She’s so out of touch with her own husband’s real thoughts and feelings about his mom Sheila changing and growing and still his bio-mom…Steffy is saying one thing in a scene that Finn “knows” what she feels and thinks, yada, yada…and in the same moment we see Finn with Sheila in his office as Steffy is saying Finn will “never” be part of his life! Seriously? Steffy needs to wake up; stop bullying; move on; get her divorce and have a party! And then get a guard dog! Oh wait, she doesn’t think she needs one…she’s so “in touch” with her own security and will just have to kill again if need be or threatened, esp when the threatened party doesn’t “listen” to bully Steffy…oh well, oh my!


I will admit that I literally cringed every time Steffy got started with her carrying on over “laying down the law” to Finn. And, this was especially true when we got those alternate scenes of Finn and Sheila. Steffy sounds like a delusional fool with a way over inflated ego.

I thought it was equally silly for her to breeze into the room, throw nasty insults at the man she knows to be Hope’s father…and then behave as though she’s surprised that Hope has an “attitude” toward her and wants to leave her presence as swiftly as possible. All of that was just unbelievable to me.


Right, Deacon is not her problem, Finn is.
Steffy should not be telling Hope how Hope herself feels about Thomas. I’d have wanted to haul azz from around her to if I were Hope.


She definitely needs to stop trying to decide Hope’s feelings for Thomas and stay in her own lane. Steffy’s own life is as raggedy as it gets and yet here she is trying to arrange everyone else’s lives. It really is quite ridiculous.

As I have said, I don’t want Hope anywhere near a romance with Finn and I still don’t; but, given Steffy’s behavior toward Hope at the beginning of the episode, I found myself all kinds of amused when Hope told Steffy she had to be somewhere… knowing full well that she was on her way to talk to Finn about the wedding.


I could not be happier that Hope is showing her deceit and manipulations. Let’s sit back and watch the defense of the homewrecker!!


Lol, she’s making it a point to tell everyone who will listen how she gave Finn an ultimatum. I can’t to see how she reacts when she find out that ultimatums mean nothing. Unknown to her Shelia done already disregarded her demand.:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Hope cannot be called a homewrecker if the home is already broken. Steffy is making ultimatums to her husband which means that home is broken. If he has to hide the fact that he sees his bio mom then that home is already broken. If he’s not allowed to tell Steffy what he thinks then that home is broken. I can keep going, but that home is already broken. It is because Steffy has to be in control of everything and when she’s not, she has a hissy fit. It is all about how she feels and never about Finn which means the home is broken.


Nope, Steffy is married. Hope is interfering. I can enjoy Homewrecking, horny, Hope way more than just plain horny Hope. She is such a snake.


Her inflated ego is going to have a big letdown when she finds out that Finn isn’t following her orders.


Maybe this is what’s happening with the character Steffy…the writers are setting her up for a massive fall. I find it so bizarre that she can’t just leave Deacon and Sheila alone and live her life over there with her weird husband.


Shouldn’t Finn and Steffy be the ones to determine what works in their marriage? Except for the topic of Sheila, Finn seems to like the dynamics of their marriage. Hope was wrong when she told Finn to just think about what he wanted by taking his wife out of the equation. That is single person talk. He has a wife and family to consider if he wants to keep what he has. Steffy has stated what she will not compromise on, so on this topic, unless he wants to be single, he can not take his wife out the equation. That was very bad advice to a married person with children.

Hope just gave insight into the reason she comes across as so self-centered and always does what she wants regardless of what others think, even her husband when she had one. Hope does not know how to consider other people. Now she is trying to train someone on how to break up their own marriage like she did. Great friend.


Just because a person is married that doesn’t mean they lose their identity and can’t have their own feelings. I think Finn should think about what he really feels and wants. Of course in a marriage he will have to compromise and find a middle ground with his spouse, but so far their entire relationship has been about what Steffy wants and he’s not even allowed to have his own feelings. Finn really does need to think about what he wants and decide if giving it up completely is ok with him to be in the marriage. If it is great, work on it and do that. If it isn’t then he needs to reevaluate if he really should be in this marriage.


I think Hope’s advice to Finn was great. How can Finn communicate well with his wife if he doesn’t even know what he wants. If he’s so busy thinking of just what Steffy wants and not taking care of himself as well then the marriage is doomed to fail. Sooner or later he’s going to let her down.


They don’t lose their identity, but they can not just disregard their partner, or leave them out of the equation either. Finn knows this particular topic is sensitive to the fate of his marriage. Hope also knows this, which is the reason I suspect her motives. Finn can flex his muscles on other topics, but this particular one causes trauma, pain, and nightmares for his wife. It has been clearly stated that it spells the end for their marriage.

Basically, Finn said he chose Steffy. He could exert his free will all he wants, and feel what he feels, but its not fair to lie saying he chose Steffy, but still try to have his cake and eat it too. If he wants to be single, he can go be single. Hope is wrong here and is knowingly causing trouble because she is well aware of how Steffy feels and she knows Finn wants Steffy, and would be devastated to lose Steffy so her advice is not for his sake. Its to get Finn to think like her - she has a kinda sorta bad daddy, and wants to bond with him, so of course Finn should want his psycho mommy. She is minimizing how dangerous Sheila is.

Finn said he wants Steffy and his kids more, so a good friend would help him hold on to what he wants, not convince him that he might want something else. What makes it worse is that she is also well aware that Steffy is not being unreasonable when it comes to Sheila. Hope just suddenly seems to have an agenda now.

Hope takes these guys who are vulnerable, and therefore more malleable than when they are in a healthy mental place and thinking straight, and then she plants seeds. It is cruel and manipulative. She is nobody’s friend but her own.


If she feels that he still has things to figure out, she should suggest that he talk to a psychiatrist about what he is feeling so that he does not regret his choice, but at the moment, his choice is his family. She only seems to be trying to steer him from his choice. She is giving him ideas that he didn’t have on his own. It would be one thing if he seemed torn about going when she told him or if he came to her saying how he always dreamed about being at a psycho murder’s wedding and this was his once and a lifetime chance, but he seemed like he understood that going to the wedding would be betraying the wife he wants to keep. Now, after being nudged by Hope to be selfish, he is doubting himself and feeling torn. She played on his emotions to make him start to want to go.


Finn has been torn for a while. He has been saying he doesn’t understand why he feels for Shelia after everything she has done. That’s not on Hope, that’s on Finn. However Steffy tries to tell him HOW to feel.


I think a good friend would be honest with their friend that they should explore their feelings and be absolutely sure that they can give up something they want for their marriage. Me personally, I think it is a no-brainer Finn’s wife and son are way more important than having Sheila in his life. Finn, however has shown over and over again he wishes he could have her in his life. If Finn doesn’t really look at his feelings his marriage will never work. He needs to be absolutely sure he can give up his birth mom with no resentment or hopes he can one day have her in his life or he needs to be honest with Steffy that he doesn’t know if he can commit to what she wants.


What Hope is doing is on Hope. No matter what Finn does or not. It does not excuse Hope or make it okay for her . If Steffy can be called for her doings so can Hope. No excuses for Hope she is trying to break up Steffy marriage. No matter what Steffy has done or not done or any feeling she is justified, Hope is in the wrong and no what she is doing. If she wants to get back at Steffy so be it, but she gets no pass on her behavior, no matter what her reasons are. People can say Steffy deserves it, it still does not change what Hope is , and always has been. Excuses can be made for her behavior, but it can’t change her behavior, and it is wrong what she is doing, no matter what someone else has done or doing.


Still does not change behavior.


Thank you! I’m really at a loss at how some can expect Steffy to be ok with Sheila after all she has done to her and her family. in what world is the victim the bad guy