Patsy L Farmer, (256) 878-1885, 508 Peach Ave, Albertville, AL | Nuwber

Patsy L Farmer
from Albertville, AL

Also known as: Patsy Farmer, Ms Patsy L Farmer
Age: 81 years old
Gender: Female
Born: March 7, 1942

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Mobile Phone numbers

Associated with Kimberly W Fry (2017), Kimberly M Jansenwegesser (2016-2023), Amy S Wegesser (2016-2019), Shannon L Wegesser (2012, 2015-2019)
Seen 2017
Associated with Robert W Hahn (2013, 2016)
Seen 2016

Landline phone numbers

Associated with Kevin J Dagwan Sr. (2012, 2016), Librado Lopez (2003, 2014, 2018)
Seen 2011-2018
Associated with Jeremy Garmany (2023), Shane Garmany (2023), Pamela K Garmany (2023), Gearlene B Turner (2015, 2017-2018), Joseph R Mosley (2007, 2016), Breanicia D Turner (2005, 2017-2018), Sandra D Lemons (2004, 2012)
Seen 2016
No Associated People
Seen 2016
Associated with Kirk L Howerton (2013), Teresa A Harris (2013, 2018), Ronald P Carrico (2013), Diane L Arthur (2013), Quincy J Corbitt (2013), David Messer (2013), Ann B Dobb (2013, 2016), Dartania I Greer (2013, 2017), Denise S Mccaskill (2012-2013), Johnny Rudolph Jr. (2011, 2013), Sherri Alexander (2011), Johnny Light (2010), Jammie K Lundy (2010), Kimberly D Holaday (2009-2010), Lara L Batts (2009, 2012), Shannon N Batts (2009, 2011), Cindy Fairchild (2009), Catherine M Thomas (2009), H Hook Jr. (2008, 2012), Gregory G Cornacchia (2008-2009), James T Quarles (2008), Claudia Woods (2008), Theresa M Gore (2008), Harold N Weeaks (2008, 2010), Jeannie Powell (2008-2009), Lisa R Brooks (2008-2009), Jeantique R Richardson (2008-2009), Laurie A Bain (2008), Jim Perdue (2008, 2010), Donna M Wilkinson (2008, 2010)
Seen 2013
Associated with Teria L Patterson (2022-2023), Jason L Kilgo (2016), Linda L Scott (2009, 2014, 2016-2018), Arney L Scott (2009, 2017), Sharon Moore (2007), Pamela Otto (2005, 2014)
Seen 1999



Address history


Fact File

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Patsy L Farmer, born March 7, 1942 in Albertville, AL
Patsy L Farmer



Mar 7, 1942

12 facts you might not know about Patsy L Farmer

Property Info
Single Family Dwelling Unit

Home Type

200 000 USD

Property Value


Year Build


Residence Since


Marital Status

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Patsy L Farmer AL

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Patsy L Farmer AL

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Patsy L Farmer AL

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FAQ ABOUT Patsy L Farmer

How old is Patsy L Farmer and when was she born?

Patsy L Farmer was born on March 7, 1942 and is currently 81.

How do I find Patsy L Farmer’s phone number?

There are two current phone numbers associated with Patsy. Try reaching Patsy L Farmer’s landline at (256) 878-1885 or call at (435) 640-7818. The latter is a mobile phone number.

How can I reach Patsy L Farmer by email?

Use the email address to get in touch with Patsy L Farmer.

What is Patsy L Farmer’s current residence address and when did she move there?

Patsy currently resides at Peach Ave, Albertville, Alabama, 35950-2899 and has been living there since 2012.

What are Patsy L Farmer’s previous home addresses?

Before she moved to her current place, Patsy lived at 1418 Bains St, Albertville, AL, 35950-2802 · 204 Payton Ln, Grant, AL, 35747-2002 · 1206 Mount Vernon Dr, Boaz, AL, 35957-3152 · 5024 Turnpike Rd, Albertville, AL, 35950-9243 · 949 Skyhaven Dr, Boaz, AL, 35956-6045 · 114 Kenneth St, Gadsden, AL, 35904-3210 · 690 Springdale Rd, Attalla, AL, 35954-6836 · 6991 Us Highway 431, Attalla, AL, 35954-7841 · 1410 Valley Dr, Attalla, AL, 35954-8578 · 1475 Doubletree Ln, Nashville, TN, 37217-3426 · PO Box 3, Attalla, AL, 35954-0003 · PO Box 8269, Gadsden, AL, 35902-8269 · 10001 Dwayne Ct, La Vergne, TN, 37086 · 701 Forrest Ave, Gadsden, AL, 35901-3618 · PO Box 269, Attalla, AL, 35954-0269.

Who are Patsy L Farmer’s neighbors?

Our files indicate the following people as Patsy L Farmer’s neighbors: Susan G Preston · Alesa D Foshee · Timothy H Morgan · Michael Sanders · Gail F Woodham · Gail F Tate · Tate Woodham · Delaine Thornbury · Ann Thornbury · Joann A Wilson · Geneva L Bautista · Richard J Connell · Chrissi T Connell.

Is Patsy L Farmer married?

No, Patsy L Farmer is reportedly single.

Who are Patsy L Farmer’s relatives?

Public databases list the following people as her family members: Lewis P Farmer · Patricia A Farmer.

What is Patsy L Farmer’s astrological sign by date of birth?

Since Patsy’s date of birth is March 7, her Zodiaс sign is a Pisces.
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People Search States AL Albertville 508 Peach Ave Patsy L Farmer