Written Assignment 5 - Kuryla 1 Jeremy Kuryla Nicholas Villanueva SOS-110-OL015 Written Assignment 5 This paper will demonstrate the impact of | Course Hero
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Written Assignment 5 - Kuryla 1 Jeremy Kuryla Nicholas...

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Kuryla 1Jeremy KurylaNicholas VillanuevaSOS-110-OL015Written Assignment 5This paper will demonstrate the impact of communication on public attitudes and political policymaking. Web based Communication is a medium of exchanging messages by using technologysuch as phones, computer and pagers from one place to other place in a virtual manner all acrossthe globe. It has been playing a vital role in sharing ideas, making decisions and understandingviewpoints of the sender, receiver and vice versa. Web based communication has become part ofour daily life because it is used by almost every individual. It has been used by all people forbuilding relationships in a virtual manner which helps in extending opportunities and newinformational environment towards us. Web based communication has been making generalpublic happy because it is serving them in all areas like household, education, employment,government sectors and in the field of medical treatment(Noll, R., M 1984).
There is a high level of positive impact upon public attitudes by the usage of web basedcommunication because it has been satisfying them by meeting their expectations levels. Webbased communication is required for sharing messages using internet technology at Facebook,LinkedIn, twitter, Gmail, whatsapp, etc.The web based communication will help in shapingsocial conflicts by making effective policies for the general public (Bimber, B. 2001). Today80% of the public are gaining employment by using web based communication technology fromone part of the world to other parts. It has been facilitating the public in migrating from one state
Kuryla 2to another in an effective manner by saving time and reducing stress levels. It has helped thepublic in understanding cross cultural diversities by providing them a lot of information in avirtual manner. Today, the public has become highly influenced by the use of web basedcommunication in a positive manner due to positive attitudes towards technology which makestheir daily lives easier and reducing manual effort. Web based communication is also used inpolitical policy making process because it can easily communicate with citizens of differentstates by offering online access to required information. The government has been using webbased communication by providing centralized portals, rules and regulations of severaldepartments and ensuring participation of the public in getting their policies implemented by thepublic in an effective manner. It has and will help in building better relationship between publicand governmental bodies. The general public can participate in political sectors by using webbased communication for voting purpose, campaigning, contacting officials and meeting interestsof political groups. The changes made in government rules, regulations, amendments of new actscan be easily known by the general public using web based communication. The news related topolitics can be easily known through television by the general public as well (Brady, H. E. 1995).The associations of several governmental bodies can be well known by public using onlinebusiness related directories.In conclusion, there is high level of positive impact from Web-based communication on publicattitudes and political policy making. Web based communication make the lives of the generalpublic and government easier by saving their time and reducing stress levels.References
Kuryla 31.Noll, R., M.1984. "Regulating Regulation: The Political Economy ofAdministrative Procedures and Regulatory Instruments." Law and ContemporaryProblems. Vol.57. no.(1): pp3-38.2.Bimber, B.2001. "Information and Political Engagement in America: TheSearch for Effects of Information Technology at the Individual Level."Political ScienceQuarterly.vol.54. no.(1): pp53-673.Brady, H. E.1995. "Beyond SES: A Resource Model of Political Participation."American Political Science Review. vol.89. no.(2): pp271-294.
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Political Science, Government, web based communication, American Political Science Review

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