Feelings that Cannot Be Conveyed — Laitman.com

Feelings that Cannot Be Conveyed


Comment: There is always a layer of internal feelings behind your words. I understand what you are saying when you are explaining it, but I cannot convey it to others. There is always something lacking.

My Response: You will not succeed because my spiritual perception is on the opposition of two systems: egoistic and altruistic. And I somehow project this onto you. But you so far have only one system, i.e., you perceive what I say, but cannot convey it to another person.

Question: And if I were to manage to convey information to a person, would he be able to perceive it?

Answer: Every person can perceive it to some extent because you convey it to them in your instruments.

Question: When you speak in public, you have an internal exchange of information. People understand you, but when they leave a lecture and are asked, “How was it?”, they can’t really answer.

Answer: Nevertheless, they were able to feel something within themselves. They saw truth, logic, feelings, and verbal transmission of information and accepted my message. But they cannot convey and accurately define it. That usually happens the first time we perceive something new. But then you have to work hard to begin to recognize all this.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Feelings that Cannot be Conveyed” 2/14/12

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