Joan Crawford and Bette Davis

Bette Davis and Joan Crawford in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. Credit: Warner Bros.

The feud between Whatever Happened to Baby Jane co-stars Joan Crawford and Bette Davis is one of the most well-documented in Hollywood history.

It all started when Joan Crawford’s divorce announcement upstaged Bette Davis’ publicity campaign for her first leading-lady role in Ex-Lady, which ended up flopping due to poor ticket sales in 1933.

Things got worse when Crawford married Franchot Tone, the handsome actor whom Davis had developed a massive crush on while starring opposite him in Dangerous in 1935. Davis believed that Crawford has purposefully stolen him from, her out of spite.

“I have never forgiven her for that, and never will,” Davis told journalist Michael Thornton in 1987, according to Harper’s Bazaar. “She took him from me… She did it coldly, deliberately and with complete ruthlessness.”

Crawford is quoted as saying in her biography Not The Girl Next Door: Joan Crawford: A Personal Biography: “Franchot said he thought Bette was a good actress, but he never thought of her as a woman.” 

Sick burn.

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