PHOTO | University of Vermont awards 'honorary doctor' to cat Max - Free Press

PHOTO | The University of Vermont has awarded an honorary doctorate to Max the cat

Photo: Printscreen/ Facebook/ Vermont State University Castleton Campus

Castleton Campus of Vermont State University assigned to him title "honorary doctor" on max the cat as a member of the community, before the graduation of students on Saturday for what they say is his kindness.

"Max the cat has been a kind and beloved member of the Castleton family for many years," the university said in a Facebook post.

The owner, Ashley Dow, said that he lives on the street leading to the main entrance to the campus, so the cat often went to the university building and began to socialize with the students, who loved him, the Associated Press reports.

“He's been hanging out with the students on campus for about four years, and they're always excited to see him. They get together and take selfies with him, and he visits them at the campus across the street from his family home,” she said.

Students call Max's mother, and high school seniors returning to town sometimes ask about the cat.

Max, however, will not participate in the graduation ceremony, and his diploma will be delivered to his holders later.

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