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VALORANT™ is a free to play 5v5, character-based tactical shooter by Riot Games.

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Everyone in this game is demoralizingly good


this game has the most cracked out of their minds literal aim lords of any game I have ever played. Csgo is like playing against 3 year olds using a wii steering wheel compared to this game. Do you guys play against 5 150k gridshot players per game or is it just me? It seriously makes me want to stop playing because I really don’t think I’ll ever come close to beating these guys

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u/MakimaGOAT avatar

yea idk either, everyone in this game can SHOOT shoot for some reason.

u/skratudojey avatar

Shooting is the most straightforward mechanic to get better at, and its also the easiest to notice when you get outclassed at. Especially in lower ranks, im sure the average bronze wont even notice when someone have giga goat gamesense and timing, but would instantly notice when they get onetapped in mid

This is not to say theres no aim demons in bronze and silver lol. They def exist, but i bet not all of what people talk about are those demons

as a bronze I can attest to this

As a platinum player, even i have a lot of whiffs, I dont know how people can just flick insta headshot 30 meters away

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They probably have more hours watching woohoojin and playing aim labs than the actual game

u/KyleLockley avatar

Yeah I mean, game has been out for years. Popular aim-trainers have been out for years. People have been tuning their crosshair placement for years. It's just the course of things. However I will say that in val or any competitive game it can very easy to have this mindset that the playerbase is just so absurdly cracked and you'll never catch up. I truly believe that's simply not the case when you just look at what players are doing in upper brackets. People are multi-faceted in their competency and it's not like a slider for everything goes up with your ELO. If you can figure out what you're good and bad at, then simply work on the bad you'd be surprised how much you improve over people just spamming ranked and aimlabs without much thought. Yeah the 14 year old who only snaps is gonna get you sometimes but if you're working on your play like a kit, improving everything you see lacking, you'll definitely improve faster than alot of these "aim lords".


You probably had very good mechanics in CS. Valorant mechanics are simplified so everyone has near perfect mechanics so you can't rely on your superior mechanics to win fights.

Also gunfights in Valorant are far more random than in CS. You have to actually treat 50/50 fights like it's 50/50. I had this same issue coming from CS, in Valorant movement is slower but acceleration/deceleration is WAAAAY quicker, so fights turn into ADAD fights and they are true 50/50 RNG engagements.

There are a lot of fights where you are in an advantaged state, or you peek with perfect mechanics, or it's just an off-angle you are extremely used to. In CS those fights might be 90/10 or even 95/5. Well because of the lack of mechanics ceiling and RNG of the gunfights those fights are 50/50 or maybe 60/40 in Valorant.

So basically the reason everyone feels so good is because your CS brain is telling you that certain peeks/fights you take will have 90% success rate against equally skilled opponents, and you are only winning 50% of those fights, so your CS brain concludes that they are just all cracked players. The reality is just that Valorant gunfights are basically all 50/50 fights and you must make decisions on when it's good to take those fights, and if you want a major advantage in a gunfight it doesn't come from mechanics, it comes from abilities.

In Valorant movement is slower but acceleration/deceleration is WAAAAY quicker,

but CS counter strafe is instant. Altho I don't have much to say with rifling as I main awp. But in CS even if I'm moving scoped and looking at certain angle as soon as enemy peeked I just counter strafe and fire at same time. But valorant counter strafe meachanics almost doesn't exist as it has like 150ms delay before I actually stop, so almost every time if I'm moving I remain unscoped and when enemy peeked I press scope and counter strafe at the same time and the added delay of scoping plus aiming conveniently hit that spot, but if I insta scope it is too quick.

Probably what you're saying is true, but if we consider snipers, Valorant OP can be more dangerous in defense side if dry peeked, I guess that's why it's weaker than AWP. But CS had this natural peekers advantage, it was worse at first in CS2 and even worse in GO at ping difference which CS2 at least somehow fix that. Therefore CS Sniper is useful most of the time for both sides and Valorant utilities is more useful to equalize the gunfight with OP.

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Can't think of a game where aiming is more streamlined than valo tbf

It's like cs if there was no movement penalty, no crouching, no spray to learn, ADS on every gun and enemies were outlined with a big thick red line telling you where to aim.

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u/acctnumba2 avatar

Set up the cracked kid on your team for success instead. Team play ✊

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u/popularfellow avatar

Try aimlabs gridshot ultimate and Demon1's playlist and you'll be able to SHOOT shoot too

I m in plat and some people in this rank (not smurfs) sometimes aimdiff me so hard that I start tweaking and thinking about deleting

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If you can't outaim them outbrain them. Or do something so stupid they never see it coming

Yeah that's why I went from maining Jett/Duelist in silver to becoming Controller/Sentinel that can lurk in Plat. Can't keep up with them youngsters' aim nowadays so I'll just try to catch 'em off guard

I did the opposite, I knew too much, but they were so weird always. I started playing duelist as soon as I got a monitor upgrade, ascendent 3 rn and climbing to get immortal

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Or just practice you aim. It's the easiest way to get out of low Elo. The big brain stuff doesn't work until you get to higher ranks.

This doesn't help much, people put themselves in disadvantageous positions and expect to win the fight with aim and then think their aim is not good enough.

Yeah that is true. But it really is aim technically. Cuz if you had better aim, you would've won. But if you had better positioning, you wouldn't need to use aim as a crutch (if that makes sense?). So I guess you need to balance both.

Yup. Happy Cake Day

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Me who still cant find the balance crosshair for headshot and visibility. It either to small i lost track to it or to big i cant see if im on their head. Being colorblind suck i can only use white as it look best to me,but even with outline i still lost track of it with yellow enemy highlight

Damn that sucks. There's a guy named Tenz on YouTube who is also colorblind. Check out his videos to see what he does, it might help a bit.

Also when you're spectating your teammates (like when you're dead) and you see a crosshair you might like, type /cc in the chat. That command while copy the crosshair and all you need to do is go to your settings and pick the newest profile (it says something like imported corsshair)

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u/TotoMac1 avatar

Doing something stupid and unpredictable will never not work in low elo lmao

I almost feel like that stupid unpredictable stuff works best in the mid to higher ranks because they actually know what to expect and people deviate from it less up there. Try to fake a yuro clone in Silver or Gold and you'll get shot every time but so will the clone so you just might as well use the clone, lol

Good job 80% of the player base is low-mid then

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Whenever there's a guy just running around one tapping the entire team with sheriffs, their weakness is always the Bucky for some reason. I hold a corner with it, and just blast them. Bonus points if it upsets them or they call me a rat

Yes/no… I’d argue to do something stupid, or play unconventionally and don’t be predictable is a better way to out play a good shooter. I’ve top dragged in 5stack lobbies as a silver with all Diamonds/Ascendants. Just because I play weird, take space, and keep changing up what I’m doing. (Obvi having good teammates who pressure and take timings with me helps a lot)

You're shooting yourself on your foot long term if you keep doing that. Eventually you won't be able to just outsmart them, and if you were already getting out aimed several ranks below you'll get humbled so hard you'll think the other players are wizards.

u/ImageLow avatar

Once you hit your wall, you are in the elo you belong. This is normal...

Sssh don't give it away

u/MattBrey avatar

Yeah that's when the game is actually fun..

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there is a limit to this strategy though, at a certain level of getting outaimed gamesense doesnt matter . They peek you and kill you every single time

u/aflashyrhetoric avatar

Your second sentence is basically how I use Raze satchels. It only works 50% of the time, but that’s what keeps them guessing.

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Like why am I getting one tapped in bronze

Where are people like my friends who take 5 business days to aim and spray?

Why is everyone cracked in every elo?

Yes technically you are getting one tapped.. but it only feels that way because You're bronze. If you're Gold or above you're not going to feel like you're getting insta one-tapped in Bronze...


Half agree and half disagree. Absolutely Bronze players are easy pickings when you’re in higher elo (personally in Plat atm) but the lower elos have gotten noticeably better since I was in them. When I was in Iron people were scraping the ground with their crosshair, or at least they may as well have been. Now people at least attempt to aim for heads and by Silver they’re usually at least serviceable at it.

u/kyrianuk avatar

a lot of them are from CSGO moving to val since CS2 was a disgrace to Counter Strike


In all seriousness - why is CS2 a disgrace to CS:GO? I hear it a lot and I played CS:GO in the last year or 2 when I got a PC but I like CS2 also. Tho I’m also much more hardcore on Valorant so the finer details might be lost on me.

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u/Notreallyaflowergirl avatar

I mean lets not treat them like they're dumb - theres an influx of players lately who are mechanically skilled enough to just one tap you a lot. Doesn't take a gold and above to hear POP and die. I attribute it to the game being out long enough with enough resources that the skill game is progressing much earlier than before.

They may not be perfect but a lot of players now find like one angle and hold it and god help you because they're about to tap that dome.

u/gutcassidy24 avatar

For sure. I have maybe 50 hours in valorant and have been called a smurf a ton already. I have no idea what half of the agents do but 15 years of CS mechanics carry over pretty well. 

u/Notreallyaflowergirl avatar

Exactly - people like you coming in later in the game are also something to take into effect. Like I’m getting people jiggle peaking in some games and it’s like oh shit - bruh out here looking to CLIMB.

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u/noahboah avatar

it's just how it's going to be as games get older and skill tech and information gets passed down.

In apex legends, the average bronze/silver grinder can implement movement tech that was seen as godlike 4 years ago. Silver Lee Sins can insec as a regular bread and butter technique in LoL. it happens.

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u/Cheeseish avatar

Ur movement is probably bad. You’re stopping at a common peek angle and then aiming. Or you’re shift walking a common angle. Or you’re standing still and aiming. Are you going into a common angle without utility? It’s not that theyre good at aiming in Bronze but you’re making yourself an easy target.

Reticle placement makes a huge difference. Learn how to keep your crosshair at head level. Before long it will become second nature and it'll improve your gunfights dramatically.

u/Boomerwell avatar

Because there isn't barriers to gunplay besides clicking a head.

When everyone has the counter strafing ability of a pro player default all you have to worry about is a couple things when it comes to aim.

Actually though why do you even have to be slightly good to get out of bronze

There is definitely something wrong with valorants ranking system

u/LizTaylor3 avatar

?? You have to be as good as the players require you to be. I guess they could add another tier between bronze and gold,but the same thing is going to happen. Players have just gotten, as a whole, solid. It is interesting what the baseline skill level has become though.

Obviously it’s a different kind of game entirely but silver in rocket league for instance is the same rank as bronze in valorant and even though the game has been out for almost a decade the silver players are complete troglodytes that rarely even hit the ball. if it was the same skill level in each game everyone would be whiffing every bullet

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It only feels like that because you position yourself for easy kills

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as an old dude that plays casually. i had to play smokes to reach immortal. yes i mostly got carried. but smokes was never the issue when im locked in.

u/Swollwonder avatar

plays casually


Me: plays hours daily


u/Ilikebreadmemes avatar

Me: plays 24/7 with 400 hours ingame after 3 months

Iron 2

damn that s crazy

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Damn, gj m8

u/DreadHeadMorton avatar

You must be younger than me. Even instalocking Astra/viper 2022-23 only got my ass to plat

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Low elo is hell because 50% of the playerbase is crammed into only 3-4 ranks so the skill gap between players nominally of the same rank is massive. In bronze you can have someone who can’t hit a stationary wall in the same lobby with someone who’s jump peeking every angle, prefiring, and counter strafing. It’s miserable. And they’re not all smurfs. Riot just won’t properly distribute players.

Im gonna be honest , I have recently hit plat 1 and I can safely say that gold is much much easier to get out of than silver , silver is literal hell and you kinda have to either be too cracked , get lucky or duo /trio queue to get out of it due to its randomness.

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I agree , the skill gap between silver 1 and silver 3 is crazy

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If you're a cs player im just letting you know that you gotta stop spraying and just tap with most guns unless it's an SMG or machine gun

Yeah I try to only spray if they’re like 5 meters away

u/DutchWarDog avatar

Just buy Phantom if you spray a lot. Even crouch spraying in a lot of scenarios is not as detrimental as some people here will claim

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u/Sinopsis avatar

To add to all this debate; I'm a diamond player who made an alt to help teach a friend. I played with him and did placements with him etc. We placed bronze (I did Sheriff only during placements I didn't want him starting in like gold/Plat and ruining games).

I swear to you all the absolute aim demons I encountered in bronze and silver was crazy. I actually had to sweat some of these games and I was absolutely shocked.

I was never more sure that Elo hell is real and I feel sorry for anyone who ever started low in Valorant (I've literally never been below gold) because you're getting smurfed on constantly or going against people way outside your skill level.

u/SleepyReepies avatar

I don't have numbers or anything concrete but I'm pretty sure my friends in silver have at least one smurf in every game they play. Like it's that bad, rarely ever do I feel like they're not playing against or with a smurf.

u/Lilgoodee avatar

I won't say they were smurfs 100% but all 4 of my gold /plat games last night had a default banner, name hidden, <lvl 30 Reyna /jett with super low lifetime hours that top fragged well above the team despite tracker showing they're on a silver account.

Finally got to play my favorite map ascent after going sunset breeze sunset only for the ascent game to be 8 people spectating two reynas both of whom met the above criteria and dropped 40+ kills.

Shits not even fun atp.

u/dank-nuggetz avatar

The matchmaking in silver and gold is just disgustingly bad at the moment. I've been G3-P1 basically my entire career and I'm currently sitting at silver 2 after losing like 75% of my games over the last two weeks. I somehow get like 15-17rr for a win, and lose 20+ with every loss.

I stg every game there's a "silver 1" Jett or Reyna on the other team just pulling 4k's out every round and shitting on the entire lobby. What I noticed often is when I look at their tracker, they'll have streak of 2-3kd games where they win easily, and then a few uncharacteristically bad games where they lose and go like 3-17, which I assume are games where they just throw entirely to keep their rank down.

Every player obviously has variance in their performance but not to the degree these kids do. Silver/gold is actually elo hell man, people in high ranks don't understand how frustrating it can be.

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this is so true lmaoo. on my main, I'm asc 3. I got my friends into playing valorant and we placed silver 1, 3 and gold 1 (me placing gold 1). Never have I ever questioned my aiming ability till I teamed with a 7yr old tenz wannabe who bought a sheriff and started one tapping everyone as if it were sixshot. wtf

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Plat player here, I can confirm that getting out of bronze and silver was way harder than gold, took me a year to get from iron 1 to gold 1 and a month to get to plat1.The games in silver and below are just too random

Smurfing is pretty bad lower elo can’t lie I watch my friends and ask them to stream their game and a Reyna is going 17-1 or some

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u/kdevkk avatar

Suprisingly this game has a lot of movement tech that goes under the radar. If you work on that and being less predictable, your opponent won't insta 1 tap you. Good luck!

Thanks bro

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u/karmy-guy avatar

My ranked teammates disagree

What is your rank?

I find Val so much easier than CS to climb up through the ranks so I can't really relate to your experience. I'm not a super good player at all. I was LE in csgo and I'm 15k in premier Cs2.

I started Val in Fall 2023 and got plat 1 on my first try and now I'm at diamond. All solo q and not try harding at all.

u/BOBarionako avatar

tbh that rank comparison makes sense to me, immo 1 in val and 20k elo cs2 for me. Cheaters just make cs unbearable

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Silver 1, it would make sense that people would be good in higher ranks but I feel like silver is way too low for these guys

Im plat 1 , I have been iron 1 0 rr at one point and let me tell you, getting out of silver is very hard if you solo queue and/or dont have a good pc , took me three to four months to hit gold while solo queueing and playing on a potato laptop

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