Operation Freebird 2021.mp4 | Colorado, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving dinner, dinner, Adams County | Operation Freebird is back on Saturday, Nov. 20. 🦃 From 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., the Adams County Sheriff's Office, Colorado will host their annual event at... | By Adams County Government, CO | Facebook | *music* *turkey gobble* Hi, I’m Adams County Sheriff, Rick Reigenborn and I want to invite Adams County residents to join us on Saturday, November 20th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Appliance Factory Outlet for Operation Freebird Your family will have a chance to pick up all the ingredients you’ll need for a Thanksgiving Dinner plus we will have community health partners offering medical and dental screenings flu shots, and other programs to help our families in need So come on out and join us on November 20th at the Appliance Factory Outlet Hope to see you there *music* *turkey gobble*