I don’t think that’s true. People were 50+ yesterday.


yeah dozens of no lifers were 50+

im talking about the normal human being with actual real life responsibilities

just because someone near the top of the bell curve is doing something, doesnt mean that something is achievable by the laymen

But you said 40 hours. What does having no life have to do with anything? My friends that worked all day were 50 by the time they went to bed.


Yeah, for the first character at least, leveling isn’t really much different from playing a normal retail character in MoP Chromie Time. The Remix changes to gear and those new gems aren’t really going to have a profound impact on leveling speed. It’s really all about the cloak, which isn’t much benefit while leveling your first character.


Yeah, Im over 50 at 12ish hours. Others are going even faster

Definitely not going to take 40 hours

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you dont see the irony in having to dedicate literally half an entire day to get to 50, other people can’t do this on a work day


fact of the matter is, if you are leveling one alt it isnt faster

maybe by your 4th alt, maybe

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But that’s not what you said. You said it takes 40 hours to get max level. Seems to me you just want to make stuff up and belittle people.

You are an edit champion.


Ok, but you understand the point the person was making, surely.

If Mop Remix has been out for less than 24 hours, but people are already getting close to max level within that time, it doesn’t take 40 hours to level up.

Makes sense, right?


Not really. And there shouldn’t be an expectation of being able to level in a single work day. Even retail leveling can take 12-24 hours depending on the method you choose.

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the fact of the matter is, since it is faster to level on retail via dungeon finder than it is on MOP remix means “accelerated” rate isnt actually faster than leveling on retail

also the fact a lot of other people who actually have daily responsibilities are complaining about the lack of leveling shows that there are others feeling the lack of “acceleration” as well

you guys are misjudging your own skill and lack of time needed for responsibilities to that of “accelerated”

Diablo 4 leveling has spoiled me lol. I stopped my remix alt after about 40 minutes of playing.

I’ve just never been a serious alt person.

I’ll probably come back to it when I finish my retail goals.

The “fact” you keep implying is wrong though. It is factually faster in Remix. Soooo… you okay?

Weird post, weird guild. Probably just trolling.

Ima say this as calmly as possibile


It takes no time to level in MOP remix. A few hours… thats it.

Yeah, leveling in general doesn’t take much /played time anymore. But that’s the distinction: /played versus real time. Schedules tend to be busy for a lot of adults so even a day /played can be stretched out across multiple weeks depending on the player.

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this is a lie, it is faster to level via dungeon finder with timewalking buff than to level in panda remix right now

Yeah…there is something weird on the forums. You see the same people over and over lying, coping, diminishing real issues and basically subtle licking Blizz behind…like they are bucking for some position pat on the head or something.

They lie about this, they argued and lied when people said it was gonna suck away resources and effort by blizz from the real game, they argue that things are not what others literally see in MOP remix…gaslighters and liars, white knights and Blizz shills…you can look at the forum just a couple days and see them over and over.

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Blizzard said accelerated leveling, I am here to just say that the marketing was misleading if you can level faster on retail

stop with your strawman “ERM IF YOU DONT LIKE IT BUY A BOOST” you sound like a child

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And more to the topic of the thread, I kind of agree. Leveling in Remix has felt slower so far than what’s doable on normal retail, probably mostly because the leveling experience in MoP isn’t quite as streamlined as something like BfA or even WoD. Quest nodes aren’t really shared like they usually are these days; mobs don’t quite respawn fast enough in some areas; drop rates are a bit too low; and quests from the same hub often send you in different directions rather than having ‘stacked’ objectives.

To be clear, this all applies to retail MoP as well, but it’s all to say that MoP itself isn’t really a great leveling experience anymore in terms of sweaty efficiency, and that perception is going to be clouded by the end of this event because of the cloak eventually being stacked with a huge xp bonus.

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1st post…lol