Mrs. McCutchen's Class

Self-Paced Learning

Meeting the Needs of Students

In order to best meet the needs of my students, some students will be able to learn by self-paced learning. Self-paced learning means that students will be able to move through the content at their own pace. Students will only be able to learn using this method if they master some of the learning targets on the pre-test.

Logistics of Self-Paced Learning

Students who use self-paced learning will use a chapter guide to help guide their learning.

A chapter guide includes the following:

Learning Targets

Pre-Test Question





Date Completed

Link to Chapter 2 Guide:

**The videos have not been added to this chapter guide yet.

Learning Targets

The learning targets for the chapter guide include all the learning targets that students will learn throughout the chapter. The learning targets give the specific content that students will learn during the chapter. Each lesson, practice, and assessment is linked to specific learning targets.

Pre-Test Question

The pre-test question on the chapter guide corresponds with a test question on the pre-test. After students take the pre-test, I grade it to see which questions they get right or wrong. If students get a question right, they have mastered that target. Students then find the target that the question goes with and they do not have to complete the lesson, practice, or assessment for that target because they have shown mastery on the pre-test.


The lessons are what students complete in order to learn the content. The lessons will primarily come from the Carnegie Learning textbook but other resources will be used as well.

Students can work individually, with a partner, or in small groups in order to complete the lessons.

Once students complete the lessons, they will check their work. If students get some of the questions wrong, they are strongly encouraged to correct their mistakes. They can ask a classmate or myself for help if needed.

Completing the lessons are mandatory.


The videos are used in case students need help. Because students are moving through the content at their own pace, I do not want them to have to wait on me in order to get help if they need it. The videos will contain worked examples with explanations for all examples that students are expected to work in the lessons. Students can watch as many of the videos as needed.


The practice is what students complete if they need additional practice in learning the content. The lessons will primarily come from the Carnegie Learning Skills Practice but other resources will be used as well.

Students can work individually, with a partner, or in small groups in order to complete the practice.

Once students complete the practice they will check their work. If students get some of the questions wrong, they are strongly encouraged to correct their mistakes. They can ask a classmate or myself for help if needed.

Completing the lessons are optional unless students do not show mastery on their assessments.


The assessment is what students complete after they have completed the lesson for each target. The assessments will primarily come from the Carnegie Learning Assignments but other resources will be used as well.

Students must work individually in order to complete the assessment.

Once students complete the assessment, i will check their work. If students get some of the questions wrong, they have to go back and complete some of the practice problems. Once students feel they understand the content, they can re-take the assessment. Students will continue to complete the practice problems and re-take the assessment until they get the assessment correct.

Completing the assessment are mandatory. Having students complete an assessment after each target will help me check for their understanding on a consistent basis. These assessments will also help me determine if each individual students understands the concepts since they are allowed to work with others and check their own work for the lessons and practice.

Date Completed

Students will keep track of the date they complete the learning targets they are required to do based on their pre-test. This will ensure that students are making progress in a timely manner.

Other Assessments

The chapter guide contains a mid-chapter assessment and an end of chapter assessment. The mid-chapter assessment is giving halfway through the chapter and the end of chapter assessment is given at the end of the chapter. Both of these assessments will help me determine problem areas for my students and will allow me to intervene and provide help before students take the post-assessment.