New Dutch Government to Crack Down on Migration, Green Measures - Bloomberg

New Dutch Government to Crack Down on Migration, Green Measures

  • Dutch parties reached a coalition agreement early Thursday
  • The new government will seek to opt out of EU migration policy

Geert Wilders in The Hague on May 16.

Photographer: Robin van Lonkhuijsen/AFP/Getty Images

Dutch coalition parties seeking to form a government six months after an election say they plan to significantly reduce migration and undo environmental measures, in a rightward shift that may draw the ire of the Netherlands’ largest companies as well as the European Union.

The parties — led by Geert Wilders’ far-right Freedom Party — agreed on fewer international students, expatriates and especially asylum seekers, according to the coalition agreement that was presented early Thursday. The new government wants to invoke emergency legislation to limit the inflow of migrants and will seek an opt out from the EU’s migration policy.