Ryan Rumsey – Medium

Learning to build resiliency by looking beyond design. Increasing my confidence by exposing myself to small amounts of discomfort.

This article was originally published on ryanrumsey.com and included in The Deep — Second Wave Dive’s newsletter for design leaders and executives. We send out lists of things worth sharing straight to your inbox. Subscribe here.

Years ago, I distinctly remembered thinking that being hired for a Senior Design leadership…

Breaking new ground

A collection of methodologies to build trust and confidence with business partners, empowering designers to do great work.

At Second Wave Dive, I mentor and teach design leaders and teams every day. As opposed to teaching traditional design or business skills, I teach Business Thinking. Business Thinking is a collection of methodologies to build trust and confidence with business partners, empowering designers to do great work. …

An “adoption first” strategy for an internal Design System at EA

Design systems are all the rage, as they should be. People like jina anne, Nathan Curtis, Charlotte Jackson, Dave Cronin, Anna, Alex Schleifer, Diana Mounter, and Andrew Couldwell are sharing wonderful information with the community at large. Teams like Salesforce, GE, AirBnb, WeWork, Google, Atlassian, and IBM are redefining how…

Complete with the original grammar and spelling

John Ryan Rumsey told by John Ryan Rumsey; Ryan Rumsey 8E


The Life of John Ryan Rumsey

My life began when I was born at approximately [birth time ] on [birth date]. I was born in [birth city] at [hospital in city]. At birth, I weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces and was 19 inches in length. I had dark blue eyes and light brown hair.


A invitation to share and have deep, meaningful conversations, especially when we disagree

My fellow Americans,

Today is a historical day. History is a narrative of events which have occurred and in our history, today is the 44th time a transfer of executive power will take place. …

How I sell design inside Enterprise orgs

I’ve spent the last 10+ years setting up design practices inside of cost centers. It’s my job to build product design teams, develop the practice of design, and integrate those teams into existing cultures within organizations where resources (headcount, money, etc.) are very limited. My experience has been inside enterprise…

Ryan Rumsey

Author of Business Thinking for Designers. Founder at Second Wave Dive. Ex-Apple, EA, USAA, Nestle, and Comcast.

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