No Time But Now | News Detail - Sidwell Friends

No Time But Now

No Time But Now
No Time But Now

Reunion saw alumni return to campus for a weekend of celebration and remembrance.

Reunion Weekend at Sidwell Friends saw hundreds of alumni return to campus to reconnect and celebrate. Alumni of all ages and graduation years attended special classes prepared just for them and taught by current faculty. The curriculum included: “Teaching the Constitution and Civics at Sidwell Friends,” “Forensic Science Elective: Skills, Science, and Society,” and “Metropolitan Policy and the DMV.”

Meanwhile, throughout the weekend, alumni gathered on campus and off for special events and receptions. One dinner celebration featured the presentation of the Distinguished Alumni Awards, the highest-attended on-campus portion of the weekend. Awards went to: Ethan Brown ’89, Hope Harrod ’94, Sean McLean ’89, and Kia McLean Washington ’94. Watch the tribute videos of the awardees.

This year marked the Class of 1974’s 50th Reunion, which meant a visit from historian and Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs Robbie Gross. In what has become a favorite tradition, Gross headlined a special lunch for the ’74 alumni and provided the class with a retrospective on their time at Sidwell Friends. Using archived issues of Horizon, yearbooks, and other materials, Gross rekindled memories and drew out stories from the alumni about everything from marching against the war in Vietnam to watching the Watergate trial on television during class.

Alumni from across generations came from around the country and around the world to reunite on campus, but no matter how new experiences and events have changed them or how many years have passed, the friendships forged at Sidwell Friends were so deep, it seemed as though no time had passed at all.


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Reunion saw alumni return to campus for a weekend of celebration and remembrance.

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