Kidoz: Pioneering Child-Safe Advertising in the AdTech Industry « AGORACOM Small-cap Investor Relations Blog
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Kidoz: Pioneering Child-Safe Advertising in the AdTech Industry

Posted by Brittany McNabb at 3:12 PM on Friday, May 17th, 2024

Introduction to Kidoz

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, Kidoz has emerged as a leader, especially in the realm of child-safe mobile advertising. Founded with a mission to provide a secure and engaging platform for young audiences, Kidoz has grown to become a pivotal player in the AdTech industry. Their innovative approach and commitment to safety have set them apart, making them a trusted partner for brands looking to connect with younger audiences.

Who is Kidoz?

Kidoz is a technology company specializing in mobile advertising solutions designed specifically for children. With a focus on safety, privacy, and engagement, Kidoz ensures that advertisements are not only effective but also appropriate for young users. The company has built a network that reaches over 400 million children across nearly 5,000 apps worldwide, working with some of the biggest names in the industry such as Disney, McDonald’s, Hasbro, and Lego.

The Kidoz Platform

The Kidoz platform is a comprehensive solution that integrates seamlessly into mobile apps, delivering high-quality, engaging advertisements. Key features of the platform include:

  • Safety and Compliance: Kidoz strictly adheres to COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) guidelines, ensuring all ads are safe and compliant.
  • High Engagement Rates: Kidoz boasts impressive engagement metrics, with 30-second video ad completion rates ranging from 80% to 90% and click-through rates five to eight times higher than YouTube.
  • Global Reach: The platform connects with young audiences globally, providing brands with extensive reach and the ability to target specific demographics effectively.

Remarkable Growth and Achievements

Kidoz has demonstrated remarkable growth since its inception. According to recent press releases, the company’s revenue skyrocketed from $1.9 million in 2017 to an impressive $13.3 million in fiscal year 2023. This growth underscores Kidoz’s effectiveness and the increasing demand for child-safe advertising solutions.

Strategic Partnerships

Kidoz’s success can be attributed to its strategic partnerships with top-tier brands and agencies. By collaborating with industry giants such as Disney, McDonald’s, Hasbro, and Lego, Kidoz has cemented its position as a leader in the AdTech industry. These partnerships enable Kidoz to deliver high-quality content that resonates with young audiences while maintaining the highest standards of safety and compliance.

Innovations in AdTech for Children

Kidoz continues to innovate and lead in the AdTech space. Recent advancements include:

  • Enhanced Targeting Capabilities: Leveraging sophisticated data analytics and machine learning, Kidoz offers enhanced targeting options that allow brands to reach their desired audience with greater precision.
  • Interactive Ad Formats: The introduction of interactive ad formats has significantly boosted engagement, making advertisements more appealing and effective for young users.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Kidoz provides real-time analytics and reporting, allowing brands to track performance and optimize their campaigns for better results.

Impact on the AdTech Industry

Kidoz’s innovative solutions have had a significant impact on the AdTech industry, particularly in the niche of child-safe advertising. The company’s commitment to safety, coupled with its cutting-edge technology, has set a new standard for how brands can engage with young audiences. As TV advertising loses its effectiveness and more people turn to digital platforms, Kidoz is well-positioned to capture a significant portion of the advertising market.

Looking Ahead

As Kidoz looks to the future, the company is optimistic about continued growth and innovation. Strategic shifts in their selling approach, increased investment in technology, and growing demand from agencies and brands all point to a record-breaking year ahead. Kidoz is gearing up for growth and is excited about the opportunities on the horizon.


Kidoz is leading the way in child-safe mobile advertising, providing a trusted platform for brands to connect with young audiences. Their remarkable growth, strategic partnerships, and continuous innovation make them a formidable force in the AdTech industry. As they continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in digital advertising, Kidoz remains committed to their mission of delivering safe, engaging, and effective advertising solutions for children worldwide.



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