Geologist claims to know possible location of the Mona Lisa's background landscape
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Geologist claims to know possible location of the Mona Lisa's background landscape

The art historian points to the body of water behind Mona Lisa, identifying it as Lake Como, a subalpine glacial lake formed approximately 10,000 years ago.

May 17, 2024 / 03:28 PM IST
The historian claims the Mona Lisa is painted against the background of the town of Lecco in Lake Como in Italy.

The historian claims the Mona Lisa is painted against the background of the town of Lecco in Lake Como in Italy.

Italian geologist and art historian Ann Pizzorusso claims to have identified the real-world setting of Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic painting, the Mona Lisa. Utilising her geological expertise, Pizzorusso has proposed that the backdrop of the world-renowned portrait is not a figment of artistic imagination but a precise depiction of the town of Lecco on the southeastern shore of Lake Como in Italy.

Pizzorusso's investigation began three decades ago when she visited Lecco, armed with Leonardo's diary entries and sketches. "In his notebook, he mentions being in Lecco," she recounted in an interview with CNN. "He was working as an engineer."

During her visit, Pizzorusso noted Leonardo's geological field sketches, including a red chalk drawing of a mountain range near Lecco, which is part of the Royal Collection at Windsor, London. While various scholars have previously speculated on the painting's location—suggesting places like Bobbio and Arezzo—Pizzorusso believes she is the first to apply geological analysis to this mystery.

Traditional theories have focused on the arched bridge over Mona Lisa’s right shoulder. However, Pizzorusso asserts that the unique rock formations in the background offer more definitive clues. “Bridges are fungible,” she explained.

“If you look in the background, you’ll see pinnacles. It’s a type of erosion that happens in limestone that has fractures in it and breaks off in blocks, almost like a sawtooth pattern… We can show limestone exists in Lecco. When you look at the Mona Lisa, there’s a series of mountains in the background that have this sawtooth pattern.”

Pizzorusso also points to the body of water behind Mona Lisa, identifying it as Lake Como, a subalpine glacial lake formed approximately 10,000 years ago. "If you look behind her, you have the elongated glacial lakes that have a particular form like fingers," she described. "Because when the glacier moved, it scoured out certain pieces of land."

Despite her findings, Pizzorusso remained silent about her theory for 30 years, sharing her insights only with fellow Da Vinci scholars in casual conversations. She returned to Lecco recently, still confident that her hypothesis is correct, and plans to present her conclusions at an upcoming geology conference in the town.

Pizzorusso argues that combining earth science with art history can enhance our understanding of Leonardo's work. "Botticelli, even Michelangelo did terrible backgrounds because they felt the figures were more important," she told CNN. “If the background is painted right, it gives you more of an appreciation for nature.”

Her discovery, however, may deepen the mystery surrounding the Mona Lisa. If the location is indeed Lecco, questions arise about Da Vinci's choice of setting for this portrait.

“We don’t know who [Mona Lisa] is; some believe she was a rich Tuscan merchant’s wife,” Pizzorusso said, referring to the theory that the subject was Lisa Gherardini, an Italian noblewoman. “Why did he put her in this wild, untamed environment? This is not Tuscany. What was he trying to tell us by putting this serene, enigmatic lady in this rugged, alpine environment?”

As Pizzorusso ponders the painter's intentions, she remains fascinated by the continuing allure of the Mona Lisa. “I’m really intrigued as to what his message was to us,” she concluded.

Moneycontrol News
first published: May 17, 2024 03:28 pm

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