Brussels stands by Jerusalem Quartet

Brussels stands by Jerusalem Quartet


norman lebrecht

May 15, 2024

Brussels Muzique has reconfirmed Friday’s concert by the Jerusalem Quartet at Caryathide Hall in the Gaulois Circle.

They will perform the first Paul Ben Haim string quartet, followed by the Mendelssohn Octet with local artists Sylvia Huang, Nadja Nevolovitsch, Monika Mlynarczyk, and Eduardo Tonietto.

Brussels, say the organisers, will never boycott artists who represent freedom of expression.

Amsterdam is shamed by its shabby conduct.


  • Jonathan says:

    Amsterdam has not ‘boycotted’ the Jerusalem Quartet, and are seeking to find alternative dates for them to perform these concerts. I can understand peoples frustration at the decision to cancel these concerts, and I’m frustrated at it as I had hoped to go to one of them myself, but it is not a ‘boycott’. The Concertgebouw made a decision which has clearly upset a very large number of people. I honestly don’t know if they have made the right or wrong decision as I’m not party to the information they have been given by the police concerning the potential threat to the building and the artists during the forthcoming demonstrations. Whatever the reasons though, no one petitioned for this to happen, unlike the huge numbers of artists in both Holland and Belgium who demanded that Israel be excluded from the Eurovision song contest.

  • Andrew Powell says:

    Amsterdam is shamed, but we can note that Brussels, like Strasbourg, has greater street security, including military, as a result of previous attacks and the constant presence of politicians.

  • Richard Stanbrook says:

    From: Richard Stanbrook.
    Date: 15th May 2024.

    I wish the Jerusalem String Quartet every success in Brussels. It’s the music which really matters. Please give this very fine ensemble the respect it deserves and be appreciative of what these musicians are having to contend with during such stressed times.

  • zandonai says:

    The question is security, not boycotting. The tabloid press just won’t quit.

    • John Borstlap says:

      It’s quite easy to get the hall secure with police and guards. It is not a big building anyway. Logistics do not seem to be a big obstacle.

  • Lynn says:

    Happy that freedom of expression in the arts won.

  • Amateur Pianist says:

    Boycott every Israeli musician, artist, singer and conductor [redacted: if you had the balls to use your own name, we would otherwise publish your clear argument… maybe we’ll use it anway]
    (I’d be surprised if Norman let this through…)

  • Kenneth Felton says:

    It’s heartening to hear some will not be frighten by the haters. I wish them the best of luck.