Groundbreaking Westminster partnership to meet vital mental health needs
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Groundbreaking Westminster partnership to meet vital mental health needs

Place2Be is taking part in a groundbreaking collaboration aimed at empowering vulnerable women and young people in Westminster. 

A woman and a child preparing to play table tennis

Place2Be has joined forces with Greenhouse Sports, Marylebone Project, and St. Paul's Church to launch the pioneering the 'Space & Voice' project.  

The project takes a new holistic approach to wellbeing. It aims to tackle rising health challenges — like social isolation, poor mental and physical health — faced by many in the Westminster community.

Marylebone-based coaching and mentoring charity Greenhouse Sports is leading the project. The Space & Voice project offers a range of programmes and hands-on support to improve an individual's wellbeing and resilience. This includes multi-sports programmes, mentoring, mental health improvement sessions, and nutrition workshops. 

We’re thrilled to lead this project from where we’re based, in the heart of Westminster. At Greenhouse, we believe in being a team for life, uniting passionate people to create opportunities for young people to thrive. With Space & Voice, we expand on this, welcoming our local community and partner organisations to join our team for life. Together, we're making a lasting impact on the lives of the people in our community. Don Barrell, CEO of Greenhouse Sports

The project is situated in Church Street Ward, which ranks among the top 10% most disadvantaged wards in the country. The area has been significantly impacted by the pandemic and the escalating cost of living crisis. 

We are excited at Place2Be to be part of this innovative project with Greenhouse Sports and other partners. The potential to support and inspire young people through sports whilst also offering mental health awareness and interventions, with a qualified professional, is tremendous. We look forward to adding a specialist mental health dimension to Greenhouse Sports dedicated coaching and mentoring offer as part of a multi-disciplinary team. Jackie Hewitt, Place2Be’s Deputy Regional Director for London & West

Greenhouse Sports provides expert coaching, mentoring, and community engagement; St. Paul's Church tackles food insecurity and social isolation with its FoodCycle initiative; Place2Be offers comprehensive mental health support services for children and young people; and Marylebone Project delivers life-changing services for homeless women, all collectively contributing to the holistic mission of the Space & Voice project. 

What’s key to Space & Voice is its longevity. It's not a short-term programme, but a three-year commitment to providing free, sustained support to our community. Supported by our Healthy Communities Fund, it embodies the potential of community collaboration in helping to address complex societal issues. It reflects a shared commitment from these partner organisations to making a real difference in the lives of people in our Westminster community, which is why it has our full support. Westminster Council spokesperson

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A woman and a child preparing to play table tennis

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