STACCATO | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

Meaning of staccato in English

(Definition of staccato from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
(Definition of staccato from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Examples of staccato

They recognised the staccato slicing of time, at so many frames per second, as an aggressive march of mechanisation.
The staccato should be of the" hail" type.
In the first section, a high-pitched, cheerfully inexpressive chordal staccato is followed by a contrasting legato phrase tracing melodic contortions at the lower octave.
They revolve around a number of leitmotifs that lend cohesion to the staccato, surveying movement of the general discussion.
The rapid bowed quavers of the former become the rapid staccato semiquavers of the latter.
Where the latter is sustained and song-like, the former is characterised by staccato, detaché quavers vigorously arpeggiating up and down through leaps of (mainly) fifths.
Similarly, changing the numbers in the articulation list will make a legato phrase sound more staccato.
A dry percussive attack or a staccato sound (without resonance) are examples.
The staccato nature of bird song suggests that changes of breath should excite resonant modulation.
Around this ground element, one hears percussive gestures, staccato sounds, patterns of repeated sounds, high vibratos or fluttering sounds, glottal stops and multiphonics.
The staccato effect of this structure arouses the reader's curiosity in its terseness and economy.
At daybreak one morning there was a sudden burst of shouting, drumming, and the staccato of horses' hooves.
In accord with its graphic image, the desired detachment stands half-way between a mild staccato and a legato.
The writing style is staccato and seems to come from the reference being used at the time.
The lines, spoken staccato by the actors, are choppy, stilted fragments rather than smooth streams of input.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Translations of staccato

in Chinese (Traditional)
斷音的(地), 斷奏的(地), (噪音或說話方式)斷斷續續的,不連貫的…
in Chinese (Simplified)
断音的(地), 断奏的(地), (噪声或说话方式)断断续续的,不连贯的…
in Spanish
staccato, entrecortado, corto…
in Portuguese
staccato, curto…
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