HARBOR | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

Meaning of harbor in English

(Definition of harbor from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
(Definition of harbor from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
(Definition of harbor from the Cambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Examples of harbor

Subsequent scenes show teeming streets, construction sites, moving trains, and the bustling harbor.
These regions harbor many genes, and the task of undertaking fine mapping studies to find the risk variant or variants is onerous.
Commoners were not the only ones who harbored dubious suspicions.
This occurs in everyday life when we anthropomorphize pets, ascribing to them states of mind they are unlikely to be in a position to harbor.
Here we show that oligodendrocytes harbor peroxisomes whose function are essential for maintaining white matter tracts throughout adult life.
Consequently, infectious disease studies can be greatly affected by selection bias related to the hosts harboring the pathogens under study.
It is a brilliant description and a clever means of making the transition f rom the ship leaving harbor moving to open sea.
Considering that academic bioethics is often viewed as a captive of liberal academia, which is presumed to harbor anticapitalist sentiments, this result is ironic.
A non-volcanic, topographydriven geothermal system, harboring a microbiological community, operates in an extremely cold environment and discharges through solid ice.
The steamboat, figuring prominently in the title, is merely suggested, the harbor is not evident.
All those who can afford compliance steer into the safe harbor offered by the r ule.
Individual convictions, no matter how per vasively they may be harbored, are not the products of formal enactments or authoritative decrees.
The pilot whale, harbor porpoise, and bottlenosed dolphin are all pelagic animals, which forage at a variety of depths.
A very large ($2.1 million) rivers and harbors bill, enacted in 1852, funded more than 100 separate projects.
It is not easy to secure competitiveness in international shipping market without harbor automation, and so many countries are investing in automation for harbor advancement.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Translations of harbor

in Spanish
puerto [masculine]…
in Portuguese
porto [masculine]…
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in French
in Norwegian
port [masculine]…
havn [masculine]…
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