Arvada Economic Development Association (AEDA)

Arvada Economic Development AssociationAbout Arvada Economic Development Association

The Arvada Economic Development Association (AEDA) is the community's business-to-government liaison. Operationally funded by the City of Arvada, AEDA's board of directors consists of 17 business and community volunteers dedicated to commercial development services to new and existing businesses, so that businesses can grow and expand to create jobs, increase revenues and make capital investments.

Explore Arvada Economic Development Association

Learn more about the variety of programs AEDA offers at Arvada Economic Development.

Business Directory

By choosing to shop in Arvada, you are investing in the community. 3.46% of each purchase made in Arvada goes to pay for City services such as police, parks, and street maintenance. Keeping the dollars in Arvada helps create and retain quality jobs. Visit the AEDA Business Directory for information on Arvada businesses.