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LONGLEGS | Official Trailer | In Theaters July 12

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Interesting marketing tactic to not show Cage at all.

I kind of wish there was some way they could keep him a secret until the film releases, but I guess there are some sort of rules against that.

u/brokenwolf avatar

They need to get people in the door too.

That argument only works when you see the actor in the marketing

Sure they show his name at the end, but they're certainly hiding him

It’s his voice though. I think that’s pretty clear

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u/Idontevenownaboat avatar

Nah, you don't have to see the actor for that to work. Knowing is the big thing. Especially with a guy like Cage. It's almost better to not show the performance. We all know how intense he can get, leave the rest to our imagination for now.

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But his name being attached to it is the biggest pull they have. Maika Monroe and Osgood Perkins aren't going to sell a horror movie to a wide audience (which tends to not show up for horror anyway). I watch a lot of horror and even I have to admit I wouldn't be keeping as close tabs on this if it weren't for Cage (I'm committed to watching everything he makes).

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u/ouchifell avatar

Matt Damon in Interstellar

u/Puppetmaster858 avatar

Man it was such a trip seeing that opening night and having Damon pop up, legit a ton of people in my theater were all like what the hell that’s Matt Damon lol

u/dennythedinosaur avatar

They actually announced Damon was going to be in the movie (during filming) but there weren't any behind-the-scenes photos of him and was obviously not featured in the marketing materials.

So yes, for most people, it was a surprise.

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Did anyone know that Kevin Spacey was in Se7en when it was released?

u/JJMcGee83 avatar

I don't think so but he also wasn't a draw back then.

I don't know about when it released, but when I first saw Se7en many years after it came out, I knew about a lot of the stuff like the head in the box and what have you, but Kevin Spacey's cameo came out of nowhere.

Personally I watched it years later (I was too young when it was released)

Didn’t know anything about it other than it’s a thriller with Brad Pitt as a cop and obviously the intro credits don’t say Kevin Spacey is in it so it totally caught me off guard.

u/ReggieTheGerbil avatar

Not a cameo

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u/Dramatic-Secret937 avatar

There was an article about the movie in a magazine I read (Premiere? Rolling Stone?) that mentioned him as the killer obsessed with the 7 deadly sins. I thought, wtf?! Thanks, magazine for ruining it. He had been in Glengarry Glen Ross and The Ref and (maybe?) The Usual Suspects by then so he wasn't a draw per se, but he was known.

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u/TheMisterTango avatar

Tobey Maguire was kept a secret in no way home until it released.

Well kinda.

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u/Dramatic-Secret937 avatar

There aren't going to be secrets regarding movies anymore because of social media, the internet and peoples' incessant need for both instant gratification and to know everyfuckingthing about movies that are coming out.

u/FROMtheASHES984 avatar

This was my biggest gripe with Blade Runner 2049. I understand they had to plaster the fact that Harrison Ford was gonna be in it because of the original. But just imagine seeing trailers and then watching the movie, never knowing he was in it and then BAM! he shows up out of nowhere.

Yeah it kind of made the whole mystery of "who is he going to find in Las Vegas" completely pointless.

A good example of marketing harming the actual film viewing experience.

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u/Fire2box avatar

I kind of wish there was some way they could keep him a secret until the film releases, but I guess there are some sort of rules against that.

Matt Damon in Interstellar?

To be fair, he is sort of a major draw for more casual fans.

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I still think we did see him. I think he's the white haired guy with the hands.

u/Afraid-Abrocoma4632 avatar


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u/AyThroughZee avatar

Maybe there’s something about how he physically looks in this film that they want to keep as a secret/reveal

Neon has been on their game

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u/rak2123 avatar

Kinda gives me a mix of True Detective, Zodiac and Silence of the Lambs vibes. Incredibly excited for this!

u/TheFudge avatar

With a sprinkle of Se7en on top.

u/BoothJudas avatar

and a touch of Cure (1997) with the villain hypnotizing people into committing murders

u/x058394446 avatar

Went in not knowing anything about that movie. Watched it at 2am when I couldn’t sleep and it was an absolute mind fuck.

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You could just say it’s Silence of the Lambs directed by David Fincher

I'm thinking there might be small sprinkles of The Wailing or Prisoners vibes in this, moreso the latter

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Thought I was watching a bit of the video game Alan Wake 2.

u/yeldarbhtims avatar

Yeah! This is what I was thinking too. Definitely when I saw the dark room they were shining a flashlight into

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Felt silence of the lambs but little more gore they didnt show it the O.G movie

Lord hear this, help us.

What’s that line from?

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I was also getting Omen or Exorcist vibes too. In tone and potential cult aspect I guess.

Same here. I just watched Silence Of The Lambs for the first time recently. And I’m still in that high of wanting something similar.

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u/Three_Froggy_Problem avatar

I’m just curious: what is everyone hoping for this to be?

This is probably my most anticipated film right now. I think I’m hoping that there’s a compelling detective story in the style of Silence of the Lambs, but with some sort of religious/ritual element. I’m very curious if there’ll be any actual supernatural stuff going on as there definitely seems to be some weird shit happening in this trailer. I’d be cool with that, but I’m also down for just a very creepy serial killer if that’s what it is.

u/AniseDrinker avatar

FBI investigating surreal shit is a genre I can watch forever.

u/whostheme avatar

You just described Alan Wake II except it's a game.

u/AniseDrinker avatar

Well Alan Wake seems inspired by Twin Peaks, which is what I had in mind, so that checks out lol

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u/PortoGuy18 avatar

True, brother.

Got any tips?

u/WOOTinator avatar

The X-Files

u/avion21 avatar

True detective season 1 is the go to

u/aerojovi83 avatar

The Outsider on Max. So damn good.

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u/mistermelvinheimer avatar

If you play video games disco elysium is one of the best in this genre

Alan Wake 2 though.

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u/Major_Pomegranate avatar

Twin Peaks for tv show. It's definitely the most surreal

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u/JJMcGee83 avatar

I get True Detective S1, Silence of the Lambs and Hereditary vibes.

u/Waste-Scratch2982 avatar

It reminds me alot of The House That Jack Built with it's imagery and style with an added detective element. I don't know if it'll be good though or will tell a coherent satisfying story. My feeling is that it's a typical arthouse horror movie with ambiguity that will divide audiences, but get a somewhat positive reception from critics.

Same thing that came to mind! The house that Jack built is one of my favorite thrillers as well.

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u/Euphoric_Minimum_602 avatar

I think this will be my hereditary part 2, just totally disturbing

My hope? Stealth sequel/prequel to The Blackcoat's Daughter. Same demon, different victims.

u/manydaysarecoming avatar

The lighting and the color gives me big Fincher-y energy but the combination of the different aspect ratios and the more horror-esque tone is really intriguing. I'm not sure exactly where I expect it to land on the realm of thriller/crime/horror but I'm very excited to find out.

u/Much_Turn7013 avatar

I hope it starts out as a standard case that slowly creeps into implied or outright supernatural territory. I also hope they keep the gore and in-your-face horror to a minimum, and hinge the scares instead of a slow build-up of atmosphere. Perkins’ other film The Blackcoats Daughter was like that, so I have high hopes.

u/Objective-Earth-8578 avatar

these are some of my favorite things, so i'm really just down for the ride they take us on.

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u/BorksAndKnives avatar

A 2 minute trailer of straight vibes that still leaves me feeling spoiled on nothing? Incredible

They’ve been crushing it with the marketing. I have just the basic idea what it’s about but am so excited for it. Serial killer, devil worship, Nicolas Cage and the FBI let me buy a ticket now.


It might end up a 2 hour movie of straight vibes that still leaves you feeling spoiled on nothing

u/alfooboboao avatar

“yeah but did you think about how this might suck tho” is a terrible way to live lol

u/niles_deerqueer avatar

Keyword “might”

Movie of straight vibes is all i want out of life

my summer vibe.
scared shitless✔️
serial killers✔️
cracking codes✔️ l
listening to spooky audio sfx✔️✔️✔️

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u/Mannersmakethman2 avatar

Yeah, the promotional campaign for this movie is fantastic. The marketing team has been doing an amazing job, I loved the teasers and social media posts. I was kind of hoping we wouldn’t get any full trailers at all and it would be just cryptic teasers, posts and posters, but this works too.

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u/DeBesteStuurlui avatar

The marketing campaign of this has been stellar so far. Really intrigued, seems genuinely scary but also have no clue what it’s gonna be like.

This movie possibly has the best marketing campaign I’ve ever seen, but I’m very nervous that the movie itself won’t live up to it. In general I’ve found that vibes-based trailers tend not to translate well to movies with actual plots. But we’ll see.

u/JJMcGee83 avatar

The entire time I was watching the trailer I was thinking "This looks amazing... I hope it actually is amazing."

u/Ryduce22 avatar

Yeah, that's how I felt about Smile.

Awesome marketing, meh movie.

I feel like Smile is either the greatest horror movie of rhe decade for you, or it's just meh.

u/Wendys_frys avatar

i can appreciate smiles premise and its design. but its just not scary for me. as i grow older creature horror just doesnt do it anymore.

Its like with barbarian i saw that in theaters because of how compelling the trailer was. the first 30 minutes was peak and then i was immediately let down at the creature reveal. still enjoyed the movie

Honestly, I like the creature design but it does bog the movie down

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u/niles_deerqueer avatar

Ooh man I love that movie

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u/ceramichornets avatar

The campaign is so good that I’m dying to see it and I’m an absolute wuss when it comes to horror movies. Idk what I’ll do

I completely understand. I really hope it doesn’t disappoint. Hereditary had one of the best trailers I have ever seen, it didn’t give away any spoilers but captured the “essence” of the movie, anxiety and dread... and the movie was amazing. I am hoping for a similar outcome here for Longlegs

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Reminds me of Alan Wake 2. That game was awesome.

I got the same feeling! For some reason, the FBI jackets and setting really feel like Alan Wake.

Is it like heavy rain where your choices determine the direction of the game? Or is it just straightforward?

u/rsochtman avatar

It’s more linear but is very cinematic and great overall

It's linear, but unfolds in a really wild, unexpected way. It's fun to put the pieces together as you go.

Awesome, appreciate it!

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u/joshua182 avatar

Nothing like heavy rain in regards, to choices. You go forward, always.

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u/smoha96 avatar

I need to go back and finish. I've gotten up to the retirement home boss fight and the jumpscares have spooked me away.

they released an update to let you turn off the random jump scares that flash on the screen. worth finishing the game, very cool ending!

u/smoha96 avatar

Oh excellent. Honestly that was the big thing holding me back. Honestly too creepy. Thanks.

u/FriskeyVsWorld avatar

I think I read about that that they didn't so much "turn them off" but they definitely dialed it back. You still get them, but they're not as loud and in your face as they originally were.

EDIT: Here's a comparison video of how they do it using the first jump scare in the game.

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u/bristow84 avatar

Outside of the Jump Scares, that Retirement Home was one of the most tense sections I've played in a game in a long time, especially when you get to the basement.