MasterChef 20th Anniversary Dinner: Gregg Wallace and John Torode join leading chefs and guest critics to discuss two decades of the series

MasterChef 20th Anniversary Dinner: Gregg Wallace and John Torode join leading chefs and guest critics to discuss two decades of the series

One of the most glittering culinary events of the year welcomed over 70 extraordinary guests at the start of Semi Finals week

Published: 14 May 2024

It's Semi Finals week and we're kicking off with a celebration to remember.

One of the most glittering culinary events of the year - The MasterChef 20th Anniversary Dinner - took place at the sublime Fishmongers’ Hall, Central London at the start of the Semi Finals week, welcoming over 70 extraordinary guests to an uplifting evening of celebration.

Read on to find out what Guest Critics, Top Chefs, Key MasterChef Contributors and Judges had to say about 20 years of MasterChef.

Watch Semi Finals week on BBC One and BBC iPlayer:

  • 8pm, Tuesday 14 May
  • 9pm, Thursday 16 May
  • 7.30pm Friday 17 May

MasterChef Judges John Torode and Gregg Wallace

John Torode and Gregg Wallace smile to camera from a large banquet hall filled with dining tables.

Semi Finals week – the special event to celebrate the 20th series - how did it feel welcoming back MasterChef contestants, chefs and food critics from across all the 20 years of the series?

Gregg: John was up to his ears in it in the kitchen, sweating and hollering and trying to get service out, weren’t you John?

John: Yeah, I had eight amateur cooks in the kitchen cooking for 70 people and doing three courses. What a fantastic celebration of incredible achievement. You know, and of all the people who were there, which is just to sort of nod to the people who've been on MasterChef. They were finalists and semi-finalists, the majority of them and they've all gone on to do things in food. Whether that be writing a book or doing something to do with food advisory or making charcuterie or making macarons or doing restaurants they've all gone on to do amazing, amazing things.

Gregg: John came up afterwards and by then he was exhausted because he'd been running the service with amateur cooks. But it was one of the most emotional evenings of my life. We've put a lot into this, John and I, over 20 years, and almost unknowingly, this show has helped so many people achieve their goals. We've stood witness to so many people and I don't think I've been in a room, since I got married, with so much warmth and joy. And it just seemed like everybody in there had their own little bit of our cookery show. They all own their own little bit - they were all part of it. It was an incredibly emotional evening. It was just crazy. Production asked me to give a talk and I gave three or four minutes but at the end, I said ‘This never ever was about me and John. This was always about you.’ And at that point, they all stood up and clapped and it was incredibly moving.

Anna Haugh

Chef and MasterChef: The Professionals Judge 2022

Tom Kitchin, Daniel Clifford, Tracey MacLeod, Adam Handling, Nathan Outlaw, Anna Haugh, Robin Gill smile to camera from a table at the MasterChef 20th Anniversary Dinner.
L-R: Tom Kitchin, Daniel Clifford, Tracey MacLeod, Adam Handling, Nathan Outlaw, Anna Haugh, Robin Gill

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Anna: We all love watching cookery shows because they're entertaining but there are very few that I think protect the essence of what our industry is all about. It's about skill, it's about pressure in the right environment that you get results that are unforgettable. I think MasterChef is a leader when it comes to cookery programmes.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Anna: Programmes on television are a little bit like football teams. You have a big group of fans and it is those fans, the attention and the support that they give that feeds into the production. And that results in the programme being protected and being the best that it can be. So, if MasterChef is a huge success, it really comes down to the followers and the viewers that watch. Thank you!

April Jackson

Chef and Restaurateur

Franc Roddam, April Jackson, Gregg Wallace, India Fisher, William Sitwell, Nieves Barragan Mohacho, Monica Galetti smile to camera from a table at the MasterChef 20th Anniversary Dinner.
L-R: Franc Roddam, April Jackson, Gregg Wallace, India Fisher, William Sitwell, Nieves Barragan Mohacho, Monica Galetti

What does MasterChef mean to you?

April: I love watching MasterChef as a viewer and I definitely love participating, seeing the growth of the contestants, eating the food and getting to share my two cents.

Big Has

Young MasterChef Judge

Poppy O'Toole, Big Has, Stu Deeley, Aktar Islam, Keziah Whittaker, Jonny Lake, Nathan Davies smile to camera from a table at the MasterChef 20th Anniversary Dinner.
L-R: Poppy O'Toole, Big Has, Stu Deeley, Aktar Islam, Keziah Whittaker, Jonny Lake, Nathan Davies

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Big Has: MasterChef means to me years of secretly watching it before becoming an actual chef. Also, it’s now a new avenue for me because I'm a judge on Young MasterChef and I love it. But yeah, it’s a British staple, as I'd like to be one day.

And finally, a message for MasterChef fans:

Big Has: 20th anniversary! Thanks all for watching. With you guys supporting me I got to wear a tux for the first time in my life and eat a beautiful dinner surrounded by beautiful chefs. It's going to be a good night. So, thanks!

Grace Dent*

Food Critic

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Grace: Seeing my face on the greatest cooking show on British TV is still, after 12 years, the biggest thrill. MasterChef makes the food stars of the future and I get to eat their food before anyone else. It’s a massive honour.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Grace: Thank you for your fascination! In the supermarket, on a sun lounger, halfway up climbing a Lake District Mountain, I’m never safe from one of you guys asking me how I manage so many courses. Answer: practice!

Jay Rayner*

Food Critic

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Jay: After almost two decades as a critic on MasterChef, I've come to regard it as the gold standard against which all other cooking shows should be judged. There is no doubt that, over the years, it has become so much more than just great TV, although it is most certainly that. It is now a vital part of the culinary conversation, a platform which exposes each new food trend to sharp eyed examination. And it is of course a launch pad for vast amounts of superb food talent, be it the celebrity eager to prove they have another string to their bow, the restless, hungry amateur who wants to make cooking their job instead of their hobby, or the young professional chef ready to step out into the big time. I'm immensely proud to be a part of it.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Jay: Eventually any long running TV show ends up being owned by its fans. We only get to do what we love doing for as long as the audience approves. Happily, we have a vast and devoted fan-base. I am hugely grateful to them not just for watching, but for getting involved in the long-running conversation about food and cooking. I always know that when I make a comment about a dish there will be millions of people watching at home who are seriously invested in the success or failure of the contestant who cooked it, who will have their own view and who won't hesitate to let me know what they think. MasterChef continues to thrive because of its fans and to them I say thank you.

Poppy O’Toole

Young MasterChef Judge

Poppy O'Toole, Big Has, Stu Deeley, Aktar Islam, Keziah Whittaker, Jonny Lake, Nathan Davies smile to camera from a table at the MasterChef 20th Anniversary Dinner.
L-R: Poppy O'Toole, Big Has, Stu Deeley, Aktar Islam, Keziah Whittaker, Jonny Lake, Nathan Davies

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Poppy: MasterChef to me, means new talent, amazing food and a job, so I love it!

A message for MasterChef fans:

Poppy: Can you believe it's been 20 years of MasterChef?! That is huge! My message to the fans would be to keep watching, keep savouring each delicious dish, and most importantly, keep cooking and come on board!

Nieves Barragan Mohacho


Franc Roddam, April Jackson, Gregg Wallace, India Fisher, William Sitwell, Nieves Barragan Mohacho, Monica Galetti smile to camera from a table at the MasterChef 20th Anniversary Dinner.
L-R: Franc Roddam, April Jackson, Gregg Wallace, India Fisher, William Sitwell, Nieves Barragan Mohacho, Monica Galetti

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Nieves: MasterChef I think is one of the best ways to find amazing future chefs. I love MasterChef. I think we need it because we need to find the future and the future chefs in this industry. And I think the way we present, and the ways we love. I just love it. I think we need to keep doing this, we need this TV on.

Nieves: MasterChef was one of the first programmes I watched when I moved to the UK over 20 years ago, so being a part of the MasterChef family all these years later is really special. It’s such a brilliant, positive show, which gives young chefs a platform to go on to flourish in our industry - and it inspires the next generation too, showing them how rewarding this career can be. If you’ve ever thought of applying - go for it!

India Fisher

MasterChef Narrator

What does MasterChef mean to you?

India: MasterChef means a hell of a lot to me. There aren't many jobs that last 20 years and I feel incredibly lucky to be part of this amazing family and this glorious evening, and I'm really looking forward to finally getting to taste some food! Having never been able to taste anything in 20 years of recording for it, I hope that the food is worth the wait. I'm sure it will be!

A message for MasterChef fans:

India: My message to the fans of MasterChef: thank you for watching, thank you for making it part of the British food scene. I think it's down to you. We've changed the British food scene for the better. People now are big foodies in this country and that's in part down to MasterChef and down to you guys watching MasterChef. So, keep watching please, let's do another 20 years!

Leyla Kazim*

Food Writer

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Leyla: Learning about a person via the medium of food is one of life's greatest joys. But getting to do this on screen - on the country's most loved cooking show - is a ‘pinch me’ moment every time. These aren't just ordinary cooks. They are cooks who had the courage to actually apply to be on MasterChef in the first place. They were prepared to put themselves through the pure, distilled stress of cooking in the MasterChef kitchen in the hope that we critics might enjoy their food. That is bravery. I am never without great admiration and respect for all contestants for putting themselves out there, even if they do stuff up their dish. The fact MasterChef has been creating these opportunities for cooks at all levels for so many years is something to be cherished and celebrated.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Leyla: We love hearing from you as much as you love the show! Thank you for watching and engaging and supporting! And if you've ever toyed with the idea of applying one day... this is your nudge to just do it! What have you got to lose?

Lisa Goodwin-Allen*

Chef Mentor on MasterChef: The Professionals

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Lisa: It’s an absolute pleasure to have been involved in MasterChef for quite a few years now and I’ve seen it grow from year to year. I think it does give a platform to some of those younger people trying to break through in the industry and gives us a chance to capture the talent out there. It challenges people to come out of their comfort zone and enter a competition that can put them on new heights. To be in a kitchen where a lot of the cooks aspire to be at that level and take part in a competition like this one is inspiring and I’m proud to be a part of MasterChef.

A message to MasterChef fans:

Lisa: Keep watching this incredible programme because not only does it give a platform for some of the most amazing talent that we have got in this country, but it also inspires people at home to cook, to go out and try these restaurants. The programme inspires fans to try new things, and new recipes and captures some of the most incredible cooks in the UK, whether that’s domestic, professional, or even celebrities – for me, they are ones to watch!

Monica Galetti

MasterChef: The Professionals Judge

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Monica: To me MasterChef is 15 years of working with the best friends that you can have in a crew. We've all grown together, our families, seeing them get married and settled. Now for me, as a judge discovering the next talent coming through, the excitement in that, honestly, every year it keeps getting better.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Monica: My message to the fans is we wouldn't be celebrating 20 years without you and we hope to celebrate decades more with you! Thank you for supporting us.

Michel Roux Jr*


John Torode, Michel Roux Jr, Gregg Wallace smile during filming for MasterChef series 20
L-R: John Torode, Michel Roux Jr and Gregg Wallace during filming for MasterChef series 20

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Michel: MasterChef is for me all about inspiring the next generation of chefs and helping them achieve their dreams.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Michel: A joy to be a part of and thrilling to watch. MasterChef never disappoints, always cooked to perfection.

Tom Kerridge*


What does MasterChef mean to you?

Tom: MasterChef has been one of the most iconic and great British food programmes over the last 20 years, showcasing our culinary diversity with exceptional standards, from amateurs all the way through to professionals.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Tom: For all of you that have been watching MasterChef for the last 20 years, I’m in your gang!

Tom Parker-Bowles*

Food Critic

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Tom: I love MasterChef, in every way. To be able to taste the food of some of the country’s great (and often undiscovered) cooks, is a huge privilege. And a thrill too. It’s so much more than mere cooking show, rather a national institution and one of the great incubators of natural talent. Make it through MasterChef, and you can make it through anything.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Tom: I’ve never known a show more adored by its fans. And quite rightly so., Without the fans, there is no MasterChef. In fact, the only time I’m ever recognised (which is thankfully rare) is when someone comes up to me and say, ‘Oi, you look like that posh bloke off MasterChef.’ Fame, at last.

Theo Randall*


What does MasterChef mean to you?

Theo: MasterChef to me is something I have grown up with and have loved watching the show. As a professional chef, I always respect anyone who is confident to cook for a discerning customer, especially in a televised competition. The stress of cooking in the MasterChef environment, is probably the toughest test of all, so total respect to everyone who has entered into MasterChef over the last 20 years. Teaching and nurturing young cooks is something I do every day and it was such a pleasure to do this with MasterChef contestants over the years. I look forward to being involved in another challenge. Bravo MasterChef! Here’s to another 20 years.

And finally, a message for MasterChef fans:

Theo: MasterChef is a formula that is perfect for all cooks, whether you are a keen cook at home or a seasoned professional chef running a top kitchen, the dynamic is all the same - cooking to make people happy. That’s what cooks do and to receive praise for cooking a good meal makes it even better and inspirers you to improve.

MasterChef has made so many budding cooks into top chefs, almost like the best kind of culinary school. Keep watching as it just gets better and better. Happy 20th birthday, MasterChef!

Tom Kitchin


What does MasterChef mean to you?

Tom: For me, MasterChef is massive. MasterChef is symbolic of British food. What it’s done for British food over the last 20 years, it's changed a whole generation of people. Not only chefs, it’s also changed the way that we all eat, the way that people go out to eat. It's been a massive part of what we do here in the UK.

A message for Master Chef fans:

Tom: To all the fans out there who have enjoyed MasterChef over the last 20 years, thank you so much for watching it. Thank you so much for coming and visiting our restaurants. Thank you for just making Britain the best foodie place in the world.

Tracey MacLeod

Food Critic

What does MasterChef mean to you?

Tracey: Being involved with the MasterChef family since 2011 has given me so many memorable food experiences and introduced me to so much brilliant emerging talent. It’s the best job in the world.

A message for MasterChef fans:

Tracey: Yes, the food IS still hot by the time we get to eat it. Mostly!

William Sitwell

Restaurant Critic and Food writer

What does MasterChef mean to you?

William: MasterChef has been a part of my life for some 20 years now. I’ve filmed in studios in Hackney, Wandsworth and the East End of London and have met so many brilliant people along the way. There are my fellow critics, enjoying a catch-up as sit in the critics’ room, and the individuals whose lives have been changed by the show, the production team who are like old friends and of course my old muckers John and Gregg. Franc Roddam, who invented MasterChef, paid me the greatest compliment the other day by saying I was part of the family. Well, it’s a wonderful part of my life, a cornerstone of the culinary scene of this country. While I love filming it, I also never miss an episode.

A message for MasterChef fans.

William: I love meeting the fans, and they appear everywhere…on trains, on the street, at events and, of course on social media - although the latter are not always, er, my fans! And they always ask the same questions: is the food hot and what’s Gregg like? Great questions and if you want the answers you’ll just have to stop me in the street. Keep watching and don’t just watch, be inspired and get cooking.

*Not in attendance on the night of MasterChef 20th Anniversary Dinner

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