Month: March 2024

New Release: The Hope Conspiracy- Those Who Gave Us Yesterday

This is quite exciting. In 2023 The Hope Conspiracy announced their return and now today, we get a new single from their upcoming new album, Tools of Oppression / Rule by Deception was engineered by Kurt Ballou and Zach Weeks at God City Studios, (out May 31 via Deathwish Inc.). The return of The Hope Conspiracy is a very welcomed one! This new single “Those Who Gave Us Yesterday” is one hell of a punch to the gut. There’s always been a sense of urgency to this band and this new album surely will continue that hard line of explosiveness.

The Hope Conspiracy- Those Who Gave Us Yesterday:

Album Of The Week: Gouge Away- Deep Sage

As a giant music fan, I love when I hear albums that get me stuck on them. When that happens, I get so drawn into what is going on with everything about the album. Upon first listen of Gouge Away’s new and long awaited album, Deep Sage, I immediately started it again and I have yet to take it out of my rotation. The bands extended break and return to this material shows an immense growth in not only the bands approach to songwriting and ability to tell a story within a song, it also proved to be the right thing as these songs pack a walloping punch that is abrasive and urgent.

From the time the album starts with “Stuck In A Dream” all the way to the epic closer “Dallas,” Gouge Away have made an album that truly embodies what this band has always been capable of and more. Their first couple of releases started them on the path towards where they are now but, on Deep Sage it takes it to a whole other level. The way the album was recorded by Jack Shirley, really makes this album shine. The album was recorded live, the old fashioned way and that organic sound makes this record standout even more. The live feel of the album, the killer riffs and rhythms and the way the vocals grab you will not only make you pay attention but also shows the evolution of the band quite well.

I love this whole album so it’s hard for me to pick out certain songs to highlight. Instead of going track by track I will say this. Each song on Deep Sage is meant to be there and sequenced in such a manner that as I said above grabs your attention. The way Christina Michelle’s vocals are on this album showcase her talent not as a screamer but more as vocalist as she weaves really delicate webs and then can unleash a ferociousness that is quite intense, especially when you hear the songs “Idealized” and “Spaced Out.” The final track on the album, “Dallas” is a show stopper. I personally can’t wait to hear all these songs live but, this one in particular. There is such a wonderful dynamic shift within the song that when you hear it, let’s just say, you’ll know why this album is so damn good.

This is the type of album that gives me hope for the future of music. Not just in the genres that I enjoy most but, in general. Gouge Away made an album with Deep Sage that cements them as forces to be reckoned with but, also a record that stands out and can actually become a very influential album. Another thing about this album that I love is that it was made with a true passion and that shows through on each song. The live performance aspect really drives that home and it makes for a listening experience that feels alive. I can’t wait to see Gouge Away live and hear these songs. What a tremendous album this is. So much so that as of this writing, it’s my album of the year. I really do look forward to where the band goes next.

Overall Rating: A

Review By: Brian Lacy

Gouge Away- Deep Sage:

New Release: The Baby Goats- Electricity

There is a band from Los Angeles that I have dubbed “Fun As Fuck.” Every time I see them live, it’s a fun and good time. They have this infectious energy that really gets a party going. The band I’m talking about is The Baby Goats. This three piece band has influences that go from New Wave, 80’s pop, a tad bit of disco and a little bit of rock to give it some edginess. There is something else that makes The Baby Goats worth your time and it’s their songs. They have crafted songs that not only make you want to get up and move but, there’s depth to the song rather than just “fluffy pop.” The Baby Goats have released the title track of their album “Electricity” and it’s quite electric that you might even find yourself spinning your hands around like you have glow sticks in them. The band has released a few other infectious singles that you should most definitely check out including one of my favorites, “Two Shakes.” If you are looking for a fun band that brings the party each time you listen, The Baby Goats are the one for you! I’ve also had the great pleasure of booking The Baby Goats on a few shows and they never disappoint! Enjoy!

The Baby Goats- Electricity:

Spotify :

Apple link:


Collaborations: Night Verses & Brandon Boyd- Glitching Prisms

I’ve been a Night Verses fan for quite some time. I remember hearing their album, Lift Your Existence and immediately got into that album. Their next album took some experimental turns that proved to show the bands immense ability to shake things up and still be intriguing. Then the singer left and the band continued on making great records instrumentally. On their latest offering, Every Sound Has A Color In The Valley Of Night, they collaborated with a bunch of different singers and the end result is quite good. One track that instantly grabbed me was the Night Verses collaboration with Brandon Boyd from Incubus. This is the first time in a very long time that I’ve enjoyed hearing Brandon on something new. In a strange but awesome way, it seems that this is the perfect fit. The song “Glitching Prisms” is a great example of a wonderful collaboration. The musicianship of the gents in Night Verses plus their ability to craft songs with great dynamics allowed for Brandon to finally get back into a groove that is out there but still in his wheel house and it harks back to a time that when you hear the song, you know it’s right. I’d love to hear an EP of Night Verses with Brandon. It really would be quite something awesome!

Night Verses w/ Brandon Boyd- Glitching Prisms:

New Release: Del Judas- Angela

A long while back I introduced you to Del Judas and his fantastic debut album, Deity. That album is still in my rotation, especially when I want to just mellow out. Now, here we are a few years since Deity and Del Judas is back with yet another great song, “Angela.” This new song paints a very vivid picture that explores the complexities of love, loss, heartache, and the journey of overcoming grief. This emotional track is one that will definitely stay with you for quite some time. I’ve personally had it on repeat as it just has a vibe that fits what I’m listening to at the moment. Do yourself a favor and enjoy this song and while you’re at it, go back and listen to Deity. It’s really a great album!

Del Judas- Angela:

Del Judas- Deity:

By: Brian Lacy

New Release: Gatecreeper- The Black Curtain

Over the last few years, I’ve noticed something interesting happening within the Death Metal realm of heavy music. What I’ve noticed is a lot more dynamics and attention to songwriting rather than just playing as fast as possible and screaming bloody murder. The new wave of American Death Metal has found its place and with bands like Gatecreeper leading the charge, it’s going to get quite exciting to hear where things go. Speaking of Gatecreeper, they are back with a new album, Dark Superstition (out May 17 via Nuclear Blast Records), which was recorded by Converge guitarist, Kurt Ballou. The first single, “The Black Curtain” draws from what I mentioned in the beginning as well as having a bit more of a heavy rock tinge without crossing over the line into too melodic of a territory. Gatecreeper are fast becoming a name to know amongst the heavy music circles and with this new album, they are sure to leave quite a mark.

Gatecreeper- The Black Curtain:

Album Review: Chelsea Wolfe- She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She

There comes a time in the evolution of each artist where the sum of everything developed, explored, and thought about comes together in a cohesive statement that not only puts a true stamp on a body of work but, also leans into the future of where it’s all going. A perfect example of this is the latest album by Chelsea Wolfe entitled She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She. There is a comfort to the darkness that encases this and all her albums but, with this one it’s grasp is one that holds on and settles so delicately underneath the skin.

From the moment the album begins with “Whispers In The Echo Chamber,” the spell casting melodies enriched by the lush embrace of a sound that pulls from electronica, trip hop, industrial, darkwave, post-punk and more give this album the pronounced rebirth of Chelsea Wolfe. Working with longtime collaborators Ben Chisholm, Bryan Tulao and Jess Gowrie, and the addition of producer Dave Sitek (from TV On The Radio), She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She reaches new levels that are quite inqusitive as the thematic elements of the album blossom into dense stories that keep you coming back. The album continues it’s ambitious and adventurous journey with songs that lend a hand towards self realization and shedding skin like “House Of Self-Undoing,” “Everything Turns Blue,” and “Tunnel Lights.” By the time you’ve reached “The Liminal” there is a turn towards unveiling bits of light and toys with your heart strings. “Eyes Like Nightshade” has a Depeche Mode vibe to it that allows this song to slither around you. The next couple of songs “Salt” and “Unseen Wound” have a gloominess to them that build up to the very impressive and heart wrenching “Place In The Sun.” As the album comes to a close with “Dusk,” there is definitely a sense of understanding and almost a peaceful calm that settles into a clarity or focus on an optimistic outlook.

The tension created during the 42 minutes of the album is truly a defining moment for Chelsea, Ben, Jess and Bryan. This album is one of those that is not only cathartic and filled with dark yet positive energy, it’s one that won’t leave your mind. I spent a good amount of time combing through this album and letting it just take me where it wanted me to go. That feeling you get from listening to an album that really feels timeless is transcendent. Which interestingly enough is a theme found throughout the album. Funny how that all comes together in the end. What an album. I can only imagine what was left on the cutting room floor. Do yourself a favor and listen to this album multiple times. Put headphones on, light a candle and seriously just let it take you away!

Overall Rating: A

Review By: Brian Lacy



New Release: Great Falls- Trap Feeding

Last year, Seattle’s own Great Falls released their album, Objects Without Pain. It was one of my favorite albums of 2023 and it’s one of those albums that with each listen, I love more and more. If you are in the mode for something heavy, noisey, sludgey and just a great all around band than I really think you should be listening to Great Falls. Ahead of the band making their way across the pond to be the direct support for Botch’s reunion/farewell tour, Great Falls have released a vide for their song “Trap Feeding.” This video captures the energy of Great Falls live and then some. Brace yourself for what Great Falls brings, it’s one hell of a volatile punch that is greatly needed in heavy music!

Great Falls- Trap Feeding:

Great Falls- Objects Without Pain:

New Release: Gouge Away- Spaced Out

In only a couple short weeks time, Gouge Away will release their new album, Deep Sage, one of the records I’ve been anticipating most in 2024. Already the glimpses into this album have shown the progression and evolution of the band. On this new track “Spaced Out” it’s one of those short and sweet bangers that just exudes energy! March 15th is not that far off, so be sure to pick up a copy of this one! The Jack Shirley produced/engineered/mixed album is one of the best of 2024 and it’s only March! Also be sure to check them out on tour with Metz this April and May.

Gouge Away- Spaced Out:

More From Deep Sage plus Album Pre Orders via their bandcamp!

Photo by: Ali Beaudette