How to reset a Windows 10 laptop with keyboard? - EPN

How to reset a Windows 10 laptop with keyboard?

Resetting your Windows 10 laptop can be necessary for various reasons, such as fixing system issues or preparing it for sale. While there are multiple ways to accomplish this, using your keyboard can provide a quicker and more efficient method. In this article, we will guide you through the process of resetting your Windows 10 laptop with just your keyboard.

Why Reset a Windows 10 Laptop?

Resetting your Windows 10 laptop is beneficial for a number of reasons. It can help resolve system errors, remove unwanted software, speed up your laptop, or even clear personal data before selling or donating it.

How to Reset a Windows 10 Laptop with Keyboard

The process of resetting a Windows 10 laptop with your keyboard is simple and straightforward. Just follow the steps below:

1. Press the Windows key + I – This keyboard shortcut will open the Windows Settings menu.
2. Go to “Update & Security” – Use the arrow keys to navigate, then press Enter.
3. Select “Recovery” – Use the arrow keys to navigate to the “Recovery” tab, then press Enter.
4. Click on “Get Started” – Navigate to the “Reset this PC” section and press Enter.
5. Choose your reset option – You will have two options: “Keep my files” or “Remove everything.” Use the arrow keys to select your preferred option and press Enter.
6. Confirm the reset – A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm the reset. Use the arrow keys to select your confirmation choice and press Enter.
7. Wait for the reset process – Windows will now reset your laptop to its initial state. The process may take some time, so be patient and avoid interrupting it.

Congratulations! You have successfully reset your Windows 10 laptop using just your keyboard. It will now restart and guide you through the initial setup process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I reset my Windows 10 laptop without using the Settings menu?

Yes, you can also reset your Windows 10 laptop by using the Advanced Startup Options. Press and hold the Shift key while selecting the Restart option, then follow the on-screen instructions.

2. What will happen to my personal files during the reset?

If you choose the “Keep my files” option, your personal files such as documents, pictures, and videos will remain intact. However, it’s always recommended to back up your important data before performing a reset.

3. Will a reset remove all the installed software?

Yes, a reset will remove all the software you have installed. However, you can choose to keep your personal files, as mentioned earlier.

4. Can I cancel the reset process once it has started?

It’s not recommended to cancel the reset process once it has started, as it may lead to system instability. It’s best to let the reset process complete uninterrupted.

5. Do I need a keyboard to reset my Windows 10 laptop?

While using a keyboard provides a convenient method for resetting, you can also accomplish it using the mouse and touchpad by following the same steps.

6. Will resetting my laptop remove viruses and malware?

Resetting your laptop will remove most viruses and malware; however, it’s recommended to use antivirus software to scan your laptop after the reset to ensure complete removal.

7. Will resetting my Windows 10 laptop affect the activation status?

If your Windows 10 laptop was previously activated, resetting it will not affect its activation status. It will stay activated if you are using the same hardware.

8. What are the other options available in the Windows Settings menu?

The Windows Settings menu offers various options to customize and manage your laptop, including system updates, privacy settings, display options, and more.

9. Can I reset my laptop to a specific restore point?

Yes, you can reset your laptop to a specific restore point by selecting the “Advanced startup” option in the Windows Settings menu and choosing the desired restore point.

10. Will resetting my laptop fix all software and hardware issues?

Resetting your laptop can resolve software-related issues, but it may not fix hardware problems. If you suspect hardware issues, it’s recommended to consult a professional.

11. Can I create a backup before resetting my Windows 10 laptop?

Yes, it’s always advisable to create a backup of your important files before resetting your laptop. This ensures that you have a copy of your data in case anything goes wrong.

12. Do I need an internet connection to reset my Windows 10 laptop?

While an internet connection is not mandatory to reset your laptop, it’s recommended to have one. This allows Windows to download any necessary updates during the reset process.

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