Irving Woman: How Drunk Driving Changed My Life - CBS Texas

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Irving Woman: How Drunk Driving Changed My Life

DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) - Some people will never forgive 28 year old Kayla Proffitt for what she did.

Driving drunk one night in 2005, she slammed into a hotel van, carrying a family from New York.

11 year old Brianna Titcomb died on impact.

"I just remember wanting to die," said Proffitt. "I remember falling to the ground, and just whaling hysterically, like, 'What can I do to help?' and I had… no, I mean, there's nothing."

After serving three years behind bars, Proffitt now shares her story publicly.

"It is very difficult for me to put myself out there and say I did this," she said.

She hopes, though, she can warn others who might be tempted to drink and drive.

Of all the holiday traditions,the increase in drunk driving is one police have come to dread.

Last year, between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day, 81 people in Texas lost their lives in alcohol related crashes.

Proffitt never imagined she'd be responsible for one.

Today, she knows better.

"It can happen to you, it can happen to anybody," she said.

To prevent it from happening to you, there are several services in the DFW area that will ensure you don't hurt anyone after a night of drinking.

DFWDD, RIDEonomy, and BeMyDD all offer services that will get you and your car home safely.

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