"Pandora's Legacy" - Win tickets for “Giants of early cinema”! | krone.at

"Pandora's Legacy"

Win tickets for “Giants of early cinema”!

16.05.2024 05:55

Alongside Fritz Lang and Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, Georg Wilhelm Pabst is one of the "big three" of early cinema. We are giving away tickets for "Pandora's Legacy", the cinematic journey through the family universe of GW Pabst, told through the eyes of the woman who stood by his side artistically and privately throughout his life: Trude Pabst. The screening will take place on May 22 at the Vienna CineCenter in the presence of the G.W. Pabst family, director Angela Christlieb and former Federal President Heinz Fischer.

Georg Wilhelm Pabst is regarded as one of the most influential directors of the Weimar Republic, but the fractures and contradictions in his life and work still invite speculation today. Angela Christlieb approaches this ambivalent figure through a family portrait spanning several generations.

(Bild: ©Karsten de Riese)

Deep and personal insight
Letters and diary entries from her private and professional partner Trude Pabst are interwoven with film clips, dream sequences and the stories of Pabst's grandchildren to create a mosaic of power, gender relations and family heritage. Trude and Georg Wilhelm share a deep and extraordinary love. But as the father of the family, GW is a patriarch who wants to radically determine the course of his wife's life. The correspondence between them and Trude's diary, which is made public for the first time in the film, provides a deep and personal insight.

(Bild: ©Max Berner)

In the letters, one senses the collision of norms in the 1920s, which is reflected in GW Pabst's films and the couple's relationship: a field of tension between intimate soul mates, conflicts about parenthood, body images and eroticism, power and powerlessness, chauvinism and rebellion against it.

"Pandora's Legacy" builds a bridge over 100 years to the present day: the grandchildren of GW and Trude Pabst - Marion, butterfly breeder and radical environmental activist, Daniel, art collector and composer, and Ben, dinosaur researcher - struggle with their grandparents' emotional legacy of gender, power and love. Their stories merge with film clips, the voice of Trude Pabst, diary texts, metaphorical images and surreal landscapes.

(Bild: ©Martin Putz)
(Bild: ©Maren Kea Freese)
(Bild: ©Max Berner)
(Bild: ©Maren Kea Freese)

Take part & win
We are giving away 3 x 2 tickets for the screening of "Pandora's Legacy" on May 22nd at the CineCenter in Vienna in the presence of the G.W. Papst family, director Angela Christlieb and former Federal President Heinz Fischer. Take your chance now to see the dreamlike journey through the universe of the Pabst family on the big screen - visually multi-layered and with a maelstrom effect, between Vienna, Berlin, Paris and Hollywood. A movie about dreams, traumas and why we are who we are. Simply fill in the form below to take part. The closing date for entries is May 21, 2024, 9 am.

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