Rebecca Fama, 301 Clarkson Ave, Jessup, PA | Nuwber

Rebecca Fama
from Jessup, PA

Also known as: Ms Rebecca Fama, Rebecca Fama
Age: 50 years old
Gender: Female
Born: May 16, 1973

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9 facts you might not know
Rebecca Fama, born May 16, 1973 in Jessup, PA
Rebecca Fama



May 16, 1973

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FAQ ABOUT Rebecca Fama

When was Rebecca Fama born and how old is she now?

Rebecca Fama was born on May 16, 1973. She is about to turn or has already turned 50.

How can I send an email to Rebecca Fama?

Contact Rebecca Fama at

Where does Rebecca Fama live now?

She resides at Clarkson Ave, Jessup, Pennsylvania, 18434-1609 and has been a resident there since 2015.

Where did Rebecca Fama use to live before?

Previously, Rebecca lived at 732 Texas Palmyra Hwy, Hawley, PA, 18428-4663.

Who lives near Rebecca Fama?

Is Rebecca Fama married?

No marriage records are found for Rebecca in public databases.

Who is Rebecca Fama related to?

Our system lists the following people as Rebecca’s family: Malichae Fama.

What is Rebecca Fama’s profession?

The information about Rebecca’s profession has not been found.

Who are the people associated with Rebecca Fama based on her place of work or residence?

Our files have identified the following people as friends, current or former coworkers and roommates of Rebecca Fama: Tami M Black · Linda M Ruby · Joseph A Pellicano · Paul S Sluck · Joseph A Pellicano · James R Ruby · Sarah M Ondrako · Jonathan C Decker · Scott F Tagle · Joanna Amore · Joanna Tassos · Charis R Tagle.

What is Rebecca Fama’s sign of the Zodiac?

Rebecca Fama’s sign by date of birth is a Taurus.

Is there any other person with the same name living nearby?

We have found the following people with the same/similar names: Becky S Fama (71 y.o., Beckley, WV) · Rebecca A Fama (41 y.o., Hobart, IN).
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