Description of the issue: When navigating to facebook on desktop, the page mostly loads, RAM use keeps increasing, all my other tabs stop responding, and eventually Brave crashes

Exact URL of the website in question:

Did the issue present with default Shields settings? (yes/no) Yes I tried with shields down on

Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off? No

Is there a specific Shields configuration that causes the site to break? If so, tell us that configuration. (yes/no): No, it just doesn’t work at all.

Does the site work as expected when using Chrome? It works as expected when using both Edge and Chrome

Brave version (check About Brave): 1.65.130

Not too much to add, this has been going on for about a day now. Facebook loads properly on other browsers, but is causing RAM issues and browser crashing on Brave. Within a couple seconds of navigating to facebook, Brave freezes, none of the other tabs work, and it eventually crashes and closes.


I have the exact same issue since today. Been using brave for years, never had this problem before.

Same problem here, and for me is not only on facebook. It is happening on instagram too

I checked this again tonight just before heading to bed and it’s still doing the same thing. Massive memory leak when going to Facebook, browser freezes almost immediately, RAM use keeps increasing, and eventually the browser crashes. I don’t use Instagram on desktop so I haven’t checked or verified that.

I have already tried clearing my browser cache, no change. I have turned off shields, no change. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Brave, no change.

Also have this issue

I’ve tried again early and this issue is still happening

Yep, exact same issue here. As soon as you load Facebook or Instagram, memory usage of the browser will just keep increasing until it crashes.

i have exact same problem…

Still happening on my end on desktop. But the FB mobile webpage does not crash my Brave browser on Android. That’s not how I usually access FB on mobile, but I wanted to check.

Keeps happening, nothing changed. I’ve tried to force an update but it keeps taking up to 10 GB of RAM

Started 36 to 48 hours ago for me as well.

I’m having the same issue as well started about 48 to 72 hours ago it’s super annoying.

Just checked again…still f’d on Brave. The issue doesn’t happen on Edge or Chrome, so I’m pretty sure this isn’t a FB issue at all.

Just an update for me, today I did not have a crash.

I found a solution it turns out for me it was Nord VPN web protection causing the issue turned it off and Facebook loads properly.

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As of now this seems to be fixed on my end, with my VPN still running.

that was my issue! Seems like NordVPN figured out their bug as they pushed an update a day ago that fixed the problem.

I started having the same problem about 5 days ago. I cleared the cache, but it didn’t resolve the issue.