilely accept. If she did have her suspicions, did she ever consider that the truth may come out one day in the future, and that she, as a journalist, would look like a nitwit for accepting it so readily? I would imagine that she was under no pressure to write her book. You cannot help but wonder why she did. Could not have been money. How many would buy it? She did not even get a share in the $3.00 Unz paid for it. Had to be connected to vanity. Nah, she didn’t have a clue about any of these events, in my opinion.

  25. hobnob says:
    @Astuteobservor II


    For us poor schmucks it’s always September 10 or November 21. In our wildest imagination we can’t conceive what they have planned for us on the morrow.

  26. Anonymous[103] • Disclaimer says:

    In my dealings with local journalists and editors,I have discovered most are incompetent.Or worse.
    The result of story column inches “left on the floor”….certain aspects,insights not published.

  27. xyzxy says:

    Born in 1957, Sullivan explained that as a first grader she… had been horrified by the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, our first Catholic president.

    Doubtful that a first grade girl in ’63 would have been ‘horrified’ after the event. Remember, this was before social media and 24/7 cable news. No Internet. No real-time texting friends.

    If you wanted news you chose one of 3 (mostly black and white) 30 minute network news shows, each with no ‘live’ coverage to speak of. If you could read at a HS level and had some time in the AM, during breakfast there was a morning (plus maybe an evening edition) newspaper. No Zapruder, which didn’t make the rounds until much later.

    Kids that age during that era (probably the same as now) have but a vague understanding of politics and world events. As a six year old she no doubt knew the President’s name and possibly, just possibly, that he was Catholic, but even that is a stretch.

    So what she claims to remember (if she actually remembered it at all ) was parental reaction, but more likely her teacher’s reaction, making any heartfelt horror simply a mimic, solidified by later acquired additions.

    Why is this important? It demonstrates first how ‘journalism’ attempts to make the reporter part of the story. Hunter Thompson could do that because he was cynically funny and knew how to write ‘quasi-realistic’ fiction. But women like Sullivan are boring, with nothing interesting to say, and possessing little talent to say it with.

    It also shows that what they write has little relationship to actual ‘facts on the ground’, but relies heavily on made-up emotion; especially the latter since emotions rule the roost, these days.

    • Replies: @Victor G.
    , @Frau Katze
    , @Lysias
  28. SafeNow says:

    The preposterous selection of a diminutive nursing mother as this rampage’s patsy is fully consistent with the selection of the Pangolin as the putative intermediary that spread Covid to humans. At least the Pangolin, poor little patsy guy, has since been exonerated. Back in the day, patsies had, to borrow a word, hallmarks. Oswald, for example. But these days, the blatant in-your-faceness of it is exasperating. Of course, patsy-selection is but a metaphor for all official narratives.

  29. But what struck me in reading it was how a longtime editor and media columnist could have lived through some of the most shocking and dramatic events of the last sixty years without ever seeming to seriously question any of them.

    Are you reading this, Margaret ?
    I hope you and other mainstream “journalists” are beginning to realise your complicity … and of course you do know what you’re assisting don’t you ?
    Of course you do; you are at least not stupid.

    • Replies: @Arthur MacBride
    , @RobinG
  30. the police murder of George Floyd

    Et tu, Brute?

  31. Sprumford says:

    Reminds me of the famous quote attributed to John Swinton around 1880…

    “There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in
    America as an independent press. You know it and I know it.

    There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions,
    and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in
    print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the
    paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries
    for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to
    write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another
    job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my
    paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.

    The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth;
    to lie outright;
    to pervert;
    to vilify;
    to fawn at the feet of mammon, and
    to sell his country and his race for his daily bread.

    You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an
    independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind
    the scenes. We are jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we
    dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the
    property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”

    • Thanks: Emil Nikola Richard
    • Replies: @threadhopper
  32. @Arthur MacBride

    And JFYI on Publishing/Freedom of Academic Research.

    This week saw the start of the court sessions against Pedro Varela, Spain’s most important nationalist and one of Europe’s biggest publishers.

    The trial, after a long series, is now considered to be the definitive one, and will consist of three weekly sessions, until 29 May, when the last session will be held at the Provincial Court of Barcelona.

    The owner of Librería Europa is currently facing a 12-year prison sentence, which the prosecution is asking for on charges of incitement to hatred, Holocaust denial (which is not a crime in Spain…) and illicit association, although Varela has declared “who am I to say what can and cannot be read”.

    Yesterday (May 19) was birthday of Julius Evola.
    Especially for msm “journalists” and “newspaper” readers/voters.

    “The Americans are the living refutation of the Cartesian axiom, “I think, therefore I am”: Americans do not think, yet they are. The American ‘mind,’ puerile and primitive, lacks characteristic form and is therefore open to every kind of standardization.”
    Julius Evola

    • Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  33. An interesting article and warning!

    …For as journalism is bringing to light subjects out of the shadows so to speak where the presumption is that this process of documentation, purview and perspective brings forth some sort of truth, which of course is relative to factors that make the questions raised herein of important: For reporters are combatants and partisans hiding behind presumptions of subjective objectivity as the standard….and thus facts shaped by opinions, and opinions by other opinions, in an environment where the reporter becomes the reported; and relative to being the target or accomplice in this state of asymetrical warfare, terrorism on various levels, inclusive of an atmosphere of general editorial gas lighting threatening and executing a move towards full censorship.

    Unz has unfurled a flag, which is not false, but likened to a pleading of the fifth, through observing the weather…even though you don’t need a weatherman to know that the weatherman was trained by the intelligence agencies, even though the weatherman did not even know it….

    Of course here, in this wild and open forum, no doubt a jewish plot, but at this point the only pivot away from terrorism and world war III is to report on the plan that will bloom the desert, as swords can turn to plowshares by simply reporting on the Oasis Plan….that there actually is a plan for peace…when everyone is reporting on more and more war, for the more and more war cycle…there is at least a plan of reason:

    or as in John and Yoko’s axiom “Peace if you want it”!!!

  34. Biff says:
    @Colin Wright

    but an AR-15 really doesn’t have much of a kick.

    Not sure that’s a viable factoid. What is more pertinent is the persons history – was the person of interest trained in AR-15 usage?

    • Replies: @OogaBoogaBoo
  35. Anonymous[366] • Disclaimer says:

    But what struck me in reading it was how a longtime editor and media columnist could have lived through some of the most shocking and dramatic events of the last sixty years without ever seeming to seriously question any of them.

    It only takes questioning (doubting) the official narrative on just one event to then begin questioning the official narrative on all other events. But it’s that first doubt that’s the hardest. And TPTB know this— perhaps intuitively— and take steps to head it off or dampen it.

    Changing what you think you know (epistemic change*) not only requires being presented with evidence which conflicts with what you “know” to be true, it requires the somewhat jarring and uncomfortable (frightening) experience of self doubt (epistemic doubt). These two conditions have to be present for the initial questioning of the truth of the narrative (epistemic doubt).

    So no matter how cogent, persuasive and forceful the initial condition is made, if you make the second condition more difficult (or more painful), you can reduce the likelihood of initially questioning the official narrative (epistemic doubt). One way this is done is through things like cancelling and destroying someone’s livelihood who is seen to step out of line. To paraphrase Mao’s dictum, ‘Destroy the livelihood of one wage slave, teach ten thousand other wage slaves’.

    *Changing epistemic beliefs (beliefs about knowledge and knowing) requires individuals to experience epistemic doubt (a specific type of cognitive dissonance). To evoke epistemic doubt, many studies rely on presenting diverging information (conflicting evidence).

  36. Charles says:

    The value of Ron Unz’s work is in getting the vast majority of people (I am included) who factually know almost nothing to think about what reality actually is.

    For we “the narrative is lies” people (I am certainly included), there is a very recent event to consider. It is of no world importance and no one died. But in the wee hours of this past Friday morning one of the most successful pro athletes in the world, Scottie Scheffler, was arrested – handcuffed and jump-suited – as he was trying to get into Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville, Kentucky. He was preparing for the second round of one of pro golf’s “major” championships, and he had already won the first one this year. I pay no attention to wagering, but it was reported that he was a betting “favorite”. I am aware of what the media claims happened. He did get released in time to play the second round on Friday and did well, but on Saturday his game dissolved. I realize this is not earth-shaking news. I just think it is awfully damn peculiar.

    • Agree: Emslander
    • Replies: @Rich23
    , @Emslander
  37. @Arthur MacBride

    The tide is turning.

    — 🇮🇱 BREAKING: The International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, for war crimes and crimes against humanity

    • Replies: @Rich23
  38. Obviously, this reconstruction is quite speculative, and Wikipedia summarizes the long list of media reports providing a cornucopia of highly-incriminating evidence. These describe the enormous arsenal of weapons and home-made bombs that the young immigrant couple had allegedly amassed in preparation for their terrorist rampage. So interested readers should weigh that supposed evidence against the seemingly contrary facts that I have described above.

    Maybe the couple’s online history (real or planted) showed sympathy to the Islamist cause in the Middle East. Then they were targeted as patsies by Mossad. Plant weapons in their home and vehicle, then force them to drive into the swarm of trigger happy cops, under the threat of harm to their child.

    Still seems complicated as a conspiracy, but more plausible than hundreds of retarded cops/reporters effectively covering up the slaughter of an unarmed couple.

  39. DinoBot says:

    I seem to recall that the govt made a big stink about getting Apple to unlock one of the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone. Not sure how that ended up or if I’m misremembering.

    Did they use this to pass any new laws that strip more freedom and privacy?

    • Replies: @Mefobills
  40. DinoBot says:

    I think Liberty Lockdown did a podcast on this a few months back. The Vegas incident had Fast and Furious connections and the dudes wife fought for the Reagan administration in the Philippines in the 80s. No real answers, but the rabbit hole goes deep.

  41. BrooLidd says:

    The stream of information has become so enormous that I (and probably others) register events but almost immediately—overwhelmed by the flood of new, startling events—forget them.

    Not Ron Unz. He notices. He remembers. He ponders. He connects dots. He then— fortunately for us—presents his conclusions in lucid articles on the Unz Review.

    San Bernardino, Charlie Hebdo, 911, Isis, the POW coverup… Nothing is random. Everything fits together.

    No rational human being can observe the bizarre spectacle unfolding in the U.S. Congress and not realize that these people are puppets. Congressmen, senators, the president and cabinet… they move in unison, in absolute lockstep. Independent agents? You’ve got to be joking.

    Am I the only person who gets the feeling that these people are living and acting in a state of absolute terror, in a state of existential fear of their paymaster, their puppetmaster?

    Mr. Giraldi and others keep saying we can vote ourselves out of this…

    This what? Disaster? Tragedy? Clusterf***?

    No. A thousand times no. Enoch Powell was right. This will end in one way only, rivers of blood.

    • Agree: Charles
  42. Thirdtwin says:

    Why did Obama insist on calling it ISIL when everybody else in US govno said—and still says—ISIS? Does he still say ISIL now?

    • Replies: @TKK
  43. ariadna says:

    Nice of you to say so. Nothing pleases a writer more than compliments from the not-reading public.

    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  44. Madbadger says:
    @Colin Wright

    You missed the fact that an AR-15 would be difficult to control and shoot rapidly for someone without training. A small woman even more so. The amount of ‘kick’ is not all there is to it. The targets were hit.

    • Replies: @HammerJack
  45. Mike Tre says:

    “On December 2nd, public employees of San Bernardino County were holding a day-long training exercise and holiday party at their offices when a deadly attack suddenly began. According to all the eyewitnesses, three large white men, wearing ski masks and dressed head-to-toe in military-style commando-outfits suddenly burst into the gathering and began raking the terrified victims with gunfire from their assault-rifles, killing fourteen and wounding more than twenty others. ”

    Ok – I skimmed this 6000 word article that veered off in to the oncoming “Muslims have actually never actually committed any actual acts of terrorism” lane, but I must have missed the part that explains the motive for why 3 large white men would just gun down 35 people for no reason.

    I feel very bad for the Pakis – they never got the opportunity to get their own white girl prostitution ring started like their cousins in Great Britain (or are those false flags as well, Ron?) – and I can’t help but wonder perhaps they would still be alive had they chosen to stay in their own country.

    But nevermind – please enthrall me – why did 3 white men commit this crime again?

  46. BrooLidd says:
    @cousin lucky

    The general public is kept in a very deep coma…

    In the U.S.A. the general public is never told the truth everything is a fairy tale myth…

    If someone dares to reveal the truth… their revelations are not believed by the comatose public…

    Mr. Roberts correctly calls us ” American Dumbshits”…

    My brother, my nephew, and I spent a couple of hours yesterday talking about ‘politics’ and current events.

    My loveable, obese, 52 year old nephew is a classic optimist—outgoing and happy in spite of family deaths and serious health problems. He said little. I finally asked him if he was indifferent to the things my brother and I were vociferously discussing.

    “I’m only interested in what directly effects me and my circle of friends and family,” he said. “Yes, I’m indifferent to anything else.”

    This brought to mind a Goebbels quote ‘Mefobills’ cited in April:

    The modern state form in Germany is a refined type of democracy, governed by authoritarian principles through the power of the people’s mandate… The principle of democracy is completely misunderstood if one concludes from it that nations want to govern themselves. They can’t do it nor do they want to. Their only wish is that the regime governs well.”

    When Goebbels said ‘nation’ he was not referring to a geographical entity or a government. He was referring to a ‘people,’ a Volk. That is, he was referring to a group of individuals.

    I think Goebbels was right. I am convinced that the great majority of Americans do not ‘want to govern themselves. They can’t do it nor do they want to.’

    Think about it.

    • Agree: Charles
  47. Mike Tre says:
    @Colin Wright

    I had both my daughter’s firing my AR-15 when they were 12 years old.

    Ron likes to embellish to support his beliefs (the woman “stood barely 5 feet tall” for example, which means in reality she was probably 5’1″), but instead of supporting his position he ends up discrediting himself as it appears he’s never actually fired an AR-15 (the 5.56 being one of the smaller rifle rounds available) and doesn’t know anything about it from experience.

    • Agree: Twinkie
  48. Mike Tre says:
    @Astuteobservor II

    So now explain why three white men did it.

    • Thanks: Rich
    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  49. Jim H says:

    ‘to get a sense of what [Sullivan had] observed during her term as the designated reader-advocate at our national newspaper of record.’ — Ron Unz

    As your self-appointed copy editor, I recommend to insert an ironic ‘[sic]’ after ‘newspaper of record.’

    That term, newspaper of record, was a self-appointed honor, much like Gregor MacGregor appointing himself the Cacique of Poyais, thereby to sell its sovereign bonds to credulous investors.

    By early 2016, if not before, the New York Slimes had embarked on an entire year of fictitious articles, describing ‘Inevitable Hillary’s’ commanding lead in the polls. Many more essays, presented as news, speculated on the make-up of Hillary’s cabinet; her policy priorities; the coming drama of her first hundred days in office.

    Really, the whole rancid output of that year should have been collected and published as fiction. Trouble is, Hillary pre-empted the market with her deadly dull, insight-free What Happened.

    What ACTUALLY happened is that the New York Slimes destroyed its own claim to be America’s newspaper of record. It was only ever an émigré rag, a slightly more worldly version of the Jewish Daily Forward. Just look at the skewed ethnic distribution of its featured editorial writers on any given day, and you’ll see exactly what I mean.

    Death to the Lügenpresse.

  50. @Astuteobservor II

    The “wildfires” at Santa Rosa and Maui are darkly suspicious. See Peggy Hall.

    • Agree: Anonymous534
  51. Ron Unz says:

    If we reject the false flag scenario, does that mean the tall, white male shooters just randomly decided to shoot all those local government employees, and then got away with it? That would be really bizarre.

    Assuming my analysis is correct, we really don’t have any idea about who or what was behind the massacre. It’s very possible that it was intended as a false-flag attack to be blamed on Muslims or some other group. But after the police accidentally shot that Pakistani couple a few hours later and firmly declared the case closed, whatever the plan had been was no longer possible.

  52. Yeah, I’ve had those speculations too. In the last months of the Obama presidency, it was as though there was a serious terror attack every week, predominantly in Europe, and then they all suddenly stopped with the ascension of trump. I thought that perhaps there were entry points for middle easterners that terrorists were exploiting, but that somehow trump put a stop to it with the travel bans. I don’t see what the government would have to gain from small false flag attacks, but who knows.

    • Replies: @Eric135
  53. Rich23 says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    …and Hamas.

    Why also arrest Hamas, the only entity defending the Palestinian people?

    • Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  54. Ron Unz says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    But regarding San Bernardino, I still think a premeditated conspiracy to blame the Pakistani Muslim couple is far more likely than an accidental police shooting followed by an ex post facto frame-up.

    I’m pretty skeptical. If the group behind the attacks had planned to blame the Pakistani couple, why would they have used three large white men as the shooters? They could have just used two shooters, one of them fairly short. If the eyewitnesses had said that one of the shooters was short, I would have regarded that as generally supporting the guilt of the couple that had been killed.

    I think it’s perfectly possible that the attack had indeed been planned as a false-flag, perhaps with fake evidence already produced to implicate three selected patsies. But if the local police accidentally shot that couple four hours later and declared the case closed, the rest of the plan couldn’t go into effect. Even if they dumped fake evidence implicating the three patsies, the government couldn’t admit it had killed that the couple had been innocent and mistakenly shot.

    • Agree: John Trout, Wizard of Oz
    • Replies: @QCIC
    , @Kevin Barrett
    , @dimples
  55. Z-man says:

    …and today we have the accidental death of the Iranian president. Interestink’, no?
    I hope Nethanyahu meets with a similar fate soon.

    • Replies: @Charles
  56. Mefobills says:

    I seem to recall that the govt made a big stink about getting Apple to unlock one of the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone. Not sure how that ended up or if I’m misremembering.

    You didn’t misremember. Two factors that need to be included in Ron’s analysis.

    1) The FBI was being paid for pre-crime. In those days they were setting up Islamic patsies. Today, they are trying to set up white nationalists. Catholic civ. nationalists are also on the hit list. It is a self licking ice cream cone.

    2) The Apple angle. The “spook state” wanted to crack open Apple’s code, to get inside the vault. Israeli experts (of course) helped jail break the Apple phones, so the Congressional inquiry was dropped like a hot potato. Tim “Rim Job” Cook, of Apple, should have moved Apple out of the U.S. at that point, as the writing was on the wall.

    The U.S. is a corporatocracy. NOT FASCIST! This is rule by corporations, and also the wall street finance class. It is a finance Oligarchy. This sort of thing repeats throughout history, and the cycle was noted by Aristotle.

    Deformed people, working behind the scenes, featherbed for their own financial, or their in-group interests.

    I’m a Nazi, but I also recognize that the Normans (who were Aryans), invaded England and then imported Jews as their 0ut-group, to then become predatory on the English population. This is always the case, the police can be weaponized, or there are immigrants that are used as a new police force. The new people do not have connections to blood and soil, and nor do the Oligarchs – they are internationalists…. rootless cosmopolitans.

    The only way to break the cycle is to have periodic dictatorships, with a simultaneous jubilee. This would be about every 50 years, so that new generations are not screwed with historical debts. It is a sin to attach historical debts to new generations – Christianity used to know that. The dictator is a corrective to break the cycle. Periodic jubilees with dictatorships re-establishes an open power vertical, and hidden string pullers have their strings cut.

    The FBI is only doing the bidding of their masters. Also, it is no surprise that Margaret Sullivan, despite being a journalist, sucked down the narratives of the day. The vast majority of the population are normies, occupied by their lives, and are not deep thinkers. How many journalists went along with the Covid mass formation psychosis?

    • Replies: @Victor G.
  57. Ron Unz says:

    From the article below dated 17 January 2015 from Morocco World News entitled “Le Pen: ‘Charlie Hebdo Attack Was Planned by Secret Services”, it would appear that the interview was not with the Telegraph but with Komsomolskaïa Pravda, and Le Pen subsequently “issued a statement denying the comments published in the Russian newspaper that were later picked up by French media, saying his opinion got lost in translation.”

    I don’t doubt that other newspapers also reported Le Pen’s remarks, which were obviously very newsworthy. But I’m sure that I’d read them in the Daily Telegraph at the time, and that’s what I’d said in my comments on the issue published not too long afterwards. I certainly never read those other publications you mention.

    I think it’s really quite suspicious that the Telegraph has now apparently removed those articles from its archives, or at least they didn’t come up when used the Telegraph‘s own search feature.

    • Replies: @for-the-record
  58. QCIC says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    The San Bernardino farce hardened my skepticism toward government stories. I don’t recall many details, but for some reason I happened to be more engaged with the live media coverage of this event than usual. The blatant contradictions immediately suggested this was a false flag. Follow up reading of citizen reports online confirmed this theory. Nothing since has overturned that initial conclusion.

    The most interesting thing about this minor event is that the facts behind the case remain unclear, at least in the sources I use. This means that none of the people involved has been able to get the truth out into the open. Presumably some of them want to do this, but some combination of loyalty, fear and bribery combined with effective internet information control has prevented the facts from breaking through into the light.

  59. Ron Unz says:

    I’m pleased that Ron Unz has come around to the idea that the Charlie Hebdo attack was likely a false flag.

    Well, as I explained in my article, “I came around” to the attack being a false-flag about six or seven days after it occurred, mostly because that academic friend of mine persuaded me.

    Frankly, I think all your “hoax” comments are just totally ridiculous. Do you believe every single terrorist attack or mass shooting has been a “hoax,” with nobody actually killed?

  60. profnasty says:

    The incredible ineptitude of police investigations re mass shootings is just, well, incredible. And the police captains suicide regarding the Charlie Hebdo attack,,very suspicious.
    Was he Jewish? Was his name Dreyfuss?!

  61. LJ says:

    Nine years have now passed and much of the video evidence has disappeared, so determining exactly what happened seems quite difficult.

    The feds are hard at work everywhere.

  62. QCIC says:
    @Ron Unz

    The full 21st century version of the San Bernardino false flag would entail that some or all of the “victims” were crisis actors. I don’t think the live video coverage ruled out this possibility. After all, this was a “training event”.

  63. I was a bit confused by the Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (R&G) analogy: are they supposed to represent the two Pakistanis with their photos right underneath the title? Or are R&G supposed to represent Margaret Sullivan and other journalists who are unaware that they are being used to protect and project the “official narrative”? There should be a clearer distinction between “patsy” and “pawn”: the Pakis would be mere patsies and Sullivan and company would be the pawns.

    If Unz meant for R&B to represent the Pakis, then the Hamlet parallel seems to make less sense; if R&B represent Sullivan, however, then the parallel holds. R&G are aware that they are on a mission but are unaware of the deeper meaning of that mission, and thus are used as pawns — but not as mere patsies. Likewise, Sullivan and other journalists are aware that they are on some kind of mission, but unaware about the more profound implications of that mission; and thus are also pawns — and not patsies like the Pakis.

    What Unz seems to be trying to prove is that there are a bunch of pawns within mainstream media, spending years and even decades blissfully unaware that they are being used to further the official narrative determined by their bosses. This could be true, and I think he presented strong arguments that this may have occured in Sullivan’s case. And it’s interesting that Unz pointed out that Sullivan had a “Catholic” upbringing. What is that implying? That this makes her more prone to be duped and used as a pawn?

    What is sort of worrying is that by focusing on this specific media pawn, a journalist version of the run-of-the-mill normie, Unz seems to be justifying the behavior of great swaths of media professionals: he’s letting them off the hook because they can’t be blamed for being unaware that they are being used. By doing this, however, he may also be taking our eyes off the host of official scribes who are not only fully aware that they are peddling lies for their masters but are also performing their roles willingly and even with glee. These journalist are “in on it”: they know what the agenda is and they are gladly furthering its objectives.

    Could journalists and writers such as Thomas Friedman, David Brooks, Paul Krugman, Anne Applebaum and countless others be mere pawns? Are they blissfully unaware of what’s really going on, like Sullivan? Very doubtful. They know full well what the agenda is. And journalists like these may have even received instructions on how to follow this agenda, such as these: Instructions for Controlling Public Opinion through Media…

    Instructions for Controlling Public Opinion through Media

    1. Establish Jewish Ownership of Newspapers:
    – Acquire the majority of newspapers to counteract the harmful influence of goy-owned press.
    – Gain substantial influence over public opinion through this ownership.

    2. Outnumber Goy Newspapers:
    – For every ten private newspapers permitted, establish thirty Jewish-controlled newspapers.
    – Maintain secrecy about the true ownership of these newspapers to avoid public suspicion.

    3. Create Diverse Appearances for Jewish Newspapers:
    – Publish newspapers with a wide range of apparent tendencies and opinions.
    – Build trust among the public by appearing to represent various viewpoints.

    4. Organize Newspapers into Three Ranks:
    – First Rank: Official newspapers that clearly support Jewish interests, with limited influence.
    – Second Rank: Semi-official newspapers designed to attract the indifferent and undecided.
    – Third Rank: Apparent opposition newspapers that seem to oppose the Jews but actually serve their purposes. These will help identify real opponents by gaining their trust.

    5. Simulate Opposition and Control Public Opinion:
    – Ensure that all newspapers, regardless of apparent stance, ultimately work towards Jewish aims.
    – Use varied editorial stances (aristocratic, republican, revolutionary, anarchical) to cover all public opinions.

    6. Manipulate Public Sentiment:
    – Guide public opinion subtly to align with Jewish goals.
    – Take advantage of heightened public emotions to influence opinions, as excited individuals are more susceptible to suggestion.

    7. Maintain Illusion of Free Speech:
    – Create superficial debates and arguments between Jewish-controlled and official newspapers.
    – Use these debates to elaborate on Jewish views and maintain the appearance of freedom of speech.

    8. Organize Media Strategy:
    – Establish a central department of the Jewish press to coordinate Jewish media efforts.
    – Hold gatherings where Jews and their agents discreetly issue daily orders and talking points.

    9. Implement Superficial Criticism:
    – Engage in superficial critiques of Jewish policies through third-rank press outlets.
    – Use these critiques to strengthen the perception of free speech and discredit genuine opposition.

    10. Publicize Superficial Oppositions:
    – Allow semi-official organs to energetically refute trial criticisms made by third-rank press outlets.
    – Use these controlled refutations to further solidify Jewish narratives.

    11. Excite or Calm Public Sentiment as Needed:
    – Use media to either excite or calm public sentiment on political issues, depending on what benefits the Jews.
    – Mix truth and lies as necessary, carefully testing the public’s reception before fully committing to any narrative.

    12. Suppress Opponent Platforms:
    – Prevent opponents from having access to media platforms where they can fully express their views.
    – Only refute opposition superficially to maintain control over the narrative.

    By following these steps, the Jews can effectively control and manipulate public opinion, ensuring that the public remains aligned with their interests while believing in the existence of genuine freedom of speech.

    • Thanks: A B Coreopsis
    • Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @Anonymous
  64. Z-man says:

    Look at what the Jew controlled press (and other organizations) is doing to Sean (P. Ditty) Combs. Because of his calling out the Jew he’s being lynched in the MSM right now as we speak. I don’t condone hitting women but Combs troubles are being magnified by the juden press.

  65. QCIC says:
    @Ron Unz

    The Las Vegas shooting was divisive among people who worry about these things. The event had a lot of complex layers if I recall correctly. I don’t have an opinion on what actually happened with that massacre, but the fact that some of the same people were involved in the subsequent night club shooting in Los Angeles is very curious.

  66. @Chebyshev

    Hard to believe that the Obama team would resist a chance to launch a “jihad” against three tall White Nationalist extremists in favor of scapegoating a pair of innocent Moslems.

  67. They got shot up for a false flag operation when they should not have been driving around in a black SUV.

    So much for the American dream and left behind a little girl… poor Pakis!

  68. Rich23 says:

    Scheffler’s troubles are not over on this account. Jail time clearly left an impression on a seemingly good guy. A psychopath would have been unmoved by the whole experience.
    A famous other golfer comes to mind.

    • Replies: @N. Joseph Potts
  69. @Ron Unz

    Well, Ron, we seem to have reversed roles, with me saying “they’re so sloppy, incompetent, and/or arrogant in their control of MSM that they don’t mind using three shooters and blaming a couple” and you protesting “but they couldn’t be that sloppy/incompetent/arrogant.” That reverses our respective positions on the pandemic triggered by the COVID bio-attack on China and Iran, yours being that they’re so incompetent, sloppy, and arrogant that they didn’t expect the virus to escape China and hit the West, and mine being that they had gamed that out and figured that killing off a fraction of the boomer retirees would actually help narrow the US-China economic growth gap, which was the whole point of the attack.

    • Replies: @Ellison
    , @Notsofast
  70. Charles says:

    Additionally, all Western outlets I have seen always use the phrase “state media”, not “news”, to describe Iranian news outlets. But we in the West have no controlled media, of course…

    • Agree: N. Joseph Potts
  71. anonymous[139] • Disclaimer says:

    I’ve met many people like Sullivan. They have the outward achievements of degrees and careers, are able to relate anecdotes from their career, etc, yet are totally shallow. It always seems that such people are mentally defective in some way; there’s something missing, they lack curiosity. It does enable them to last at their jobs for a long time so there’s that aspect.
    The San Bernardino couple always did seem an unlikely terrorist duo and were possibly some dead patsies. The three reported shooters could have been Middle Easterners since a lot of them have relatively light skin and not much could be seen. The purpose seems obscure but then sometimes these events don’t have the impact the planners were hoping for. As soon as something happens the spin machine kicks into high gear and the waters get muddied. Everything always seems to have an overlooked backstory.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  72. @Eric135

    Brings to mind when Joe Naimth was being razed as a “dumb ass” by the press, asked if he majored in basket weaving at University of Alabama, Joe replied, “no I majored in journalism, it was easier”.

    • LOL: QCIC, Gallatin, Eric135
    • Replies: @HammerJack
  73. Back when it happened, I quickly and confidently consigned the reporting of the San Bernardino shootings to the enormous junk heap to which I have consigned SO MUCH of mainstream reportage of similar events these 25 years or more.
    It’s ALL lies, so crafted as to prevent the inference of the truth even by those who easily see that it is lies.
    We’re all mushrooms. And can’t do anything about it.

  74. @Mr. Unz:

    Has he watched the Netflix series on the Octopus Murders? What is his opinion of this affair? It might be good to do a review of this series. I found they clearly try to ham up the affair, to make it more than it was for dramatic purposes, but some interesting information is revealed. In particular, it does appear that the government “rubs people out” on occasion. So maybe in San Bernardino it was a government assassination made to appear as a terrorist attack.

  75. @Rich23

    Why was Scheffler arrested?

    • Replies: @Rich23
  76. @Ron Unz

    Ron, you know what a real mass shooting looks like in the public information sphere?
    It’s a short report in some local newspaper saying that a gang of niggers shot and killed 10 members of another gang of niggers. That’s a real mass shooting.
    All these “mass shooting” hoaxes that get national media attention and keep that attention for weeks are fake events designed to push gun control agenda. With these, you always get a diverse cast of crisis actors fake crying with no tears on CNN. If that satanic faggot Anderson Cooper is involved, that means it was 100% a hoax. They even re-use the same crisis actors over and over again. Do tell, why would they have to use crisis actors if there were real families of victims? Does that make sense to you?

    Listen to this podcast, it talks about forensic evidence of San Bernardino event and how it’s surely a fake.

  77. HVMII says:

    Under Sullivan, the Buffalo News became a rag of highly biased reporting using advocacy journalism. During her years as an editor, there was no conservative editorial opinion for the city in opposition to the asinine policies of the city council (always looking for a silver bullet using taxpayer subsidies to line the pockets of the developers). The Buffalo Snooze only included mainstream conservatives like George Will, who completely lost touch with the conservative movement under Trump, that had become hostile to the Beltway that Will represents.

    The Buffalo News remains a rag. Three-quarters of its stories come from the New York Times. Since COVID, the advocacy journalism in the paper (since her departure) has only become worse, while the paper continues to charge even more for less. They even took away Prince Valiant from the Sunday comics! I guess that is what you get in a one-paper town.

    While it is likely Sullivan does not want to rock the boat in order to to keep her sinecure, she has imbibed deeply from the Kool Aid which has so profoundly influenced newspapers, academia, and government today. Indeed, the lack of objectivity that she represents in pursuance of what I can only describe as a “racial communist” agenda is why the story in Palo Alto became distorted. Her oversight of the Buffalo News is representative of the decline in U.S. institutions, where First Amendment rights and professional objectivity have been thrown out the window in order to fulfill what has become an illiberal agenda. She turned the Buffalo News into an unobjective one-sided rag from which the paper has never recovered. Yet, she continues to win the applause from a sick and corrupt establishment.

    • Replies: @HVMII
  78. @Madbadger

    You missed the fact that an AR-15 would be difficult to control and shoot rapidly for someone without training.

    • LOL: europeasant
    • Replies: @QCIC
    , @Punch Brother Punch
  79. Anon[108] • Disclaimer says:

    Regimes fall when elites stop taking them seriously. That was the way the Warsaw Pact & COMECON ended. Dips were resentful of exit visas. Gerontocracy became a joke. Chernobyl blew up. The bloc split, not along ethnic lines, in accordance with Gate’s big fixation, but in hardline v. moderate splits. Back then Hungary and Czechosolvakia were the moderate states, GDR was the hardliner (The more things change…) Elites got tired of waiting for the other shoe to drop. D.P. Moynihan put in two bills to abolish CIA when its mirror image Soviet collapsed.

    Plugged-in functionaries know CIA runs this country and their satellites with the arbitrary power of their impunity, through their Mossad, MI-6 and “Safari Club” henchmen. With Russia, China, and Iran fed up and armed to the teeth, they don’t have to treat that as a secret fact of life anymore.

    • Replies: @anarchyst
    , @John Trout
  80. @Ron Unz

    The French Wikipedia article make reference to Le Pen’s doubts:

    ” . . . tandis que Jean-Marie Le Pen émet des doutes devant « cette histoire de carte d’identité oubliée par les frères Kouachi », qu’il rapproche du « passeport d’un des terroristes du 11 septembre miraculeusement retrouvé dans un New York en cendres »”.

    The link to the article in Libération which provides a quite detailed account of the interview no longer works, here is one that does:

    • Thanks: Wizard of Oz
  81. Ellison says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    The sloppiness is so absurd, I guess because it never gets challenged. I was at the Flt. 93 memorial in Pennsylvania (where they have the bandanas worn by the hijackers – like Old West stagecoach bandits – in glass showcases). A woman asked a park ranger “Why did they hate us?” The ranger went into the spiel about our freedoms and our way of life. So, there’s a back-up absurd story to explain the absurd story that a very religious man in a cave in Afghanistan got 19 or 20 very nonreligious men to learn how to fly small airplanes so that they could commit suicide using big jets.

    • Replies: @MarLuc7
  82. anarchyst says:

    Criminal behavior by government agencies in the USA has been going on for many generations, if not decades.
    Not only high-profile murders such as Ruby Ridge and Waco, but lesser and unknown murders committed by “law enforcement” and other government “three-letter-agencies” are occurring on a somewhat daily basis. We never hear about them.
    Let’s not forget “entrapment” where individuals and groups are infiltrated by government types, and then encouraged to commit “criminal acts” with extensive “help” from their handlers, who then “bust” them for supposed “crimes” such as “conspiracy to commit (enter crime here)”. Many of their “victims” are low-IQ individuals who have no intention of committing crimes but are coerced by their government “handlers”, even being provided with materials in which to fabricate destructive devices of various types.
    It would appear that the USA has it’s own “Hannibal Directive”, modeled on the same policies formulated by israel.
    For the unaware, the “Hannibal Directive” is a policy that considers ordinary law-abiding people to be expendable, if the further aims of the state are advanced.

    To quote Solznenitsyn:

    “At what point, then, should one resist? When one’s belt is taken away? When one is ordered to face into a corner? When one crosses the threshold of one’s home? An arrest consists of a series of incidental irrelevancies, of a multitude of things that do not matter, and there seems no point in arguing about one of them individually…and yet all these incidental irrelevancies taken together implacably constitute the arrest. ”
    ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago: 1918-1956

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
    ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

    • Thanks: CelestiaQuesta, JimDandy
  83. @Rich23

    [Totally off-topic comments are unlikely to be published and posting them is bad behavior.]

    I posted three replies to you on this, Rich, which strangely did not appear.


    Never experienced this on UR before, so … ??
    This is from a pro-Palestine tg site jfyi

    The ICC has begun filing applications for arrest warrants for Hamas’ leaders (Sinwar and Deif, but also Ismail Haniyah which is strange since he’s not in Gaza nor involved in the October 7 attacks)

    The reason for this lists the common Israeli hasbara that Hamas used rape, mass slaughter of civilians, hostage taking, “cruel treatment of the hostages”, “outrages on personal dignity”, torture. etc.

    The ICC also plans to have warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and his defense minister yoav gallant. The reason given includes using starvation as a tool of war and willfully causing suffering and killing civilians.

    No mention of torture, rape, white phosphorus, kidnapping (6000 Palestinians kidnapped by Israel), etc.

    All in all, this is unprecedented in that no Israeli leader has ever been issued an arrest warrant by the ICC, which would imply the international community would have to comply (except for the U.S. of course). At the same it’s exactly what you’d expect, they’d peddle all the lies against Hamas, and apply the bear minimum to Israel.

    You can read more about the decision on the ICC’s website linked below

    International Criminal Court (
    Statement of ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan KC: Applications for arrest warrants in the situation in the State of Palestine
    Today I am filing applications for warrants of arrest before Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court in the Situation in the State of Palestine. Image ICC Prosecutor Khan on application for arrest warrants in the situation in the State of Palestine Watch Download Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Diab Ibrahim Al-Masri (Deif), Ismail Haniyeh On the basis of evidence collected and examined by my Office, I have reasonable grounds to believe that Yahya SINWAR (Head of the Islamic Resistance Movement (“Hamas”) in the Gaza Strip), Mohammed Diab Ibrahim AL-MASRI, more commonly known as DEIF (Commander-in-Chief of the military wing of Hamas, known as the Al-Qassam Brigades), and Ismail HANIYEH (Head of Hamas Political Bureau) bear criminal responsibility for the following war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of Israel and the State of Palestine (in the Gaza strip) from at least 7 October 2023:  Extermination as a crime against humanity, contrary to article 7(1)(b) of the Rome Statute;…

    • Replies: @Rich23
  84. Agent76 says:

    Black SUV’s sure does sound like Federally issued vehicle’s.

    Dec 6, 2015 San bernardino witness said 3 Athletic & Tall white men?

    The witness said she saw 3 Athletic and Tall white men, not into conspiracy theories just need someone to shed light from the scene.

  85. anarchyst says:

    Let’s not forget the CIA’s “funding”. The CIA runs the most extensive criminal operations system in the world. Of course, they are not alone with the mossad and MI-6 doing the same thing.
    As the CIA and other “letter agencies” are exempt from all customs inspections, the American (illegal) “drug trade” finances the CIA and possibly other “letter agencies” as well.

  86. Isn’t it convenient how the Illegitimate Biden Regime and its rogue DOJ switched most dangerous threat to US from Islamic Jihad terrorists to White Domestic terrorists in a matter of, well as soon as they seize control of alphabets.

    It’s obvious to us now why white J6’ers are still imprisoned after three years and others are still being rounded up while BLM/Antifa burn loot murder and rape snatch’n grab thugs run free with zero consequences.

    According to the illegitimate Biden regime run by Israeli first Zionists, all American whites are potential Nazis that will eventually rise up in the future if not defeated today.

    They went from two war fronts in Ukraine and Palistine, both started by Zionist Jews, to the endless war in US/UK/EU aimed at the complete destruction and replacement of whites in the lands of their ancestors.

    If this is not covert genocide, than we are truly deaf, dumb and blind.

  87. QCIC says:

    This one never gets old.

  88. AR Owner says:
    @Colin Wright

    An AR15 is the easiest rifle for a small woman or child to use that is in a military caliber. I agree with everything Unz said except for that part. There are plenty of women and even kids shooting AR15s all over youtube and in America on a daily basis.

    The training required is very limited, as the rifle is very low recoiling and the controls are about as intuitive as a rifle can get. People with decent eye hand coordination and maybe 10 minutes of instruction can do exactly what the shooters did, especially if equipped with a red dot.

    The AR15 is very lightweight and extremely easy to shoot well. There is a reason that it is still the main military pattern firearm in most of the western world six decades after being adopted. Or why so many police departments use it.

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  89. Dry Patch says:
    @Colin Wright

    In Basic Training, one recruit was required to place the butt of his M-16 against his crotch and fire, so as to demonstrate to the rest of us that there was no significant recoil. The rest of us were all required to put the butt of our M-16s against our foreheads and fire, one-handed.

    Years later my 4’11” girlfriend could fire a Mini-14, a weapon firing the same ammo as the M-16 but lacking the same recoil buffer system, without trouble.

    Recoil is not an issue with the M-16/AR-15.


    • Agree: Hunsdon
  90. Dr. Rock says:

    I remember being pretty shocked when the LA cops shot the shit out of that pick up truck.

    Amongst all the other problems we face, have a simultaneously hyper-militarized and incompetent trigger happy police force, is certainly one of them. We arm the shit out of them, and then, they just go on blast, over stupid shit; Like a falling acorn hitting the roof of their car, while the suspect is already inside.

    Or, some women delivering newspapers. Now, quite often, unarmed people charging at the cops, getting killed. Should you charge at the cops? No, but it doesn’t have to be a death sentence, except that cops are trained to behave that way. Years ago, they would have just beat the shit out of you with their night sticks, now, they shoot you dead.

    I’ve never done a deep dive, but I’ve heard that there is much more to the Dorn story too.

    Unz is great at exploring these stories.

  91. HVMII says:

    As an addendum, a couple of caveats:

    1. The Buffalo Snooze sells “Football and Chicken Wings” to it’s readers. Give them both, and the Fudds will be mollified.

    2. For years, the News has run cover for the politicians and the special interests while blocking real progress. For example it remains silent on behalf of the Nimbys about the failure to build third commerce bridge with Canada and it helped stifle the development of Niagara Falls Airport as an air cargo airport in order to protect the interests of the investors in the Buffalo Niagara Airport. These were projects that would have really turned Buffalo back to what it originally started out as – a major center for the flow of commerce. Yet, instead it goes rah rah about projects that benefit the few like building a new football stadium or solar City which has been a total failure.

    3. My comment about Trump does not mean I endorse Trump. I have little faith in him, maybe slightly more than Biden, but I doubt he will change much and it seems he is beholden to ZOG as much as Biden is.

  92. @Anon

    Plugged-in functionaries know CIA runs this country and their satellites with the arbitrary power of their impunity, through their Mossad, MI-6 and “Safari Club” henchmen. With Russia, China, and Iran fed up and armed to the teeth, they don’t have to treat that as a secret fact of life anymore.

    The “government within a government” that Bin Laden referred to.

  93. @Verymuchalive

    If you were selling vitamin supplements and 25 year expiration dated dry foods, I would think you were Alex Jones commenting under another alias.
    Retards like you and Alex deserve billion dollar judgement that are just as outrageous as your false flag conspiracies.

    • Replies: @Anonymous534
  94. @Hulkamania

    A warped mind is capable of turning the simplest event into a complex conspiracy theory. A long time ago we held mental patients in the care of mental hospitals before they were let loose on society, and know we have schizophrenic psychopaths running round sprouting insanity to the meek and weak ad nausea.

    I’m glad they let me go, I hated all the drugs they gave me.

  95. @Sprumford

    Thanks for posting this interesting bit of history. Swinton’s Wiki page makes for an interesting read. This country could definitely use more people like him. A LOT more.

  96. Anon[294] • Disclaimer says:

    As Upton Sinclair, a muckraking journalist of the early 20th century, put it:

    “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

    • Replies: @HVMII
  97. I have a question. Why do the witnesses claim that they were “white men” at San Bernardino? I can’t seem to find any basis for this, although many of the witnesses say it. Most of the perpetrators’ bodies are covered and masked, correct? But no one ever like pins a witness down and asked him why do you think they were white? Could it be that people on the West Coast are so indoctrinated with this antiwhite propaganda, that they automatically claim any perpetrator is a white male, even though he may be indeterminate, or obviously not white? Sort of mind over matter indoctrination, cognitive dissonance.

    Otherwise, I don’t understand why the Charlie Hebdo would be expected to be a false flag when other things like Bataclan theater were going on which were much more serious and were real terrorist attacks. And the Charlie Hebdo thing garners less sympathy, because they knew what they were courting. To me it just seems like an unnecessary hypothesis. I always felt this way about Sandy Hook, why of all the school shootings is that one crisis actors? Occam’s razor, unnecessary complication. But it is amazing all this stopped as soon as trump got in. Why?

  98. RobinG says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    Maybe you’ve answered anastasia’s question, why write the book: Purposeful complicity. Soft, almost subliminal, propaganda.

    • Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  99. MarLuc7 says:

    If we look at all of these False Flag events through the lense of a Business Model —What is the Return On Investment.

    1. ——America Scares the Elites ruling this World—————328 Million people —-half of which are Heavily Armed. A Citizen Army of at least 150 Million.

    2. Our Constitution protects Free Speech (For Now) and the right to bear Arms.

    3. So How do you control such a gaggle of maniacs —-You Must Absolutely Control WHAT THEY THINK. You must Control the Narrative. You must never let them UNITE. You Must Sew Division. Race Division, Political Division, Class Division, Gender/Gay Division, Religious Division, Patriarchy Division, War of the Sexes, Class of Civilizations….etc.

    4. Back to the ROI —After 9/11 you had Billions of US Tax Dollars flowing into the creation and maintenance of the Surveillance State. Fusion Centers, creation of the DHS, TSA, expansion of the NSA…expansion of the FBI.

    20 Years later…The War of Terror closes down and all these foaming at the mouth assholes —- this Patriot Act Hydra —–has no real function….so it must TURN INWARD to sustain its annual budget / tax payer funding.
    ——This is the what I believe to be the chief reason for all of the explosion of Terrorist False Flags. It is simple ROI Calculation. These bloated, parasitical organizations need to feed their families. They have no problem bringing in some Israeli Mossad agents to murder the innocent. The FBI Is notorious for Entrapment. They have to find Terrorism….if not they have to Create it.

    5. I see the Maintenance of the Holocaust Hoax as another simple ROI calculation. All support for Israel would dry up and blow away without Holocaust Brainwashing. The biggest contributors to Israel are the traumatized, brain washed Jewish masses in the US. The children in Israel are being forced fed Holocaust Religious Dogma from 1st Grade On. It is a Jim Jones Cult level of brainwashing.
    So Israel receives 3-10 Billion Per year from US Tax Dollars and many more Billions from the Jewish Diaspora and Jewish Oligarchs in America and the countless Jewish Organizations and their incessant fund raising events. All of this sympathy…all of this flows from the Holocaust Hoax – A true Military Grade Psy-Ops who’s chief victim are the Jewish people themselves.
    ——–The ROI of hiring Court Historians to publish countless Holocaust books, the funding of Hollywood Nazi-Porn Movies, the funding of AIPAC, the funding of the ADL, the funding of an Army of Jewish Lawyers to chase open borders and National hate speech laws…….. ALL of it must certainly total in the hundreds of millions each year. But if in return —Israel receives Billions….then what a fantastic ROI. This is why Christian Zionist Evangelical Whores rake in millions from Israel each year and are gifted private jets and lavish parties (in Israel).

    Americans are taxed to pay Israel —Israel uses a tiny fraction of that money to inculcate GUILT into the American Psyche for taking part in the Holocaust —by not allowing the fleeing Jews safe passage to America. Do you see the fuckery????? There are 400 Holocaust Museums on American Soil —-And the Holocaust is a complete fucking Hoax.

    This is the power of Industrialized Propaganda.

  100. @CelestiaQuesta

    You’re probably the kind of person who would watch this and conclude “Yes, this is totally reasonable and totally real. Not fake at all. “Aziz” is totally not barely holding in his laughter because of how ridiculous this is.”

  101. Alfred says:

    Morons like Sullivan are essential for the functioning of the mainstream media. Critical thinking is not encouraged by the educational system.

  102. Paris saw a gigantic march of two million protesting the attacks and denouncing Islamic extremism. More than 40 world leaders led that procession, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu taking a prominent but controversial place at the front, and similar protests of some 1.7 million additional people occurred elsewhere in the country.

    I want to add that the satirical magazine Charlie Hébdo ridicule/satirizes everybody – except Jews.

    • Agree: Arthur MacBride
    • Thanks: JPS
  103. MarLuc7 says:

    [Totally off-topic comments are likely to be trashed.]

  104. @RobinG

    Yes. People like her, invested for so long in the American Dream narrative, may not even be able to think otherwise. Other nationalities similar with their own national myth, but for a supposed journalist, a fatal flaw.
    As the truth about US history has become more widespread, the charge of propagandist and even liar becomes more difficult to evade.
    With consequent loss of status among the honourable.

    PS. Apologies to Mr Unz for OT postings.
    I’m often guilty of that with JFYIs.

  105. @Ron Unz

    Frankly, I think all your “hoax” comments are just totally ridiculous. Do you believe every single terrorist attack or mass shooting has been a “hoax,” with nobody actually killed?

    No, I did not write that. All II said was some of those false flags were complete hoaxes. One of them, I sincerely believe, was the Sandy Hook “massacre”. All I ask is that you look at the evidence.

    • Replies: @Emil Nikola Richard
  106. @Oil Can Harry

    Have you tried saying or writing “Islam’s Founder — Muhammad The Arabian — Was A Terrorist” in Saudi Arabia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Egypt and many other Muslim-majority countries?

    Then, why doesn’t Ron Keeva Unz write about the abundance of “Freedom of Speech” in world’s so many Muslim-majority countries?


    On the UNZ Review why does a Muslim-convert — namely Dr. Kevin Barrett — constantly try to WHITEWASH historic Islamic brutality on anyone pointing out non-existence of freedom of speech in Muslim-majority countries?

    Answer is: Dr. Kevin Barrett has long become a Muslim scum by his conversion to the filth.

    World’s Muslims think based on the following written accounts from 1400 years of Islamic history:

    [][] “Indeed, those who malign Allah and his messenger, Allah has cursed them in this world and the hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating punishment. And those who malign believing men and believing women undeservedly, they bear the guilt of slander and obvious sin. O prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their veils close around them. That will be better, so that they may be recognized and not molested. Allah is always forgiving, merciful. If the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease and the alarmists in the city do not stop, we will indeed urge you on against them, then they will be your neighbors in it only for a little while. Cursed, they will be seized wherever they are found and killed with a slaughter.” (al-Qur’an 33:57-61)

    Abu ‘Afak was a poet who was over one hundred years old, and had mocked Muhammad in his verses. Muhammad asked his companions: “Who will avenge me on this scoundrel?” One of them murdered Abu ‘Afak in his sleep.

    Likewise with another poet who mocked him: The poetess ‘Asma bint Marwan. Muhammad on another occasion cried out, “Will no one rid me of this daughter of Marwan?” One of Muhammad’s companions, ‘Umayr ibn ‘Adi, went to her house that night, where he found her sleeping next to her children. The youngest, a nursing babe, was in her arms. But, that didn’t stop ‘Umayr from murdering her and the baby as well. Muhammad commended him: “You have done a great service to Allah and His Messenger, ‘Umayr!” (Ibn Ishaq, 674-676)

    Then there was Ka’b bin al-Ashraf, another poet whose crime was mocking Muhammad. Muhammad again asked his companions: “Who is willing to kill Ka’b bin al-Ashraf who has hurt Allah and His Apostle?” One of the companions, Muhammad bin Maslama, answered, “O Allah’s Apostle! Would you like that I kill him?” When Muhammad said that he would, Muhammad bin Maslama said, “Then allow me to say a (false) thing (i.e., to deceive Kab).” Muhammad responded: “You may say it.” Muhammad bin Maslama duly lied to Ka’b, luring him into his trap, and brutally murdered him. (Bukhari 5.59.369) [][]

    • Replies: @anon
    , @anon
    , @muh muh
  107. Victor G. says:

    Full disclosure please … when were you born and what do you remember happening when you were six years old? (if anything so momentous even happened)?
    I try to avoid speaking English these days but I’m pretty certain “Cocksure” is a word.
    So … when were you born? How old were you on November 22, 1963?

    • Replies: @xyzxy
  108. @HammerJack

    You know that’s CGI, right? It’s from a promo for a Planet of the Apes movie. If a real chimp had fired a gun it would almost certainly drop it and run.

    • Replies: @HammerJack
  109. … I think these three books constituted the photographic inverse-image of Margaret Sullivan’s text, focusing exactly upon the conspiratorial elements of all the major stories that she herself had carefully avoided noticing during her decades of mainstream journalism. So I suspect that the truth lies somewhere between those two extremes.

    The assumption contained in the last sentence quoted above is without foundation. In effect, our rulers are people who threaten those they rule with imprisonment and ruin for claiming that 2 + 2 = 4, when official modern science* has discredited this nonsense in favor of the obvious truth that 2 + 2 = 6.

    This is by no means the only instance where one who claimed “that the truth lies somewhere between those two extremes”—viz., 2 + 2 = 5—might justly be called managed opposition.
    *The same modern science that has replaced the hurtful and bigoted terms “men” and “women” with “those with a penis” and “those with a vagina” (cf. comment #12 above).

  110. Victor G. says:

    Now that’s clear thinking … I’m totally available for the dictator role. Please list my candidacy.
    If appointed, I’ll do whatever is necessary to be reappointed. And I promise to tolerate stupid assholes like you. Good dictator, no?

    • Replies: @Mefobills
    , @Anonymous534
  111. What would it take to convince Mr. Unz that George Floyd died of a self-inflicted street drug overdose?

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  112. TKK says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    But, your opinion cannot be trusted. You are a proselytizer for Islam. You abandon reason and civilization to defend an organization that advocates for humans rights only to Arab, Muslim males, and calls for the death of people for reading other religious texts. Calls for the death of someone for painting Mohammad.

    You are not a son of the Desert, neither born an Arab, Northern African nor Jewish.

    But, for some inexplicable, foolish reason, you claim to be Muslim.

    Frankly, I am embarrassed for you.

    • Agree: Wizard of Oz
    • Disagree: Badger Down, Hulkamania
    • Replies: @HammerJack
    , @John Trout
  113. TKK says:

    I noticed this affectation as well.

    I believe it is because he is not very well read, but he remembered that from a briefing and thought it made him sound fancy and intellectual.

    That sounds silly, but I sadly believe that is the level the Obamas are working on. He is a gay man, avid smoker who is obsessed with celebrities. Michelle is…… a big time DEI recipient who has never worked a day in “her” life.

    There does seem to be some evidence that she was originally male, but I can’t tell.

    Either way, it reminds me a conversation I had with a nice German man on the subway in Frankfurt about President Obama: “We never thought you crazy Americans would go and elect him as your President! We thought you were joking!”

    • Agree: Thirdtwin
    • Replies: @Thirdtwin
  114. Notsofast says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    [This is not a thread about the death of the Iranian president and totally off-topic comments may get trashed.]

    • Replies: @Notsofast
  115. Ron Unz says:
    @Jim Bob Lassiter

    What would it take to convince Mr. Unz that George Floyd died of a self-inflicted street drug overdose?

    LOL. Apparently you’ve never read any of my previous articles…

    • Replies: @HammerJack
  116. @TKK

    You are a proselytizer for Islam.

    And you are an apologist for genocidal judaism.

    Can’t see how that makes you any better.

    • Agree: Badger Down
  117. Ron Unz says:
    @Mike Tre

    So now explain why three white men did it.

    Well, it’s not certain that they were white, but I think they probably were.

    As for their motives, I assume it was to collect their paychecks…

    • Replies: @Mike Tre
  118. Ron Unz says:
    @Fin of a cobra

    I was a bit confused by the Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (R&G) analogy: are they supposed to represent the two Pakistanis with their photos right underneath the title? Or are R&G supposed to represent Margaret Sullivan and other journalists who are unaware that they are being used to protect and project the “official narrative”?

    Actually, to some extent I think it applies to both cases.

    When I was reading Sullivan’s book, her total obliviousness to the realities of all the watershed events during her lifetime made me think of the R&G analogy.

    But if my analysis is correct, it also applies in a different way to the Pakistani married couple. They never imagined that merely by driving their black SUV down the road they might end up riddled with hundreds of bullets by the trigger-happy local police. That’s a little like what happened to R&G in Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

    • Replies: @zwingli
  119. @Verymuchalive

    Someone should put together a spreadsheet with row for commenter and column for violent shenanigan. 1 = considers hoax; -1 = considers authentic as reported; 0 for no evident opinion. I have no opinion on Sandy Hook but I would not give it any -1.

    Here is what is accurately reported:

    routine weather condition
    sports scores
    securities prices

    Anything else all bets are off. Who believes the government flu virus death counts? I consider weather reporting generally reliable. The last time we had a storm there was 5″ of snow on the ground outside, all the roads were open, and the stories were two feet and the interstate is closed.

  120. At one point she noted the striking collapse of public confidence in the honesty and reliability of American journalism, which had plummeted from around 72% soon after Watergate to just 36% these days. But she never asked herself whether the public might have a sound basis for such rapidly growing distrust of our media.

    I say:

    Trump has rightly said this:

    The Fake News media (failing NY Times, NBC News, ABC, CBS, CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American people!

    Trump should declare total war on the corporate propaganda apparatus. Tens of millions of White Core Americans will gladly fight side by side with Trump to destroy the evil nation-wreckers in the corporate mass propaganda media.

    I say start the FREE SPEECH war with a battle against Comcast. Comcast is an evil group of nation-wreckers who do everything possible to attack White Core Americans. It is time to bang it out bravely against the corporate media, and Comcast should be the first battle.

    The Comcast Corporation That Controls NBC Is anti-White And anti-Christian

    Comcast/NBC is a Jew-controlled corporate propaganda outlet.

    Comcast/NBC uses its propaganda power to push nation-wrecking mass immigration.

    Pat Buchanan was fired by NBC because Buchanan was talking about nation-wrecking mass immigration and its demographic repercussions.

    Phil Griffin is the NBC rat who fired Patrick J. Buchanan. Phil Griffin is the rodent who said that Buchanan’s views on immigration and multiculturalism should not be allowed to be expressed in the corporate mass media.

    The European Christian ancestral core of the United States must dislodge the Jew-controlled electronic media from power. White Core Americans could attempt to make a deal with the Jew-controlled corporate media, such as Putin did with the Jew oligarchs, or White Core Americans could use their power to take over the corporate media outlets.

    Mass immigration is being used as a demographic weapon to attack the European Christian ancestral core of the United States. Mass immigration has brought a slow motion WHITE GENOCIDE to the United States. The WHITE GENOCIDE attack on White Core Americans is now accelerating towards its eventual end in conflict among the various nations within the United States.



    Tweet from 2017:


    Tweet from 2015:

  121. @Ron Unz

    Some of us just get triggered by the repetition of the “murdered by the police” canard. It’s costing our society countless billions of dollars (so far) not to mention the non-monetary costs which may be even more substantial.

    We have to see and hear this lie repeated over and over in the Establishment Media so it’s just a tad dismaying to see someone as courageous and enlightened as you doing it too. As you yourself indicate, you know better. Right?

  122. @GMC

    Don’t forget MI6; it’s hard to imagine that the UK spooks aren’t also up to their eyebrows in all this crap.

    • Agree: GMC
  123. Dr. Rock says:
    @Ron Unz

    Mr. Unz,

    I’d be willing to bet that we will have something new in this category to talk about very soon; Our “Greatest Ally” isn’t seeing the type of Universal and unquestioning support that she normally enjoys, and that usually means that somebody is gonna get a refresher convincer, to seal the deal and garner support.

    The key is to question it right from the very beginning, before they can smooth out the narrative, and hide the conflicting data.

  124. Anonymous[863] • Disclaimer says:

    hugely beneficial book-buying resources that I frequently use, but they fail to offer the benefit of randomly browsing shelves and occasionally stumbling across something serendipitous. So I regularly stop by the monthly used book sale put on by Friends of the Palo Alto Library, whose offerings are also very attractively priced, with good quality paperbacks often going for as little as a quarter.

    This seems even better than used bookstores for serendipitous finds because even used bookstores tend to be selective and weed out interesting books. Giant thrift stores like Goodwill, Salvation Army, and Savers (here in Boston) sometimes have interesting books, and the low-wage workers there just put out what’s donated. You just have to compete with the internet booksellers who scout these thrift stores out.

    three large white men dressed in commando-gear had apparently committed the brutal massacre, then escaped the scene in a black SUV.

    I worked a job as an investigator in thousands of cases. I’ve listened to lots of people describe events and recount specific details (accidents, crimes, misconduct, etc.). I’ve read thousands of police reports. Given my background, if I ever interviewed a source like Sally Abdelmageed and she recounted the event and specific details with the same calm and clear demeanor, I would have zero doubt about her veracity, zero doubt about her version of events, and zero doubt about her description of the perpetrators.

    • Thanks: Wizard of Oz
  125. @ariadna

    Enough of your sarcasm, although it was snicker-worthy. Here are serious questions,
    with a preface. Israel and its supplicant, the U.S., find themselves isolated from the
    world majority on Gaza, and the Jews are now hastily abandoning their previous
    alliances with the BLM and the DEI crowd because of their opposition to the Genocide.

    Out of necessity, the Jews now want to reclaim their White identity in “good faith.”
    The Aryan Brotherhood has rudely rejected the Jewish membership application,
    but is that fair? Although there are kinky-haired Jews, they are mostly White.

    Have we seen the last of those Black man-Blonde woman commercials in which
    the Black guy is not her pimp?

    Will Jews help us load wetbacks on cattle cars and ship them out?

    Will Biden be forced to disown African-Americans at the behest of the Zionists,
    and what will Trump do as a counter move?

    • Replies: @bjondo
  126. Anon[393] • Disclaimer says:

    An AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle, that means one trigger pull fires only one shot. The commercial .223 Remington round has a light weight bullet, very little kick.

    The monkey/chimp was firing a full auto AK-47 readily available in the Heart of Darkness of Africa.

    Every mass shooting anywhere in the world is fake. They use those to excuse limiting defensive weapons in The People’s hands. From Norway to New Zealand.

    The Las Vegas music festival shooting demonized bump stocks, and the iconic news image [unintended] was of several Las Vegas PD officers cowering behind a patrol car pointing up, supposedly at the shooter’s location. Meanwhile on the other side of the vehicle, groups of people were hanging out chatting, unaware of any danger.

  127. @Uncle Ben

    Actually, those attention-seeking publicity hounds didn’t “lead” anything. The images of them appearing to head up a massive throng were from a photo op staged in a well-secured empty street. The photos were taken by willing media collaborators crouching in front of the “brave” national “leaders” so as not to reveal the fact that the supposed army of resolute citizens behind them consisted of a relative handful of their own staff people.

    On the left: the intended output of the photo-op. On the right: the reality.

  128. Mike Tre says:
    @Ron Unz

    Intimating that “their paychecks” were signed by some Alphabet agency bureau-goon is a predictable reply, but why some obscure G building in the armpit of California: San Bernadino? There have to be 100 locations in SoCal that would have been more effective at resulting in the assumed “anti-gun/anti-Muslim” outcome of public sentiment that such an operation would be designed for.

    Perhaps the evidence against the two Pakis is weak, that doesn’t mean it’s OK to start pushing other theories that are even weaker.

    • Agree: Barnard
    • Replies: @Barnard
    , @Chebyshev
  129. bjondo says:
    @24th Alabama

    Although there are kinky-haired Jews, they are mostly White.

    Will Jews help us load wetbacks on cattle cars and ship them out?



    Yid and not Yid.

    You can be shipped out.


  130. Notsofast says:

    yeah, i get it, thanks for the censorship, that’s all i need to know. thank you and ron for confirming all my worst opinions of you and this site. now it’s war. screen shot on this one too. see you in the funny papers.

  131. Anonymous[200] • Disclaimer says:
    @cousin lucky

    An obvious problem with installing puppet rulers is the risk that they will attempt to cut their strings, much like Putin soon outmaneuvered and exiled his oligarch patron Boris Berezovsky.

    and much like Pritzker and Obama, IMHO.

    The general public is kept in a very deep coma married to the democracy charade while our government extorts and exploits all it can get the world over by every hook, crock, and murder it deems necessary.

    Again, this state of affairs is not at all uncommon historically. A standard example would be the Reformation. Reappearance of a cold interval in Europe, the “Little Ice Age” (~AD 1500- AD 1850), induced intermittent and severe famine, and consequent political instability to an already overpopulated Europe. The Papacy, who had acted through the Catholic Church as intermediary between the “fighters/nobility” and the “workers/peasants”, became concerned with the survival of the Vatican / Papal State in Italy, and neglected its intermediary / spiritual function to concentrate on self protection. This led to the general disintegration of the European order and to
    the Reformation. By the end of this interval, ~1658, France was in effect ruled by a Catholic Bishop who was apparently using the shell of Catholicism to hide the nationalism of a bankrupt France, the Hapsburgs were more ruled by their mercenaries than vice versa, half the population of Germany was dead, and the Swedish finally ended the general war, 1648, Treaty of Westphalia.

    As you might imagine, the framework of Catholic mediation between nobles and peasants was so inapplicable that it was almost funny, except for all the dead people.

    Sort of like us, now.

    You can construct a similar story for the end of the Roman Republic, or for that matter the Revolutions of 1848, 200 years after the Treaty of Westphalia.

    The idea of a government run by the demos, who have free speech, is a joke when the media and government can in effect direct “volley fire-like” media campaigns at a central command, when State governments can initiate and enforce COVID like lockdowns without any legislative or legal justifications, or for that matter when government can simply designate a political faction as illegal (as in the 1/6 “insurrection”), or designate obvious bribery as legal (video tape of Biden outlining how he brought the head of Ukraine to heel for his son). Or, for that matter, when the politics of 1945-1968 (Patton to RFK) were decided by assassination.

    It is also a joke when industrial society is clearly running out of resources and people. The ways of 1970 are, as predicted, yielding less output per unit labor input. Groups inside the political system (e.g. Social Security recipients, welfare recipients) demand an unchanging or increasing income, which means that more is taken from those outside the political system, such as: first generation immigrants, the “cheap labor” we are told of, physicians, university faculty, corporate asset stripping (e.g. “Boeing”).


    It’s a joke except for all the dead people and crime as police/prison are stripped away as a cost saving measure covered by politics . . . and it isn’t funny.

    We’re early in the process, though. Until about 2008 daily life was tolerable. Inept rule by the winners in the assassinations (and then by the successor ruling coalition that ruled through the “mostly peaceful” street fighter riots and bribes in counterfeit (or at least unbacked) money, and now Palestinian riots) is bringing about a situation where US residing youth are starting to think that they are better off fighting (for nothing, if necessary) than leading a life of bullied poverty. Government attempts at optimization by buying buy off criminals and street fighters and bureaucrats and intimidating their country’s population with ever-changing definitions of “woke” simply convince youth that fighting is its only potential salvation.

    Ron Unz’s article is a bit ahead of the times, but not by as much as you might think. Remember the Tucker Carlson broadcast in which he said that a source authorized to read all the JFK death documents had told him that the US was not the country we thought it was. Ron Unz makes much the same assertion.

    Again, in the present context and similar historical contexts you can’t tell exactly when things will get serious. The COVID-19 horror was not predictable, for example. Here’s a very good tutorial for an operations research model useful for understanding what such an environment is like:

    and note, the organized criticality model is not a fixed random distribution model. The probability of a criticality/avalanche event increases with time in an organized criticality model and is in theory measurable.

    The human analog of sand dropping on the sand pile could be overproduction of elites, or increasing difficulty in getting resources, or ethnic competition between groups in the US Empire, or population overshoot in non-industrialized countries, or, of course, some combination plus other causes.

    These three lectures (a series) unite the above into a coherent whole, and, for what it’s worth, I recommend them. Lecturer even has some comments on the US Constitution.

    “The Sand Pile Self Organized Criticality”,

    “Complexity versus Uncertainty”,

    and (NOTE: in this lecture, “Diversity” means “Diversity of opinions” rather than the diversity of Diversion, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE). )
    “Harnessing Complexity”,

    And you can view the other videos in this series if you want more background, knowledge and applications. Also if the first video doesn’t make sense to you because it assumes a mathematics background you don’t have. The lecture series is apparently intended for a business school audience.

    If you would like to read a novel about a plausible criticality/avalanche in a 2024 context, look at Kurt Schlicter, The Attack, 2024, based loosely on insurgent policy during the aftermath of the US Desert Storm operation and the more recent Israel/Gaza conflict. Schlicter’s book could be considered anti-Islamic propaganda, but is not intended by me to be anti-Islamic propaganda, just to have salience to readers in 2024. If you want another and even bloodier illustration, try Barbara W. Tuchman, Robert K. Massie The Guns of August, 2009/07/22.

    • Replies: @JPS
  132. Based upon some of his discussions with knowledgeable friends in France, he believed that there was a strong possibility that the attacks may have been some sort of government false-flag operation, aimed at justifying a sharp crackdown against political dissent, though the exact details were not at all clear.

    Is it possible that another reason was to try to drag the US deeper into Syria, especially as a counter to Russia? These ISIS attacks would essentially serve the same purpose as 9/11 then.

  133. The only reason that they were quickly identified and caught was that one of the terrorists had carelessly left his ID card behind in an abandoned getaway vehicle, a crucial fact oddly excluded from the very comprehensive Wikipedia article.

    Emphasis mine.

    After the attack: Manhunt (8 and 9 January)

    A massive manhunt began immediately after the attack. One suspect left his ID card in an abandoned getaway car.[118][119] Police officers searched apartments in the Île-de-France region, in Strasbourg and in Reims.[120][121]

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  134. Anonymous[179] • Disclaimer says:

    anarchyst, this commenter is sitting here pointing to his nose. You are of course correct. CIA is not just a failed state but a criminal enterprise. Gun-running and drug dealing top up the slush funds for covert ratfucks like undeclared war in Ukraine. CIA got municipal-law authority to run two sets of books with FASAB Standard 56. Another asset they have is ultra vires control over ship and plane registration – that’s helpful for trafficking twinks and nymphettes too.

    The civilized world is dealing with this through UNTOC. The travaux préparatoires show CIA fighting tooth-and-nail to keep all their rackets intact, and losing. In fact Putin has invoked UNTOC’s international legal assistance provisions to chase CIA ratfuckers like Kramer of State Democracy, Labor, and Rights and Torture.

    John Trout, Putin also spoke of the weight of the “bureaucracy” on presidents, but when Tucker Carlson asked him who’s in charge, he said, I don’t know. That’s because the United States is ruled by anonymous committee of secret “Intelligence Identities” in DO. Mossad and MI-6 participation is concealed by eyes-only liaison agreements exempted as “compacts” from Congressional ratification powers.

    People get all wrapped around the axle trying to trace CIA’s six million cutouts. But awareness of CIA impunity makes it all crystal clear. Impunity gives them arbitrary power. They don’t have to conspire, they just do whatever they want.

    • Thanks: anarchyst
  135. @Punch Brother Punch

    It’s from a promo for a Planet of the Apes movie.

    LOL! As if any movie studio would produce a clip showing how Africans actually behave!

    PS: The entire ex-USA is a promo for a Planet of the Apes movie.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  136. Anyone over the age of fifty, still unware of the fact that the Western world is run by a Kosho Nostro gang of Zionist Jews has been asleep for the past 30 years.

  137. @Kevin Barrett

    Excellent Documentary from the BBC on the subject.

    The Power of Nightmares (2004)

    The Power of Nightmares is a BBC documentary 3-part film series. The films compare the rise of the Neo-Conservative movement in the United States and the radical Islamist movement, making comparisons on their origins and claiming similarities between the two. More controversially, it argues that the threat of radical Islamism as a massive, sinister organised force of destruction, specifically in the form of al-Qaeda, is a myth perpetrated by politicians in many countries—and particularly American Neo-Conservatives—in an attempt to unite and inspire their people following the failure of earlier, more utopian ideologies.

  138. Anonymous[200] • Disclaimer says:
    @Fin of a cobra

    ,”Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead”, 1990 is a play. later made into a movie (

    ). It is a story of the futility of trying to understand a situation when you are underlings. “Hamlet” is about the total breakdown of a feudal system. The King is supposed to treat his subjects as his children, and to embody all of the virtues of the Catholic Church. Hamlet is the heir designate. His uncle has killed Hamlet’s father (a no-no) and married Hamlets mother (another no-no, especially because they married when the previous King’s body was still warm). The book is in part about Hamlet’s uncle trying to kill Hamlet while remaining alive and King.

    Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (R&G) are two courtiers in the new King’s court. They do what they are told to do, but are given either no reasons or lies for their assignments, and never have any idea of their context. The initial scene (a very unlikely series of “Heads” in coin flipping) establishes that rational rules don’t apply in R&G’s environment. The film continues by following R&G’s point of view (POV) to include their meetings with Hamlet, which are pretty much inexplicable in the R&B POV since neither knows that the King is trying to kill Hamlet. In the movie, R&G end up in a troupe of actors, in the play they are killed in accordance with the letter they carry, which they deliver despite knowing its contents.

    It is an absurdist play, of course, but remarkably similar to life within a large organization today.

    And remarkably similar to the experience of the people in an SUV that gets shot up by a kill team.

    • Replies: @Dave Bowman
  139. @Rich23

    Don’t know much about biology, but you’re
    obviously an expert- or pervert.

    • Replies: @Rich23
  140. Regarding the San Bernardino shooting

    This is all new to me

    All I can say is


  141. Mefobills says:
    @Victor G.

    Now that’s clear thinking … I’m totally available for the dictator role. Please list my candidacy.
    If appointed, I’ll do whatever is necessary to be reappointed. And I promise to tolerate stupid assholes like you. Good dictator, no?

    You are the stupid asshole. You didn’t even watch the video before spouting off.

    The type of dictator is a COMMISSARY dictator. They have strict guidelines, set in advance, and if they stray off mission, they can be killed.

    You still want the job? You wouldn’t even be selected. You have already demonstrated incompetence.

  142. @HammerJack

    As if any movie studio would produce a clip showing how Africans actually behave!

    The video is literally stamped with “20th Century Fox” at the bottom left of the screen.

    • Replies: @HammerJack
  143. Beware of allies ………

  144. But what was the biggest story of Schanberg’s career, that Unz says the obit missed? (Pardon my ignorance.) Can anyone please tell me?

    • Replies: @RobinG
    , @CJ
    , @Brás Cubas
  145. anon[349] • Disclaimer says:

    What kind of religion other than a pox on humanity has resurgent repugnant racist Hinduism ever been for centuries?
    Its destruction piece by piece ,word by word,letter by letter and total erasure from earth are whats required.


    Hindus with connections to BJP,RSS,Shiv Sena,to the monks and the contributirs to the Ram Temple are being researched and being watched in Central Asian countries .This will move to UAE,Oman,Turkey, Indonesia .
    The days of the vampire- religion will soon be over .
    1-Delhi, India

    At a conference in India last month, a Hindu extremist dressed head-to-toe in the religion’s holy color, saffron, called on her supporters to kill Muslims and “protect” the country.

    “If 100 of us become soldiers and are prepared to kill 2 million (Muslims), then we will win … protect India, and make it a Hindu nation,” said Pooja Shakun Pandey, a senior member of the right-wing Hindu Mahasabha political party, according to a video of the event.

    Her words and calls for violence from other religious leaders were met with a roar of applause from the large audience, a video from the three-day conference in the northern Indian city of Haridwar shows.

    2- In the early hours of Monday, on a train bound for Mumbai, India’s commercial capital, a police officer took up his service rifle, fatally shot his superior and then killed three unarmed passengers. All three of the passengers were Muslim men, according to Indian news reports.

    Audio from cellphone videos of the incident filmed inside the train is muffled, but it sounds as if the officer, Chetan Singh, says in Hindi: “If you want to live in Hindustan, you must vote for Modi and Yogi.”

    3-The frenzied fury against Muslims began with provocative songs played by Hindu mobs that called for violence. It ended with Muslim neighborhoods resembling a war zone, with pavements littered with broken glass, charred vehicles and burned mosques.

    4-Is India Headed for an Anti-Muslim Genocide?

    5-Indian court acquits 69 people of murder of 11 Muslims during 2002 Gujarat riots
    This article is more than 1 year old
    Former minister from ruling BJP party among Hindus acquitted of killings in city of Ahmedabad.

    6-Surge in Hindu vigilante mobs who ‘attack and kill’ beef-eating Muslims
    Narendra Modi’s ruling party accused of ‘hate speech’ and ‘inviting violence’ to drum up support ahead of 2024 national elections.
    7 NEW DELHI — A video circulating in India showing Muslim men being flogged by what appear to be plain-clothes police officers has prompted condemnation from rights groups and spotlighted anew the country’s worsening religious tensions.

    The footage, which appeared last week and spread quickly online, is believed to have been captured in the western state of Gujarat and shows a series of men being held against an electricity pole and beaten with a stick. A crowd is shown cheering and chanting slogans. One of the men doing the beating has what looks to be a gun holster; uniformed officers and a police van can be seen nearby in some shots.

    8- In many parts of India, Hindus often invoke the popular god Ram’s name as a greeting. But in recent years, Hindu lynch mobs have turned Ram’s name into a murder cry, writes the BBC’s Geeta Pandey in Delhi.
    Last month, a video that went viral on social media showed a terrified Muslim man tied to a pole being assaulted by a lynch mob made up of Hindu men in the eastern state of Jharkhand.
    9-Muslim techie beaten to death in Pune, 7 men of Hindu outfit held
    The Crime Branch also called Hindu Rashtra Sena chief Dhananjay Desai for questioning.

  146. wilson p says:

    “I actually think that there exists evidence that some elite journalists may have much broader views on various issues than they would ever admit in print.”

    Indeed. After Seymour Hersh, someone at the tail end of his journalist career, wrote his Substack account of how the Nord Stream pipelines were blown up, I wrote to him with considerable gratitude, since it kindled a very lively discussion in alternative media about what the real US agenda was in Europe.

    I wrote that I had lost all faith in mainstream media after 9/11, since there were so many holes in the official story, but that a state of cognitive dissonance had gripped America. People simply could not believe that their own government, or should I say the unelected dual-national deep state, was an international terrorist regime without peer.

    Sy replied with a one-liner : “you got it pal…but not much fun having such knowledge, is it?”

    • Thanks: Adam Birchdale
    • Replies: @RobinG
  147. swampfox says:

    Exactly right. Doesn’t take much research to see that all these events are merely staged. Much cheaper and easier than real deaths. Smith Mundt modernization Act.

  148. @TKK

    Islam is a religion, one does not need to be a son of the desert, born Arab, North African to follow Islam. There are many Europeans and North American Muslims.

    • Agree: 24th Alabama
    • Replies: @al gore rhythms
  149. tkc says:

    I doubt the truth of all or almost all “horrific” events like mass shootings. YouTube used to have quite a few channels that exposed government operations like Sandy Hoax and the Boston Marathon hoax, but those seem to have disappeared. Who got convicted for the Boston Marathon Hoax? Joker Tsarnaev. Yes, the Joker did it. In the Aurora, Colorado Batman theater shooting, the DA Carol Chambers filed the charges. Her husband, Nathan Chambers, previously represent Timothy McVeigh on appeal. Small world. When the DA failed to get the death penalty and James Holmes got life, not so amazingly the Colorado department of corrections “moved” him to an unnamed federal prison for his “safety.” Can’t keep one’s own agent locked up with criminals. And the Ted Bundy hoax also has close Colorado ties. Teddy “escaped” from jail in Aspen, Colorado, in a case presided over by district court judge George Lohr. Not too long later, Lohr got appointed to the Colorado supreme court where he controlled western water law for many years. Former Colorado supreme court chief justice Nancy Rice told me she tutored Bundy in law school. “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.” George W. Bush.

    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  150. xyzxy says:
    @Victor G.

    9 years old. I remember the teacher telling us the president was shot, but I don’t remember much else about it. No one I recall was ‘horrified’. Horror is an adult reaction, by the way. Kids might get scared when something happens, but not horrified. I recall that we went out for recess, and then went about our routine. I realized that it was somehow an important adult event, but it didn’t matter to us kids.

    I do recall some scuttlebutt about his being Catholic, but again, as a kid that meant nothing to me.

    I also recall Oswald getting shot by Jacob Rubenstein, but at the time no one called him that. Again, it didn’t mean much of anything to a 9 year old.

    I also remember that after LBJ took over he seemed to me to be about the most boring public speaker I’d ever heard on television. Reminded me of Eric Sevareid on the Cronkite show. The folks watched that, and his two minute segment seemed like about ten minutes. No idea what he was trying to say. It wasn’t a kid’s game.

    So I don’t think this lady, at age 6, was horrified, or had any insight into a Catholic president, or what that could even mean. In fact, I doubt she had any real emotional reaction/understanding of the event. I think she just made it up for her book because it sounded interesting to her.

    • Agree: Adam Birchdale
  151. @Ron Unz

    I’m with you, Ron. Why would our sinister Deep State trouble to leave people alive who might blow their cover when it would be far easier to kill them and be sure? This is like those “Hitler was a good guy who didn’t mean to hurt anybody” narratives. All you have to do is read “Mein Kampf” to see the man’s true colors. The only reason I question the official Holocaust narrative is because the industrial extermination it theorizes would likely have been too much trouble when Germany was fighting for its life. As far as the US government’s false flags, I favor the “they let it happen” angle in most cases. 9/11, OK City, Boston Marathon, Sandy Hook — there were clear warning signs for all of them. In the first three, government agents were surveilling and/or cooperating with the perpetrators. Of course it’s possible that one or more of these tragedies were actually due to incompetence, but I seriously doubt it. Especially not 9/11, which delivered so many benefits to both the MIC and the Israel Lobby.

    • Replies: @MarLuc7
  152. @AR Owner

    ‘The AR15 is very lightweight and extremely easy to shoot well. There is a reason that it is still the main military pattern firearm in most of the western world six decades after being adopted. Or why so many police departments use it.’

    Of course also — at least in theory — an incapacitating wound is as good as a kill in those applications.

    An AR-15 doesn’t really cut it for hunting — but then, you don’t want Bambi limping off and dying a week later. In military applications, that’s a splendid outcome.

    • Replies: @AR Owner
  153. JPS says:

    and the Swedish finally ended the general war

    No, they did not. The Swedish were heavily defeated in 1634 by the Spanish and Imperial troopers. Hail Victory. Incidentally, Queen Christian of Sweden became a Catholic.

    It was the intervention of the French, a few years after they reduced the Huguenots stronghold of La Rochelle, whose intervention was decisive and saved the Lutheran-Calvinists Bacon. The Spanish invasion of France was defeated at Rocroi and the Spanish faced rebellions – the Spanish-French war went on another eleven years.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  154. @Oil Can Harry

    It beggars belief that 80 world leader found the time and political will to do a march in Paris two days after a criminal event. The logistics and security alone takes months for such a gathering.

    All those commercially produced posters and tshirts produce in their millions for the crowds, all in tow days.

    CH was a BS event from start to finish.

    • Thanks: JPS
  155. @Punch Brother Punch

    Sherlock! You are an absolute genius!

    Now about that calibration thing…

  156. anon[349] • Disclaimer says:

    Four members of a right-wing group were arrested after they allegedly slaughtered cows to frame Muslim men as religious tensions continued to grip parts of India following the Hindu festival of Ram Navami.
    [ Devout Hinduvatta kills it’s God – the Cow.Then blames muskims]


    Police in the northern Uttar Pradesh state arrested members of the All India Hindu Mahasabha in connection with a false complaint against four Muslim men, accusing them of slaughtering a cow last month, The Wire reported.

    The Rise of a Hindu Vigilante in the Age of WhatsApp and Modi
    India, the world’s largest democracy, has also become the world’s largest experiment in social-media-fueled terror.

    List of Muslims killed or assaulted after refused to chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’

    86% killed in cow-related violence since 2010 are Muslim, 97% attacks after Modi govt came to power
    more than half (52%) of these attacks were based on rumours.

    How the Bihar Police Colluded With Hindu Mobs During the 1989 Bhagalpur Massacre

    Hindu extremists are ‘hunting down’ Muslims, with impunity.

    The Right-Wing Assault on Academic Freedom in India.

  157. @tkc

    Yes, Dubyah was quite the Shakespeare scholar as we all know,
    and his math skills were just a smidgen
    below those of Euler or Gauss.

  158. Johnm486 says:

    Trump himself said that anyone who destroyed government property was a criminal. The crowd that assembled on Jan 6th had every right to speak freely and demonstrate in front of the Capitol: when they started attacking the police and entering the building the police should have opened fire on them. It would not have taken much to burn the Capitol building to the ground, and the police failed to do their duty to protect it for all Americans.

    • Replies: @Pierre de Craon
  159. muh muh says:

    You really need to keep abreast of the latest scholarship on this subject.

    Between History and Ancestral Lore: A Literary Approach to the Sīra’s Narratives of Political Assassinations

    Abstract: The assassinations of the Prophet Muḥammad’s antagonists were, according to the sīra, the harsh measures he took toward the consolidation of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula. These incidents’ narratives are often labeled in modern scholarship as “completely free of any tendentiousness.” This contention seems, however, to be grounded in the lack of full cognizance of the sources’ ulterior motives and of the extent of literary devices deployed in the traditional biography of the Prophet. The present study identifies the topoi appearing in the murder accounts of the Prophet’s political opponents that shed light on the extent of these stories’ dependence on each other and on the possibility of literary borrowing between them. This analysis shows that the use of literary tools in the sources are more widespread than what may appear at first sight. Our accounts exhibit striking resemblances with one another in both form and content, a point seriously undermining the trustworthiness of the sīra as a straightforward source for reconstructing the Prophet’s life.

    • Thanks: 24th Alabama
    • Replies: @Face_The_Truth
  160. These American Pravda articles are fantastic. I love to listen to the audio.

    Also: I hope you’ll do an article on the vegas shooting

  161. Barnard says:
    @Mike Tre

    Right, in order to make this work there has to be another group that has a motive but never takes credit. Who is it and why?

  162. Ron Unz says:

    A massive manhunt began immediately after the attack. One suspect left his ID card in an abandoned getaway car.[118][119] Police officers searched apartments in the Île-de-France region, in Strasbourg and in Reims.[120][121]

    You’re entirely correct. I thought I’d carefully read the 17,000 word Wikipedia article, but I’d somehow missed that reference to the ID card found in the abandoned getaway car.

    My apologies for that serious error.

    • Replies: @Olivier1973
  163. Obviously, this reconstruction is quite speculative, and Wikipedia summarizes the long list of media reports providing a cornucopia of highly-incriminating evidence. These describe the enormous arsenal of weapons and home-made bombs that the young immigrant couple had allegedly amassed in preparation for their terrorist rampage. So interested readers should weigh that supposed evidence against the seemingly contrary facts that I have described above.

    Oh, Ron, come now. Do you seriously think cops are above planting evidence when they need to set up a patsy? And what better patsies than people from an immigrant demographic group widely despised, feared, and distrusted by Heritage Americans?

  164. @xyzxy

    Remember, this was before social media and 24/7 cable news. No Internet. No real-time texting friends.

    I was 12 years old on that day. The principal of the school announced the assassination on the school loudspeakers. He dismissed school early. We went home and watched news coverage all afternoon on TV. And this was in Canada. An American classmate was in tears.

    Even a six year old might remember that.

  165. @pyrrhus

    Sullivan’s statement that the Jan.6 demonstration in DC was somehow a horrifying crime clearly demonstrates that she is a serious retard completely unaware of the provisions of the US Constitution and its provisions for free assembly and free speech…Typical “journalist” spitting out whatever her handlers tell her….

    Based on Ron Unz’s description of her book, even the relatively few life-hours that he devoted to reading it were wasted hours. Sullivan, like all mainstream journos, is a brainless, talentless hack who owes her fame and professional fortunes to her self-lobotomizing, in tandem with her proficiency in asskissing. It is truly unfathomable that ANYONE pays any attention whatsoever to these people.

    • Agree: Anonymous534
  166. Notfred says:

    Sir, is it your opinion that Russian interference installed Trump in the presidency?

    I was of the contrary opinion, and would appreciate a reference to the basis of your belief, if in fact it is such.

  167. Anon[387] • Disclaimer says:

    Great article as always.

    But what struck me in reading it was how a longtime editor and media columnist could have lived through some of the most shocking and dramatic events of the last sixty years without ever seeming to seriously question any of them.

    Well I have the answer for you. It is all about identity and identitarianism.

    This lady is an Irish Catholic from a serious Catholic family. She accepts the dominant narrative because she judges it to be serving the interests of the Catholic identity group.

    To explain…..

    Just as there is a JQ, there is a WQ (Woman Question), AQ (Amish Question), CQ (Catholic Question), and XQ (anything Question). Every identity group has its own cause. The more organized the group, the more grand their cause will be.

    The more strongly-identified with the group the members are, the more they will feel “threatened” when their group (and its cause) receives criticism, pushback, immigration-restriction, etc.

    There are always “members” of groups who are loosely-identified – Catholics who don’t take their church too seriously, Jews who see their Jewishness as just an issue of ancestry, Christians (of any sect) who are more compelled by patriotism and public-spiritedness than religion, Hispanic/Asian Catholics who never really saw the Catholic Church as tantamount to so-called “Western Civilization” which is then tantamount to “all-things-bright-and-beautiful.”

    The Catholic cause, in Sullivan’s childhood, was to turn the world Catholic. Not Christian, mind you – that’s not good enough, because Catholicism is a sect, not a denomination. Only Catholic. Hence the prohibitions on contraceptives, the focus on high birth rates, etc. A “conservative” Catholic could easily be either a patriotic person with loose Catholic identity, or a hardcore Catholic (e.g. E Michael Jones) who wants to secure the future of the Irish or Italian Race and make the world Catholic. Both cases are “conservative,” but they are worlds apart in real-world implications.

    The Protestant majority did not like this civilizational model (they had a variety of reasons), and pushed back against the explosive growth of Catholicism in the early 1900’s, most particularly through immigration restriction.

    The Catholic minority joined hands with the Jewish minority and the black minority to promote “Minoritarianism” in the mainstream media which they ran. Minoritarianism is a national culture that centers the national minorities and which also treats immigration as central to national identity.

    The Catholic-Jewish alliance, under the Kennedy’s, struck down the immigration restriction of 1924. This is not a coincidence. The Jewish people were looking towards Globalism, while the Catholics were hoping for a new influx of Catholic immigrants which could turn the civilization dominantly-Catholic.

    We see the same story with the Irish-Catholic run Boston. Currently, Boston’s Irish Catholic mayor is trying to give an endless amount of money to house migrants. While most American cities are pro-migrant, the reason to highlight Boston is that this city has been a very mainstream and liberal city for much longer than most American cities.

    The Catholic-Jewish alliance is literally 90% of the top brass in mainstream media for the entire 1900s. The main reason is not a conspiracy. It’s just that the great Yankee cities were about 90% Catholic and Jewish due to the mass immigration circa 1900, and so those yankee/national companies would naturally have elites that reflected their own cities.

    Whether you are speaking of the New York Times, Hollywood, porn, etc., the top brass was mostly Jewish, Irish, and in the case of porn Italian. The protestant whites (usually Anglos and RARELY Germans) would tend to occupy the non-managerial roles. Not necessarily a bad deal, since many of them could be wealthy and famous actors.

    • Replies: @Hibernian
  168. Thirdtwin says:

    Much like his insistence on saying “Pockistahn”, instead of saying “Packistann” like regular people, maybe because he was fearful of saying anything like the British slur “Paki”. Come to think of it, “ISIS” does sound sort of like “sissy”. And you know he’d never want to be adjacent to that.

    • Replies: @Thirdtwin
  169. @Victor G.

    Now that’s clear thinking … I’m totally available for the dictator role. Please list my candidacy.
    If appointed, I’ll do whatever is necessary to be reappointed.

    As opposed to an elected politician who will not do whatever is necessary to be re-elected?

  170. Rich23 says:
    @N. Joseph Potts

    Dragged a police man with his vehicle after supposedly disobeying the officer’s orders

  171. RobinG says:
    @nosquat loquat

    Yeah, that was mysteriously phrased. (Did he mean Cambodia, w/ pics but no words?)

  172. Rich23 says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    Thank you for detailed reply!

    • Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  173. Rich23 says:
    @24th Alabama


    It’s common knowledge.

    Reread Unz’s entire essay and see for yourself that Ron himself invoked the issue of the diminutive breastfeeding Paki mother as an exclusionary reason why she couldn’t be a terrorist.
    My explanation fits the physiology underpinning Unz’s assertion, but Ron clearly doesn’t know that.

    Are you Mormon, Mennonite or Amish?

    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  174. RobinG says:
    @wilson p

    That sounds like Sy, but who are you, first time commenter, that he bothers to answer you? (Or did he…)

  175. Anonymous[227] • Disclaimer says:

    Mr Unz I must compliment you on this article. Excellent as usual. The American Pravda series is the most interesting journalistic commentary on the internet.

    Have you read details about the mass shooting of children in Uvalde, Texas? Very early as the story developed, internet sleuths discovered a small federal government plane landing at the airport in Uvalde that morning directly from D.C., before the shooting occurred. This is highly unusual. People who visit tiny Uvalde on official business of the ordinary and mundane type fly into San Antonio ten out of ten times. And there is no public record of who was on that flight to quell public distrust.

    There were also some references to antisocial grooming of the perpetrator in internet chat rooms. This is a detail that has emerged about multiple shootings with “retired” government agents caught red handed encouraging and plotting violence. Do you consider it a false flag if mentally fragile people are coaxed into violence by their government? If no, does it bleed into false flag territory if government agents arrive to ensure their dupe, the incident commander Pedro Arredondo, prevents all law enforcement from intervening?

    The anniversary is in a few days, perhaps this is of some interest to you.

    At the very least, I find it interesting that with all of these newsworthy shootings, government liaisons are sent directly to the victims in the immediate aftermath to craft the narrative from the top down. I am not sure all agencies involved, but I believe an agency called CISA coordinates.

  176. zwingli says:
    @Ron Unz

    And did the Kyrgyzstani (Tsarnaev) brothers in April 19, 2013, imagine that merely by driving their stolen Mercedes SUV down the road in Watertown after they had just murdered an MIT cop & stolen his gun four days after the Boston Marathon terror attack, they might end up riddled with hundreds of bullets by the trigger-happy local police? Was that a false flag mistake, too?
    There were terror attacks in France before & after the January 7, 2015 tragedy at Charlie Hebdo; itself, part of a complicated history:

    Aren’t there enough real terror attacks to make false flag ones unnecessary? Or are the real ones just copycats? Or are they all false flags? All by the same secret source or each one by a different false flagger?

  177. Gallatin says:

    I guess ubiquitous surveillance video cameras weren’t yet a thing in San Bernardino in 2015?


  178. AR Owner says:
    @Colin Wright

    Plenty of people post on various gun sites and YouTube about hunting smaller white tail deer with the AR15 and a bonded soft point round, but I agree with you and never would. That is what the AR10/SR25 in 308 excels at! Now if that was the weapon in question, I would agree that a small female could have trouble with it due to increased weight and much heavier recoil.

    I also want to say thanks to Unz for this article. I love all of the Pravda series, and especially enjoy seeing issues that would never be touched in a million years by traditional media discussed. I remember reading and hearing the live reports of a shooter who escaped in this incident, just as there have been a few similar reports in other famous mass shootings.

    Parkland’s school shooting had people claiming they saw another shooter, but the oddest part was a kid wearing a bullet proof vest. I also watched an interview a few days after the incident with a teacher who said they had been told a school shooting drill was being done beforehand, so everyone was slow to react. That might also explain why the school police officer was so slow to respond, but I haven’t seen that aspect investigated.

    Who ordered a school shooter drill, and why is this almost never mentioned? What timing to have a drill the same time an actual shooting is actually taking place! It sort of reminds me of the 911 air traffic control people saying they thought everything was part of a sky jacking drill being conducted that day. I guess that was also another coincidence…

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  179. To my great satisfaction, Jean-Marie Le Pen had read my analysis on the Mohamed Merah affair (2012) (article now included in Kevin Barrett’s We are not Charlie), and later presented my book JFK-9/11 (the French version) in his monthly video (at 10:40)

    • Thanks: Arthur MacBride
  180. Eric135 says:
    @Happy Tapir

    “I don’t see what the government would have to gain from small false flag attacks …”

    The same thing it gains from big false flag attacks: increased control, suspension of civil liberties, surveillance state, Patriot Act.

    The three pillars of tyranny today are “terrorism”, “climate change” and “pandemics”.

    All are excuses to take away people’s rights and liberties.

  181. Sullivan was six years old when Kennedy was shot. She was “horrified “? Give me a break.

  182. Eric135 says:
    @Ron Unz

    “Do you believe every single terrorist attack or mass shooting has been a ‘hoax’ …?”

    Maybe not every single one of them.

  183. eah says:

    >Another witness interviewed by NBC News similarly reported seeing “3 white males”

    Scott Pelley of CBS spoke to a different person who reported the same thing — many of these anomalies were covered in comments posted around that time, e.g. see starting here — this happened almost ten years ago, so unfortunately the links seem mostly void now, and even the Wayback Machine wasn’t all that helpful (a good reminder to always use an archive service).

  184. MoT says:

    When I heard the story that they saw three armed men and then it disappeared without any further comment I knew we had ourselves another coverup.

  185. Emslander says:
    @Paleo Retiree

    [T]he news isn’t reported, the news is made.

    Back when I was beginning my flunky career in the government/ journalism/ political/ commercial complex, a very experienced veteran of the same complex told me that there is never a story published by the trade that isn’t bought and paid for by an entity that it benefits.

    The general reader must never look for Truth in the newspapers. He should only look for the entity that gains something and trace backwards for the Truth.

  186. Emslander says:

    I think a good percentage of the cover-ups that turn out to be conspiracies to deceive are caused by the rock-headed stupidity of law enforcement.

    That appears to be the case in the Sheffler arrest. An officer “attached himself” to Sheffler’s car as he was driving slowly in the direction he had assumed was the correct route. C’mon, man!

    • Agree: Charles
  187. @Frau Katze

    I have a good friend who was six. First grade. Mostly confused. Her most distinct memory was she had a dentist appointment that day which was not cancelled. She had just learned to count past ten. On the bus ride to the dentist appointment with her mom the bus was deadly silent. She was displaying her counting mastery by counting all the flags flying at half mast.




    At least somebody on the bus was not in shock. That would come later for her. After you see the Zapruder clip a couple hundred times nobody is immune.

    The guys who did it must have been pretty proud of themselves. There were thousands of men who could have done something about it and they all sat on their hands and kept their head down.

    Jim Garrison did try bless his heart.

  188. Qwerty123 says:

    @Ron Unz

    Given these severe inconsistences, some conspiratorially-minded individuals naturally suggested that the two Pakistani Muslims had been selected as patsies for a terrorist false-flag attack organized by our government or its allies. But that hypothesis also seemed to make little sense to me. Why would the government stage a false-flag massacre involving three large gunmen and then try to pin the blame on a Pakistani immigrant and his very short wife?

    Nine years have now passed and much of the video evidence has disappeared, so determining exactly what happened seems quite difficult. But at the time I believed that a completely unrelated shooting incident in the Los Angeles area a couple of years earlier provided some important insights for this case and I still think the same today.

    Mr Unz have you gone through the work of Swiss Policy Research (SPR) website?


    They have done brilliant work on Geopolitics and War.
    I am following their website since 2019 and consider it to be among the best site on the internet. Some of their work is matchless and incomparable like “American Empire and its media”, “syria war deception”, Russia -Ukrain conflict etc.

    Website is established in 2016 and they are continously coming up with their new analysis and summary work. Even Julian assange had once tweeted the website before his arrest. They have also referenced some of your American Pravda series coulmn in their work.

    From November on SPR has created a visual media archive,on Odyssey , in which more than one thousand documentaries, interviews, investigations and critical media reports of different outlets have been archived topic-wise alongwith refenrces for future record and also to better comprehend if any one wants to learn and know the issues.

    But unfortunately very few know about the website and there views on Odysee channel is very low.

    On this particular false flag attack issue i am astonished to found person of your knowledge and caliber as naive and still struggling to comprehend its multidimensional methods and purposes,Why every state on earth do this and how and why they do it.Not strangely israel is master in this art with its two vassals uk and usa following the masters footsteps.

    You must go through the SPR work and its Media archive, a whole new perspective will open and will benefit your audience like me immensely in knowing your views and perspective on the same.

    Below are some SPR media playlists which are relavnat to the topic raised by the above column:

    1)January 6 capital riots

    2)Boston marathon bombing

    3)School shooting: simulation vs reality

    4)Simulated terrorism: general

    5)Simulated terrorism: Methods

    6)Simulated terrorism: other events

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  189. Ron Unz says:

    Mr Unz have you gone through the work of Swiss Policy Research (SPR) website?

    In the past I’ve occasionally looked at it and it seems to be a semi-reliable conspiracy website, unfortunately containing quite a lot of nonsense. Last time I checked, their readership traffic seemed extremely low.

    In addition, some of their people have sometimes sent me rather deranged emails, which hardly strengthens my view of their credibility.

  190. Sullivan claims that, at the age of six, she had been horrified by the assassination of JFK. Really? I was nine years old in November 1963, and I clearly remember, while walking home from school, my older sister telling me that the president had been shot. I wasn’t traumatized! To me, the president was just some guy on television. And as anyone my age will surely recall, people on television were being shot all the time! While my older sister was excited by this news, to nine year old me it was of little interest.

    It wasn’t until I got home, and found that my mother was upset, and more significantly, that the television was turned on with the old geezer news guys doing the “blah blah” routine, that I became a bit concerned. My mother never watched television. She thought it was a complete waste of time. There had been several occasions in the recent past when I hadn’t been able to watch my favorite programs such as “Sea Hunt” and “Combat” on weekday afternoons, and “Rocky and Bullwinkle” “Bugs Bunny”, and “The Three Stooges” on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Those occasions would have been the Cuban missile crisis, the Bay of Pigs fiasco, and the various Mercury rocket launches.

    It’s hard for me to imagine any six year old being horrified by the news of the president being shot. What sorts of parents would subject their six year old child to that? This Sullivan woman has no credibility. Either that or her parents were guilty of child abuse.

  191. xyzxy says:
    @Frau Katze

    I was 12 years old on that day. Even a six year old might remember that.

    Never suggested she didn’t remember something of the event. Just said that a six year old girl isn’t going to react with ‘horror’ over a political event, and no first grader back then (or today) ever had any idea about the possible political implications of a Catholic president and his relationship with the Church/Pope.

    Also, big difference between the cognition and understanding of a six year old and a 12 year old.

    Of course I’m going from Ron’s description of her writing. Don’t have her book in front of me, so who knows exactly what she wrote?

  192. @nosquat loquat

    He apparently means it’s the P.O.W.s left behind and John McCain’s alleged role in it.

  193. @Biff

    It doesn’t matter. The AR-15 has very little kick. And it’s a simple mechanism. A child can fire one, no problem.

  194. Speaking of the Charlie Hebdo attack, I seem to remember a bit of a sequel — and someone PLEASE correct me if I am misremembering. Many of the best photos of the attackers were made by a man who just happened to be visiting in the area, and had his camera out and ready. OK, sure, that could easily be the case. However, shortly after the attack in Paris, there was another very similar attack in Germany (again, if I remember correctly). In that attack also, the best photos were taken by a man who just happened to be visiting in the area and had his camera out and ready. Coincidental, but possible. In this case, however, the photographer happened to be THE SAME MAN. And the man happened to be someone with ties to Israel, and perhaps the Mossad.

    • Thanks: JPS
  195. @AR Owner

    ‘Plenty of people post on various gun sites and YouTube about hunting smaller white tail deer with the AR15 and a bonded soft point round, but I agree with you and never would. That is what the AR10/SR25 in 308 excels at! Now if that was the weapon in question, I would agree that a small female could have trouble with it due to increased weight and much heavier recoil.’

    Indeed — an AR-10 is not light. Fun is fun, but I think that for practical deer hunting, a bolt-action Ruger American in .308 is what I want for my birthday. Light, reliable, and not too expensive.

  196. Tionico says:
    @Colin Wright

    I own a “standard” appearning rifle that fires exaly he same cartridge as the AR pattern rifles. It is weak, low powred, not worh much pat 400 yrds, easy to shoot and still accurate to a little beyind 200 yards.

    I help as an instructor in a rifle marksmanship/safety training programme (Project Appleseed). One of our events is what we call a “known distance” event. Attendees bring HEIR rifle, and we help hem learn how to better use it at known distances, including identifying that distance.
    One shoot one of the participants was a young woman probably late twenties, who was “diminutive” in stature.. barely five foot naught and a quarter in height. She carried a full on AR 15 rifle, chambered in the venerable 5.56 round, NATO issue. She handled that thing like it was a normal extension of her body. She did well in the rapid fire stages (fifty five seconds for ten rounds fired from offhand’ (standing) position. Ten out of ten in the tenring. In he four hundred yard range fired from prone she fired all ten rounds into the centre ring at that distance, no bipod or support other than her own body and sling. That woman knew VERY well what she is about, did it well and competently, and had no issues whatever handling that AR 15 pattern rifle firing the green tip standard issue military grade ammunition produced in the Lake City facility for both military and civilian use. That petite woman outshot all the men on the line except her husband. (at the four hundred yard range he put all ten of his rounds into a ONE INCH circle. Glad he is on OUR team…)

    Do not try and convince me the AR pattern rifle is a handful for anyone older than about ten or twelve years of age.

    One other signficant quibble:

    massive social upheaval following the police murder of George Floyd

    George Floyd was NOT “murdered” by police. He killed himself by ingesting HUGE doses of fentanyl and meth. Go and find/read the tox panel from the Hennepin COunty Coronor’s office. He had a four times lethal dose for man of his weight of fentanyl, and a least a two times lethal dose of meth in his blood a the time of his death. Derak Chauvin, the lead officer attending the incident, was following the precise protocol he and his Second had larned just weeks prior, having used that training to assess correctly that their detainee, George Floyd, was overdosed on fentanyl, and were precisely following the protocol they had been taught at that training.

    PLEASE stop referring to this death as a murder by police. Yes, Chauvin was “conviced” by a hanging jury and carefully selected prosecutor in a process that closely resembles the throwing of meat to the coyotes to appease them for a short while.

  197. @muh muh

    If you think descriptions in al-Qur’an and al-Hadis are NOT accurate and are NOT true, then either revise your al-Qur’an and al-Hadis or get rid of them altogether!

    But, Muslims DO NOT do that.


    Muslims enter non-Muslims’ lands as a Trojan Horse and, when minority by population, Muslims live as parasites by sucking the blood out of non-Muslims’ resources; but, when in majority, Muslims attack non-Muslims for seizing non-Muslims’ lands, properties and women.

    In my humble opinion, killing Muslims is good; because, one less Muslim on earth is one less problem for non-believers.

    [][] What are the Worst Crimes against Humanity?

    Female child marriages with adult males
    Stoning of women and men
    Taking women and children captive
    Female genital mutilation
    Inequality among men and women
    No freedom of religion
    No freedom of speech
    No right to question
    Division of humanity based on religion
    Hatred towards others
    Burning people
    Taxation based on religion

    All the above are 100% advocated by the al-Qur’an and al-Hadis. [][]


    [][] Rape Hindu women, force them to convert, marry them if you please, abandon them, torture them, blackmail them or kill them — this is a template of how myriads of Hindu women have been tormented by Muslims in India.

    Heartened by the negligible penalties for their offenses in their home country, these Muslims have taken this pattern of exploiting Hindu women and forcing them to convert to Islam beyond the borders of India.

    Islamic apologists may want to argue that these disconnected instances have no link with Islam.

    While all these cases are indeed reported from different places, what links them is the continuous sexual abuse of the “kaffir” women, and the forcing of them to accept Islam.

    These cases could have been considered isolated crimes, but again — why the push for conversion to Islam?

    The relentless attempts to convert their prey and mistreat them as maal-e-ghanimat connect all the accused Muslims in the three distinct cases reported above, suggesting that they were motivated by Islamic religious indoctrination when planning and executing these crimes. [][]

  198. @interesting

    There is nothing new in any of these incidents except the deliberate ignorance of Westerners in general and Americans in particular. Americans are so deluded by their ideology that sees the entire world as ersatz Americans (“They envy us for our freedoms!”) that they literally cannot see the realities of foreign cultures and foreign people who have their own idesa, customs, and history. Americans are unteachable and do not learn even from bitter experience, as Putin has come to realize.

    Islam demands that Muslims exercise exclusive political control over dhimmis (that’s you and me). Muslims do not share political power with non-Muslims anywhere voluntarily, and Muslims do not tolerate freedom of speech when it comes to Islam which cannot be insulted under any circumstance, or even analyzed objectively by scholars.

    There is no “vetting” that can ID Salafi Muslims (that means all true believers) who will become peaceful citizens. The only vetting feasible is to ask “Do you believe the Quran is the literal word of Allah?” If the answer is yes, violence against non-Muslims is on the way, it’s just a matter of time.

    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  199. Chebyshev says:
    @Mike Tre

    Intimating that “their paychecks” were signed by some Alphabet agency bureau-goon is a predictable reply, but why some obscure G building in the armpit of California: San Bernadino?

    Are there any other recent cases in America of white men committing mass shootings and getting away with it?

    • Replies: @Mike Tre
  200. MarLuc7 says:
    @Redpill Boomer

    The only reason I question the official Holocaust narrative is because the industrial extermination it theorizes would likely have been too much trouble when Germany was fighting for its life.

    The Only Reason???????????? Educate yourself dude:

    Also, Sandy Hook is sketchy as fuck. Read Jim Fetzer’s 400 Page book on it. It was not a Let it happen scenario….it was orchestrated by the whole damn town and our US Government.

    The Boston Marathon bombing appears to be real and most likely a case of LIHOP -Let It Happen on Purpose.

    OK City was entrapment –and obviously orchestrated by our Government:

    9/11 was a Mossad Operation and No Planes were Used. Full Stop.

    • Replies: @Anonymous534
  201. @Rich23

    Most welcome and hoping you found it useful.
    In view of Ron Unz’s valid discussion of American “journalist” M Sullivan’s apparent aversion to reporting topical news, I’m hoping that this assessment of the latest bilge from a once respected (well, we all make mistakes) organ will not be seen as Off Topic and trashed. tg has link to said bilge btw.

    🇬🇧 The British tabloid The Times believes that Russia is behind the assassination attempt on the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, Robert Fico. This bout of madness was shared by the columnist and the paper’s correspondent in Bratislava, Peter Conradi.

    I was wondering who would be the first to explicitly say the sacramental “Russians Did It.” It turned out to be The Times (

    It’s dangerous to even wrap breakfast in this newspaper—the food might go insane.

    — Russian MFA spokeswoman Maria Zakharova

    I have to concur with the estimable Minister Zakharova and wonder for how much longer the thinking public will take these publications seriously.

    • Replies: @Rich23
  202. Mike Tre says:

    Exactly – There was that Studio City, CA bank robbery back in 1997 where the two white bank robbers took a page from the movie Heat and discharged hundreds of rounds while they attempted to flee the scene on foot. At least one was killed that I can remember.

    Other than that – not that I can remember.

  203. @Ron Unz

    Congratulations for admitting your mistake and thanks for explaining it. Errare humanum est. It can happen to the best ones.

    To tell the truth the French wiki gives more details about that id card.

  204. @Rich23

    Would you care to explain your overwrought,
    defensive reaction to my tender humor?

    Try adding a little oxytocin to your anal
    lubricant as a mood enhancer.

    • LOL: John Trout
    • Replies: @Rich23
  205. @Tionico

    Complex has fired thousands of rounds of match grade 7.62×51 ammo (.308 Winchester) through US Army match grade M-14 rifles, and thousands of rounds of 5.56×45 (.223) through M-16’s and AR-15’s at distances from 25 to 1000 yards.
    He opines that the M-16/AR15 rifle platform is very effective, and eminently suitable for use by persons of very slight build.
    He spent a month in 1975 at the 6th Army Marksmanship Training Unit at now defunct Fort Ord California.
    Complex considers Appleseed rifle marksmanship training the very best he has been exposed to.

  206. MarLuc7 says:
    @Astuteobservor II

    9/11 was successful because America was incredibly naïve in 2001, and our Government and Israeli Jews had 100% Control of the Mainstream Media. (23 Years Ago)

    Now everyone has a cell phone with video camera installed. The level of analysis is far more robust now and Alternative Media has replaced Legacy Media as the chief influencer.

    For this reason, the next false flag will not be so easy.

    This is why our Government has transitioned to Bio-Weapons as their best control mechanism.

    Another COVID like virus will be their next False Flag. Who cares who released it, if it is super deadly with a 10% kill ratio. America will be absolutely frozen with trauma and terror.

    • Agree: Gallatin
    • Replies: @Gallatin
  207. The Wikipedia article also mentioned that the incident provided the authorities with a reason to try to pressure Apple into compromising its cell phone software.

  208. anon[670] • Disclaimer says:

    Only 71 instances of me, my, mine and I in this blog post. Why so selfless? And why more than half a dozen references to Wikipedia, the dumbest of all sources?

  209. @Johnm486

    This is yet another newbie repeating the (((Narrative))) as if it were something other than a collection of lies, false pieties, and anti-white propaganda!

    Would to God that someone would burn the Capitol to the ground, preferably with every blackmailed or bribed “elected” official locked inside it. There is no one who works within that latrine’s confines who has ever kept his or her solemn oath to protect the United States from its enemies, foreign and domestic. Indeed, along with Israel, they themselves are white Christian Americans’ most implacably rabid enemies.

  210. Gallatin says:

    The San Bernadino County building must have been one of the few without security cameras in the parking lot and entrances to the building in 2015. That’s why it was probably chosen.

    • Replies: @James Scott
  211. I live about 15 miles West of San Bernardino. I have a friend who lives on the same block as the guy who did the shooting with his wife. I saw the guy growing up. He was a long haired skateboarding kid who listened to heavy metal music and smoked a lot of weed. His parents imported the girl to try to get him to become a good Moslem. The story with the neighborhood kids he grew up around is that she radicalized him and got him to do the shooting because he needed to atone for his bad behavior before she got here.

    I am fairly certain they got the right people.

    What that case shows is that it is dangerous to allow Moslems in our society because they might have to atone if they become Americanized and then decide to become devout Moslems.

  212. @Gallatin

    Right around that time the city of San Bernardino was broke. Crooked politicians had given away the house to public service unions and had obligations that were about 3 times the tax revenue they were collecting. The police and fire dep’t were paying retirees more than they were paying the current workers. They probably did not have cameras because they were broke.

    • Thanks: Gallatin
    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  213. I did some looking into the “three shooters” hypothesis and it seems to basically come from two witnesses, one male who was outside the building and one female who was inside the building. Both eyewitness accounts were vague and unconvincing, but I made an amateur analysis of them.


    The male who claimed he saw “three white men” was not in the building, but he said he heard the gunshots and saw the suspects driving away at a high rate of speed. He was interviewed by the local news and had this to say about the suspects:

    “…we’d seen three white men in military fatigues, taking off.”

    That’s the extent of his description of their appearance. He does not describe their height or their build, only their race and their general clothing. Since everyone inside the building said the suspects were wearing masks, it’s unclear how this man knew he had seen “three white men”. The reporter did not bother to ask how he knew the race of all three men. It’s possible the police interviewed him privately and decided that he didn’t actually know what he was talking about. If he saw them driving away, the vehicle must’ve had clear windows and all three of them must’ve taken off their masks. He must’ve been within 50 feet of the vehicle as it drove by, but it’s not clear if that’s the case. I’m willing to believe he probably did see a car leaving the scene, but he also said they were driving away very fast. Those conditions are not indicative of a reliable physical description.

    The other witness who claimed to see three men was a female who was inside the building. She provided the local news with a slightly better description. This is what she said:

    “[T]hree men, dressed in all black, military attire with vests on holding assault rifles and one of them opened up the door to building three… and he… opens up the door to building three and … he… starts to spray, shoot all over into the room… I couldn’t see a face, he had a black hat on and uh, from my view all I could see was a black hat (mask?) and long sleeve shirt… black cargo pants with zippers on the sides, big puffy pockets, he had a huge assault rifle and extra ammo… I just saw three dressed exactly the same…. their skin tone looked white. They looked like they were athletic build. They appeared to be tall…”

    When pressed, she was adamant about the existence of three men. However, since she didn’t see their faces, it’s unclear how she was able to determine the skin color of each man. Maybe she saw part of a wrist, or part of a neck, some patch of skin on all three men. But she didn’t say, so we don’t know. If she had seen their eyes or hair, it stands to reason she would have described that. Also, she did not actually say they were “white men”, only that their skin color appeared to be white. That’s an important distinction in my opinion, because “race” does not equal “skin tone”, and different races have multiple different features on average. Alternatively, different races can share certain traits, either on average or in outlying cases, such as a “white appearing” skin complexion. We don’t actually know “how white” the skin she saw actually was though.

    Her description reveals her uncertainty in other ways. First of all, she begins her description by saying, “From my view”, which to me indicates she did not have an ideal view, or it could indicate she believes her description is subjective. Either way it’s not compelling. And how she described the height of the men only compounded this problem. For example, if I saw a group of men and later said, “They appeared to be tall”, which is what she said, then that is a less certain statement than, “They were tall”. This uncertainty might happen if I were describing people from far away, or if I was standing at a different level of elevation and had to look up or down, or if I saw the men in question for only a few seconds before turning and running. But if I was standing in the same room as a group of tall men, and we were all standing on the floor, and I got a good look at them, then my description of them would be: “They were tall.”

    She said they had an “athletic build”, but what does that mean? To me, that’s a term which could be used to describe “an average guy who goes to the gym”, or maybe something like Bruce Jenner before he started crossdressing, but it might even describe someone who looks more like a young Arnold Schwarzenegger. It’s a broad term that only rules out obviously obese people and emaciated people. She said the suspects were wearing cargo pants with “big puffy pockets” and long sleeve shirts. In that case, the condition of their legs would’ve been hidden with puffy pants, but perhaps the long sleeve shirts were relatively form-fitting. Yet she said they were also wearing vests, and their shirts might’ve been made of thick material or there could have been layers of clothing. Under the circumstances, I think it would be not-so-easy to determine an “athletic” build from a “regular” build unless we’re talking about WWE wrestlers or bodybuilders. If the clothing was thick, she could’ve just interpreted that as muscle mass.

    But what about the third man? And why wasn’t one of them short? Here I’ll point out that in the 1999 Columbine school shooting, many eyewitnesses claimed to have seen three shooters inside the school. However, that was not corroborated with the photo and video evidence, the physical evidence, or any evidence. I’ll also point out that hundreds of convictions for homicides have been overturned by recent DNA-based identification techniques, and most of those convictions relied on eyewitness testimony. When confronted with DNA evidence, sometimes witnesses will become emotional and say, “I don’t care what it says, I know what I saw.”

    But do people know what they saw? Despite numerous studies which show the malleability of memories and the tendency of the mind to “fill in the gaps” with imagined experience, most people put great stock into eyewitness accounts. That is, unless they’re describing aliens, or bigfoot, or something politically or socially undesirable. Unfortunately, multiple witnesses usually translate into multiple discrepancies. So then, each person has to pick and choose which witnesses he believes, or which parts he believes, and which he does not believe. In the San Bernardino case, if the witnesses who said there were three suspects were correct, then that means all the other witnesses who described something other than three suspects were wrong. Ask yourself what criteria you’re using to make these judgements.

    Inside that government building in San Bernardino, a witness described three identical men who were indiscernible from each other. According to her, when they walked into the building, they were all basically the same man—same height (appeared to be), same build, same clothes, same weapons, same everything—except one of them started shooting first. That’s the only time the witness makes a distinction between the suspects. When one of them opens fire, I assume she runs away or hides or something, so her description ends there. But she probably heard multiple weapons firing after she turned away.

    The point is, she doesn’t actually describe three different men, she describes three clones. I believe that she probably saw more than one suspect, but she focused on the one who started shooting and could not describe the other (or others). She probably saw them only for a few seconds. As the first rifle started firing, everything else probably became vague. But between then and later when the cops arrived, her mind fixated on three and filled in the gaps. So, when she was questioned, she probably did believe there were three men, but all she could do was describe one man three times.

  214. @James Scott

    Like most medium to large U.S. cities, San B. probably had a majority of
    worthless AA hires and a sizable bunch of superfluous time- killers and
    nepotic hangers-on. Not that they needed killing,
    but they are budget-busters.

  215. Ron Unz says:

    George Floyd was NOT “murdered” by police. He killed himself by ingesting HUGE doses of fentanyl and meth. Go and find/read the tox panel from the Hennepin COunty Coronor’s office.

    LOL. Apparently, you’re a total newcomer here and you’ve never read any of my other articles.

    Perhaps you should have looked more closely at the rest of my sentence:

    …the 2016 Russian election interference that put Donald Trump in the White House…and the massive social upheaval following the police murder of George Floyd later that same year…

    • Replies: @dimples
  216. Rich23 says:
    @24th Alabama

    Hahaha….was my preface.
    It didn’t work.
    You saw right through me.

    Now that’s a special form of projective identification…accuse the other of ‘perversion’ and then recommend sticking something up the other’s ass.

    I was hoping Ron would reply to my valid explanation of what I think was his unintended display of rather morbid sense of humor. Perhaps, it was just his tell, you know, letting down that Mask of Sanity momentarily.

    Some days Unz exhibits a John Podhoretz sort of vibe in his writing.

    Carry on!

    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  217. @cousin lucky

    Hey “cousin lucky”, I just clicked on your website page randomly and discovered the goldmine of links and articles you maintain in your “parables” section. Those type of articles tend to disappear from the net so links alone are not enough and republishing the whole article with a link from where they originally came from is just really great.

    So I dunno if you get many of these but If no-one else has told you this, I just wanted to say: “Thank You” for taking the time and trouble for doing that dude.

    Much appreciated!

    From a new reader of your “Parables” section.

  218. @Sin City Milla

    There’s an important difference between those of us
    who want to preserve our culture and those who
    hate Muslims. Would Israel or Iran welcome
    large scale Christian or Hindu immigration?

    • Agree: Colin Wright
    • Replies: @Sin City Milla
  219. Rich23 says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    Of course it’s very useful.
    Thanks again.

    I appreciate your citation of Zakharova.

    One must admire as with China, Russia puts forth their megabrains like Lavrov and Zakharova as a rule and, my God, they never disappoint. Like the Chinese megabrains, Lav and Zak are poised, thoughtful, contemplative and amazingly discerning.
    My America only puts forth a venal, acquisitive and manipulative sort like Blinken, case in point.

    And now my America plans to confer military active duty and veterans benefits on American mercenaries participating with Israel in the genocide of the Palestinians.
    Christ, what’s next?

  220. @Colin Wright

    This seems to happen in every Ron Unz article (purposefully?) He is building a believable case, but undercuts his “conspiracy theory” by saying something stupid.

    The AR-15 and similar “assault rifles” are generally selected for their low recoil, their long, flat bullet trajectories, and their semi-automatic ability to shoot several bullets quickly. I know several CHILDREN who regularly shoot such “varmint” rifles (at distant targets, groundhogs/ ground squirrels or coyotes). The typical .223 caliber AR-15 rifle is just a .22 plunker bullet with more powder behind it.
    In many states the .223 cannot be used to hunt deer (it often cripples rather than kills): “Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Virginia, Ohio, New Jersey, Washington, and West Virginia require larger bullets.” Or did until recently. While even a .22 long bullet (illegal in most states for deer) can kill does and fawns, generally hunters want to stop trophy bucks.

    While many mass shooters may not be able to handle a REAL hunting rifle or shotgun (better for close shooting), almost anyone can comfortably shoot an “assault rifle”.

  221. Anonymous[200] • Disclaimer says:

    Very nice analysis, and perhaps you are correct. However, the subject is under debate. Here’s a tutorial (literally) on the subject, , which implies that your view is not the standard one as yet.

    After all, the overt entry of France simply maintained the stalemate, exhausted France, and continued the exhaustion of the Holy Roman Empire (Hapsbergs). The Battle of Wittstock, 1636,, a Swedish victory after the Battle of Noringen (1634), demonstrated to all combatants that nobody could expect victory before all combatants expected to become as debilitated and depopulated as was Spain at that time. They made the best peace they could, designed specifically to prevent further wars that were general in scope. That aim was achieved until the French Revolution and Napoleon,~1800.

    IMHO the Swedish entry into the 30 Years War broke the stalemate between Hapsburg and France, and Swedish tactical innovations rendered the Tercio formation obsolete, which crippled the Hapsburg war effort. Still, the 30 Years War dragged on for another decade (1638-1648) before being ended (along with the 80 Years War) by the Treaty of Westphalia (TOW) in 1648.

    While it took some time for remaining wars to be shut down, TOW served as a template for the peace treaties, and for international law, until the end of WW II and the Nuremberg trials. As usual in history, things don’t change instantly, but historical markers can be chosen when one era gradually morphs into another.

    As we are seeing, now, in real time.

  222. Thirdtwin says:

    Although it could be nothing more than avoidance of his infamous “whistling S”.

  223. anonymous[206] • Disclaimer says:

    I’m glad to see Ron finally tackling the issue of controversial mass shootings. After studying them for many years, I’ve concluded a great many shootings are phony live-shooter drills that are passed for real on the news, conplete with crisis actors and Holywood style producers. Many of them are run by FEMA and Homeland Security. Some of the most obvious ones have been the Sandy Hood, Orlando Night Club, with many more suspected including the Virginia Tech and Las Vegas concert. Many shootings are real though, like the Texas kindergarten one, though I don’t believe the Taxas Walmart event. I once saw a TV news a report on a HS mass shooting (I forgot which) and one of the students interviewed on the evening news admited there was a planned live-shooter event that day, but incredibly, a real shooter showed up! He also admited that he did not know people died at his HS until he saw it on the evening news!

  224. dimples says:
    @Ron Unz

    In the youtube video

    “San Bernadino Suspects’ Violent Standoff with Police”

    the Police Scanner audio is quoted (00:19):

    “We are in pursuit of the suspect vehicle…. we’ve got shots fired out the back window”

    It doesn’t seem likely therefore that the Muslim married couple in the SUV were victims of an accidental police shooting, unless the police or news reporters faked the audio and claimed it to be from a police scanner. According to Wikipedia, police were searching for that particular vehicle as it had been reported by a witness at the scene of the shooting and discovered to be a rental vehicle.

    Also helicopter footage shows the SUV with the windows on the right (sidewalk or footpath) side intact, but footage of the other side shows all the windows shot out. According to one news report 2500 rounds of ammo were found in the vehicle.

    Thus if there was a conspiracy, it’s more likely to be of the type Dr. Barrett suggests. Possibly the couple accumulated guns, ammo etc and were larping as terrorists or planning a feeble attack that day, not knowing they were under surveillance. The secret police used this as an opportunity to create a juicy massacre and pin it on Muslim patsies. How this was all co-ordinated I don’t know.

  225. dimples says:
    @Ron Unz

    I’m not sure I get this one. Is Mr Unz claiming that he said Floyd was not murdered by the police?

    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  226. @24th Alabama

    Understood, but my main point is that other major cultures exist which do not care in the least what Americans think about them n some actively hate Americans not for what we do but for who we are. Our behavior is utterly irrelevant to that fact. The world does not revolve around the US or what Americans think. Most Americans simply cannot seem to grasp that.

    Immigrants do not magically change into Americans n adopt American culture just by crossing the border. They bring their own history, ideas, n religions, n hatreds with them. The US is inviting wars n conflicts around the world into our own country n making their problems our problems.

    There are very few places in the world that welcome any immigration at all. In most places, illegal immigrants are promptly arrested n jailed n have to pay a fine just to get released back into their own country. Most countries are also ethnically based n have no interest in what we call diversity.

    • Replies: @dimples
    , @24th Alabama
  227. @Rich23

    Sexual humor on an anonymous site should not be taken personally,
    nor should it be always considered projective, although it may be.

    Thanks for your mention of Podhoretz. I had heard the name but was
    not familiar with his views, so I took a look at his Zionist mag-rag,
    Commentary. This man lives on the precipice of insanity, but with help
    of an unknown entity, trips and shuffles but never goes over the edge,
    leaving his readers teased and disappointed.

    The Zionist effort to restore their White Western identity is hard to
    believe since they were recently so proud of their Mideast, Semitic
    origins, but Podhoretz now wants to cozy up to White Christians
    after a lifetime of pushing illegal immigration.

    As a Zionist supremacist, Mordecai is now mocking the strange
    alliance of the Woke crowd and the Muslims, and that is almost
    fair since extremist Muslims might enjoy “stone a tranny” holiday
    in the company of Ultra Jews. Podhoretz ignores what the student
    protesters have in common with most others,
    an aversion to genocide.

    • Replies: @Rich23
    , @Wokechoke
  228. dimples says:
    @Sin City Milla

    “some actively hate Americans not for what we do but for who we are. Our behavior is utterly irrelevant to that fact.”

    Not at all, dumbass Fatmerican, they hate them for what they do. Don’t you think what they do, ie interfere endlessly, create endless wars, kill vast amounts of people while trumpeting their indispensable greatness, etc. doesn’t matter?

    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  229. @Sin City Milla

    Perhaps you agree that we should severely limit immigration
    to a small number who can provide a distinct benefit to the
    U.S., while at the same time requiring countries receiving
    financial assistance to have effective birth control programs.

    And, I would add that we do not need more foreign medical
    personnel, particularly physicians from India. They are
    needed at home and we get mostly the greedy ones.

    • Replies: @Sin City Milla
  230. @dimples

    Floyd had been shoving fentanyl in his mouth and butt and had
    taken more than a lethal dose. He also had traces of other drugs
    in his body and was a large, strong man in a hysterical frenzy,
    resisting arrest. He also had arteriosclerosis and had refused
    surgical intervention and drug treatment despite being warned
    by doctors.

    By contrast, Officer Chauvin was medium in stature and weight,
    and was hardened by many years of dealing with habitual, violent
    Black criminals.

    An argument could have been made that Chauvin used poor
    judgment in the length of time he held Floyd down with his knee,
    but no one was holding a clock in his face, and we know that
    adrenalin causes one to lose track of time.

    Minneapolis was taken over by BLM thugs who were threatening
    more violence and the local and State officials were terrified of
    more riots if Chauvin was not convicted. The cowardly liberal
    Judge refused to move the trial to a less Woke county where
    Chauvin could get a fair trial. All appeals have been rejected
    and he will serve at least 20 years unless the next attempt
    on his life is successful.

    • Replies: @RobinG
  231. @MarLuc7

    No, the Boston Marathon bombing was not “real” and not “a case of LIHOP” event. The same Jim Fetzer has a book on it, too, called “And Nobody Died in Boston Either.”

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  232. @Anonymous534

    The “Boston Marathon bombing was a hoax utilizing Hollywood special effects” theory is nonsensical. It would have been far easier, cheaper and less risky to just explode some actual bombs than to hire scores of crisis actors, special effects and make up artists.

    The Jim Fetzer approach is foolish. Just deny everything. The moon landing was fake, literally every mass shooting is fake. Hell, the clown still buys into the “real Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by an actor” silliness. To deny everything you see in the media is just as stupid and lazy as to automatically believe everything. Either way, you don’t have to make the effort to discern truth from falsehood.

    • Replies: @RobinG
  233. @John Trout

    I don’t know about that. I seem to remember when I read the Koran there were references to Paradise having lovely cool tents and shade from the sun. For a religion that claims to be universal and for all time, this is laughable. My own flat has central heating and is better than Islamic Paradise (minus all the horny, always up for it sex slaves, of course). Islam was obviously created with desert-dwelling Arabs in mind. Furthermore, the life of Mohammad is full of disgusting, stupid and sexually degenerate behaviour. I cannot take seriously a Westerner who chooses to believe this simplistic trash.

    • Agree: Wizard of Oz
    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  234. Lysias says:

    I remember being very aware that John Kennedy was a Catholic in 1956, when he was a contender for the Dem vice presidential nomination, and I would have been nine years old.

  235. Rich23 says:
    @24th Alabama

    “A Conversation in Hell”

    by John Podhoretz

    Unz wrote an essay and seemed to poke fun at two dead young people, one he pointed out was a breastfeeding young mother. Ron ought to explain the reference. I won’t except an appeal to his stupidity. After all, unz also pointed out he’s a smart Harvard connected guy.

    Thank you for the reply.

    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  236. RobinG says:
    @24th Alabama

    Good summary. Thanks.

    • Thanks: 24th Alabama
  237. RobinG says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    But you know, if Jim Fetzer wrote a book about it, it must be true! LOL.

  238. Interesting article as usual. Thanks, Ron.

    A quick note though — his name was Christopher Dorner, not Charles Dorner.

    • Thanks: Ron Unz
  239. Ron’s tone in describing the police and Margaret Sullivan was sardonic but I didn’t
    detect ridicule in his description of the Pakistani couple, after reading it a second
    time. Maybe you could point out the sentence(s) that you saw as offensive.
    I can’t recall any articles where Unz went out of his way to demean anyone, but most
    of us have traded insults in the following comment exchanges.

    Regarding Joe Kennedy and the Devil, my first thought is that FDR should have
    listened to Joe rather than to the Jews, Commies and a certain drunk and dodgy
    Prime Minister who were his “influencers.” It could be that Joe Kennedy’s
    pro-German stance was one of the reasons the Zionists killed a couple of
    his sons. The sins of the father…and the Jews never forgive or forget.

    And, consider this. Who was the one man in the World who could have
    dissuaded the Japanese from attacking Pearl Harbor? Nur der Fuhrer.

  240. @dimples

    Before we let you continue with your “dumbass Fatmerican” tirade,
    you must point out the location of your dimples. A photo will do.
    My guess is, they are not on your chin.

  241. @Rich23

    #247 was intended for you, Rich.

    • Replies: @Rich23
  242. @al gore rhythms

    Since Islam is a major religion its history, tenets and significance are worthy of study,
    but disputes about, or criticism of Islamic beliefs should come from within Islam.
    Arguments about the faith are pointless and divisive, and are best left to Muslims.

    Although I’m a Christian, it’s understandable that believers of all kinds regard
    other religions as fantasies, but the beliefs of others only become our concern
    when they threaten our security or existence.

    For the sake of harmony and peaceful coexistence we must accept that
    other religions are valid for their believers, and the freedom
    to not believe in any religion is equally important.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  243. @24th Alabama

    but disputes about, or criticism of Islamic beliefs should come from within Islam.
    Arguments about the faith are pointless and divisive, and are best left to Muslims.

    OK You can leave it to Muslim lawyers in Pakistan to argue whether it is seemly for them to applaud the murder of a provincial governor for pardoning a poor Christian woman accused of defaming the Prophet. But what if its not in Pakistan that Muslims are being stirred up to violence and intolreance that has effects outside voluntary members of Muslim society? Can you look at France and say your glib answer suffices?

    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  244. Rich23 says:
    @24th Alabama

    Yeah I got it.

    From the allusion to Rosencratz and Gildenstern to Unz’s admission to having joked about the event at the time, I appreciate anyone’s ability to distinguish between sardonic and ridicule.
    Ron invites both…his choice.

    I stick with my first impression.
    Unz tipped his hand.
    He could deny it or explain it. He won’t.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @24th Alabama
  245. Ron Unz says:

    Unz wrote an essay and seemed to poke fun at two dead young people

    I stick with my first impression.
    Unz tipped his hand.
    He could deny it or explain it. He won’t.

    I’d been busy and hadn’t been closely monitoring this discussion-thread.

    I’ll admit I’m totally mystified at what you’re claiming.

    All I did was suggest that instead of being Islamic terrorists, the young Pakistani Muslim couple may have been shot by the police because they were unfortunate enough to have been driving the wrong model of vehicle in the wrong place at the wrong time. I can’t quite see how I seeming “to poke fun” at them…

  246. @Ron Unz

    Ron, have you seen the photos of their bodies? They were handcuffed. That excludes any reason why they were shot except execution.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  247. @Anonymous534

    That sounds impossible. Even in America. Show us please.

    • Replies: @Anonymous534
  248. @Ron Unz

    Rosencrantz and Gildenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard is a comedy. Ergo this retarded connection of this possibly otherwise perfectly reasonable human.

    Some day some galaxy brain is going to write an AI commenter bot but we aren’t there yet.

    I submitted a bug report that there is an unclosed italics tag on the Newslinks main page. It’s been there unclosed for a whole day now. : )

  249. @Wizard of Oz

    The wisdom of the ages should guide our conduct when we are
    in another country. “When in Rome, do as the Romans.”

    A Muslim in France must respect its tradition of free speech
    (except criticizing Jews, of course) and an Infidel in Pakistan
    must not defile the Prophet.

    Recognize the futility of feuding with reality. Believers are
    devoted to their religion to the point of extreme sensitivity,
    and many atheists are equally zealous in defending materialism,
    almost as though it had assumed a divine personage.

    I trust that this response at least approaches the Gizzard’s
    lofty standard of discernment. You can hardly fault someone
    for being superficial when confronted by the vacuous.
    Why waste a harpoon on a minnow?

  250. @Rich23

    In the absence of any proof to the contrary,
    a person’s intent is known only to him.
    This is “Much Adoe About Nothing.”

  251. Were this wild speculation even remotely plausible, Enrique Marquez wouldn’t be serving two decades for conspiring with the jihadist. His omission from this article disqualifies its thesis.

  252. Rich23 says:

    @Ron and 24th Alabama

    Thanks for your reply!

  253. @Wizard of Oz

    Try googling it yourself next time.
    The body of an alleged gunman at the Inland Regional Center, identified by police as Syed Farook, handcuffed across the street from a black SUV on San Bernardino Avenue

    • Replies: @Sparkon
  254. The Charlie Hebdo March:
    National leaders would endanger their lives by marching in a demo, especially ones like Netanyahu and Merkel,

    Footage at the time, filmed from above, showed that the street was cordoned off. They were marching with a little crowd. The scene was staged.

    The Reuters report: “A video posted on Facebook, the news footage mockingly set to the Looney Tunes cartoon music, showed Netanyahu maneuvering his way to the front of the rally with the help of several bodyguards, allowing him to be photographed arm-in-arm with other leaders, including French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.”

  255. Sparkon says:

    Ron, have you seen the photos of their bodies? They were handcuffed. That excludes any reason why they were shot except execution.

    It may surprise you to learn that, for the vast majority of literate people, “they” always refers to more than one person, certainly to those of us outside the rainbow coalition of fairies, fags, transvestites, and language-bending, opposite-sex wannabees in drag.

    “An alleged gunman” is not a “they.”

    According to Wikipedia, the police handcuffed Syed Rizwan Farook after he’d been killed and while Malik was still firing at them. I don’t know why the cops did that. Maybe they were worried that Allah would bring him back to life, or something.

    But of course, if you’ve got a picture of the deceased terrorist Tashfeen Malik in handcuffs, please show us that as well. Otherwise, your execution scenario falls to pieces.

    • Replies: @Anonymous534
  256. @Sparkon

    According to Wikipedia, the police handcuffed Syed Rizwan Farook after he’d been killed and while Malik was still firing at them.

    Yes, that sounds like a standard police procedure and an absolutely reasonable thing to do. Why wouldn’t you handcuff a dead body while still being fired at?
    Makes total sense.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  257. @Anonymous534

    Will yes, I can see it as a standard precautionary measure when a body can be cuffed aling the lines of, ” if it can be done without risk make quite sure there cqn be bo nasty surprises frim an apparently dead terrorist.”

    • LOL: Anonymous534
  258. Rich23 says:
    @Ron Unz


    Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead in San Bernardino


    two names from Shakespeare’s Hamlet came to mind: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Those two Danish courtiers had remained totally oblivious to the enormous events taking place around them and suffered a dire fate as a consequence, though they later became the protagonists of Tom Stoppard’s absurdist play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead

    apparently still nursing her six-month-old baby girl. While I suppose it’s possible that a young, nursing mother has sometimes gone on a wild terrorist rampage, I’d never previously heard of such a case

    Ron, You chose the allusion. I’m sticking with “poke fun” rather than absurdist or ironic.

    Thanks for the dialogue.

    • Thanks: 24th Alabama
    • Replies: @Mike Tre
  259. Mike Tre says:

    “two names from Shakespeare’s Hamlet came to mind: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Those two Danish courtiers”

    Yeah those totally sound like Danish names. Willie knew what was up.

  260. @Anonymous

    The (utterly magnificent) film (casting, direction, performances) which never got anywhere near a Jew Oscar for the same reason that nothing connected with Shakespeare ever will (think

    The Merchant of Venice

    ) was pre-produced around 1990. Stoppard’s play itself was very much older – I read it in first year of high school – 1972.

  261. @Mike Tre

    Bingo ! In the play they’re referred to as Hamlet’s friends from his “student-days”, but nowhere are they actually labelled as “Danish”. Then, ever since I became red-pilled, I always kind of wondered about “Rosen” and “stern” ! I don’t really believe it can have been accidental by W.S. (or should I say, Sit Francis Bacon ?

    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  262. @Dave Bowman

    Trite, but true. Once I had a mentor, a seasoned investigator from Chicago whose
    first lesson for every newbie was, “Don’t assume!” because if you do
    you will make an Ass out of U and Me.

    Many years later a man called and asked me to estimate a home repair. His name
    was Goldstein, so I reflectively decided to give him an insanely high estimate and
    let him beat me down a little. He was a retired German Lutheran farmer from
    Iowa with a wry sense of humor, and had been playing the same game for years.

    So, where would German Jews get their names, other than from Hebrew or German?
    Don’t be shocked if you run into a German with a “Jewish” name,
    which was originally a German name.

  263. @Mike Tre

    “Rosencrantz” and “Guildenstern” were names of ancient Scandinavian royal families. “Crantz” means “wreath.” “Stern” means “star.” So the names mean “rose wreath” and “golden star.” Records of the Danish royal coronation of 1596 show that one tenth of the aristocrats participating bore one or the other name. (wikipedia)

    The characters were likely named after Frederik Rosenkrantz and Knud Gyldenstierne, cousins of the astronomer Tycho Brahe who had visited England in 1592.

    Shakespeare would not have just thrown a couple of random Jewish characters into the play for no reason. As the famed literary critic Northrop Frye once said, “Shakespeare never did anything without a reason.”

    And can we please not get into the “Shakespeare was actually Francis Bacon or some other character” nonsense – the most pointless of all conspiracy theories? I wasted enough time on this in one of Steve Sailer’s comment threads.

    • LOL: Mike Tre
  264. Regarding “Jewish Last Names”… I pulled this off of Wikipedia but I’ve known it for some time:

    Historically, Jews used Hebrew patronymic names. In the Jewish patronymic system the first name is followed by either ben- or bat- (“son of” and “daughter of,” respectively), and then the father’s name. (Bar-, “son of” in Aramaic, is also seen.)

    Permanent family surnames exist today but only gained popularity among Sephardic Jews in Iberia and elsewhere as early as the 10th or 11th century and did not spread widely to the Ashkenazic Jews of Germany or Eastern Europe until the 18th and 19th centuries, where the adoption of German surnames was imposed in exchange for Jewish emancipation. European nations gradually undertook legal endeavors with the aim of enforcing permanent surnames in the Jewish populations. Part of the Alhambra Decree of 1492 contained a provision mandating fixed legal surnames for Sephardic Jews, but it was not until the 17th and 18th centuries that the rest of Europe followed suit. The Kingdom of Prussia began sequentially requiring Jews in its eastern provinces to adopt surnames in the 1790s, an edict affirmed by Napoleon Bonaparte following his invasion of Prussia in 1812.

    Surnames were derived from a variety of sources, such as the personal names of ancestors, place names, and occupations. In the 18th century, a custom developed amongst the Eastern European Jews of the Austro-Hungarian and Russian Empires where surnames began being passed from mother to son as opposed from father to son, but the trend seems to have died out by the early 20th century.

    So basically, most Jews didn’t have “surnames” per se until the surrounding European community or nation required them to adopt such names for administrative purposes. This was when all these countries were developing formal civil bureaucracies and standardized recordkeeping. At that point, the Jews adopted last names from the surrounding ethnic group (which apparently was mostly Germanic or Slavic) or they made up names that sounded similar to contemporary last names. Later on, especially among Zionist Jews, some changed their “Europeanized” name back to something more authentically Jewish, such as “Ben-Gurion”. But for the most part it seems certain last names which were once exclusively European became associated with Jewish ancestry instead. The best example I can think of is Alfred Rosenberg. I don’t know if it’s true, but I’ve read that he was sometimes ridiculed for having a “Jewish” last name although the name “Rosenberg” has a very old Germanic origin.

    In Europe, the development of patrilineal “surnames” was somewhat unique, and we forget this was not a universal occurrence. Jews just happened to be one of the few groups living among Europeans for centuries who could for all practical purposes “convert” to European by converting to Christianity. Even today ethnic groups from other parts of the world might have something like a “first part” of their name and a “last part” of their name, but it’s not the same as a having a “last name” in European parlance. When they come to the West, we just take the last part of their name and turn that into their surname. I’m not 100% sure about that, but I think that’s what happens with some ethnicities.

    • Agree: 24th Alabama
  265. Ron’s all over the place so who committed this atrocity?

  266. Mr. Grey says:

    Thank you for writing about this. This event had many unanswered questions, and the idea that trigger-happy cops murdered two people and then it was covered up for political reasons sounds the most plausible thing I’ve heard.

    • Agree: John Trout
  267. Wokechoke says:
    @24th Alabama

    Indeed, where on earth might that alliance of darkies sprung up from, among the wise kind and helpful Anglo-Americans?

    Stephanik must know.

  268. Hibernian says:

    Where to begin?

    For starters, this…

    Currently, Boston’s Irish Catholic mayor is trying to give an endless amount of money to house migrants.

    makes no sense, as evidenced by this:

    I’ll give you this much: She was born on Chicago’s South Side – to Taiwanese immigrant parents.

  269. @eah

    Over a week ago, I spent a few hours looking into that because I thought there might be something interesting there, but all I found was an embarrassing immigration scam. It seems it was totally unrelated, but Rizwan Farook’s brother, Raheel Farook, married a Russian Jewess named Tatiana in 2011. Tatiana had left Russia in 2003 to marry some poor bastard in Virginia. It seemed like a “mail order bride” type situation to me, and that relationship fell apart in about four years. After that, Tatiana managed to find her way to Los Angeles and somehow met Raheel, I assume through a dating website. They married relatively quickly, but according to neighbors it was a turbulent relationship.

    Tatiana’s sister, Mariya, also left Russia at some point, and they began working together at a mall kiosk. Mariya decided she wanted to live the American dream as well, so Raheel Farook turned to Enrique Marquez Jr., a fellow Muslim who was also an acquaintance of Rizwan. Enrique agreed to participate in a sham marriage with Mariya and the two were married in 2014. However, the newlyweds lived separately and rarely interacted with each other. To fool immigration authorities they pretended to live together with Raheel and Tatiyana in one big happy household. All during this time, Mariya seems to have had a few boyfriends and even gave birth to an “anchor baby” with some other immigrant. Unfortunately, the shooting and subsequent investigation ruined everything for these enterprising people. Enrique Marquez Jr. is now serving a prison sentence for his alleged connection to Rizwan and the 2015 shooting, among other things. That’s the official story anyway. I think the others received a light sentence for immigration fraud and went on their merry way.

    The only Israeli connection I could find was through Tatiana and Mariya’s parents who happen to own property in Israel and Russia. Over the years, the Israeli population grew in part due to immigration from Russia, Belorussia, and Ukraine, so there’s nothing surprising about that. Russia also allows dual citizenship, which I think is a bad idea.

    • Replies: @eah
  270. eah says:
    @Phil Barker

    >an embarrassing immigration scam

    There is that aspect — via the Jackson-Vanik Amendment, Jews in the USSR obtained a kind of special status, and could emigrate to the US more or less en masse, and many did, so that could also have something to do with the sisters’ presence — but I would not call it ’embarrassing’, not anymore anyway — aliens are motivated to come, so they may attempt to scam the system — today I see immigration as demographically destructive, nothing else — so it more angers than embarrasses me.

    As for what did or didn’t happen, even if eyewitnesses are often mistaken, I still find it odd (as I did back in 2015) that per the official story, several of them were mistaken in the exact same way about what they saw — regarding something Unz mentioned, I’ve seen a number of videos where cops shoot thru their windshields at suspects.

    • Replies: @Phil Barker
  271. @eah

    I think it’s totally reasonable to suspect that the cops might shoot first and ask questions later. I don’t know if that happened in this case, but it’s something to consider. Also, I understand people have a hard time accepting that several eyewitnesses could be wrong in the same way. As a counterpoint I mentioned that at Columbine, multiple people at the scene (I think more than ten) initially claimed there were three shooters. Some of those witnesses provided a vague description, but no other evidence was produced to confirm that. With regard to the Orlando gay nightclub shooting, multiple witnesses claimed the alleged shooter, Omar Mateen, had visited the nightclub several times as a patron. They said they remembered seeing him there, and some even said they had interacted with him at the club previously. Those claims were not corroborated by any other evidence and they were eventually dismissed. In the 1995 OKC bombing, there’s the infamous “John Doe #2” who was allegedly seen by multiple eyewitnesses, but then the FBI eventually decided he didn’t exist. That’s a little different because the witnesses could produce a composite sketch. I can recall that sketch very distinctly because it looked like someone I knew at the time 🙂 That said, I’m not sure if “John Doe #2” was real or not. But I guarantee none of the witnesses in San Bernardino who said they saw “three white men” enter the building or fleeing the scene could provide enough details for a worthwhile sketch. Any sketch they could produce would almost certainly look like three masked people who were completely covered and essentially clones, with an ambiguous racial identity. It’s still not even clear to me how they could claim to know the suspect’s race. Technically none of this means that they’re wrong per se, it just means eyewitnesses are unreliable evidence because human perception and memory are unreliable for various reasons.

    • Replies: @eah
  272. eah says:
    @Phil Barker

    In the past I looked into all the OKC anomalies — McVeigh’s attorney wrote a book about them — related is that no one in government was ever held accountable for killing all those people at Waco, ostensibly McVeigh’s motivation.

    The 1990s were a turning point, when the government started killing people with impunity over (to me) trivialities, e.g. Ruby Ridge and Waco — also the media largely abandoned its role of government oversight, barely twenty years after hounding Nixon out of office over Watergate — the same government de-industrialized a large swath of the country via ‘free trade’ (the cost was very high), then ignored the mounting death toll of the opioid epidemic for three decades (today, annually there are 5x as many overdose deaths as homicides) — a short while later there was 9/11 and the ramping up of the national security state — Snowden obviously has America 1.0 sensibilities, so all of that made him very uncomfortable.

    Homicides are almost always committed for personal reasons involving money or sex, so I’m prima facie suspicious of incidents like Orlando, or the Boston Marathon bombing– in both cases, there was no typical, or even plausible, motive.

    I don’t find the story about San Bernardino plausible either, where a young mother with a six month old baby allegedly shot up a bunch of civil servant peons in order to terrorize a nation with 10k nuclear weapons (see here).

    Fundamentally I don’t trust the government — not anymore.

    • Thanks: Phil Barker
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