When an actor can shine through and leave an everlasting impact on audiences, they know they've left an incredible mark on cinema; the late Bill Paxton was one such actor. Born in Fort Worth, Texas, in 1955, and unfortunately passing away on February 25, 2017, Paxton was an incomparable, commanding star, a competent entertainer whose acting abilities stretched far across multiple genres.

A likable character actor, Paxton is remembered for his devotion and always giving it his all when attempting to be the most unforgettable part of a film. Though he's sadly been gone for several years, his lovable personality and impeccable charm continue to live on through his incredible work. From pulse-pounding thrillers to sci-fi blockbusters, no part of Paxton's acting career was unmemorable, and these are his best movies.

10 'Nightcrawler' (2014)

Directed by Dan Gilroy

Joe and Lou talking on the street at night in Nightcrawler
Image via Open Road FIlms

Nightcrawler is a 2014 dark crime thriller that paints an unflinching, brutal depiction of the dangerous world of nighttime video journalism. In a career-defining performance, Jake Gyllenhaal shines as Louis Bloom, a drifting criminal willing to break a few rules and do whatever it takes to make a name for himself in the LA news media, even if it means getting his hands dirty.

Unrelentingly bleak and intense, Nightcrawler is a psychological crime story that explores the worst tendencies of human nature and the dark lengths some people will go to become famous. In a notable supporting role, Paxton plays shady LA crime journalist Joe Loder, an opportunist who muscles his way to undermine Louis Bloom at every turn on the streets. Loder's attempts to challenge his rival ultimately lead to his downfall, as he becomes one of the many unfortunate victims that Bloom is more than willing to sacrifice to become one of the best cameramen in the city. Paxton leaves his mark on this immaculate story, playing a minor but overall significant character that wouldn't have felt the same without his involvement.

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Release Date
October 31, 2014
Jake Gyllenhaal , Michael Papajohn , Marco Rodríguez , Bill Paxton , James Huang , Kent Shocknek , Rene Russo
117 minutes
Dan Gilroy

9 'True Lies' (1994)

Directed by James Cameron

Simon smiling confidently in True Lies
Image via 20th Century Studios

Bill Paxton teams up alongside his frequent collaborators, director James Cameron and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, in the hilarious action spy comedy True Lies, co-starring Jamie Lee Curtis. It follows a capable US counter-terrorist agent, Harry Tasker, who struggles to balance his exciting work with the mundane problems of his average family life. When he accidentally ropes his wife, Helen, into a dangerous situation, the two are forced to work together to stop a sinister terrorist group from wiping out a major city.

With a perfect balance of action, suspense, and humor, True Lies is a purely enjoyable and entertaining spy comedy. In a shining comic relief performance, Paxton plays the sleazy used-car salesman Simon, a cowardly liar who attempts to trick Helen into thinking he's a secret agent so he could have an affair with her. It's a short but memorable performance that couldn't have worked without Paxton and his incredible comedic talents.

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Not available

Release Date
July 15, 1994
Arnold Schwarzenegger , jamie lee curtis , Tom Arnold , Bill Paxton , Charlton Heston , Tia Carrere
144 minutes
Claude Zidi , Simon Michaël , Didier Kaminka , James Cameron

8 'Near Dark' (1987)

Directed by Kathryn Bigelow

Severen resting a gun on his shoulder in Near Dark
Image via DeLaurentis Entertainment Group

From Kathryn Bigelow, the thrilling mind behind Point Break, Zero Dark Thirty, and The Hurt Locker, Near Dark is a Western crime horror film that offers a unique spin on the classic tales of vampires. Set in the barren, dry region of the southwestern US, it follows an innocent farm boy who reluctantly joins a nomadic tribe of outlaw vampires.

Today, Near Dark is considered among Kathryn Bigelow's best achievements from her early career. It's a compelling, nontraditional Western story, full of remarkable performances and well-placed moments of tension and terror. Paxton steals the show as the film's secondary antagonist, Severan, an unhinged, ravenous member of the vampire gang who's easily their deadliest asset. With a memorable style, a few hilarious one-liners, and Paxton's charismatic charm, Severan is easily the most recognizable character of the entire film.

Near Dark Film Poster
Near Dark
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Not available

Not available

Release Date
October 2, 1987
Adrian Pasdar , Jenny Wright , Lance Henriksen , Bill Paxton
94 minutes
Eric Red , Kathryn Bigelow

7 'Frailty' (2001)

Directed by Bill Paxton

A religious murderer know as the 'God's Hand Killer' wields an axe in shed in Frailty
Image via Lions Gate Films

Frailty is an underrated 2000s psychological horror thriller starring Paxton, Matthew McConaughey, and Powers Boothe. After his estranged brother's tragic death, mysterious stranger Fenton Meike wanders into the FBI, claiming to know the identity of the elusive "God's Hand" killer. As he recounts his haunting past, he confesses to having reluctantly partaken in a violent killing spree during his childhood after his widowed father claimed to have seen visions from God.

Frightening, unsettling, and suspensefully palpable, Frailty leaves audiences on the edge of their seats. It's a gripping crime thriller where nothing is what it seems, featuring shocking twists, expected turns, and a mind-blowing finale that most watchers won't pick up on during their first viewing. It's also incredibly worth watching to see Bill Paxton at his most intimidating, playing a fearsome, unpredictable, and unstable father who leaves it up to viewers whether he's truly a servant of God or if it's all in his mind.

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Release Date
November 7, 2001
Bill Paxton , Matthew McConaughey , Powers Boothe , Luke Askew , Jeremy Sumpter , Matt O'Leary
Brent Hanley

6 'A Simple Plan' (1998)

Directed by Sam Raimi

Lou, Hank, and Jacob standing in the snow looking intently ahead in A Simple Plan
Image via Paramount Pictures

This enthralling Hitchcockian-style crime thriller, A Simple Plan, sees Bill Paxton and Billy Bob Thornton playing brothers Hank and Jacob Mitchell. When the pair and their friend, Lou (Brent Briscoe), accidentally stumble upon millions of dollars in an undiscovered plane wreck in the woods, they decide to keep it for themselves. However, as they desperately try to evade the authorities and the money's previous owners, the decision to take the stolen loot begins to weigh heavily on their minds.

A Simple Plan features some of the best acting from Paxton and Thornton's careers and shows there's more depth to Paxton's acting range.

A Simple Plan is a movie dripping with tension and emotion. It's a complex story with riveting drama and a suspenseful narrative that'll leave viewers on edge until the very end. Paxton and Thornton are superb as the two leads, brilliantly working off each other and creating a genuine bond that becomes the heart of the film. It's some of the best acting from both men's careers and shows there's more depth to Paxton's acting range.


5 'Twister' (1996)

Appeared as Bill Harding

Jo and Bill looking ahead while wind blows in their face in Twister
Image via Warner Bros. 

Paxton stars opposite Oscar winner Helen Hunt in the 1996 action disaster thriller Twister, co-starring Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Cary Elwes. Set in the Oklahoma countryside, it follows storm chasers Bill and Jo Harding, an estranged married couple who reluctantly team up to use an advanced prototype weather tracking device to finally unlock the secret patterns of tornadoes.

Like any disaster movie of the time, Twister is a visually jaw-dropping spectacle with impressive effects and thrilling action. Paxton is the film's anchor, becoming the film's most relatable and sensible character. The audience gets a feel for his character, Bill, along with his personality, goals, and noble reasons for risking his life when chasing storms. He's easily one of the rootable and brave characters in any disaster movie and a huge reason why the film has aged so impressively.

Twister movie poster
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Not available

Release Date
May 10, 1996
Helen Hunt , Bill Paxton , Cary Elwes , Jami Gertz , Philip Seymour Hoffman , Lois Smith
113 minutes
Michael Crichton , Anne-Marie Martin

4 'Apollo 13' (1995)

Directed by Ron Howard

Three astronauts looking ahead with pensive expressions in Apollo 13
Image via Universal Pictures

Directed by Ron Howard, Apollo 13 is a 1995 historical docudrama detailing the incredible survival of the US Apollo 13 space mission crew after their shuttle malfunctioned en route to their trek to the moon. Starring a fantastic cast of A-listers, including Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, Gary Sinise, Ed Harris, and Paxton, it follows these brave astronauts as they use their skills and training to eventually make it back home.

The movie is impressively accurate, featuring gripping performances and telling an extraordinary tale of human determination and the importance of never giving up in the face of adversity. It expertly shows the incredible teamwork and challenging decisions these men experienced on a harrowing journey that could have easily ended in tragedy. For his part, Paxton plays astronaut Fred Haise, a brilliant and capable space pilot who becomes an integral part of the crew's survival. Paxton holds his own In a fantastic ensemble while accurately portraying this true-to-life hero.

Apollo 13
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Release Date
June 30, 1995
Tom Hanks , Bill Paxton , Kevin Bacon , Gary Sinise , Ed Harris , Kathleen Quinlan , Mary Kate Schellhardt , Emily Ann Lloyd
140 Minutes
Jim Lovell , Jeffrey Kluger , William Broyles Jr.

3 'Tombstone' (1993)

Directed by George P. Cosmatos

Doc Holliday, Virgil Earp, Wyatt Earp, and Morgan Earp walking in line in Tombstone
Image via Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

One of the most quintessential Western stories ever, Tombstone paints a highly romanticized but wildly entertaining reinterpretation of the iconic gunfight at the O.K. Corral. Starring a powerhouse cast of iconic tough guys, including Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Sam Elliott, and Paxton, it follows the law-bidding Earp brothers and Doc Holiday as their heated feud with a local gang of cowboys spirals into one of the most famous vendettas of the old west.

Tombstone is a standout in the Western genre, a film so instantly recognizable and quotable that it only takes one line to remember how much of an enjoyable masterpiece it is. Paxton plays the ill-fated Earp brother Morgan, a cocky, inexperienced, glory-seeking wannabe lawman who idolizes his more seasoned and famous brothers. His willingness to go headfirst into a war with cowboys ultimately leads to his death, becoming the catalyst for his brother, Wyatt, to go on his iconic quest for revenge.

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Release Date
December 25, 1993
130 minutes
Hollywood Pictures

2 'Titanic' (1997)

Directed by James Cameron

Brock Lovett looking at the old Rose in Titanic
Image via Paramount Pictures

James Cameron's three-hour-long historical romance drama Titanic paints a dramatized retelling of one of the most infamous maritime disasters in human history. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, it follows the two as star-crossed lovers meeting aboard the RMS Titanic, depicting their struggle to survive its fateful sinking on the night of April 15, 1912.

A critical and commercial success, Titanic broke all sorts of records, earning $2.264 billion and becoming the first film to surpass the billion-dollar mark at the box office. Though a minor role standing outside the main narrative, Bill Paxton plays naive treasure hunter Brock Lovett, a central character in the movie's themes of the importance of life over material values. Brock starts as an arrogant grave robber who only sees the Titanic wreck as a gold mine waiting to be stripped. However, only through Rose's (Gloria Stuart) emotional story does he understand the site's significance. There's even an intriguing but admittedly cheesy alternate ending that further eludes Brock's change of heart, even if the message feels a little bit hammered in.

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Release Date
November 19, 1997
Leonardo DiCaprio , Kate Winslet , Billy Zane , Kathy Bates , Frances Fisher , Gloria Stuart
194 minutes
James Cameron

1 'Aliens' (1986)

Directed by James Cameron

Hudson looking at someone with a concerned expression in Aliens
Image via 20th Century Studios

One of the defining moments of Bill Paxton's career was undoubtedly playing the memorable Pvt. William Hudson from James Cameron's Aliens. Released in 1986 as a more action-heavy, thrilling sequel to Ridley Scott's Alien, it sees Sigourney Weaver as the iconic Ellen Ripley, who teams up with a hardened group of space marines to face the galaxy's most terrifying threat, the dreaded xenomorphs.

Although he appeared in several notable features before, like Commando, Weird Science, and even his first Cameron collaboration, The Terminator, Aliens truly put Bill Paxton on the map. It's an enticing, action-packed story with iconic imagery, characters, and compelling performances. For most audiences, whenever they hear the name Bill Paxton, the first thing that usually comes to mind is Pvt. Hudson. It's a hilarious, delightfully memorable role that no one else could have made iconic. The role and film will always be associated with this incredible actor, ensuring his legacy for years to come.

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Not available

Release Date
July 18, 1986
Sigourney Weaver , Michael Biehn , William Hope , Jenette Goldstein , Carrie Henn , Paul Reiser , Lance Henriksen , Bill Paxton
137 minutes
James Cameron , David Giler , Walter Hill

NEXT: The 12 Best Russell Crowe Moves, Ranked According to IMDb