Embrace the good life - 15 May 2024 - The English Garden Magazine - Readly

Embrace the good life

3 min read

This spring and summer, prioritise downtime in your garden with a robot mower

Soundless, unmanned mowing is here, making lawn maintenance easier than ever. With GPS technology removing the need to house bulky hardware on your premises, perhaps now is the time to relinquish control of mowing your lawn to free up time to appreciate the sights and sounds of your garden guilt-free.

Picture the scene: it’s a sunny, warm day as you lower yourself into your favourite reclining garden chair with a good book and a cool drink, ready to enjoy the peace of your outdoor sanctuary. All is serene and peaceful, but then the earth-shattering noise of the lawn mower firing up snaps you out of your state of bliss.

A familiar scenario perhaps, but an unnecessary one today. Your garden should be a place in which to switch off and tune in only to the sound of nature – so why ruin it with the overbearing noise of a standard mower? And, while we’re at it, why should you spend sunny days mowing the lawn when there really is no need? Upgrade to a robot mower this year and the weekly chore of lawn mowing could become a thing of the past, along with the noisy mower.

The pros and cons of robot mowers

Robot mowers take the hard work out of looking after your lawn, as they can be programmed to mow within set perimeters without the need for you to do anything, leaving more time for you to kick back and enjoy your garden.

Even for those gardeners who find the process of mowing their own lawn therapeutic, there are still advantages to going automatic as robot mowers can be controlled using apps and smartphones, meaning you can keep your lawn in tiptop condition even when you’re not there.

Robot mowers are also more environmentally friendly than ride-on or petrol mowers and they remove the need to have to deal with grass clippings – with cuttings so fine they are redistributed on your lawn, returning nutrients to the soil. Their ‘little and often’ cutting regime can actually improve your lawn’s appearance. Despite these benefits, some gardeners are still not convinced by the merits of robot mowers. They are often put off by the unsightly aerials and boundary wires required, and the complicated set-up.

In truth, many gardeners also struggle to believe that a robot mower could ever be as thorough or precise as they themselves would be. However, professional garden tool equipment manufacturer Kress says its new range allays all these concerns.

The Kress RTKn autonomous mower


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