What Are You Smoking, May 2024? | Page 57 | Pipe Smokers Den

What Are You Smoking, May 2024?


Well-known member
Old Ted Award
Barely slept. Two of the orange tabbies decided to sleep with me, and I dozed off with them by my side. After a while, momma Sam got jealous, and laid next to me so they - and I - would pay attention to her. I started to doze off again when the two tabbies started fighting. The other scampers heard the commotion, and in seconds, all five were using my body as their battleground. Sam must have enough because she jumped off the bed. I gave up, too, so I'm up and smoking pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style.
Basil_squashed_ tomato copy.jpg


Staff Member
Happy Saturday,

As the grass is 10 inches tall, last night was a good time to take the snow blower off the tractor, and mount the mowing deck.
Several mechanical issues later, the tractor was ready for battle.
Naturally the forecast of cloudy until rain at 5pm was spot on until 10:30 this morning. The rain apocalypse is still upon us, which leaves me in the garage with a cooler full of blue light and an ugly old Pete full of Dark Plug.



Earlier this morning I tried C&D Autumn Evening for the first time in my aro pipe and was pleasantly surprised by how spot on it is to the specified maple flavoring. Was also shocked at how dry it was, a good thing as I didn’t have time to dry it.

Right now I’m in the middle of a bowl of Chelsea Morning by GLP in my trusty Savinelli Miele. It is a blend that has gotten much better in the year or so that I’ve had it jarred and is now becoming one of my favs.
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