Fort Worth Residents Prep for Egret Season with Proactive Strategies
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Published on March 06, 2024
Fort Worth Residents Prep for Egret Season with Proactive Strategies to Keep Neighborhoods CleanSource: City of Fort Worth

Residents of Fort Worth are gearing up for an aerial invasion, as egret nesting season is upon the North Texas community. The presence of these feathered friends brings a messy reality – a shower of droppings and odor that takes over rooftops, sidewalks, and cars. According to the City of Fort Worth, neighborhoods have been increasingly visited by flocks of cattle egrets and snowy egrets, amounting to 200 birds in some locales.

In light of the egret influx, officials are reminding residents that the key to a poop-free property lies in early intervention, as scout birds typically appear in mid-to-late February, they outline a strategy that includes trimming trees to discourage nesting, which runs from the end of February through June, once nests are built and eggs have lain the birds are then federally protected, consequently, the window for deterrents is narrow—action must be swift.

The city has made it clear that while they support residents in keeping neighborhoods clean, the primary goal is to persuade the egrets to choose more natural and safe areas for nesting. In a bid to pre-emptively rebuff these migratory squatters, local citizens have been advised to take up arms, not literally but with instruments like air horns, bells, and pots and pans – making enough noise to send the egrets packing. Reflective streamers and scary-eye balloons are also listed among the non-lethal arsenal, these should be hung so they fly above the tree line to be most effective.

Folks in the Tanglewood, Candleridge, Wedgwood, Candle Ridge West, Kingswood Place, and Sterling Creek neighborhoods know the drill well, past experiences have taught them how vital a "neighborhood tree trim" can be, a coordinated effort to make the urban canopy less inviting to our winged visitors. They also know to employ shiny streamers and floating balloons; however, all measures aim to be bird-friendly, deterring without harm. The City, as per its statement, states its commitment to ongoing support and guidance for its citizens amidst the egret pandemonium.