Sovereign Bond Yield: What It Is, How It Works

Sovereign Bond Yield: What It Is, How It Works

What Is Sovereign Bond Yield?

Sovereign bond yield is the interest rate paid to the buyer of a sovereign bond; a debt security issued by a national government, or sovereign entity, in order to raise capital for its funding needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Sovereign bond yield is the interest rate paid to the buyer of the bond by the government, or sovereign entity, issuing that debt instrument.
  • Sovereign bonds are issued by governments to raise capital and are considered risk-free assets.
  • Sovereign bond yields are influenced by the credit risk rating of the issuing government, currency exchange rate risk, and local interest rates.

Understanding Sovereign Bond Yield

Sovereign bond yield is the rate of interest at which a national government can borrow. Sovereign bonds are sold by governments to investors to raise money for government spending, such as financing war efforts.

Sovereign bonds, like other bonds, yield the full face value at maturity. Sovereign bonds are the number one way that governments satisfy budgeting needs. Since many sovereign bonds are considered risk-free, such as U.S. Treasury bonds (T-bonds), they do not have credit risk built into their valuation, and therefore they yield a lower interest rate than riskier bonds.

$32.6 Trillion

Total U.S. debt as of Aug. 2, 2023.

The spread between sovereign bond yields and highly-rated corporate bond yields is often used as a measure of the risk premium placed on corporations. It is important to consider all of these factors together when considering an investment in sovereign or corporate bonds.

Technically, sovereign bonds are considered risk-free because they are based on the currency of the issuing government, and the government can always issue more currency to pay the bond on maturity; however, this is not the case in reality.

Factors that affect the yield of a specific sovereign bond include the creditworthiness of the issuing government, such as economic strength and political stability, and the value of the issuing currency on the currency exchange market.

Sovereign Bond Ratings

The creditworthiness of sovereign bonds is typically based on the perceived financial stability of the issuing government and its ability to repay debts. International credit rating agencies often rate the creditworthiness of sovereign bonds—notably Moody's, Standard & Poor's (S&P), and Fitch. These ratings are based on factors that include:

  • Gross domestic product (GDP) growth
  • The government's history of defaulting
  • Per capita income in the nation
  • The rate of inflation
  • The government's external debts
  • Economic development within the nation

When a government is experiencing political instability, or suffering from external factors that contribute to instability, there is a risk that the government could default on its debts. During the sovereign debt crises that have occurred in the past, markets reacted by pricing in a credit premium and this increased the cost of new borrowing for these governments. Recent examples include the European debt crisis and crises in Russia and Argentina.


Japan's debt-to-GDP ratio in 2022; a few countries have debts that are more than double their GDP, while many others have over 100%.

Even without credit risk, sovereign bond yields are influenced by currency exchange rate risk and local interest rates. This is especially true if governments borrow in a foreign currency, such as a country in South America borrowing in dollars because the devaluation of their domestic currency could make it harder to repay the debt. Borrowing in another currency is typically something done by countries with currencies that are not very strong on their own.

How Do Sovereign Bonds Work?

Sovereign bonds are bonds issued by a national government in order to raise money to pay for government programs, pay down debt, or other uses. These bonds can be denominated in the domestic currency or a foreign currency. Buyers of sovereign bonds receive regular interest payments until the bond's maturity, which is then purchased back by the government.

What Are the Risks of Sovereign Bonds?

The primary risk of a sovereign bond is the same as every bond: the default of the issuer. Sovereign bonds issued by countries with low ratings, those that have high political risk, weak economies, or other concerns, have a high chance of defaulting, meaning that the government will no longer be able to make payments on the bond or repurchase it at maturity.

Who Buys Sovereign Debt?

Any type of investor can purchase sovereign debt, including other countries, institutional investors, and individuals. For example, as of Jan. 2023, Japan is the largest holder of U.S. debt.

The Bottom Line

Sovereign bonds are issued by countries to raise money for their expenses. The yield on a sovereign bond will depend on the bond's rating, which corresponds to its safety/riskiness. A high-rated (safe) bond will have a lower yield whereas a low-rated (riskier) bond will have a higher yield. Riskier bonds must pay a higher return in order to entice investors for taking on the increased risk of default by the issuer.

Article Sources
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  1. Banco Santander S.A. "What is Sovereign Debt?"

  2. "Understanding Pricing and Interest Rates."

  3. TreasuryDirect. "Treasury Bonds."

  4. U.S. Treasury Department. "Debt to the Penny."

  5. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. "Sovereign vs. Corporate Debt and Default: More Similar Than You Think," Pages 1–3.

  6. Fitch Ratings. "Sovereign Rating Criteria."

  7. International Monetary Fund. "Euro Area: IMF Staff Concluding Statement of the 2023 Mission on Common Policies for Member Countries."

  8. International Monetary Fund. "Transcript of Press Briefing, July 13, 2023."

  9. The World Bank. "Central Government Debt, Total (% of GDP)."

  10. Trading Economics. "Japan General Government Gross Debt to GDP."

  11. Global Asset Management. "A Look at Developed Market Sovereign Bonds."

  12. U.S. Treasury Department. "Major Foreign Holders of Treasury Securities."

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