'The group has grown more than I ever imagined,' walkers helping men's mental health

Men Talk Walk are celebrating having achieved a landmark milestone of 300 miles of walks <i>(Image: Men Talk Walk)</i>
Men Talk Walk are celebrating having achieved a landmark milestone of 300 miles of walks (Image: Men Talk Walk)

A MEN'S MENTAL health group have recently reached 300 miles in their weekly walks to support men with their well-being.

Men Talk Walk, based in  Abertridwr, Caerphilly, has helped over 150 men to date and has held more than 60 walks every Sunday since the group began in January 2023.

Each walk typically begins in Caerphilly, with a longer monthly walk across South Wales.

Group founder Shaun Cook, 34, from  Abertridwr, started the group following a period of low mood during lockdown.

Mr Cook, a deputy manager in an Aldi distribution centre, was living alone to shield his family, and was at a particularly low point following a family bereavement, but found some benefits in walking.

He said: “I hit a low point, spending too much time lying in bed scrolling through social media and heading for the fridge constantly. I then started walking and within days my mental health improved drastically.”

After losing a close friend and work mentor, Mr Cook realised he had to do something to help men in his local area.

With encouragement and inspiration from other local groups, he created Men Talk Walk.

He continued:  “I needed to set something up to help the men in the local area and end the stigma of men not being able to speak about their mental health.

“I posted the first walk and a few days later we were out walking. When I first started I honestly thought that maybe one or two of the boys would turn up and then the group would fizzle out to nothing.

“The group has grown more than I ever imagined and I feel proud every single day of what we've started, reaching men from all over South Wales, from Pontypool to Barry and from Cwmbran down to Cardiff and all of Caerphilly.

The walks started with several regular attendees and over time have pulled in up to 30 to 40 men on highly attended walks, and have covered Pen y Fan and Skirrid Fawr to name a few. 

Mike Banfield also helps Shaun with the walks, driven by the same goal of helping men's mental health, he deputises in Shaun’s absence and supports the new coffee mornings.

Mike said: “In September of 2022, I was hit with the sudden death of my sister, and I needed something to take my mind off what was now normal life for me with her son coming into my care.

Joining Men Talk Walk has been the best thing for me. The impact it had on me, as well as all the many members we've had has been massive. I feel proud to say that I've been heavily involved with it, too.

"I'm also proud to call Shaun one of my closest mates, who has supported me through some really tough times, and for that, I will always be appreciative of what he's done.”

Group regular Stewart Marsh began attending after his partner saw the group on Facebook and suggested he join after struggling with his mental health.

He said: "Since joining the group I have met some amazing people who have been very welcoming. As a result, I have made new friends.

"It’s one of the best decisions I have ever made. Shaun the founder is one of the most supportive and caring people I have ever met. He is selfless and puts the needs of others first.”